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Saturday, February 01, 2025

Links - 1st February 2025 (1 [including Kemi Badenoch & Paul Krugman Failed Predictions])

Finally, a leader who’s willing to fight the culture war - "Imagine if, a few years ago, you had told the wet leftists of the British establishment that one day there’d be a black woman in charge of a major political party and that they would freak out about it. That instead of celebrating this final breakthrough for race relations, these self-styled progressives would be bitterly murmuring into their muesli that ‘She’s a bit abrasive’ and ‘God help us now’. They’d have refused to believe you. Yet here we are. Kemi Badenoch has won the Conservative Party leadership contest and becomes the first black person ever to lead a major party in Britain. And the left ain’t happy...   She has more than proved her mettle in the battle of ideas. She knows what a woman is, which instantly makes her more deserving of a vote than Keir Starmer, who famously turns into a gibbering wreck whenever he’s asked basic questions about biology. Badenoch hasn’t so much ‘waded in’ to the ‘trans row’, as the media like to describe it, as she has marched in, sword of truth raised. She insists we must ‘protect women’s spaces’ from the presence of men. Whether it’s ‘rapists being housed in women’s prisons’ or ‘men playing in women’s sports’, it’s just not on, she says. And we must be free to say so without the ‘fear of being accused of transphobia’. Three cheers for that.   She has stood up for the right of young gay folk to discover their sexuality without being pumped with puberty-blocking drugs or mauled by surgery to ‘correct’ their ‘wrong’ bodies. The sinister medical meddling with gay kids’ bodies is a species of conversion therapy, she says, essentially aimed at ‘making them straight’. She’s right. And her views were lately echoed by JD Vance, who said ‘trans-affirming healthcare’ is ‘pharmaceutical’ conversion therapy. Badenoch has even met with the LGB Alliance, the brilliant gay-rights group ruthlessly maligned by the lost souls of the woke as a ‘hate group’. She’s a better friend of homosexuals than anyone on the Labour benches.   She has challenged the fashionable view of Britain as ‘institutionally racist’. Actually, she says, this is ‘the best country in the world to be black’. Her praise of this plucky nation that ‘sees people, not labels’ infuriates the mostly white wet-wipes of the opinion-forming classes who get off on flagellating both themselves and the kingdom for all the racial crimes of history. To these people, there’s nothing worse – really, nothing – than the sight of a black lady saying ‘It’s good to be black in Britain’. It shatters their ideologies of self-loathing from which they derive their cultural power and media clout. A black woman nipping at the heels of the fashionable shame of white influencers? It just won’t do. She’s an enemy of cultural relativism. ‘Not all cultures are equally valid’, she recently said, to the noisy chagrin of the woke. They know she’s right – these people would never move to Kabul or let their daughters suffer the FGM that poor girls in Africa are forced to endure – but they hate that she says it. For in doing so, she punctures their cult of post-judgementalism, their moral cowardice that they doll up as a ‘celebration of diversity’.   She’s even injected moral clarity into the tortured and frankly terrifying Israel-Hamas debate. ‘I stand with Israel’, she says. ‘We cannot stand with Hezbollah, we cannot stand with Hamas.’ Then her killer line: ‘We know who the bad guys are.’ At a time when so many of our young are beating the streets to damn Israel as evil and to praise Hamas as ‘the resistance’, it couldn’t be more important to have a party leader who is able to slice so finely through such abject moral idiocy and to state out loud that the Jewish nation has the right to defend itself against the armies of Jew haters that surround it. ‘Bad guys’ – how rare, how refreshing, to hear that phrase.   She has slammed cancel culture – we ‘need more bravery and less cancel culture’, she says. She fiercely rebuked the Californian tech bosses who exercise a moral stranglehold over the modern public square. It’s a very serious problem when tech giants ‘become so big [that] they effectively become more powerful than government in regulating what people say’, she says. And she defends Brexit, the right of the 17.4million souls who voted to leave the EU to have their wishes acted on by the political class. This has earned her the animus of those insufferable craft-beer snobs at the New European who say she ‘will be bad in all sorts of ways’. Wear it as a badge of pride, Kemi – if the New European doesn’t hate you, you’re doing it wrong. So here we have a leader who knows that women don’t have dicks, who thinks the West is good rather than rotten, who appreciates the importance of the liberty to utter, who supports the right of the Jewish State to fight back against the Jew-killing machines of Hamas and Hezbollah, and who thinks gay kids shouldn’t be drugged or chopped up. We’re meant to think this is a ‘far right’ agenda?... This is why the left is pissed off. This is why they cannot celebrate the remarkable ascendancy of this 44-year-old woman of colour to the top of Britain’s oldest political party. This is why the painfully woke Guardian wrings its hands over the ‘worrying rise’ of ‘divisive [politicians] like Kemi Badenoch’ and frets that she sometimes seems ‘openly abrasive’. (I guess the old woke rule about not tone-policing black women has been retired.)"

