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Saturday, December 22, 2007

"Politics is supposed to be the second oldest profession. I have come to realize that it bears a very close resemblance to the first." - Ronald Reagan


Facebook | Chee Soon Juan

"Chee Soon Juan
& his colleagues in the SDP are sending a petition to the Malaysian High Commission to protest their cracking down of peaceful assembly.
Updated on Sunday

Networks: Singapore
Relationship Status: Married
Hometown: Singapore, Singapore
Political Views: Other
Religious Views: Christian"

Real or not?

Someone: "The key question is- is he willing to not use Facebook for _personal_ social networking, but instead, use it as a platform to reach out to the public for his political purposes? I think so, so I think that the profile is likely to be real. To use social networking for connecting with Singaporeans is actually a good way to benefit his causes.

I think that Singaporeans need more direct and personal ways to communicate with politicians, regardless of political views, especially those from the ruling party, and Facebook is probably one of the best ways to do so."

First wall post:

"I am setting up this facebook page for my husband who is an opposition politican and activist in Singapore.

I don't know what this will lead to eventually, hopefully, in a small way, it could help to seek justice and freedom for him and his fellow citizens."

I guess he can't do it himself since he's always in prison.
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