When you can't live without bananas

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Tuesday, August 08, 2006

"Always be nice to those younger than you, because they are the ones who will be writing about you." - Cyril Connolly


WindizUpdate - "This free website allows users of Mozilla Firefox 0.9.3, Netscape 4.0, Mozilla Firebird 0.7, Opera 5, or K-Meleon 0.9 to keep their copy of Windows up-to-date. Newer releases of these browsers are also suitable."

The secret life of semen - "hormones. Some found in semen, such as follicle stimulating hormone, luteinising hormone and estradiol, are known to induce ovulation. FSH actually causes the egg to ripen and burst out of the ovary. Others, such as human chorionic gonadotropin and human placental lactogen have a role in maintaining pregnancy."

Bump keying - "an unbelievable security flaw in locks, this is a very good lockpicking technique, works on at least 90% of all pin locks, very interesting, the man in the video is Barry Wels, a lock and security extrodinaire. This is a relatively old concept and this technique was mostly used with pick guns, not many people knew that this could be done with a key, but it requires no pick gun or any special tools and no lock picking concept to get this to work. All you need is a key blank that fits a lock and a file or key cutter and some craft ability."
Over here they'd accuse the makers and broadcasters of the show as being irresponsible and promoting crime.

BookMooch: free book trade and exchange community

Yahoo! Answers - Is it ok for a guy to use Garnier Fructis? - "It does not say its for ladies, so I am thinking that guys use it too. Please Give me your honest opinion. Thanks"

David Byrne Journal: 8.2.06: American Madrassas - "There were some perfect sound bites — at one point Pastor Fischer instructs the little ones that they should be willing to die for Christ, and the little ones obediently agree. She may even use the word martyr, which has a shocking echo in the Middle East. I can see future suicide bombers for Jesus — the next step will be learning to fly planes into buildings. Of course, the grownups would say, “Oh no, we’re not like them” — but they admit that the principal difference is simply that “We’re right.”"

Charity wants people to lend a hand... - "Hundreds of Britons are being urged to attend what is being branded as Europe's first "Masturbate-a-thon," a leading British reproductive healthcare charity said Friday."

Raw deal for disabled travellers - "In 2002 Ryanair faced a disability discrimination lawsuit after charging Bob Ross, a disabled passenger, £18 for use of a wheelchair. The court ruled in Ross’ favour and Ryanair quickly introduced a 33p wheelchair levy to all air fares to cover the cost of wheelchairs, which is the responsibility of the airline once a passenger has checked in (and the responsibility of the airport up to that point)."
I find this case interesting because most reasonable people would agree that wheelchair users should not be discriminated against. Yet, the costs of accommodating them is now passed on to their fellow passengers. This is definitely one reason public transport fares are going up here.

Singapore’s ‘Martyr,’ Chee Soon Juan - "Striding into the Chinese restaurant of Singapore’s historic Fullerton Hotel, Chee Soon Juan hardly looks like a dangerous revolutionary. Casually dressed in a blue shirt with a gold pen clipped to the pocket, he could pass as just another mild-mannered, apolitical Singaporean. Smiling, he courteously apologizes for being late—even though it is only two minutes after the appointed time."
This sounds like ST hagiographies of the Great and Dear Leaders.

The world of wacky plug-ins - "At last! USB devices that can warm your fingers and your drink, launch missiles, float faux fish and burn the (fragrant) midnight oil"
They're called peripherals, damnit.

English (Australian) Dictionary :: Mozilla Add-ons - "Currently free support is not available - paid support is available at AUS$100 per second."
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