"(26 Nov 2002) HOMEX will be closing its services by 31st December 2002. Please transfer your homepage files to another homepage hosting service as all of our members' homepage files will be deleted by then."
Damn. I need a provider that allows hot linking of images!
Till then:
Finally! I've been looking high and low for this - the mark etched on my skin since the start of BMT, because of all my tribulations, and only starting to drop off gradually. And all I had to do along was use Google's Image Search. Silly me.

And I made a link icon (since Xephyris suggested I needed one) with it:

And without:

I like Kidprint.
Nice and simple icons, but I can hear strains of the cacophonic chorus from He Who Must Not Be Named already.
Courtesy of He Who Must Not Be Named:

Made some tweaks to the sidebar and the titlebar. Yeh. Looks good.