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Saturday, November 02, 2024

Links - 2nd November 2024 (3 - Feminism)

Why do feminists hate Men's Mental Health Awareness Month being brought up? : r/MensRights - "Because if people think of men as human then lots of the shit femenists try to pull starts making them look like the bad guys."

Norwegian research: Lesbian marriages most unstable - "59.1 per cent of the marriages between women in 2003 had ended in divorce by 2018. That is reported by Aftenposten and Dagen.  During the five years of marriage, lesbian spouses have twice the risk of divorce compared to heterosexual marriages. Only after 25 years of marriage this difference seems to be gone, the study shows. Same-sex male couples only have an 8 per cent higher chance of getting divorced than heterosexual couples in that same period. Senior researcher Ruhne Zahl Olsen is not surprised by the results. They have been the same in other countries"
Damn patriarchy!

Sann on X - "Reporter: What do you think about women earning less than men in tennis?
Rafael Nadal: I don’t know. Why do women earn more than men in the fashion world? #RafaelNadal"

The State of Online Harassment - "Overall, men are somewhat more likely than women to say they have experienced any form of harassment online (43% vs. 38%), but similar shares of men and women have faced more severe forms of this kind of abuse"
This result replicates - men are more likely to have been harassed online. But of course people only care about women

Billie Piper says misogyny and violence against women won’t end by ‘telling boys they’re awful’ - "Billie Piper has said that “shaming” or “dismissing” young boys can only be counterproductive towards tackling misogyny and violence against women... When asked about how young boys and girls can foster healthier relationships from an early age, Piper told the audience that she is hugely concerned and worried about the external influences facing young boys, referencing the output of the misogynistic influencer Andrew Tate. “I think it is incredibly important that we educate our sons as well as our daughters in how to treat each other respectfully [and] equally,” she said. “The education [on domestic abuse] has to extend to young boys. You can’t dismiss them or somehow shame them in a way that pushes them further towards these really toxic figures, because that’s really easily done.”"

Meme - SurrogacyConcern @SurrogConcern: "This “throuple” have had two children with surrogate mothers.  All three men appear on the birth certificates.   Naturally, the mothers do not."
Feminists cheer the Handmaid's Tale in real life

Meme - Delusional Takes: "She missed the point Imao"
End Wokeness @EndWokeness: "Cable installer- 95% men
Road builders- 96% men
Construction- 94% men
Garbagemen- 95% men
Iron workers- 94% men
Coal miners- 96% men
Electricians- 96% men
Firefighters- 88% men
Plumbers- 99% men
Combat- 84% men
Feminists: *sleeping*
Woke activists: *sleeping*
Gender academics: *sleeping*"
AidaBell @adiboaron94: "Makeup artists - 87% women
Kindergarten teachers - 98% women
HR specialists - 75% women
Dental hygienists - 98% women
Therapists - 82% women
Flight attendants - 77% women
Nannies - 99% women
Seamstresses - 95% women
Lactation consultants - 100% women
Bridal shop owners - 99% women
Men's rights activist: *sleeping*
Equality advocate: *sleeping*
Gender scholars: *sleeping*"
She doesn't see the point, probably because she accepts feminist hypocrisy in being selective about gender disparities for jobs women don't want to get DEI-ed into

Pacific Spirit on X - "“Not all women want to be mothers” Says the girl who calls herself a plant mom, or who calls her dog her baby, or who diverts all of her maternal instincts into fighting for social justice."

