When you can't live without bananas

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Friday, November 01, 2024

Links - 1st November 2024 (1)

Brit, 15, forced to strip for airport security after they 'didn't believe she was a girl' - "A British teen has said she was forced to strip off in front of airport officials in a "traumatic" sex check after they refused to believe she was a girl.  Caitlyn Disley, 15, had landed at Hurghada Airport in Egypt when airport security guards forced her to undergo the checks, during which she was ordered to lift her bra and prove she didn't have male genitalia. She and her partner's family have said they were unable to leave the airport terminal until she completed the invasive checks in front of a nurse... the only change in her appearance with the photo on her travel documents was that she had shorter hair...   “They didn’t have anyone but eventually got the message across that they needed to check she was female and she was taken into a room. At first I think the men themselves wanted to look at her intimately. But Liv’s mum put her foot down and they found a female nurse. I’ve no idea if she had anything to do with the airport.  “She asked Caitlyn to lift her sports bra and then the message was conveyed that they needed to ‘look down there.’ Liv’s mum said ‘not a chance’ and they compromised by Caitlyn pulling her shorts tight to show she didn’t have any male genitalia. Then they were allowed to go.”"

Brit, 15, forced to strip for Egyptian airport security after they 'didn't believe she was a girl' : r/uknews - "Every single person I interacted with in an airport in Egypt was a complete scumbag, so I'm not surprised in the slightest."
"I recall my bag was checked like four times and every single staff member I interacted with wanted a tip"
"Years ago, I had to point out to the couple in front of us at check in coming home, that their bags were not in fact overweight but that the Egyptian staff member had his foot on the scale and was just trying to get some cash out of them."
"Just the airport?"
"No actually, even in the country they were constantly trying to scam me because I'm western... mY fRiEnD GiVe mOneY... I'm never going there again. Never saw a single other westerner just Egyptians and Russians."
"My blonde girlfriend then 23 years old took her mom to a trip in Egypt and managed to only be scammed out of about £50 in two weeks which is genuinely impressive."
"Yeah, Egypt made me really uncomfortable. I'm a brown guy and there was a lot of racism. Got side-eyed a lot at the airport. And then there's everyone wanting a tip for everything. Apparently being from the west immediately makes you rich or something. I really dislike the culture."

Brit, 15, forced to strip for Egyptian airport security after they 'didn't believe she was a girl' : r/uknews - "I really loved some aspects of Marrakech and the Atlas Mountains were beautiful but the amount of times people tried to scam me made it so I’ll never go back. I understand it’s tough there but they’re just making the future harder by putting people off."
"Yeah obviously everyone knew you were referring to Morocco, don’t listen to some autistic reddit user.  Marrakesh is a hell hole, disliked 90% of my holiday there. The Atlas Mountains were alright, I’ve seen more beautiful mountains in Italy. Just the bare faced fleecing at every moment really sucked. ‘Tourists’ (but let’s be honest - white people) are seen as cash cows."

Beyond Meat goes after the 'Holy Grail' of meat alternatives — a juicy whole-cut steak

UK council announces it is banning all non-vegan food and drink from meetings : r/unitedkingdom - "You don't see a problem with a minority diet being imposed on the majority?  Because that's exactly what it is.  They could just provide meat and vegetarian options which is the most sensible option."
UK council announces it is banning all non-vegan food and drink from meetings : r/unitedkingdom - "It's not budget cutting, it's virtue signalling. We switched to non-meat sandwich platters for meetings and the cost saving is minimal. Maybe a small uptick in food waste as well.  Also, note that they are switching to non-vegan food and DRINK. So they'll be forking out for nut milks for everyone's teas and coffees."

Steven Grimes: "if I could talk to the animals I'd show them all the wonderful food they turn into so they know their sacrifice was not for nothing"

The Food Professor on X - "Is Bill C-293 Canada's "Vegan Act"?  Bill C-293, a private member's bill, stands as one of the most unreal pieces of legislation I have witnessed in my career. If enacted, this bill would empower public health officials to shutter facilities identified as "high-risk," including meat packing plants, during a pandemic. It would also "mandate" the consumption of vegetable proteins by Canadians.  This bill sailed through Parliament with alarming ease, underscoring the prevailing dysfunction and disconnection within the body. Under normal circumstances, such a proposal would falter at the first reading. The Senate now faces the challenge of deliberating on this poorly crafted legislation, which proposes to give the government sweeping powers to dictate production and dietary choices during a pandemic.   Wow."

