When you can't live without bananas

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Monday, December 02, 2002

Have finally gotten down to sending Sarinee (who's managed to play even more games than Tim) of The Underdogs the 5 Blood Sword Books. God willing, they will be speedily received and scanned and PDFed and returned to me. Hoorah!

David's last paper was today, so I met with him for a while today. Twas nice catching up with him.

This being Orchard Road, it was inevitable that we'd see people. In Wisma Atria, he saw 2 of his squeaky JC classmates, and in Borders, we ran into Jamin and Caleb.

I was told that Johann's going to wear a tie and a jacket to prom. Without a shirt. Wonder if he'll get thrown out if/when he rips off his jacket during the event :)

Apparently, Alfian Sa'at was, for a while, sitting quite near us. Too bad I missed out on the celebrity sighting.

Especially after a while, I began to feel a touch like the fourth leg on a tripod. Partially because of the Econs S and Lit S - especially the latter - influence on the content and manner of their speech, and partially because Jamin, as usual, was somewhat frosty to me.

The bottom of Far East Plaza, now that Metro has moved out, has been turned into a hotbed of "hot" clothes shops with glitzy apparel, shoes and accessories. The gaudy decorations almost blinded me. Bleah.

In Far East, too, was a shop selling pirated CDs. And pirated DVD movies - a first (that I, the bumpkin that I am, have seen)! Not that I'd watch them, having the facilities to play DVDs only on my computer and not wanting to watch them on my puny 15" LCD screen, but it's nice to have an option.

I've learnt been forcibly reminded that females hate people making disparaging remarks about their or their friends' appearances (as Chinx graciously tut tut-ed).

"Heh. Its difficult to ever say anything bad about girls and mean it unless u dont mind the shockwave that follows.." - Wise words from Thai Boy.

Discretion is indeed the better part of valour. Bleah.

More generally, I wonder what went wrong when I grew up. Why I alienate people and piss them off. Why I lack tact, discretion and also am poor in assessing characters/personalities/tolerance levels. Why I sometimes have the urge to do certain things, even though cost-benefit analysis would not dictate action, because those things are fun and add a splash of colour to this often monochrome world, though people might be hurt or get pissed off. Not why I am eccentric, because that is interesting and makes for a most un-dreary life.

Equally, I wonder why some people are (hyper)sensitive. Maybe it's just me, being thick skinned, and having a higher tolerance level than others (except for physical pain).

It's impossible for everyone to like you, but I think I rank above only Yaodong in that area.


To put it in a clearer perspective:

"see that's what you don't get
your perception of things are VASTLY different from everyone else's
if you walked up to someone and told them, hey your dress sense sucks, OF COURSE they'd be insulted. if you can't understand why they would be, then you really have a problem."

Okay. It's just like #1-#7. I really don't think there's anything wrong with being ugly, but most people think that there is.


And then again:

"so you're wrong for expressing a personal opinion?

I don't get about your friend's line of argument."

Andrew tells me he can only see the Fortunecity logo where pictures are supposed to be on this blog, but everyone else tells me they can see the proper pictures. Argh. Argh.

New link icon:

And go look at this

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