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Saturday, November 02, 2024

Links - 2nd November 2024 (2 - Trans Mania)

Meme - "r/MtF
My transphobic car.
This is gonna sound, unhinged.  But I am lucky enough to during my time as a masculine person have accumulated enough wealth to have bought a BMW. Now for those who don't know; When you enter your BMW, it displays "Hi, [name]" on the screen.  I changed the name on the app a few weeks ago, from deadname to Lucy. And the car started saying Hi Lucy, a nice bit of affirmation to start the morning.  A few days later, my name switched back and "Hi, [Deadname]" started appearing on the screen again. It took me aback a little, because it happened while I had friends in the car, some of which didn't know me by my previous name. I was a little upset, but thought nothing of it.  Until today, I found when I logged in to switch it back to Lucy. My legal name was set as my name, and my real name, Lucy, was set as my "nickname".  Now, I know the car dealership has access to these systems, as I never setup my name there originally and it was misspelt. I don't want to be like, "car dealership saw and was transphobic". But on the other hand, wtf...  I don't know, I don't really want advice, just venting tbh. Anyone have weird experiences like this with apps and such?"
Ugly crying MtF: "My name is Lucy and I use she/her pronouns!!!!"
Car: "Hi, Larry."

Meme - "A BIG FAT ZERO! Congratulations to all the women who vote Democrat! ZERO House Democrats voted to pass the protection of women and girls in sports act. Republicans 219 Democrats 0"

German Pedophile Rights Group Calls For Members To Watch Film About A "Trans Kid," Claim Children Must Be Allowed To "Self-Determine" Sexuality - "A notorious German pedophile lobby group has endorsed the new gender self-identification law, stating that “trans kids” are “politically important” for advancing pedophile rights. Krumme-13, also known as K13, are also directing its members to watch a movie about an 8-year-old boy who is transitioned to live as a “girl.”... “Why is gender identity also politically important for pedophiles/pedosophists?” K13 asks. “Gender and sexual identity does not only begin on the 14th birthday, when the so-called protection age limit ends. Children can and want to experience their childhood sexuality self-determined beforehand.”  The post continues: “Child sexuality as a whole must no longer be a taboo. Because pedosexual relationships are not conceivable without self-determined child sexuality.”"
Weird. I thought this was a right wing conspiracy theory
Keywords: pedophilia, trans rights

Thread by @astor_charlie on Thread Reader App – Thread Reader App - ""I IDENTIFY AS A WOMAN"
The thing Trans Rights Activists say will never happen happened last night in a club in Leeds, England.  In the early hours of this morning (Tues 24 Sep 2024) this man entered the women's bathroom. It is Fresher's Week in Leeds and the bathroom was full of young women - many away from home for the first time, in a new city.  The brave among them demanded this man get out but he would not leave.
When this man refused to leave the women's bathroom, this brave young lady confronted him.  His response?  "I identify as a woman."
Trans Rights Activists have long argued that no-one is using trans-identification and gender self-ID laws to enter women's spaces for sexual exploitation.  This had always been a laughable statement given the propensity for sexual fetishes among men who identify as women. But as gender critical feminists have asserted from day one, sexual predators will use any means they are presented with to gratify themselves.  This man has imbibed the culture. He has learned, if you play the "trans card", people will be too frightened to further challenge you. Better still for the predator, others may leap to your defence, and justify your being in women's spaces on account of your being "trans".  As this young woman says, the argument of GC feminists is not theoretical it is happening now.
I encouraged the young woman who entrusted me with her story to contact the Police to register a complaint of sexual harassment.  These days, the British Transport Police and Sadiq Khan classify that glance that lasts a second too long as potential sexual harassment. Yet, when she spoke to @WestYorksPolice, they said, "There is no crime reported."
Whilst neither her or I expected anything to come of this one report, this young women knew the significance of recording incidents to corroborate any allegations other women may be forced to make in the future.  A man who acts as brazenly as this one will surely re-offend? If he does, @WestYorksPolice will be responsible for the complete and unnecessary suffering of women who cannot rely on being safeguarded from men who would stalk, harass, and harm them.
Thankfully, the bouncers at @Warehouse_Leeds did not let political correctness get in the way of protecting these young women from this predator.  But can women rely upon a good man to be around in every instance?  @_connieshaw is correct to ask, "Where do we draw the line?"... Whilst it is not illegal for men to be in women's spaces, a stable legal framework is needed to enable women to prosecute men who exploit self-ID to abuse and assault them.
A young woman describes her frightening experience of a man using gender self-ID to loiter in the women's toilets at a nightclub and this trans activist decides to attack her rather than the man who exploited trans self-ID to malign ends.  How telling..."
This never happens

