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Thursday, October 31, 2024

Links - 31st October 2024 (2 - Migrants)

Michael Shellenberger on X - "No matter your politics, these new numbers are shocking. Of the 7 million migrants that ICE released while their cases are being processed, 663,000 have criminal histories, 13,000 were convicted of homicide, 16,000 of sexual assault, and 1,845 face homicide charges. 😬"

Why the Biden Administration Is Shifting on Immigration - The New York Times - "For much of the Biden administration’s first three years in office, migration surged at the Mexican border. Administration officials frequently argued that the problem was beyond their control — a reflection not of U.S. policy but of global forces pushing people toward the border.  Then, starting in December, when the issue threatened President Biden’s re-election, he began a crackdown. The traffic of people crossing the border plummeted. Today, it remains near the lowest point since 2020 and not so different from levels during parts of the Trump and Obama administrations. This week, the Biden administration imposed tough new rules to keep it that way... Before, when migrants got to the border, U.S. officials asked if they feared returning home. Government officials believed many were saying yes regardless of whether it was true — and also that smugglers were coaching them how to answer. Now, to qualify for asylum, a migrant had to volunteer his or her worries unprompted. Officials say many fewer did so... In the first few years of the administration, detention centers were often overwhelmed, so officials released people with notices to appear in immigration court years down the line. Policymakers think that word of these strains spread into Latin America and induced more people to come illegally... Democrats have traveled a long arc in the last four years. When Biden took office, he spoke warmly of migrants seeking asylum and even tried to pause deportations altogether. (A court said no.) As his political fortunes sank, he turned toward deterring migrants. Finally, in June, he took a hard line. Now Kamala Harris says she would make sure Biden’s order is kept in place."
So much for the usual copes

~~datahazard~~ on X - "Only 14% of Asylum Claimants were legitimate cases upon adjudication (FY2008-2019). Despite claims being 86% illegitimate, Fraudulent Asylees are allowed to stay in the USA until their court dates [now into the 2030s]. This system rewards foreign liars. Why would we want that???"

Chase Oliver on X - "Claims that #FEMA is low on funds because they are being used for illegal immigrants is just plain false. We ought to be skeptical of those who would use this tragedy to divide communites to score political points instead of bringing them together to recover and rebuild."
LIZZYđŸ’„ on X - "We didn't spend the money on migrants. That was the money from our LEFT pocket. We keep the disaster relief money in our RIGHT pocket, morons."

Meme - ALX đŸ‡ș🇾 @alx: "Increases in Illegal Immigration populations in Swing States under the Harris/Biden Administration"
"Georgia 401%
North Carolina 446%
Pennsylvania 241%
Arizona 734%
Nevada 562%
Michigan 775%
Wisconsin 467%"

Elon Musk on X - "The Dems are doing deliberate voter importation to swing states & fast-tracking them to citizenship.  The only question is when (not if) enough migrants can vote to flip all swing states, shifting the whole country to permanent one-party rule, just like what happened to California after the 1986 amnesty.  Diabolically smart tbh.   That’s why I keep saying that, unless Trump wins and reverses this scam, 2024 is the last election in America.   The Dem machine’s voter importation scam is the true threat to democracy, not Trump!"

Elon Musk on X - "It’s only a matter of time before the illegals in the swing states are legally able to vote. If it were up to leading Dems, they would be allowed to vote right now! Here is Schumer saying exactly that:"
Steve Cortes on X - "Chuck Schumer: “Our ultimate goal” is to give every illegal alien citizenship. The open border is by design. Democrats want to remake the electorate and replace American citizens."

Bill Melugin on X - "NEW: Per newly released CBP data, nearly 530,000 migrants have flown into the US & have been paroled into the country as part of the Biden administration’s controversial CHNV mass parole program. Additionally,  approx 813,000 migrants have scheduled appointments via the CBP One app at ports of entry to be released into the US.  These are “lawful pathways” created by the Biden administration, and these numbers do not count in Border Patrol data, as they are not illegal crossings.   Most of the migrants taking part in these programs are paroled into the U.S. on two year humanitarian parole grants, which also allow them to apply to work.   Every single ICE source/contact I’ve spoken with has told me the same thing - they do not have the manpower or resources to find and deport such a large population of people if they overstay these 2 year grants.   As it stands now, ICE’s non-detained docket is on track to hit 8 million by the end of the year, and each ICE officer currently manages an average of 7,000 cases. The agency is already tasked with tracking down and removing those with final orders of removal, aggravated felons, gotaways, etc. They physically do not have the bodies to track and remove this additional population - and there has been no government agency monitoring parole expiration, according to a recent DHS Inspector General report.   The bottom line - the more than 1 million migrants the Biden admin has allowed into the U.S. via these programs are here to stay - even if they fall out of status and become unlawfully in the U.S.   New CBP data: https://cbp.gov/newsroom/natio"