Yuan Yi Zhu: Debunking the myth of the Persons Case - "It is not uncommon for a country to mark the anniversary of women obtaining the right to vote. Not so in Canada, where, instead of commemorating 1917 as the year when women were enfranchised at the federal level, we have Persons Day, which, according to the official mythology, commemorates the 1929 Edwards v. Canada decision of the Judicial Committee of the Privy Council (JCPC) that women are human beings. In fact, Edwards did nothing of the sort. When it was decided in 1929, Canadian women had voting rights at the federal level on the same basis as men, as well as in eight of Canada’s nine provinces (Quebec would hold out until 1940). By 1929, Agnes Macphail had been a federal MP for almost eight years. And three of the Famous Five — the plaintiffs in Edwards — had served in provincial legislatures, one had been a police magistrate and one had served as a cabinet minister in Alberta. If Canadian law in 1929 did not recognize women as persons, allowing them to serve in most public offices would have been strange. As a matter of fact, the Supreme Court’s initial judgment in the Edwards case, which nobody today seems to have bothered reading, begins with the following remark: “There can be no doubt that the word ‘persons’ when standing alone prima facie includes women.” What was at stake in Edwards was the far narrower question of whether women could be “qualified persons” for the purpose of being appointed to the Senate under the British North America Act. To be sure, to rule that women were not “qualified persons” for that purpose smacks of sexism. But most of Canada’s men in 1929 were not “qualified persons” either, being under the age of 30 or not owing the requisite $4,000 worth of land. If the Senate discriminated against women, it also discriminated against plenty of other groups, which was after all its true purpose. Another aspect of the Persons Case that is usually ignored is the fact that Prime Minister Mackenzie King could simply have asked the British Parliament to amend the BNA Act to make clear that women could sit in the Senate, just as they could sit in the House of Commons. Arthur Meighen, the Conservative prime minister, had promised to do so if he won the 1921 election; King made similar promises but failed to live up to them. The British, who did not particularly care about how Canada was run, would likely not have refused. Alternatively, King could simply have appointed a woman to the Senate and dared her colleagues to throw her out. But King, in time-honoured Canadian fashion, preferred to kick the issue to the judges. Like so many Canadian prime ministers, he had become stuck in the quicksand of Senate and constitutional reform, and did not relish the idea of introducing a small Senate reform when many on the left were clamouring for its abolition. And so, King asked the Supreme Court to deal with the mess, washing his hands of his earlier promise to amend the Constitution. Another possible factor for King’s decision to send the case to the courts was that several of the Famous Five were Tories — a far greater disability in King’s eyes than their sex. Even after Edwards, none of the group ever became senators. King’s sole female appointment to the upper house was Cairine Wilson, a senior Liberal organizer from Ontario — in other words, a perfect Liberal senator. If the Persons Case has come to occupy such a central place in Canada’s national mythos, it is in no small part because it provides one of the foundational myths of Canadian judicial power: the idea that only courts, and not legislatures, are able to secure our rights and freedoms. And it was in Edwards that Lord Sankey coined the famous “living tree” metaphor, which has since been abused by Canadian courts in order to assert an unlimited right to reshape the Constitution by judicial fiat, all in the name of the law’s organic growth. By contrast, the road to women’s suffrage, an objectively far more important achievement for Canadian women than the possibility of being appointed to a club for superannuated political hacks, was also far messier... Progress is not linear, nor is it always proclaimed, Moses-like, by the Supreme Court’s nine judges. The story of how Canadian women came to become enfranchised, hold the nation’s highest offices and achieve full equality is far too interesting to be reduced to the cipher of the Persons Case, or even the myth that women were not human beings under Canadian law less than a century ago, a slur on a generation that was far more open-minded than most people give them credit for today."

Gen Z boys and men more likely than baby boomers to believe feminism harmful, says poll - "Boys and men from generation Z are more likely than older baby boomers to believe that feminism has done more harm than good, according to research that shows a “real risk of fractious division among this coming generation”. One in four UK males aged 16 to 29 believe it is harder to be a man than a woman and a fifth of those who have heard of him now look favourably on the social media influencer Andrew Tate, the polling of over 3,600 people found... The bestselling author and Canadian academic, Jordan Peterson, is also seen favourably by 32% of 16 to 29-year-old men, compared with 12% among women of the same generation. Peterson speaks up for “demoralised young men”... On feminism, 16% of gen Z males felt it had done more harm than good. Among over-60s the figure was 13%. The figures emerged from Ipsos polling for King’s College London’s Policy Institute and the Global Institute for Women’s Leadership. The research also found that 37% of men aged 16 to 29 consider “toxic masculinity” an unhelpful phrase, roughly double the number of young women who don’t like it. “This is a new and unusual generational pattern,” said Prof Bobby Duffy, director of the Policy Institute. “Normally, it tends to be the case that younger generations are consistently more comfortable with emerging social norms, as they grew up with these as a natural part of their lives.”... Ethnic minority men are most likely to follow Tate, with more than a third agreeing he “raises important points about real threats to male identity and gender roles” compared with 12% among white men"
Naturally, this cannot be due to them realising the truth about feminism. And of course, they have to slime Peterson since he opposes the left wing agenda
How can white people be blamed for how minority men are more "misogynist"?

