When you can't live without bananas

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Friday, June 23, 2006

"An economist is a surgeon with an excellent scalpel and a rough-edged lancet, who operates beautifully on the dead and tortures the living." - Nicholas Chamfort


"雪花"歌词(中英文) - "雪花轻轻地飘……大地尽被笼罩……"
It doesn't identify who is responsible for the desecration though. "佚名" translates as "Anonymous", I guess.

Quotes of Reason - "Philosophy is questions that may never be answered. Religion is answers that may never be questioned" - Unknown

The Worldly - Sweden’s Dance Sensation is Crazy and Wild - "How is it that a man with a mullet, giant 80s-style sunglasses, ostentatiously flashy clothing, humorously thick lips, and greasy hair can attract beautiful women, let alone make them dance and sing along to his catchy tunes? This writer is honestly confounded beyond comprehension, as a personal adoption of this image has only led to otracism and ridicule, especially on this west side of Los Angeles that indulges in superficial forms... In many hip-hop music videos, girls (aka “hip-hop bunnies”) are scantily clad while the lead singer speaks of serious subjects such as growing up in a rough neighborhood or losing a girl (it goes without speaking, of course, that these subjects require scantily clad hip-hop bunnies). Gunther, on the other hand, sings of sensual-oriented subjects like girls in string bikinis on a summer night, while the barely-clothed Sunshine girls rub tushes with each other (literally) in the music video of Teeny Weeny String Bikini."

Cat In A Bottle

DNA clears up Confucius confusion - "Chinese claiming Confucius for an ancestor can now use a genetic test to prove a direct blood connection to the grandfather of Chinese social mores, a state newspaper said on Friday. How the scientists had obtained a sample of Confucius’s DNA was not explained."
Someone: "oh that's because there is a recognised clan with direct ancestery"

How much money do beggars make? - "Anecdotal accounts suggest a few panhandlers do quite well. For instance, a recent news story tells of Jason Pancoast and Elizabeth Johnson, self-described "affluent beggars" from Ashland, Oregon. The couple estimates they can make $30-40,000 per year from panhandling. They boast earnings as high as $300 per day, and assert they once made $800 in one day. Similarly, a former Denver City Council president claimed to know panhandlers who made hundreds of dollars per week, or even per day."

Belgium Doesn't Exist! - "The TRUTH About "Belgium"; The New World Order's Belgian Conspiracy... Belgium is, and has always been, a leftist ruse; a device applied to propagate the Liberal agenda throughout the world. Hijacking a real country for this use would be difficult at best; the people living there wouldn't stand for it (i.e. the fall of communism.) Thus the idea to invent an imaginary country, insert it into the global consciousness through the perversion of history, and use it as a tool of manipulation was born... Typical of the Liberal Media, we have been inundated with pro-Belgium propaganda: Belgians' alleged superiority in the art of chocolate making; the reputed nutritional value of "Brussels sprouts"; how all quality diamonds can only be acquired through dealers in the mythical city of Antwerp; How french fries are actually a Belgian invention; and the "superior" martial artistry of Jean Claude Van Damme, the "Muscles from Brussels". Furthermore, Mystery! on PBS (need I say more?) regularly depicts Belgians -- such as Agatha Christie's "Hercule Poirot" -- as personable sleuths who always outsmart non-Belgians and uncover pro-Belgium versions of "The Truth.""

The Invention of the English - "Oliver Cromwell never existed, William Shakespeare was a Maine ferrier who lived from 1857 to 1892 and never left the county in which he was born. Churchill was a concatenation of manipulated photos of WC Fields-- news reels were montages of WC Fields out-takes, a French-Canadian voice actor & a Burbank janitor in chin-putty. Benjamin Disraeli was an alcoholic Hollywood soaps actor named James Levinson. Margaret Thatcher? A puppet constructed of terry cloth, angora and a cantaloupe."

The Daily Dish: Googling Sex - "Who's looking for "sex" the most? The countries with the most searches for that word is - surprise! - Pakistan, followed by Egypt, Iran, India, Indonesia, Saudi Arabia and Turkey. Hmmm. It couldn't have anything to do with all that Muslim repression, could it? Arabic is the most popular language for "sex" searches. Islamism, like Christianism, doesn't conquer sex; it just fetishizes it and forces it underground. The most sex-obsessed Christian country? Poland. Congrats to the Vatican."

How to get rid of a snake in the grass - "Scientists have recruited snakes as undercover informants to lure rogue reptiles out of the swamps of Florida. They have implanted three lusty pythons with radio transmitters and let them loose to find mates in the Everglades, where the snakes are breeding out of control after being abandoned by pet owners. When the pythons get lucky, the signals from their radio devices tell scientists where to find them, and their new partners are captured and removed. “It’s the Judas concept,” Skip Snow, a biologist at Everglades National Park, said."

Gigs, Neil Gaiman, Pseudo-Postmodernism, Meaninglessness and Apologetics - ""Gaiman's theology, seen especially in the Sandman books and "American Gods" (and less so in "Anansi Boys"), is that gods are created by people... And as Voltaire said of God,"Si Dieu n'existait pas, il faudrait l'inventer (If he did not exist, it would have been necessary to invent him)", so Gaiman says that humans need gods and dream up gods, be they Allah or Jesus or Krishna, not so much to worship or sacrifice to, but to dream up some sense to our lives, to enable us to believe that in the mundanity and chaos of daily existence there is, after all, meaning and an end point. Storytelling and religion are, after all, the same thing."
akikonomu points out that Neil Gaiman is also seiditious. Maybe someone will feel offended and make a police report, and Gaiman will be arrested the next time he comes to Singapore.

Kill Bunny - akikonomu: this is very seditious. jesus is killed by a conspiracy of santa, the jews and easter bunny. all are ancient or modern enemies of "true christianity"
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