Moustached man refused to leave female nightclub lavatory because he 'identifies as a woman' - "A moustached man refused to leave a nightclub’s female lavatory because he “identifies as a woman”.  Connie Shaw, 20, was attending a club night for students at the Warehouse in Leeds, West Yorks, on Monday when she confronted the man in the women’s lavatory.  The University of Leeds undergraduate said the man, who has not been identified, refused to leave and told angry revellers: “I identify as a woman.”  A bouncer was then alerted to the situation and kicked out the man, who was sporting a moustache and black T-shirt. Ms Shaw told The Telegraph: “He said straight away, ‘I identify as a woman,’ because he knows and other men know that that is what will get them into women’s spaces.”... “He wasn’t queuing, he was just standing there with his back to a cubicle just watching, he didn’t seem to be looking for anyone.” Ms Shaw, who is writing her dissertation on gender, reported the incident to West Yorkshire Police but the force told her it was not a crime and it was “down to the establishment to deal with”... Ms Shaw said: “It makes me angry because trans activists say that this never happens – that terfs [trans-exclusionary radical feminists] fear-monger and make these things up.  “I can’t believe I saw it happen and what are the chances of that actually happening and where it happens to me on the first night of freshers week?”  She added: “There’s a reason why we have separate toilets, especially in a nightclub.  “We’re regressing. We’re harming young women in particular and violating women’s rights to have safe spaces where they know that they don’t have to worry about coming into contact with men.  “In a club especially, where you’re more likely to be assaulted in general, there needs to be somewhere for women to have a space.”"
I'm surprised the nightclub wasn't prosecuted for "transphobia"

Ben Appel on X - "This is truly remarkable. SNL airs a sketch about the 16th century practice of castrating young male singers to block their natural puberty and preserve their high voices. And yet this is precisely what “gender-affirming care” clinicians are doing to young boys today: chemically castrating them with puberty blockers and estrogen, and then surgically castrating them when they’re in their late teens. And they’re applying the exact same reasoning! Block their puberty —> keep them feminine. How did staff members  at @glaad  and @hrc  react to this sketch? Did they think it was funny? Or did they turn the channel, because deep down they know that they’re advocating for the same practices today? How about @SecretaryLevine ? Did Levine laugh? How anyone at @nbcsnl  could put this together without thinking about the blatantly obvious and horrifying connection to today is beyond me."

Woman to get payout after being hounded out of rape crisis centre over gender critical beliefs - "A woman who was hounded out of a scandal-hit “trans-inclusive” rape crisis centre run by a biological male is to receive £35,000 in compensation.  Roz Adams, who was a support worker at the Edinburgh Rape Crisis Centre (ERCC), is to receive the “substantial” figure for injury to feelings in a “stark recognition of the gravity of harassment” she suffered for her gender critical beliefs, her lawyer said.  An employment tribunal has previously found that Mridul Wadhwa, a male who identifies as female and was chief executive of the centre, had presided over a “heresy hunt” against Ms Adams because of a suspicion she was transphobic.  Ms Adams had been subjected to a “Kafkaesque” disciplinary process after questioning how to respond to female survivors who asked about the sex of another employee who said they were non-binary and adopted a typically male name. While the sum of £35,000 has been agreed between the parties, Ms Adams is also calling on the tribunal to make a series of recommendations after claiming that support services overseen by Rape Crisis Scotland (RCS) are still failing women... A definition of woman is crucial as ERCC and RCS have operated self-ID policies, meaning a male who claims to identify as a female could gain access to women only spaces and services.  Ms Adams claimed that deliberately “muddy” language and policies around the issue meant that women seeking help could not make an “informed choice” about accessing services.  “I don’t know how any organisation can claim to have women only spaces or services while not defining what a woman is or what female means,” Ms Adams said.  “A survivor can’t give informed consent if they don’t know what they’re giving informed consent to."