Who Is Happiest? Married Mothers And Fathers, Per The Latest General Social Survey - "Social media and mainstream media are replete with stories suggesting marriage and parenthood are not fulfilling, especially for women. Not surprisingly, many Americans now believe the key to being happy is a good education, work, and freedom from the encumbrances of family life-not getting married and having a family... 2. Men and women who have the benefit of a spouse and children are the most likely to report being "very happy" with their lives, according to the most recent GSS.
3. The 2022 GSS shows that a combination of marriage and parenthood is linked to the biggest happiness dividends for women...
Among married women with children between the ages of 18 and 55, 40% reported they are "very happy," compared to 25% of married childless women, and just 22% of unmarried childless women. Nevertheless, it is important to note that unmarried mothers are the least likely to be very happy: with just 17% of them indicating they are very happy. These results parallel findings from 2020 and 2021 during the pandemic... These results parallel other recent research from the University of Chicago indicating that for both men and women, marriage is "the most important differentiator" of who is happy in America. Meanwhile, falling marriage rates are a chief reason why happiness has declined nationally, according to that same study. The research found an astounding 30-percentage-point happiness gap between married and unmarried Americans. Other factors do matter-including income, educational achievement, race, and geography-but marital status is most influential when it comes to predicting happiness in the study. What's more, other research indicates that the United States is witnessing a growing happiness divide between the most educated and least educated Americans, and marriage is likely the biggest driver of that decline. Social psychologist Jean Twenge attributes the growing happiness divide in America along class lines to a faster decline in marriage among those with less education and income."
This doesn't stop the feminists from pushing the myth that single childless women are happier, because they hate marriage and hate men, which is why they keep citing Paul Dolan's misinterpretation of the data

True Discipline on X - "Another feminist claim you hear endlessly. This reddit article has a good discussion of the lit. TLDR the claim is flawed, and there is also research that shows the opposite."
Inquisitive Bird on X - "A widely reported 2015 study purported to show that men are highly likely to divorce their wife if she falls sick. However, it was actually retracted quickly by the authors themselves because of one serious error: People who fell out of the study were miscoded as divorces."
RETRACTED: In Sickness and in Health? Physical Illness as a Risk Factor for Marital Dissolution in Later Life, 2015
Inquisitive Bird on X - "My summary of the findings: (1) elevation of divorce risk following illness is smaller than I expected. (2) Sex differences are not big (no "6-fold sex difference"). (3) To the extent sex differences exist, the largest studies seem to suggest the opposite of original claim."

Meme - ! pooky: "i make a chart that shows how feminists are smater then some other people :) (edited)"
*Bell curve IQ meme*
Left: "Andrew Tate fans"
Middle: "Feminists" *brain* *book* *strong woman*
Right: "Republicans"

> happy inside
> smiles when someone compliments her
> lives a normal life
> values morals and fidelity
> has a boyfriend
> will raise a family
> angry inside
> thinks she is being raped when compliments her someone
> always on the look out for oppression
> proud slut
> hates men
> won't raise a family"

