When you can't live without bananas

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Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Someone (on partito - NUS Science Club's latest project): you know what i really hate
i freaking hate those camps with poseur names in french or greek or pig latin or whatever

bloody annoying
like singaporeans think anything in a foreign language is exotic

like that stupid food appreciation club in NTU
it's called Deli Aprecio
deli and aprecio aren't even the same fugging language
they were quoted in the school paper as saying something along the lines of "deli is in french and aprecio is in spanish because we thought it sounded nicer than whatever aprecio is in french and deli in spanish
not verbatim of course

Me: at least they're honest
Someone: more like clueless


and you have all those orientation camps
all with weird ass foreign names

Engineering student friend: Foundations of Engineering????
­e most important lesson learnt will be engineers work bloody hard, r underpaid and have no life

someone: the most impt lesson is that engineers are undesirable to women
­but this is easily turned into a virtue as it means they can be trained
but that actually applies only to yellow engineers. white engineers are actually quite cool
altho i know a bunch of female engineers and they are all quite cool

Dangerous Animal:

Cherub: Girls are nice pple, really. sometimes. well, at least once in a while.

Me: You know about How Girls Waste Time, I trust?

Cherub: heh. yeah, i know abt that.
i'm a fan of that.

u're such an adorable female-hater =)

(PS: i am losing a lot of female friends...)

Someone on a slavish ST forum letter: No I doubt it is a parody -- the style is too cramped. It reads more like the product of a propaganda-addled mind. I mean he described saying the pledge as 'an ecstatic moment'. I can understand if you say that having sex with the love of your life is an ecstatic moment, or like taking your first car for a test drive is an ecstatic moment, or listening to Allegri's Miserere (oh those descants) or reading a Racine play etc etc BUT if you say that reciting the pledge is an ecstatic moment, then you really have issues.

Someone else: My school plays the song 'Home' ad nauseam EVERY MORNING to signal to students to gather at parade square.
Once the English version ends, they play the Chinese version.
Then last year's NDP song

They played it for about 2-3 weeks.
I hope it stops when I return on Friday morning.

oh wait, ithink i got mixed up
(coz all the national songs sound the same)
they played 'reach for the skies' (last year's NDP song) ad nauseam
and then Home in both language versions
or some permutation of the sequence
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