Plant-based meat alternatives do not offer cardiometabolic health benefits over meat, study finds - "In a clinical trial over 8 weeks, researchers found that a diet containing PBMAs – including vegan sausages, burgers and minced ‘meat’  - did not provide any greater benefits to a person’s cardiometabolic health compared to an omnivorous diet."

Plant-Based Meat Boomed. Here Comes the Bust | WIRED - "Sales boomed in the early months of the pandemic, as slaughterhouse shutdowns disrupted conventional meat supply chains and shoppers started trying out meatless burgers, sausages, and seafood instead... One big challenge in the US is the price of plant-based alternatives. In the US, plant-based meats are on average 77 percent more expensive than their animal equivalents, and for cheap meat like chicken, that premium rises to more than 150 percent. Another problem is one that has dogged the industry for years: Shoppers are still finding plant-based products lackluster compared to animal-based alternatives. “Many consumers signaled that products weren’t yet meeting their expectations on taste, texture, and affordability,” wrote the authors of the report. Although there has been a lot of excitement around meat alternatives, plant-based milk is still by far the biggest seller when it comes to plant-based foods. Dairy milk alternatives like soy, oat, and almond made up nearly 15 percent of total milk sales in the US, while the share of plant-based meat and seafood in their market is around 1 percent. Plant-based milks alone make up nearly a third of the entire plant-based food category in the US, as defined by the Good Food Institute... Rising concerns about so-called ultraprocessed food have also buffeted the plant-based meat industry, given the high amount of processing usually needed to make its products. In response, Beyond’s new burgers have less salt and saturated fat than the previous generation, as well as a “simplified ingredient list,” while many other plant-based companies are emphasizing their “clean-label” credentials."

Meme - BowTiedYukon: ""Plant based protein" cookie 440 calories 70g carbs and 16g of protein
or McDs Double Cheeseburger 440 calories 34g carbs and 25g of protein"

Meme - "Words ending in 'ie' just sound adorable!"
"Yeah, like cutie, sweetie, cookie"

Meme - "Teaching kids in America's Dairy Land how to milk a cow. Bet the teacher wishes she would have stood up for the picture *Teacher's breasts being milked*"

Carrot‐Juice Addiction Cited in Briton's Death - The New York Times - "A coroner's inquest here has found that the death of a 48‐year‐old health‐food enthusiast was caused by “carrot‐juice addiction.”  The coroner's court heard evidence this week that Basil Brown, a scientist had taken 70 million units of Vitamin A in 10 days. In addition he was drinking about a gallon of carrot juice a day during that time. His skin was bright yellow when he died.  Dr. David Haler, the pathologist who performed an autopsy, said that the effect of the enormous intake of Vitamin A from carrots and tablets was indistinguishable from alcoholic poisoning. It produces the same result, he said—cirrhosis of the liver."
He was warned too

'Star Wars'-loving British soldier faces passport trouble after naming son Loki Skywalker Mowbray - "A “Star Wars”-loving military family’s vacation hit a snag because their son was denied a passport as officials ruled that his peculiar name was too out of this world.  British soldier Christian Mowbray’s son was born on May 4, 2017, informally known as “Star Wars” day, so he and his wife, Becky, fittingly named him after one of the most famous families in cinema history in homage to the hit film franchise.   Thus, Loki Skywalker Mowbray came to be, and for the first seven years of his life, there was no huge problem with the name... The Home Office, in charge of the nation’s immigration, security, and law and order, denied the youngster’s passport, claiming it couldn’t print “Skywalker” because of Disney’s copyright on the name.  The family had no knowledge of having this issue when they named their son.  The department told the family it either had to change their son’s name or get permission from Disney to use “Skywalker.”   “We were not aware that this could be a potential issue,” Mowbray said. “We understand that Loki’s middle name is copyrighted, but we have no intention of using it for personal gain.”  “I understand their (the Home Office’s) position and reasoning, but I believe they need to recognize that modern names are evolving,” he added.  “I can understand if an adult changes their name for a ‘stunt,’ but this is not the case for a child from birth.” Mowbray says his son was eventually issued the passport and the family’s vacation is still on. A similar situation arose for another UK family because they named their daughter after a “Game of Thrones” character.  Southwest England mother Lucy said she needed to get Warner Brothers’ permission for her 6-year-old daughter, Khaleesi, to get a passport with the trademarked name...   A Brazilian court denied a family trying to name their newborn son after an ancient king because it was ruled too similar to a dance move, which could result in bullying of the child.  Catarina and Danillo Prímola had planned to name their newborn son Piyé, in homage to the first black Egyptian pharaoh, who had ruled Egypt for 30 years and helped in founding the 25th dynasty. However, the Court of Justice in the Brazilian state of Minas Gerais and registry office ruled that Piyé’s pronunciation is too similar to plié — a Portuguese word for a ballet dance step.  Even though piyé is spelled differently, the court claimed the parents would not be permitted to “register first names that could expose their bearers to ridicule.”"

