When you can't live without bananas

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Tuesday, December 18, 2007

"Physicists like to think that all you have to do is say, these are the conditions, now what happens next?" - Richard Feynman



may yo n'airs (mayonnaise)

My unoptimistic expectation is a 3 point (pessimistic)

The pictures are kay'shd already (cached)

[Student to female student on foolscap Is that your pad?]... My friend says Nepal is like a pad between Indian and China. It prevents massive bloodshed.

[Me on an exam question: So many french words.] *Laughs* Well done. You summarised the question.

[Me: Joy shared is doubled.] Joy shared is doubled. If I get pao pao cha [Ed: Bubble Tea] and share with my friend, I get half... You must think critically.

How many of you have never taken an NUS exam? *some hands go up* There's a long list of instructions but I don't feel like reading it out. I can pass it around later if you want to read it. Basically sign out before you go to toilet and wash your hands before you come back.

[On the exam] How nice to see you all

[On difficulties in doing philosophy] I'm too used to writing in a lit style... We don't think logically.

[On why he wants to wax] I can't stand the idea of hair on my body anywhere except my head... I want to feel the smooth texture of my skin... [Student 2: You know ***, I thought it'd be interesting to find a guy who wants to shave, but now that I've found one I find it disgusting.

I managed to sit through 2girls1cup, 2girls1finger. I didn't manage to sit through the MDA [video].

[On a McDonalds dessert run] Eh Gabriel, we have 2 girls, 4 guys and 6 cups... Not to mention a dog and a rabbit as well.

[On wearing someone else's dress] Do I need a reason to do things like this? I'm a girl. Despite feminist tendencies.

I sleep topless. [Student 2: Because he's gay.] I'M NOT GAY. Why do gay people sleep topless? [Student 3: To turn themselves on]

[On a Heroes marathon when he's already seen the episodes] I just wasted 8 hours of my life. [Me: You got to enjoy my snide remarks] That's true. [Student 2: You got to look at it from a racial angle.]

[On her alma mater] You must understand that KC is a school of cheerleaders and dancers... I think some KC girls say their prayers before cheerleading. [Male Student: 'Let my thighs show']

[Bitching about someone] There was one night we stayed over in PGP. It was the worst night of my life. [Student 2: You slept with her?]

[To someone on forming a homage quintet] You can be Ginger Spice. You've got the biggest boobs.
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