Meme - "Pregnant Men"
"Atheists who promised a better, more intelligent & rational world without religion"

Meme - Andy Ngo 🏳️‍🌈 @MrAndyNgo: "“N—ger, n—ger, n—ger!…I have a picture of your kid on here by the way.”  Trans activist Jonathan Yaniv, also known as Jessica Yaniv and now Jessica Simpson, hurled racial abuse at a black female reporter for @RebelNewsOnline  in Vancouver, Canada:"

Female athlete injured by transgender player slams Dem lawmakers who dismissed dangers - "Payton McNabb, a former North Carolina high-school volleyball player who suffers from long-term physical and mental injuries caused by a biological male who identifies as transgender during a match in 2022, called out Democrat lawmakers on X for denying the harm that trans women cause in sports. Rep. Pramila Jayapal, D-Wa., said during a House Judiciary Committee markup on Thursday nearly in tears that "it is a tiny portion of people across the country that identify as trans, and not a single one of them is doing anything to harm you or your family." "Stop it, we have better things to do in Congress," she said... "Just getting back from my second doctor appointment this week, a year and a half later, I’m definitely going to have to disagree," McNabb said on X in response to Jayapal's remarks. "My life is forever changed because of an injury by a boy. So yeah . . . men have harmed women in our sports. But as long as your feelings don’t get hurt, right?" In the same markup, Rep. Jerry Nadler, D-N.Y., said that "men do not compete in women sports," before the committee passed H.R. 7187, the Protection of Women in Olympic and Amateur Sports Act, which would ban biological men from competing on any women's sports teams."
As usual, "this never happens"

America should follow England’s lead on transgender care for kids - "Calm discussions of transgender medicine are rare. “There are few other areas of health care where professionals are so afraid to openly discuss their views,” argues Hilary Cass... It is essential to guard against “the creep of unproven approaches into clinical practice”. This may be hard in an area that has become so politically contentious. It may also be harder in health systems where private doctors are paid for each intervention, and thus have an incentive to give patients what they ask for."

Drag queen story time should always be optional in schools - "The Toronto District School Board (TDSB) has given parents an opt-out clause allowing their children to attend other activities when drag queen story time is being performed... But perfectly sensible policies don’t cut it with the left. According to critics quoted by the Toronto Star the policy is “outrageous,” “dangerous” (because it “others” 2SLGBTQ+ people), harmful and in breach of Ontario’s human rights code. Rico Rodriguez, a teacher who works at the TDSB and is also a drag queen, was incensed. “All the work that I have done myself personally and that others did before me has been destroyed, just by that statement that you can opt out, and that’s not right,” he told the Star. And, of course, opting out is hateful. (Why is it that something that might be merely slightly irritating to one person is a fully-fledged hate crime for the left?) School trustee Debbie King was quoted by the Star as saying, “A communication providing parents the ability to opt out of drag queen story time activities at school, while based on guidance from the Ministry of Education, rightfully raised concerns about emboldening environments and acts of hate.” Those engaged in furthering the gender war, of trying to shift cultural and social mores, are often accused of behaving like religious fanatics. Here they have adopted the idea of committing sins by omission — parents are guilty of errant behaviour by not sending their children to the event. There are already demands for an apology, and no doubt an act of penance will also be demanded later. What will not follow is any forgiveness. For the left, it’s always a matter of black or white, never an acknowledgement that perhaps tolerance can go in more than one direction; you either opt-in or you’re out; you’re either with us or against us; it’s either our way or the highway to hell... Justifying his terror, Robespierre said, “If the mainspring of popular government in peacetime is virtue, amid revolution it is at the same time both virtue and terror: virtue, without which terror is fatal; terror, without which virtue is impotent. Terror is nothing but prompt, severe, inflexible justice; it is therefore an emanation of virtue.” Prompt, severe, inflexible justice sounds exactly what the gender activists are demanding. But it should be remembered that Robespierre found himself on the receiving end of Madame Guillotine’s “justice.”"
Someone claimed that the fact that there was an opt out meant that it wasn't compulsory. But that pretends that there was never a time when it was mandatory

