When you can't live without bananas

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Thursday, June 22, 2006

"I'm not a vegetarian because I love animals. I'm a vegetarian because I hate plants." - A. Whitney Brown


Someone: CAP is the biggest self-congratulatory joke to emerge from the singapore "writing scene" because nothing really comes out of it

but then you see the same alumni going back there year after year
but they remain equally un-famous

it's just a precursor to humanities programs in JC where the humans people form their little cliques and toss around random quotations from various writers and poets in lieu of actual substantial conversation

and use phraseology like "oh it's so Byron-ish", "this is like some awful scene from an Anais Nin nightmare", "you garish catastrophe of a human caricature"

HWMNBN: give me a link to a chinese mp3 search engine

Me: *links*

HWMNBN: i can't read chinese!

Me: "give me a link to a chinese mp3 search engine"
you're very smart.

HWMNBN: the cock is rubbing off on me (hm that sounds a bit weird)

Someone: don't blame the IMF for your own stupidity
admit to your own stupidity with regards to econometrics then
what has it got to do with the IMF

Me: their data is unmassageable

Someone: perhaps it is not true, then, if you torture the statistics enough, they will confess

Me: my torture skills aren't good enough

Someone: which is why i will advice you

Me: moral of the story: there's a reason why grades on exchange aren't counted

Someone: oh come, this is second year stuff.

me: not in NUS :P
before this module I'd neve rheard of the chow test, durbin-watson statistic or hodrick-prescott


"Sedition complements treason and martial law: while treason controls primarily the privileged, ecclesiastical opponents, priests, and Jesuits, as well as certain commoners; and martial law frightens commoners, sedition frightens intellectuals." - Breight, Curtis, C. Surveillance, militarism and drama in the Elizabethan Era, Macmillian 1996: London.

If Original Sin stains everyone even though they have nothing to do with the alleged commiter of the crime, it is a wonder that christians who commit sins are dismissed as not being True Christians, bad apples and unrepresentative of the religion. In any case, the corollary of religion not being responsible for any of the evil attributed to it is that it's not responsible for any of the good either.

It seems there's no distinction between "practise" and "practice" in American English (though there is between "practised" and "practiced"). Another reason for snobs to look down on it.

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Someone on Wikipedia, commenting on "JAP" here allegedly being the football code: "according to List of FIFA country codes, it is JPN. JAP is not even listed as an obsolete country code."

The equivalent I'm told, of a Banana is a Coconut - Brown on the Outside, White on the Inside. So of course we have something which is Brown Through and Through, the analogue of Urine (Yellow Through and Through). How fitting.

Chlorophyll freshens the breath. No wonder it's in tic tacs.
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