Meme - "Your best friend's Mom sends you this, She says she needs your assistance. What do you do?" *Alkethadea in black bra taking mirror selfie*
Ephrum Jackson: "Go smash and give my best friend the dad he never had"

Meme - "Never forget when I lived in Florida, I was talking to this guy and found out he had a gf. I found her insta, messaged her, we met up, took a selfie and posted it to fuck w him. He screenshotted the selfie and posted it on his insta and said "both my girls lookin good for real""

Meme - "6 hr 18 min"
"i'll share my location so u can see when and where i'm cheating at"
*** started sharing location with you.
"love you"

Meme - Matthew Yglesias: "I think a lot of liberals have a mental model of politics as operating like a dorm where if you can persuade some authority figure that the other guy has crossed a line, the RA will make him shut up or expel him."
Christopher Hooks @cc_hooks: "There's so many people who think that if the American media had used slightly different language to describe Trump, Americans wouldn't like him. And I'm sorry to tell you we have less influence than ever. We understand this better than you do"
scary lawyerguy on X - "Nine years of reporters refusing to call Trump a liar has opened a permission structure roughly the size of the Grand Canyon for other Republicans to lie openly knowing the media will do absolutely nothing about it"
Lots of left wingers somehow claim that the media is pro-Trump and they need to report "the truth" that he is a terrible person. Amazing

Covfefe Anon on X - "The position that Matt Yglesias attributes to liberals where they view politics as a contest to get the other side to do or say something that will get the authority figure to intervene against their opponent here is fundamentally correct and is actually at the heart of leftism  Why? Because USG and its tentacles can crush anyone or anything and being able to get USG to even mildly hint at being on your side *works* to end any dispute  Of course, USG doesn't have a clear command structure - it operates as a swarm - bureaucrats do things that they think other bureaucrats and academics and journalists would prefer  The winning move is always to get this Machine on your side and that is what leftism *is* - figuring out novel word-spells to get the Machine to move in your direction and remove your enemies or to direct a flow of resources and power to you and your cohorts  "Conservatism" is concern over the Machine itself  Radicals want to replace the Machine and are only found on the right because we live in a society where the left has had total victory"

Canadian Woman Arrested For “Assault With A Weapon” After Accidentally Spraying Her Neighbor With A Water Gun - "A woman from Simcoe, Ontario, has been charged with assault after accidentally spraying her neighbor with a water gun while playing with local children. Wendy Washik was testing her water gun before it accidentally hit her neighbor as he was mowing his lawn...   News of her arrest prompted backlash from neighbors, many of which highlighted that the man has a reputation for creating conflict with people on the street, with many admitting they often try to avoid the man altogether."

Meme *Man on soap box*
Angry man with "GetUp!" T-shirt: "WHO gave You THe RIGHT TO SPOUT OFFENSIVE NONSENSE IN PUBLIC?"
Soldier statue on war memorial: "Me!"

Senator Matt Canavan on X - "Australia's proposed misinformation laws protect the banks over the right of Australians to speak freely.  If these laws pass you won't be able to say anything that causes harm to "public confidence in the banking system."  So under these laws those who called out the recklessness of mortgage backed securities before the Global Financial Crisis would have been censored.   Why does the Labor party think that our banks have earned the right to be immune from criticism?  The misinformation laws are to protect them, not you."