Meme - "r/AskHistorians
Which moment in Roman history was the first event that directly contributed to the empires ultimate collapse? In other words which event was the beginning of the end?"
Hergrim MOD: "This submission has been removed because it involves current events. To keep from discussion of politics, we have a 20-year rule here."

KanekoaTheGreat on X - "JPMorgan CEO Jamie Dimon: "If you do not control the borders, you are going to destroy our country... Now that they are sending migrants into New York... all my super liberal friends realize what a problem it is.""

captive dreamer on X - "Here's a thread of what Kamala and Biden are doing to SOHO in NYC - they're turning it into an African Migrant slum:"

UK Independence Party on X - "Nigel Farage says "it's impossible to deport hundreds of thousands of people"
 UKIP says step aside and let politicians with a spine get the job done."
Klaus Arminius on X - "Pakistan deported more than 1 million Afghans in 3 months. Uganda deported more than 30,000 Indians in 90 days. Iran is currently deporting 2 million Afghans. It’s not impossible to deport foreigners, no matter how well established they are in the country. You just need the will.
Minds of E. on X - "The problem is the process and the bureaucracy. With all the red tape in place, it is practically impossible to deport hundreds of thousands just as Farage says. In other countries, they just stuff illegals on a plane, and send them on their way. That's what we need to do in the west as well."

RadioGenoa on X - "“The French work for me, they are my slaves. I receive €600 from RSA, €300 from local mission, €350 from APL and social workers pay me for electricity and gas. So I don't work and I enjoy life. Thanks France!”"
Gad Saad on X - "Do you remember when I explained to you that they tell me in Arabic that the West is a woman to be mounted? Here you go."

Meme - "r/victoria3
Discussion Immigrants come to my country just to collect welfare
I'm playing as Finland and I had the highest SoL and GDP per capita in the world and barely anyone was collecting welfare so I enacted Multiculturalism and immigrants flooded my country but they don't wanna work they just wanna collect welfare which is making me go bankrupt"
"Do you have jobs for them?"
"Yes but buildings can't hire because of high wage demands"
"Stellaris turns you into a genocidal cannibalistic hivemind, Crusader Kings 3 turns you into a fratricidal feudal tyrant, Victoria 3 turns you into a Republican lol. Try reducing the welfare payments, so that it makes financial sense for immigrants to work in your factories."
"Thank you ! I downgraded the social security institution to the minimum and now my immigrants are working"
"Don't forget EU4 turns you into a massive racist against Turks, Austrians, and the French"
"Don't forget the Tunisians. Dear God do I hate the Barbary pirates when I have Mediterranean coastline"

Pascal-Emmanuel Gobry on X - "Insanity from French supreme court:
- Algerian migrant rapes child
- Gets arrested, authorities want to deport him
- Algerian migrant claims he's a woman
- Supreme court says he can't be deported because he would face anti-trans discrimination in Algeria"

VisegrĂĄd 24 on X - "Growing outrage in France after 19-year-old Philippine was found partly buried in a park.  Her alleged killer is a 22-year-old Moroccan asylum seeker who was supposed to be deported after having served a prison sentence for rape, but was released out of pre-deportation detention by a judge on September 3rd due to “administrative delays” in his deportation process.  3 days after his release, the deportation documents were completed, but the asylum seeker had disappeared and refused to follow to authorities orders to show up at a police station for deportation.  France’s new Interior Minister Bruno Retailleau says the laws on deportations must be changed after what happened to Philippine."
Gad Saad on X - "The tsunami of Suicidal Empathy keeps crashing on the shores of reason. This is unsustainable. There will be a backlash that will be extraordinarily violent."

