When you can't live without bananas

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Friday, December 06, 2002

"Then the name - John... at the end of Planescape: Torment, all the hate mail... Put a poll, "What do you think his name should be?" Then you put "Agagooga", then everyone votes." - Tim


Empire Earth's combat system is ridiculously scissors-paper-stone-like. And Isaurian bowmen jump like dying fish when they die.

Got my CDs exchanged - curiously, they worked on the computer of the man at the shop ; only thing is, instead of taking Medieval: Total War, I took Age of Mythology! ARGH. Hope Julian will buy it from me. And the changed Warcraft 3 still won't read on my computer. Maybe the whole batch of CDs doesn't like my computer.

Super Mario Brothers. Hit 80s Video Game, Or Subtle Communist Propaganda Campaign?

I bet He Who Must Not Be Named can't get 20/20 on this quiz.
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