When you can't live without bananas

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Monday, June 19, 2006

"Being in the army is like being in the Boy Scouts, except that the Boy Scouts have adult supervision." - Blake Clark


YouTube - Potato~~~~~~ - "How to peel a potato"
Only the Japs could've come up with such a thing! Then again the Taiwanese came up with the T-shirt fast-folding technique.

Mr. Limpy - "Honestly, I don't know what's wrong with me. I think I'm under a lot of stress lately... The ultimate realistic limp penis comes without the excuses, but feels just as realistic as the real thing. Whether you dance with it, play with it, pack it, or just need a good paperweight, contrary to any experiences you may have had, the uses for Mr. Limpy are limitless. Comes in Pink, Mocha, Chocolate and Lavender."
This comes from the same people who brought us the Fleshlight.

Urinals for girls - "Recently some projects constructing urinals for girls have begun in schools in several countries, including Vietnam and India. Girls' urinals are an effective solution for pre-adolescent girls who do not yet demand much privacy when urinating."

Hail the mighty prawn cocktail and the return of the two-dish decade - "Yet if people want to re-create the authentic taste of the '70s, it's important to follow the rules of the time. It's no good just grabbing a recipe for steak diane or apricot chicken; you've got to adopt the correct '70s sensibility... Steak diane, for instance, was far from being a complex dish involving cream, chopped parsley, cognac and garlic. Instead, it consisted of a piece of steak thrown in a frypan, with a good wallop of Worcestershire sauce to finish. Welsh rarebit, far from being this thing involving milk, mustard, beer and a double boiler, was suspiciously similar to cheese on toast. "Take the cheese, son, put it on the bread, then pop it under the griller ... voila: Welsh rarebit."

MediaWatch-UK - If you don't agree with us you can fuck off! - "MediaWatch-UK is a collective of grumpy old men and frumpy old women singularly dedicated to spoiling the fun of the rest of the British population. Please take time to browse through our site and read about our campaigns. For members of the bigoted right wing press who are having trouble making up enough anti-gypsy and anti-asylum seeker stories to fill their pages, our press page contains a wide range of outraged and reactionary stories that you can seize on to."

Undutchables: undutchables.nl - "The recruitment agency for internationals"

Book Reviews of The UnDutchables - "At an informal get-together, a Dutch woman introduced herself to a British woman. When asked what her profession was, the Dutch woman tried to translate "Ik fok honden" (I breed dogs) - into English. Unfortunately, rather than "breed" she used the English vulgar cognate of the Dutch verb "fokken." Calmly, she informed her shocked companion that her working relationship with her animals was extremely intimate."

North Korea - Military Photos - "On your arrival you will be assigned to a guide and a driver. That will constantly follow you. You can't leave the hotel on your own. The daily program consists of 2-3 visits to a landmark. In the hotel you can watch BBC,NTV (russian chan),and a couple of chinese channels, so you can't really complain about freedom of speech. The food is good, and you can't complain about that either. In a park he saw elder women picking up herbs, the guide said that it was for the rabbits, although it was clear that it was the kind of herb that the "owners of the rabbits" could eat."

Mail::RFC822::Address - "Mail::RFC822::Address is a Perl module to validate email addresses according to the RFC 822 grammar. It provides the same functionality as RFC::RFC822::Address, but uses Perl regular expressions rather that the Parse::RecDescent parser. This means that the module is much faster to load as it does not need to compile the grammar on startup."
StumbleUpon review: "How could a human mind conceive of such an expression? This page prroves the existence of god"

de wondere wereld van Daniel Chesterfield aka Hilarious fake magic tricks - " A guy performs magic (lifting things & flying & turning coin into food). But when you see how he does the trick :) :] :}"
This is lame but hilarious! Looks like some Belgian guy.
Someone: where do you find so much of this stuff online?
Me: people send it to me *g*
Someone: you're like some kind of crap rod

Flash Earth ...Google Local and Windows Live Local in Flash

Gunther-related stuff found which looking up a search referral (previously mentioned):

Gunther - Gigolo - Basically it's the Ding Dong song with scantily-clad men gyrating instead of women. Heh heh.

[Addendum: "Une parodie de Gunther faite par l'équipe de Radio +" Could've fooled me!]

Gunther sings Gunther - "I named my dog Gunther, and after several months of training someone had to come along and show me the very greasy European singer of the same name and his soft porn music video for the song "Ding Dong Song." I just couldn't help myself.... "

Our version of Gunther's Ding Dong Song - "Me and a few friends about a year ago this is the first video i ever made so dont be too harsh i would go back and do a re edit but all the files got lost... oh yea and we had a crappy camera but yea im only in the video like once or twice im mostly planning and behind the camera a bit..."
This is the only good homage I've seen so far - the rest are all idiots lamely lip syncing to the camera!
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