Opinion: When it comes to drag queen storytime in schools, Ontario should look to its long history of compromise - The Globe and Mail - "In the past, schools have permitted different exemptions out of respect for families’ religious or moral beliefs. For decades, Ontario’s public schools were staunchly Protestant. At one point in time, daily opening exercises for children in public schools included reciting the Lord’s Prayer. At the same time, school regulations stated that no public school pupil was “required to take part in any religious exercise objected to by his parents or guardians.” Parents could exempt their children from opening exercises and from two weekly class periods of Christian religious instruction as well. Exempted children left the room at these times. (This was all in public schools. Roman Catholic separate schools taught Catholic doctrine.)  These exemptions were an effective compromise. They acknowledged that not all public school pupils were Protestant and that public schools should not force any doctrine on non-believers. At this time, moral instruction was practically inseparable from religious education. Exemptions, therefore, were also an act of recognizing moral instruction as an area where families had an important role to play, admitting that schools and parents shared a say in what moral lessons children were taught. By the 1980s, with the introduction of state-supported multiculturalism and the Charter of Rights and Freedoms, religion in schools, moral education, and exemption policies were revised. In the 1988 Zylberberg v. Sudbury Board of Education decision, the Supreme Court of Ontario struck down the requirement for pupils to recite the Lord’s Prayer in opening exercises. Two years later, in the 1990 case of the Canadian Civil Liberties Association v. Elgin County Board of Education, the same court struck down the two weekly periods of Christian religious instruction.  On both occasions, the court ruled these practices unreasonably infringed non-Christians’ Charter rights to freedom of religion. (It was not a matter of separation of church and state, always a more American notion than a Canadian one.) Both rulings were further affirmed by the Charter’s Section 27, which states: “This Charter shall be interpreted in a manner consistent with the preservation and enhancement of the multicultural heritage of Canadians.” To have only Christian or Protestant opening exercises and religious instruction did not respect the fact that, by this time, many public school pupils were Jewish, Muslim, Catholic or atheist – as were, variously, the families represented in the Zylberberg case. With the court rulings in the Zylberberg and Elgin County cases, the previous exemptions to the Lord’s Prayer and religious classes became irrelevant. But public schools carried on compromising. Provincial regulations retained exemptions for those who objected to other aspects of schooling for religious or moral reasons. Under Ontario Regulation 435/00, parents may to this day exempt their children from singing O Canada as part of opening exercises. Some Jehovah’s Witnesses, for whom recognizing the state’s authority is contrary to their religious beliefs, use this exception. Ontario Policy/Program Memorandum 162 permits exemptions as well, from sex education (which can be interpreted as a form of moral instruction, based on religious beliefs) for children whose parents believe they are the “primary educators” when it comes to these matters."
The left wing cope is that they know what is objectively moral, unlike the benighted ignorants in the past who thought exactly the same but were wrong, and thus it's a moral imperative to force the left wing agenda on everyone
Left wingers claim this is a right wing newspaper, but it excoriates "bigots". Of course, anyone to the right of the far left is "far right"

Drag queen called 'Miss Gin' snared by paedophile hunters who fooled him into thinking he was talking to a teenage boy is jailed for 34 months - "A drag queen snared by paedophile hunters who fooled him into thinking he was talking to a teenage boy has been jailed for 34 months.  Andrew Way, whose stage name was Miss Gin, believed he was sending explicit messages to a 14-year-old boy.  The 61-year-old Pride organiser pretended he was 27 and began contacting the 'teenager', not realising a paedophile hunting group had set up the profile and trapped him.  Way - who appeared on Judge Rinder's ITV show in 2019 - was reported to police after their decoy trapped the predator... He had been organising the first-ever gay Pride event for Welshpool, Powys, before being snared and had appeared in Pride events in Cardiff.  Way was already subject to a lifelong sexual harm prevention order at the time of the incident after being convicted at a court in Bristol back in November 2007."
I still see left wingers boasting that drag queens were never on "To Catch A Predator"

Andrew Doyle on X - "This article for @TheOxfordMail  is extremely disturbing, both in terms of the content and what it tells us about the ideological corruption of the media class.   The headline reads: “Witney woman accused of threatening to stab teen near Waitrose”. The defendant has been charged with forcing a child to perform sexual acts at knifepoint.  And yet the reporter behaves as though she were writing an Agatha Christie novel, only revealing the “twist” in the last few paragraphs.   Yes, you’ve guessed it. The accused is a man.   This is not journalism. This is propaganda."
Witney woman accused of threatening to stab teen near Waitrose | Oxford Mail

