When you can't live without bananas

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Tuesday, December 18, 2007

"A synonym is a word you use when you can't spell the word you first thought of." - Burt Bacharach


Me: critical discourse is not welcomed in singapore
particularly not in religion

Friend who goes to CHC: um yes i will agree with you

i feel like as a christian
i'm just being fed cotton candy floss
the nice practical happy feel good aspects of christianity
esp at a megachurch
with powerpoint preaching

sounds great
but i feel the disconcerting need to throw my mind away
in order to follow God at times

although it was alot better in boston this summer
since new england preachers are usually really intellectual

i went to the Park Street Church in boston
the preacher is the top student at harvard
it even has its own wikipedia article

oh well


i guess at times
maybe as a christian
i fear reading and argument so persuasive
so powerful ala bertrand russell
or richard dawkins

and my self theory preservation manner of existentialism is threatened
so i'll rally against it vigorously
scared i might have lost everything
i've put so much time money and effort into

Someone: i cantbelieve that guys like dumb girls

you know what? even girls believe and perpetuate such mindset

someone told me to stop being so smart
i take it as an unpleasant compliment

MFM: I was in bolehland
even the mcdonald's there is worse

Tim the Great: on Bartók III:

It consists of three movements, and noticeably deviates from the composer's earlier works in that it contains tonal themes, and lacks much of the dark coloring and complex rhythmic features common in earlier works.

there's a TUNE, thank God

This, combined with a substantial abatement of his medical condition, allowed for a great change in the composer's general disposition. The drastic changes in the composer's emotional and financial state are often considered the primary causes for the third piano concerto's seemingly light, airy, almost neoclassical tone, especially in comparison to Bartók's earlier works

that means hor, modern composers are screwed up.
fucked in the head and poor

Someone: priest in my parish is prc and has weird accent

he read gospel as "john was the greatest of all prophets" but sounded like "perverts"

Me to someone who got her phone stolen in China: ah china
full of thieves

how did you store it?

Someone else: in my pocket. :\ in a moment of carelessness

it was like, a group attack. like those kinds you hear of and think "oh that won't happen to me, i'm looking after my things well" and WHAM.

my relatives and I (wtf all females lah, =A=;; and only one male, my brother) were walking down the stairs to the subway in shenzhen, and then suddenly it got damn crowded on the stairs and people started pushing me from behind and some people stopped moving in front

so one guy created a diversion and threw/dropped a pair of keys at my left leg and pulled my left pant leg

lol i kicked him
but at the same time, one of the guys pushing me slipped his hand into my pocket and pulled my hp out

at that point i did't realize that it was my hp and just shouted "NI MEN ZAI GAN SHE ME" because they were like pushing me and stuff and only 5mins later i found out that my hp was missing when i wanted to message people about the wtfery of the whole thing

kafj;aerje;r chinathieves :\

Me: guys very good meh
hurr hurr
don't be so sexist :P

oh well
why was it in your pocket?!?!
they sound as bad as gypsies heh

Someone else: it was in my pocket because my hp was irrremovable unless someone reached in and pulled it out
because my legs are fat

LOL really all girls wad
two women over fifty
two other women, skinny as hell
how to fight againt a group of young chinese men!

Me: ........................................

so much for irremovable
you need to gain more weight

Someone else: yah, i need to become like moses lim
or wear tighter pants

Me: girls means useless meh
hurr hurr

Someone else: yessssssss
pretty much so
esp in these kinds of situations

Me: because they squeal and wring their hands only right

Someone else: yah
like my cousin saw the guy throw the keys but didn't do anything about it

i mean, she could have said "EH WTF" or i don't know
some ungirly thing

Me: heh

my friend was saying
you see some one-armed guys
but you never see one-armed girls

because if guys have one armed trapped under a rockfall, they will nibble their arms off and escape with their lives
but if it's girls they will whine and moan until they die of starvation

Someone else: exactly!

guys would at least struggle
girls would just die from the rockfall because their heels got caught in a crevice

or they would't chew their arm off because they just got a manicure and can't bear to leave it behind
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