When you can't live without bananas

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Sunday, June 18, 2006

I wonder how the American high school students who get conned into applying for NUS will react when they find out that irregular tutorial attendance gets them warning letters. Usually people are sad to leave college, but people are happy to leave NUS. That's the truest benchmark of NUS's failure as a University.

If every guy needs a girlfriend, a wife and a mistress, every girl needs a nice guy and a jerk.

Today, Little India and Chinatown are tourist attractions, but with HDB racial quotas they'd never form.

I somehow entered a eBay bid amount in pounds when I thought it was Australian dollars. And consequently won the auction. Shit.

Not only is Inter Rail much cheaper than Eurail, its price varies depending on which country you're from (Hungarians get lower prices than Austrians, for example). Gah.

Applying the principle of extreme dilution, I declare my Coq Au Vin Halal just like ripe fruit.

Oops, I forgot about the bacon.



Someone: dead soldiers suffer no more
average 2 funerals/mth they don't tell u guys that cause it's classified

if you die during saf hours u get full parade, if off, then it's an unofficial one, promote 2 ranks, give ur parents some crap insurance & says ur son sacrificed for country, suck it up

we do all of them, unofficial means weekend u book out and die
official means during training or choke on fishball during canteen break

Me: but either way there's a ceremony

Someone: yes
free on the house from saf, serve and fcukoff

i'm immune to deaths
quite a number of suicides
ippt drop dead

Someone else: i don't know what the hell i'm thinking
that's why i'm talking to you - you're so logical it's like filing my emotions into different folders and according to file types

Me: I don't know if this is supposed to be good or not

Someone else: yes it's good
i'm comparing you to the one machine i love
that's gotta be a compliment

[Editor's note: It's a Mac!!!] The person is actually anti-Mac. I got confused because only Macs inspire such slavish devotion and anthropomorphism.

Me: uhhhhhhhhhhhhh

Someone else: you get uhhhh-ed quite a lot
maybe i say a lot of uhhhhh-inducing things

Me: nah
other people uhhhh me also
they tend to be female ;)

Someone else: ... men
maybe you're allergic to females?
i feel sorry for you if you're allergic to females btw
nitey =)

Someone: *gong* ok.. i dont know nuts bout politics and history so. :P
for eg. i didnt know christopher columbus was from spain until recently

Me: err. he was from italy

Someone: ><

but u cant really tell from his name, i mean it wasnt as if he was antonio or something

Me: ...
antonio is also a spanish name you know

Some christian's nick: "You're the only God whose power none can contend"

My comment: there're other gods? o.0
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