Meme - $in¢lair Davidson @SincDavidson: "Forecasting recession will soon be illegal in Australia"
"Meaning of serious harm... imminent harm to the Australian economy, Including harm to public confidence in the banking system or financial markets"

Meme - Senator Matt Canavan @mattjcan: "The government's misinformation bill defines harm to mean damage to the government.   The misinformation bill is about protecting them, not you."
"Meaning of serious harm. For the purposes of this Schedule, serious harm is: (a) harm to the operation or integrity of a Commonwealth, State, Territory or local government electoral or referendum process; or (b) harm to public health in Australia, including to the efficacy of preventative health measures in Australia; or"

Senator Matt Canavan on X - "Today the government has introduced a Bill that would give them the power to decide what is "misinformation".   The craziest thing about that is the the government's own explanatory documents spread the hoax that Donald Trump told people to inject bleach.   Even the leftwing fact checkers at snopes admit that he never said that.  Who then gets to prosecute the government for spreading misinformation?   We should not allow the state to decide what is true or false."
Ramtin5790 رامتین ‏‎‎חומייני הוא חמור👑 on X - "So basically, they could be spreading misinformation about renewable energy being the cheapest way to generate electricity, or claiming that nuclear power is risky. However, if I mention that my electricity bill has increased, I may be accused of spreading misinformation."

John Doyle on X - "You must understand that the third world is the natural state of things. It is not a matter of being dealt a few bad hands or being “exploited.” You give them trillions to overcome those “factors” & all that happens is the rapid creation of more mouths demanding you feed them too
I’ll put it this way. I’ve seen what Europeans do when they arrive at an ice desert or a giant rock in the middle of an ocean where everything there is trying to kill them, and I’ve seen what Haitians do when they arrive in Springfield, Ohio."

Meme - Mikhail J Clive || Steampunk Author 🚂📚 @Tyras_Mikhail: "If you ever feel hopeless, remember that the Spanish took back their homeland and proceeded to become one of the world's most powerful empires from THIS."
"Iberian Peninsula in 750. Kingdom of Asturias. Umayyad Caliphate."

Toxichoodboys on X - "Remember it takes 2 people to ruin a relationship. So blame her & her mother for raising her that way. You did nothing wrong king."

Cow urine sold alongside food in London shops - "Cow urine is being sold alongside food in convenience stores in London against environmental health advice... The liquid is used by worshippers in some Hindu ceremonies - although it is illegal to sell for human consumption in England.  Known as gau mutra, it was found in several shops which also sold food. The Chartered Institute of Environmental Health warned against its sale where food was present... In one shop urine bottles were displayed under a shelf of naan bread.  One worker in a shop in Greenwich said: "Hindus come in to buy it for religious reasons, if a baby is born it may be used during a religious ceremony in the house for good luck."  A Hare Krishna temple in Watford, Bhaktivedanta Manor, has a dairy farm which also produces the urine for worshippers.  Managing director Gauri Das said the temple had been selling cow urine since the early seventies.  "There has been a demand from the South Asian background. They use it for puja's [religious ritual], medicinal purposes or even cleaning in order to purify things," he said.  "I don't sell it [the urine] for human consumption.  "It is down to the worshipper to do what they want with it." A Foods Standards Agency (FSA) spokesperson said although it is illegal to sell the urine for human consumption, when applied externally it would not be considered food - although it could be subject to other legislation."
From 2016

Meme - Casey B. Head @CaseyBHead: ""Can anything be done to silence the peasantry?""
Paul Krugman: "Can Anything Be Done to Assuage Rural Rage?"

Meme - "In the 80s.
Gays be like *Freddie Mercury looking normal in a shirt and jeans*:
Straight men be like: *C.C. DeVille with funky hair and loud outfit*"

Visegrád 24 on X - ""Chat Control", the EU law proposal that could ban encrypted messenger services in the EU will return again this month.   The bill is aimed at searching all private messages and chats for suspicious content (so-called chat control or child sexual abuse regulation).  According to the latest proposal providers would be free whether or not to use ‘artificial intelligence’ to classify unknown images and text chats as ‘suspicious’.   However they would be obliged to search all chats for known illegal content and report them, even at the cost of breaking secure end-to-end messenger encryption.   EU governments are to position themselves on the proposal by 23 September. Currently, only Poland and Germany have indicated that they will vote against it.  Estonia, Czechia, Austria, Slovenia and the Netherlands have doubts.  EU interior ministers are to endorse it on 10 October.   Messenger providers Signal and Threema have already announced that they will never agree to incorporate such surveillance routines into their apps and would rather shut down operations in the EU."