Gavan Tredoux on X - "An entire industry has been built around the idea that Byron's daughter Ada Lovelace was a great mathematician and the world's first computer programmer. Both of these claims are based on verbose notes she made to her 1843 translation of an 1842 paper by Menabrea about Charles Babbage's Analytical Engine, an analog cogwheel-and-pinion computer which existed mostly on paper only (see https://drive.google.com/file/d/16qxC5R3Nr8FhET006LNe0sFeU8QDZ-29/view?usp=sharing). Both claims are entirely false. Here I will address the issue of her mathematical abilities.
Dorothy Stein was the first to point out in 1985, based on reading Ada's correspondence with Mary Somerville and Augustus de Morgan that Byron's daughter appeared to have very weak mathematical abilities. She could not do simple algebra. It is easy to verify this, without resorting to her manuscripts, by actually reading her published 1843 notes to Menabrea, a step few if any people ever seem to have taken the trouble to do. After all they're very long and use a lot of symbols. Here I will address only those on the Bernoulli numbers and their supposed calculation (see Note G in the paper). But this is just the basking seal on top of the iceberg, so to speak: the whole paper is riddled with bellowing nonsense, of which more later... none of the traces given in the paper for terms involving n could ever have been produced by Babbage's machine. More on that later. And on Ada's information that one can calculate a divergent (or indeed oscillating) infinite series on a computer, term by term. And why Babbage chose to use Menabrea and less successfully, Ada, in the first place. Not to mention what Babbage meant by The Enchantress of Number (hint: it was not Ada). Do not adjust your set."

Gavan Tredoux on X - "Ada Lovelace continued.   A common feature of the Ada industry is to latch onto things she is stated to have done and use them to walk her with famous scientists and advanced ideas, a sort of name-dropping by proxy on acid. Thus some "mathematics education" acolytes at Oxford gratuitously enrolled her in the company of Hamilton and quaternions (!) but that's a story for another day.   The technique often involves attributing to Ada things which were actually originated by Babbage and his vehicle Menabrea, who had already written up the core of the Analytical Engine before Ada got near it. Babbage had communicated these ideas to Menabrea in 1840, and corresponded extensively with him until they were finally published in 1842, in French at Geneva. Only then did Ada get involved, first as a translator, then as an author of notes, again under Babbage's (initial) supervision, which were only published in 1843.  Few who attribute things to Ada bother to check whether Menabrea's paper already contains whatever it is (insert very advanced idea here) that she is supposed to have originated or suggested.   This has become so egregious that in Babbage's Complete Works (1989), the Menabrea paper is attributed solely to Ada Lovelace! An extraordinary violation of scholarship. A blushing footnote admits, but does not explain why, this departs from previous practice (which has Menabrea as the author, Lovelace the translator and annotator, and matches how the text itself is written). If the editors wanted to clarify authorship they should have listed Babbage as primary author, Menabrea secondary, and Lovelace a distant third. Because we know that Babbage directed both Menabrea and Ada's notes and supplied a list of worked examples to both that he had been building for years. Instead the editors confused LLMs training on their nonsense forever after. A pox on them."

Meme - Lunkhead @Antweegonus: "I know they’re irrelevant and it doesn’t matter, but I am curious what kind of marital arrangement radfems envision  Should I put my wife on my payroll? Tip her when she cooks or washes dishes? Should I make her pay rent because my job pays for our house? Give me the specifics @ladielabrys2"
L K: "She took her free domestic labor with her" Lunkhead: "Still one of the most insane things I've ever seen posted on this site"
free feminist books link in bio !: "she's literally right you sexist piece of shit"
Psyche @LateForTea5: "I'm terrible at gardening- not everyone can do it. He might also be genuinely too old. Grief makes me depressed and unable to do things, so I'll cut this guy a break."
free feminist books link in bio ! @ladielabrys2: "does that mean that he is owed unpaid labor? fuck off"
süni elder @faszon1: "You know the very real possibility either he, or both of them equally did the gardening and after his wife's passing he just lacks the motivation to continue on his hobby, because it all feels very meaningless"
free feminist books link in bio !: "have you considered the possibility that the original poster was speaking generally on how married women are treated as unpaid maids and used for their free labor, and wasn't targeting the man in the photo in particular? god you fucking people."
süni elder @faszon1: "I agree with what you're saying but posting this over an old retired widower who's lost a big reason for him to go in is borderline psychotic wtf"
free feminist books link in bio !: "it's really not. what's really psychotic is how women are exploited for their free labor as housewives. fix your priorities. the old man will be fine."
On "she took the flowers and colors with her"