Wanjiru Njoya on X - "Telegraph explaining why Kemi Badenoch was the right choice for the Tories: she's black, she's a woman, and she's an immigrant. This is how Tories fight culture wars: by out-woking the woke."

Zarah Sultana MP on X - "Kemi Badenoch is one of the most nasty & divisive figures in British politics. From downplaying racism to Islamophobic remarks like "not all cultures are equally valid" & questioning why Sadiq Khan gets a “free pass” for being Muslim, her election marks a shift to the far-right."
Konstantin Kisin on X - "If saying "not all cultures are the same" is Islamophobic, that must mean Islamic culture is not the same as ours. So you agree with Kemi?"
Bart Drenth on X - "The intersectional mind masterfully holds two opposing beliefs at once: recognizing cultural differences is discriminatory and must be punished, while not embracing diverse ways of knowing and doing deserves the same fate"
Coddled affluent professional on X - ""not all cultures are equally valid" The reason voicing this sentiment must be so harshly punished is that it is so self evidently true."

Kehinde Andrews on X - "Congratulations to @KemiBadenoch 'the shining ebony example that the #PsychosisOfWhiteness is not reserved for those with white skin'. I reeeeeeaaalllly hate to say I told you so on this one 🤦🏾‍♂️"
Damo on X - "This is the sort of take you'd expect from someone who calls black people he doesn't like "coons", "coconuts" and "house negros". What should be less expected is that this abject racist holds a position at a major university and is treated as a serious academic by the media."

Thread by @WanjiruNjoya on Thread Reader App – Thread Reader App - "The shortest ever tenure as Harvard President was a black woman, demoted for plagiarism.  A black woman went down in history as the shortest ever tenure running John Lewis, axed for nearly bankrupting it.  A black man has the honor of the shortest stint as Chancellor of the UK.   That's not counting other less high profile epic failures, like Ibram Kendi who was awarded $40 million in research funding and produced no research.  Black people are so gullible. They're offered high profile positions to showcase wokery and they just say YES!  Farcical. Everyone is telling Kemi she's just like Mrs Thatcher.  I guess she believes them.  Like many wise men have said - Clarence Thomas, Thomas Sowell, Walter Williams - you should be proud of who you are. You don't have to pretend to be like Mrs Thatcher when you're not. Just say no. The point is not the length of their tenures, but the fact that they have gone down in history for all the wrong reasons.  Good people over-promoted beyond their abilities, only for them to crash in full sight of the whole world.  That's the tragedy."
On Kemi Badenoch

