It seems Fortunecity supports hot linking ;)
See? Horse is smiling. Doesn't she have the cheeriest smile? Aww.
And done. I should go edit all the picture links in Balderdash's archives but... heck.
It is strange what we do to ourselves when we compete for supremacy in a world where there ought to be peace.
What Bushnell's desperate act exposes is that some 95-99% of people anywhere DO NOTHING when confronted with grave injustices such as the current US-Israeli Holocaust of the Palestinians, just like...
I love it when spam is customised. Just for that, I'm leaving it up.
Hey there, I just stumbled upon your article about ethnic studies in California, and I couldn't resist leaving a comment. First off, kudos to you for shedding light on such an important topic. It's...
Operation Mincemeat is even on stage and is worth a visit if you are in London. In addition John Madden’s "remake" of Operation Mincemeat and Ben Macintyre’s novel make for great viewing and...
Links - 23rd February 2023 (1 - History Extra Quoting) · 2 years ago
I like to think of myself as a Renaissance Man, who champions the values of the Enlightenment and aspires to the Cardinal Virtues of Prudence, Temperance, Justice and Fortitude.
I am also a student of the Misery of the Human Condition.
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