Volleyball team risks forfeiting a championship to stand for the ‘future of women’s sports’ - "The women of the University of Nevada at Reno volleyball team plan to defy their school by refusing to compete against a team with a biological male player.   “We are risking our main goal, which is a Mountain West championship,” University of Nevada women’s volleyball team captain and outside hitter Sia Liilii told The Daily Signal. “A team is a group that bands together to reach a common goal, and that is the purpose of our spot-on the team. No one wants to lose and put that at risk, but this is bigger than wins and losses.”  “It is the future of women’s sports,” she explained.  The majority of the Nevada volleyball team voted to forfeit its Oct. 26 game against California’s San Jose State University, where biological male volleyball player Blaire Fleming has led an almost undefeated season...   North Carolina high school volleyball player Payton McNabb suffered a concussion and neck injury in November 2022 after a transgender opponent spiked the ball in her face at an estimated 76 mph.  The net in men’s volleyball is more than 7.5 inches higher than in the women’s game to compensate for the increased velocity, jump height, and power men have. Even men would be more likely to get concussions if they played volleyball against each other with a women’s net height, according to Marshi Smith of the Independent Council on Women’s Sports.   The mother of a Nevada women’s volleyball player told The Daily Signal she is proud of her daughter’s team. The mother asked to remain anonymous for her daughter’s privacy.   “I’m dumbfounded how the trans group asks for ‘tolerance,’ yet when biological females ask for safe places in our locker rooms (which is supposed to be a given under Title IX), fair competition, and safety on the court,” the mother said, “we are denied and labeled hateful and transphobic.”"

Beth Bourne on X - "I haven't followed too closely the discussion around @jessesingal  and @ThePosieParker  but I just wanted to share my deepest gratitude for Jesse's courage in publishing his pivotal 2018 piece "When Children Say They are Trans." 🏳️‍⚧️   My daughter's psychiatrist shared it with me soon after its release. See 11/21/2018 email. It gave me the courage to tell my daughter's Kaiser Permanente docs that she would not be doing anything medical (blockers, hormones, surgeries) until she was 18. She was only 13 at the time and started desisting around 17."
Benjamin Ryan on X - "A mom says that @jessesingal’s 2018 @TheAtlantic article on gender transition treatment for kids inspired her to refuse such treatment for her gender dysphoric kid, who desisted by age 17 in the end."

Ashley St. Clair on X - "ELON ON TRANS KIDS: “Any one that goes through puberty is going to have an identity crisis. We should tell kids ‘If you’re confused, that’s okay, it’s coming of age.’ We shouldn’t convince them that they’re something they’re not…. We should tell kids that it’s normal to live with uncertainty, and don’t make any permanent decisions.”"
Wesley Yang on X - "What Elon says is both empirically correct — confirmed by more than a dozen studies — and self-evidently true without any need for verification, reflexively understood by all human adults at all times prior to the current institutionalized mania. It took massive coercion and propaganda to make people forget their humanity."

Meme - "r/MtF
It seems like there are more newbies (like me) here than, let's say, veterans; where do all the veteran trans people go?
I'm very new to the hrt part at only around 2 months in, and over the past few months I've heavily lurked this sub (I've been coming here for years, but I wasn't as attached since I wasn't on hrt), I've noticed that this sub feels disproportionately high in newbies. Do yall know where they're going or am I just trippin?"

Meme - India Willoughby @IndiaWilloughby: "l'll never view Camilla as Queen."
J.K. Rowling @jk_rowling: "Doubt the monarchy can survive this."
Caz @Moodleland: "What if she gets a certificate that says 'I am legally the Queen' will that change his mind?"

Anne: "ER... NO"

Meme - "When you want to prove that you're not mentally ill so you cut your dick off and kill yourself"

Meme - "Be yOur Child's first hero. *Man with woman, with man using scissors marked 'strong father figure' to cut the trans wings of child*
Trans wings: "Degeneracy. 41% Suicide Rate. Genital Mutilation"

Meme - ✨Rian Sygh✨🏳️‍🌈 @RianSygh: "Terfs are the Flat Earthers of Gender"
Grizabella Tchotchke @NKDavila: "And the KKK of feminism"
No surprise those deluded about their gender are also deluded about other things

Meme - Ian Thomas Malone: "A woman in the elevator asked me why I wasn't wearing a bra. I said I didn't work from home to wear the clothing of my oppressor. She said she could see my nips. I told her it was okay since I was biologically male. She said it's not fair that mine were bigger than hers. I told her we could share. Two girls, B cup."
Autoerotic gynephilia requires affirmation

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