Nels Abbey on X - "Warning: Seven Rules for Surviving A Kemi Badenoch Victory
Today the most prominent member of white supremacy's Black collaborator class (in Britain) is likely to be made leader of the Conservative Party. Here are some handy tips for surviving the immediate surge of Badenochism (i.e. white supremacy in Blackface):
1. Don’t allow yourself to be gaslit. Of course, a victory for Badenoch is an obvious, unprecedented and once inconceivable victory for racism. Yet for legitimacy and national blush-saving purposes, it will be portrayed as anything but. Hence the Black & Brown voices invited to speak about a Badenoch victory in the media will likely be carefully selected. Expect a lot of Sunder Katwala and Trevor Phillips types, but not much from anyone else. Certainly not knowledgeable objectors.
2. Don't feed the trolls: avoid the inevitable avalanche of “whatever your politics” rhetoric. E.g. “Whatever your politics, you must acknowledge how great and progressive the Conservative Party is now that a Blackface of white supremacy has broken the glass ceiling for all Black people…” and “Whatever your politics, Black children finally have a great role model to look up to”.
3. Don’t get arrested Pt. I: As that free speech championing entity known as the British state would say: be careful what you post. The police scour this app for "offensive" material and they take immense glee in weaponising laws designed to protect ethnic minorities against ethnic minorities.
4. Don’t get arrested Pt. II: The police don't do nuance, and they conveniently refuse to understand Black & Brown intra-communal language or forms of critique, satire or compliment (e.g. coconut, Uncle Tom, Aunt Kemi, house negro, choc ice, etc).
5. Don’t get arrested Pt. III: In pursuit of "protecting" the feelings and political positions of ethnic minority politicians (with far-right sensibilities), the police and CPS will do everything conceivably possible to legally and psychologically destroy you.
6. Don’t get arrested Pt. IV: Look up The Emoji Trial and The Coconut Trial for more information on how quickly proprietary Black & Brown intellectual tradition, thought or language can land you in a British police cell.
7. Remember White supremacy’s silver linings: they always discard their tools. Always. Yes, this will be a painful and shameful period. Our various politics and very standing in Britain and as British people will be seriously compromised by a Badenoch victory. Yet rest assured: painful as it may be for Black & Brown people – history teaches us that Badenochism will end even worse for Kemi Badenoch.
"Amen" said the church.  Good luck!"

Labour MP shares post saying Kemi Badenoch represents ‘white supremacy in blackface’ - "Dawn Butler appeared to endorse comments that also referred to Mrs Badenoch’s election as a “victory for racism”... Mrs Badenoch is the fourth female Tory leader after Margaret Thatcher, Theresa May and Liz Truss. Labour has never had a female leader, and all of its leaders to date have been white. James Cleverly, who was one of Mrs Badenoch’s Tory leadership rivals, said Labour “need to sort themselves out”, calling Sir Keir’s party “male, pale and stale”.  Ben Obese-Jecty, the Conservative MP for Huntingdon, urged Sir Keir to remove the Labour whip from Ms Butler.  “It never takes much for Labour’s mask to slip. Dawn Butler is not alone on the Government benches in holding this view of Kemi,” he said. “This will be a test to see whether Keir Starmer removes the whip or effectively condones Butler’s abhorrent approval of this smear.” Last year, Mrs Badenoch said she had told her children that Britain is “the best country in the world to be black”. In an interview with The Telegraph, she said: “Being an ethnic minority, irrespective of what country you’re in, is challenging and that is just human nature.  “Even in countries where everybody is black, when you have ethnic minorities within them as I saw within Nigeria they often face very significant discrimination, more so than the sort of discrimination which I have seen myself in the UK.”"
Left wingers keep going on the importance of "representation" and "anti-racism", but really it's just a way to push through the left wing agenda. They don't really love "minorities" and racism is good when you're scolding "minorities" who dare step off the left wing plantation. Hate speech laws are only good when they push the left wing agenda
What a surprise this is from Butler, so soon after her recent scandal

Wanjiru Njoya on X - "Lefties like to peddle the same lines. Seems they've been told to say "nasty and divisive""

Paul Krugman: Trump will bring global recession (2016)
Nobel Prize Winner Explains How Trump Could Cause 'Economic Chaos' - Newsweek (2024)
The boy who cried wolf is credible when it pushes the left wing agenda

