When you can't live without bananas

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Wednesday, December 04, 2002

Haven't posted here in a while :) Busy with many things, not the least of which is this:
*shameless plug*

I know Agagooga linked the site earlier, but that was when it wasn't launched yet :) Now it is.

I finally got around to designing my own site / online journal, so i'll mostly be posting there now (yeah, good riddance! :)
Besides it being my online journal though, the site also has the translations of songs Chinx and I have done so far, and *will* (note how I say will - this means sometime in the future :P) contain our translation to Sakura Taisen GB2 when we actually do finish it :P

What else to say... Never played Planescape Torment. Busy with other stuff now, hopefully i'll find some time someday and play the game, which Agagooga is "highly recommending".

Xephyris, signing off. Ja ne. I'll be on Waxin' Lyrical if you guys want to get me for anything.
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