When you can't live without bananas

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Saturday, August 12, 2006

"I felt like poisoning a monk." - Umberto Eco, on why he wrote the novel "The Name of the Rose."


Someone: i think a lot of my hangups have to do with the already formed cliques which also cant be helped since you've sat next to joe bloggs since you were like knee high in nanyang/rgps/ insert elite school name
but i also dont like the way the course is taught

it's not productive to teach law in an lt of 220 ppl
there's little engagement, and tutors dont encourage thought about the law
they just want answers to their tutorial questions

Me: hmm
well. even small facs have disadvantages
but lectures are lectures
it's like that in cambridge also

Someone: i like seminars, that's why i think i would rather have gone to a nice small liberal arts college

Me: heh
you can't skip seminars ;)

Someone: i wouldnt skip if i were engaged
the only things i look forward to in NUS is hall soccer, ivp soccer and hanging out with a few mad almost 3rd class kind of law students

Me: can I quote? ;)

Someone: go ahead i know you're dying to
i write things to entertain you


wah lao
so it's not genuine *pout*

Someone: i can do a better pout
i must show you
i pout to get my way all the time... it's the most useful thing in the world

Me: we can have a competition tomorrow

Someone: lol
that will only happen if you get me drunk
which is not that likely

Me: I have nice luscious lips like shu qi
at least my Platoon Commander in obedience school said so

Someone: LOL
i knew it, no females really gets to you ppl
that's why i'm a big fan of coed schools
desperate army boys end up fantasizing about each other's luscious lips

Someone else: i was talking kierkegaard and whatnot to the last guy who told me about jesus.
and oooooh the frustration on his face.

Me: how come they target you

Someone else: they always target ri/rj boys these days
cause we're quiet and believe whatever we're told :D
don't know about girls
many ri converts.

Me: oh dear
that does not bode well for the future of our nation

Someone: I think
home is where the ps2 is

Me: hahahahah
for me it's where the broadband is

Someone: eh I get broadband anywhere
but home is where the non-firewalled broadband is
or rather, it has the firewall that I can control
the great firewall of NUS really pissed me off sometimes

Someone else: *status message: russell peters in singapore, anyone? oct 6th*

Me: serious ah
can he make racist jokes?

Someone else: haha seriously.. i think he may get arrested
mabbe make jokes about *** being lazy bums..
"how do u disorientate a ***"
"put him in a round room

Me: hahahaha
foreign talent
won't lah

aren't racist jokes a large part of his repertoire

Someone else: haha! talent?
pls lor..he only does racist jokes

there's a latest clip...3 min segment on a show..laughing @ englishmen
he did that on an aussie talk show

Me: haha
just don't make fun of the races here

Someone else: sekali the whole show's boring
cos after censoring, he nothing to say liaoz

Me: precisely lor

or maybe foreigners can protest but locals cannot
so foreigners can make racist jokes but locals cannot

Someone else: ya cos "they are not stakeholders"

Me: no lah
even PAP logic is not that warped

probably something about creativity and loosening up on freedom of expression

it's just like how when our human rights record is blasted, we must stand up to evil imperialists otherwise they'll keep oppressing us till we're a colony again
but when US invades Iraq we're a small powerless country which values strong ties with them

Someone else: khaw boon wan said that the govt made a mistake with subutex...but "let's move on with it and learn from the mistakes"

of cos this logic only applies to govt
tell gomez that... :P

Someone: the pill basically makes you fat
it makes you really fat

Me: :0
so how many women use it?

Someone: among the ppl i know, not many

Me: so they use condoms?
the guys must be sad

Someone: most dont use, i know a lot of risk taking kinds

Me: :0
do they get pregnant?

Someone: and they take the morning after pill a lot
i dont know why, so bad for your hormones

Me: wah lao
it's worse than the pill right

so they take the morning after pill if the guy couldn't pull out in time

Someone: basically it tells your body to shed whatever lining it has in your womb quick


it makes you cranky and moody
and then since your body is confused, you end up having like 2-3 periods a month

Me: better than being fat huh

well it counters the effect of the semen making them happy I guess
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