Paul Krugman: Always Wrong, Never in Doubt (2019) - "(My favorite Trump-era Krugmanism, though, is when the esteemed economist explains away his bad predictions by claiming that the economy’s successes are really just driven by instances of his own political preferences playing out — “Impeaching Trump Is Good for the Economy,” “The Economics of Donald J. Keynes,” and so on.) At some point, of course, doomsayers such as Krugman are going to be right. In the past 60 years the United States has been hit with recessions in 1960–61, 1969–70, 1973–75, 1980, 1981–82, 1990–91, 2001, and 2007–09. History says we’re probably due for another one soon. When it hits, Krugman will blame tax cuts, unfettered capitalist greed, a dearth of regulations — and maybe climate change, or whatever hobbyhorse he’s riding at the time. MSNBC hosts will hail him as a seer.  Much like most economists, I have no clue what the future holds. But I do know that Barack Obama, who oversaw the slowest recovery in American history, was constantly being given credit for averting disaster by adopting smart policies (read: spending). Years after the bailouts — which is to say years of D.C. gridlock in which the former president, by his own admission, couldn’t enact any of his preferred economic policies — Democrats were still claiming that short-term first-year spending fixes were the impetus for growth. There’s a more rational explanation: Washington stopped helping.  Voters vastly overestimate the role that presidents play in economic growth, to be sure. But Trump-era job creation was a far tougher task, since he was operating with less room for job growth than his predecessor. And considering the (self-inflicted) trade wars, political turmoil, and foreign-policy concerns that have dominated much of his first term, conventional wisdom tells us we should be struggling. Yet it’s clear that we’ve had a pretty resilient economy. What has Trump done? The two things Paul Krugman hates most: Regulatory rollbacks and tax cuts. And yet here we are."

Krugman: Beware Economists Who Won't Admit They Were Wrong - "Everybody is dunking on Paul Krugman’s latest column, “Beware Economists Who Won’t Admit They Were Wrong,” and rightfully so. He is frequently tricky and slippery (and terribly out of touch).  This column is no exception... Krugman begins by declaring victory. The economy, under the wise stewardship of Joe Biden, has had “one of the best years ever” because inflation is under control and unemployment hasn’t shot up.  He compares FOMC projections (which are often way off, by the way) from earlier in the year to what current data suggests, and points out that both price inflation and unemployment are doing better than expected.  Krugman’s triumph is made explicit about 300 words in: “Soft landing achieved.”  After some storytelling and victory-lapping, he gets noticeably squirmy: “Last year we didn’t know that the inflation story would turn out this well, and to be fair, rate hikes have not, in fact, caused a recession, at least so far” (emphasis added).  He’s cushioning against the prospect of a 2024 recession. He wants to be able to say he was right about “transitory inflation” and the soft landing, even in the event of a hard landing. This is why he has been so quick to cash in on the disinflation of 2023, even when Krugman’s tortured inflation statistics hit 3 percent. No future crisis, no matter how imminent, will prove him wrong, at least in his own eyes.  Indeed, he begins the next paragraph with, “What worries me is the future.” If a recession comes, it will be because the Fed listened to the wrong economists and hesitated in cutting interest rates. He says these economists are willing to risk a recession just to save face."

Robert P. Murphy on X - "I just want to make sure you folks understand how amazing his move is. To review:
1) Summers said we need to hike rates to rein in inflation, too bad will cause a recession.
2) Krugman said no, inflation is transitory, it will come down w/o rate hikes, which would only cause a needless recession.
3) Fed listens to Summers and jacks up rates hard.
4) Inflation comes down. Krugman says, "See? No recession, inflation was transitory, I was right."
5) Krugman admits there still could be a recession. But if it happens, it will be because of the rate hikes, which were unnecessary because inflation came down w/o a recession."