Meme - pagliacci the hated 🌝 @Slatzism: "libfems do the “we hate men” dance but the approved list of men they’re allowed to hate keeps getting shorter.  they aren't allowed to hate brown men, or men in skirts, or leftist men, or even criminal men.  they’re only allowed to hate Steve. so Steve gets 100% of their hate. *cis straight white guy*"

Meme - "Because you did it to yourself bitch"
"I'm a single mother - want to give me a hand with the groceries?
As I haul multiple shopping bags from my boot, while my toddler skitters between parked cars, my neighbour nods hello from his back porch, while ashing his cigarette. Each week - despite knowing that I am a solo mother by choice with a donor-conceived son and no partner at home - my neighbour watches me teeter inside, a leaning tower of motherhood with hefty bags and a yelling child attached to my shins. I smile brightly and say hello, but my mind is a static of expletives: why doesn't he offer to f------ help?!"
Weird. Feminists keep claiming no one chooses to be a single mother, and that all they want is equality

Meme - Wilfred Reilly @wil_da_beast630: "The idea that women - or Blacks, Asians, etc - "took" rights from a terrified society (of early-20th century Anglo warriors) is facially absurd.   In one of the great moral beau gestes of history, American/Western society opted to give rights to these previously disenfranchised groups, who had no way to obtain them by force.  Good for the USA!"
The Redheaded libertarian @TRHLofficial: "*heckles from the audience*  THE 19TH AMENDMENT WAS RATIFIED BY MEN"
Salty Mermaid @Jenn_H_Scott: "*taps mic* *leans in* Men did not "give" women voting rights. They withheld them. Then women fixed that shit."

'Little Rascals' Child Star Is Slammed For Calling His Son His 'Heir' And His 4 Daughters 'Dishwashers'
As usual, feminists have no sense of humour

Meme - Tradwife: "I don't agree with feminist ideals"
Crying Daddy's Girl: "SHe wAnTs mALe aPpRoVaL"

Meme - Wilfred Reilly @wil_da_beast630: "This actually is not gender banter: during exactly the era of later-wave feminism - earlier-"wave" increases in access to voting, jobs, and orgasms had a good effect on these metrics - rates of depression and prescription drug use have roughly doubled among women. 46% of young white women are technically mentally ill.   Why?"
Lulu Solomon @lulusolomo86641: "Women have been liberated from male oppression so why are we still so crazy? A 1973 study showed housewives did overly use drugs but not as much as feminists claim. Yet compare it to current rates of Female drug use- 25% now are on prescribed psych meds & 10% on amphetamines."
Feminists claim that women used to take a lot of drugs in the 50s and 60s, so that shows they were oppressed and had a terrible life and feminism has improved their lives. But now women take even more drugs. The cope is that this is due to reduced stigma, greater access and seeing how terrible the world really is. But they just beg the question. Feminism can never be at fault

Meme - "*2 men holding hands with Handmaid in background* Our "maternity" shoot
@newyorksurrogate We did a "maternity" shoot and it came out great! #surrogacy #gestationalsurrogate #photography"

Omolola❤️ on X - "Notice how “girls mature faster” is never used as a reason to give women higher positions of power? It is only used as a reason to hold women to higher accountability than men"
Girls mature physically faster. Therefore adult women must be taller than adult men
Feminists have really poor comprehension skills

Meme - Megha @meghaverma_art: "Feminists become the worst mothers because they shift gears from victimizing themselves from men to victimizing themselves from their own, helpless babies. You competing with a literal toddler?? This is why you deserve LESS."
"POV: you stopped letting your toddler eat off your plate because you deserve to eat and it's not your fault if they decide not to eat their own food"

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