Woo Bum-kon incident - Wikipedia - "During the night from April 26 to April 27, 1982, South Korean policeman Woo Bum-kon murdered 56 people and wounded around 35 others in several villages in Uiryeong County, South Gyeongsang Province, South Korea, before committing suicide when he was confronted by police... On the afternoon of April 26, 1982, Woo had an argument with his live-in girlfriend, Chun Mal-soon (전말순), after she had woken him by swatting a fly on his chest"

What is the curse of Béla Guttmann? The bad luck that haunts Benfica in Europe - "Hungarian coach Béla Guttmann was appointed Benfica boss in 1959. Guttmann made an immediate impact on the club and promoted Portuguese football legend Eusébio to the first-team squad.  With Guttmann in the dugout, Benfica beat Barcelona 3-2 to win the European Cup in 1961. Just a year later, in 1962, they faced Real Madrid in the final, and once more, were victorious, winning 5-3 to claim back-to-back European titles.  After leading the Lisbon club to consecutive European Cups, Guttmann requested a pay rise. The club refused his request and he allegedly placed a curse on the Portuguese team.  “Not in a hundred years from now will Benfica ever be European champion,” he said.  Guttmann left Benfica later in 1962 to join Uruguayan giants Peñarol.  Since he made the remark, Benfica have lost eight European finals in a row, their last coming in 2014, when they lost 4-2 to Spanish side Sevilla on penalties."

Granny & Granddaughter Having Fun (NSFW)
They are not getting it on

'It used to just work': How tech made simple everyday tasks complicated - "Do the words “download the app” make you feel weary, disheartened or even despairing? You are not alone. Apps are increasingly responsible for the day-to-day tasks and activities that define our lives, from turning on the radio to opening a bank account and our reliance on tech shows no sign of slowing down.  But while the leaps forward have been welcomed by most, particularly the young, others have struggled to get to grips with the digital era. A 2023 Age UK study found that almost half (46 per cent) of people aged 65 and over are unable to complete basic tasks online. “The internet offers a range of benefits, helping people to make savings and keep in touch with loved ones but there are 2.7 million over-65s who don’t use the internet at all, that’s one in five,” says Caroline Abrahams, the charity director of Age UK. “For people in this situation, life is getting harder and more frustrating if they are expected to use technology for basic tasks like making a doctor’s appointment or parking near the shops.” Navigating the devices in our pockets, not to mention our homes, is now a minefield of passwords and codes. The world outside offers little respite – with everything from buying a rail ticket or booking a table at a restaurant increasingly done online.  “If you’re not a digital native it is challenging to keep up unless you’re really motivated,” says Robin Christopherson, the head of digital inclusion at AbilityNet, a charity that provides support to make technology more accessible to disabled and elderly people.

Vesna Vulović - Wikipedia - "Vesna Vulović (Serbian Cyrillic: Весна Вуловић, pronounced [ʋêsna ʋûːloʋitɕ]; 3 January 1950 – 23 December 2016) was a Serbian flight attendant who survived the highest fall without a parachute: 10.16 kilometres (6.31 miles) or 33,338 feet. She was the sole survivor after an explosion tore through the baggage compartment of JAT Flight 367 on 26 January 1972, causing it to crash near Srbská Kamenice, Czechoslovakia (now part of the Czech Republic)... Vulović's physicians concluded that her history of low blood pressure caused her to pass out quickly after the cabin depressurized and kept her heart from bursting on impact.Vulović said that she was aware of her low blood pressure before applying to become a flight attendant and knew that it would result in her failing her medical examination, but she drank an excessive amount of coffee beforehand and was accepted."

Meme - "I feel like they finally mastered the art of good lighting in video games. Really makes the graphics pop. *Original Lara Croft from Tomb Raider* *Rule 34 Lara Croft*"

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