Spike Cohen on X - "80,000 pounds of Costco butter was just recalled, because the label doesn't say that it contains milk. It's butter. News articles are telling people how they can return, or safely dispose of, the butter. It's butter."
If people are really so stupid, then non-butter butters should not be allowed to call themselves butter

Meme - "Nobody makes a black man smile the way a White Woman does"
Readers added context they thought people might want to know: "This woman is Courtney Clenney and she actually killed her boyfriend Christian Obumseli"

Meme - i/o @eyeslasho: "On big culture war issues, where do Democrats have an advantage with the public? On abortion and guns.  Where do Republicans have an advantage? On everything else."
"Public Views on Culture Issues. Net support for progressive views
Abortion +27%. Guns +13%. They/them -5%. Build the Wall -7%. Police -26%. Affirmative Action -36%. Trans Puberty Blockers -37%. Boys in Girls' Sports -43%. Immigration Serious Problem -46%. tsrael vs. Hamas -62%"

Meme - Coddled affluent professional @feelsdesperate: "I think libs are very habituated to their mental illness and it’s a strength.  Someone like Will Stancil is clearly unwell but he just posts through it unflinchingly.  In comparison, if there’s anything not favorable conservatives really get put back on their heels and blackpill."
Will Stancil: "politics causes me real agony. it messes with my focus, with my sleep, I spend a substantial amount of time fighting off dread and alarm over trump, fascism, climate, the rising tide of institutionalized racism. these guys, I feel like they sit around feeling fine"

J.D. Haltigan, PhD 🏒👨‍💻 on X - "The clinical levels of mental illness in the contemporary left is a national crisis."
Random on X - "A huge part of the value proposition of social media is it provides a medium by which people insecure about their version of reality can leverage other people to validate it. Basically the more shrill and demanding they are the more insecure they probably are."
marilyn maupin on X - "I'm doing everything i can to destroy my own mental health, why aren't my enemies sad"
Dan Peters on X - "You forget the whiny leftist rule, the more something hurts you the more of a victim you are and the more you deserve total power over the situation."

Richard Hanania on X - "I wish @elonmusk  and @VivekGRamaswamy  the best of luck with DOGE. I’m sure they’ll find many ways to make government more efficient, but it’ll be important to keep in mind that the increase in the federal budget in the coming decades is going to be due almost entirely to Social Security and Medicare, in addition to interest on debt.  See that charts below. The things people mainly complain about, discretionary spending and foreign policy, are steady. They are manageable with GDP growth and do not pose a major threat to American living standards, even if nothing is cut.  Yet Social Security and Medicare are going to eat the budget. What makes this odd is that seniors are the wealthiest demographic in America. We are taking from the young, people who are figuring out whether to have children, and giving it to old people past their reproductive years who as a group have more money than those they’re taking from.  This needs to end. Taking on gerontocracy, mainly entitlement spending, is the issue that will help deal with a constellation of problems, from low birth rates to the economic prospects of young people to the fiscal health of the country. Few things are as important as this."

Emily Ekins on X - "Fascinating read from @NateSilver538 on psychological profiles between Rs and Ds and response to disagreement. It's consistent with public opinion data about speech and social media behavior"
The model exactly predicted the most likely election map - "Even though our forecast was near 50/50 for almost the whole race, there were certainly periods that were relatively better and worse for Harris and Trump. Our narrative content followed accordingly, with about an even mix of newsletters that presented optimistic cases for Harris and Trump. (That was not true when Joe Biden was running, but that’s because Biden was way behind in the polls.) So I essentially got to perform a randomized control trial on how partisans in both camps reacted to good and bad news.  And there was an asymmetry. Republicans are generally happy when you agree with them partway or half the time. Admittedly, the sorts of Republicans who encounter our work are not a representative sample, probably being on the moderate side — though you can find plenty of Trump supporters in the Silver Bulletin comments section.  Democrats, however — and here, I’m not referring so much to Silver Bulletin subscribers but in the broader universe online — often get angry with you when you only halfway agree with them. And I really think this difference in personality profiles tells you a little something about why Trump won: Trump was happy to take on all comers, whereas with Democrats, disagreement on any hot-button topic (say, COVID school closures or Biden’s age) will have you cast out as a heretic. That’s not a good way to build a majority, and now Democrats no longer have one."
This coheres with the research on left wingers being less tolerant of dissent and also manifests in the circular firing squad of the left

Meme - ""I would end a friendship because my friend expressed a political view that I find inappropriate."
Agreement by Political Orientation and Generation
Gen Z: Liberal 45%. Moderate 24%. Conservative 24%
Millennial: Liberal 39%. Moderate 16%. Conservative 19%
Gen X: Liberal 23%. Moderate 10%. Conservative 14%
Boomer: Liberal 24%. Moderate 10%. Conservative 12%
Data Source: Presidential Election Study 2024 (n = 2,949)
"I would end my relationship with a family member if they expressed a political view that I find inappropriate."
Agreement by Political Orientation and Generation
Gen Z: Liberal 36%. Moderate 19%. Conservative 21%
Millennial: Liberal 36%. Moderate 14%. Conservative 19%
Gen X: Liberal 21%. Moderate 9%. Conservative 11%
Boomer: Liberal 16%. Moderate 7%. Conservative 8%
Data Source: Presidential Election Study 2024 (n = 2,949)"
Once again replicating all the other research. The breakdown by generation and relationship type further confirms the research finding that liberals and left wingers are the most intolerant

Meme - Anchovy Pizza: "There's an extremely cute viet girl on one of the other shifts that I have a crush on, at this point I don't know how I I have anything left to lose and I'm kind of thinking of just walking up to her out of the blue and asking her on a date also I have confirmed shes single"
"We're getting married in 4 months. Holy cow"

Meme - "2011-05-10_18-57-46_Switzerland_-_Wil_crop.jpg 1.93 MB JPG
>there exist magic rocks that can boil water
>boiling water gives us energy
>we stop using the magic rocks because they exploded that one time
are we retarded? imagine if pre historic peoples stopped using fire just because some retard burnt his house down once"

Meme - "r/agender
I start crying when I'm taken out of densely populated areas.
Greetings. I'm a nineteen year old agender human. I've lived in Manhattan my entire life, and I really have no desire to leave. Since I was young when I've been taken to rural/ suburban areas I've started crying. There's something about them that makes me really hate them, they feel so boring and lonely, and whenever I'm there I get worried that I'm not going to be able to leave, or sad because I know they exist. Even now that I'm an adult I just start crying or panicking when I'm there."
Left wingers like to mock conservatives who are scared of cities, but many of them are scared of leaving cities

sometimes people try to tell me that scientists are paragons of rationality and I have to break it to them that I have yet to... – @askfordoodles on Tumblr - "sometimes people try to tell me that scientists are paragons of rationality and I have to break it to them that I have yet to work in a lab that didn’t have at least one weird secret shrine in it
new guy: why is all of the equipment in this room covered in toys?
me: dONn’t touch those
new guy:
me: they need the toys to function. if they don’t all have toys they get jealous.
new guy:
new guy:
me: when something breaks just take the wizard and wave it around for a while. they seem to like that."
"Science is rational, scientists are human."
"In Taiwan we have a special brand of snacks named 乖乖 (literally means “well behaved” but in a casual way like when one’s compliment a child or a pet of being good) that has green package.  It has become the lucky charm in the IT industry because engineers believe it will make machine acting good (like the name of the snack) and stay in green light (like the color of the snack’s package) when a 乖乖 is put on top of a server.  It is the only food allowed in a server room and the biggest semicondoctor company in Taiwan (which is also the biggest worldwide) even commissioned the snack factory to make a customized version with blessing on the package. This is how a server room is blessed by 乖乖. You put at least one on top of each server. It’s important that the engineers change them before the expire date because legend says the snack looses it’s power after expire date. You’ll hear engineers swearing up and down that their server room  crushed down the one time they forgot to change the snack.  Or some  newbie ate the forbidden snack put on top of their server and caused a  disastrous crush down.   The 乖乖 religion later spread to all people who want their machine to act nice. In the lab we put 乖乖 on ultra-low freezer (you really don’t want it to drop dead along with your 2 years’ worth of sample/data), mass  spectrometer etc.   When Taiwan’s about to launch the first self made satellite in 2017, the develop team even put 乖乖 around the satellite model to prey for a successful launch (it did). This shit is real."

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