Klaus Arminius on X - "France: The family and friends of Philippine, who was r*ped and killed by a Moroccan immigrant, held a minute of silence. Leftist activists interrupted the ceremony calling the mourning family and friends “racists”. The traitor is worse than the enemy."

Anger in France as murder suspect revealed to be convicted rapist under deportation order - "The body of 19-year-old french girl Philippine Le Noir de Carlan was found half buried in Bois de Boulogne park, Paris on the 21st of September.   It was reported that autopsy results showed that she had died of asphyxiation.     A 22-year-old man originally from Morocco – who was previously convicted of rape in 2019 when he was a minor – was arrested in connection with her death after being located in Switzerland where he had feld to.   The suspect, named as Taha O., was an illegal immigrant who until three weeks before Philippine’s murder had been placed in a detention centre in preparation for deportation, however he was released by a judge... Philippine’s body was found by her family who had used a tracker on her phone to search for her. She was studying economics and financial management at Paris Dauphine University.  She was supposed to go to her parents home after having lunch in the area of where she was found but never turned up... The woman who was raped by the suspect in 2019 has come forward to express her shock that the man who served five years for his assault on her became the suspect in a murder which took place just three weeks after his release from the detention centre... Taha O was released from the detention centre on the 3rd of September after being informed  that Morocco had not responded to French authorities’  requests to authorise his entry into his homeland.   Three days after that date Morocco gave authorisation to send Taha who had by then disappeared.  The Times reported that the woman who was raped by Taha in 2019 said, “Philippine could have been my sister.”  â€œI would like the launch of a parliamentary inquiry into the prevention of repeat offending in cases of sexual and sexist crimes.” She wrote: “I did everything possible so that what happened to me would not happen again. I filed a lawsuit so that the rape I suffered would be 
 recognised, so that my attacker would be found guilty and so that I would recognised as a victim. I held firm during a two-year investigation and trial, telling myself that this initiative would help to protect other women.”  The woman said that despite what Taha had done to her, “immediately after being freed, he appears to have offended again and committed an irreparable act. If that is the case, why? Why did the prison service fail to stop this repeat offence? Why didn’t they stop this spiral of violence that led to the murder of a young woman?”"

French Outrage at Tipping Point After Student’s Rape and Murder - "The police officer who had to deal with the first rape, which earned Taha O. a seven-year prison sentence in 2019, spoke to the press. According to him, at the time, the young woman, who was attacked while walking in the woods, owed her survival only to her extraordinary ability to talk to and deceive her adversary with unusual composure: she pretended to be ready to start seeing the man who had just attacked her. For the police officer, there was no doubt that Taha was ready to kill the young woman, who was lucky enough to escape thanks to this trick.  At the beginning of September, the man was questioned by the French justice system for the fourth and final time, while being held in a detention centre. “I don’t understand why I’m still in the centre. I want to leave France,” he said at the time...  Pierre-Marie SĂšve, Director of the Institute for Justice, points out that this was not simply a case of an individual decision, but that everything in current French law is designed to “knowingly organise impunity” and encourage the release of offenders. Hence the abnormally high rate of repeat offences, as pointed out by analyst Marc Vanguard, a specialist in security and immigration statistics...   Another controversial issue is the conditions under which a migrant slated for deportation is returned to his country of origin. In this instance, an administrative error caused the case to drag on, delaying the Moroccan authorities’ response. But all too often, OQTFs are not enforced because of the negligence of the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs, which is incapable of gaining the respect of the offenders’ countries of origin to obtain the consular passes required for their deportation... For Philippine’s fellow students, the tragedy has been a wake-up call for those who still thought that insecurity was a distant issue that didn’t concern them: “We realise that it’s real,” said a student her age, also at Paris-Dauphine University.  Within the political class, anger and indignation are on the rise at a pivotal moment in the political news, since a new Minister of the Interior and a new Minister of Justice are now in power. They can show the public what they are capable of, but we will surely have to wait a long time for results. The Interior Minister is on the Right, the Justice Minister on the Left, and they will be irreconcilable when it comes to taking decisive action.   For Jordan Bardella, President of the Rassemblement National (RN), “Our justice system is lax, our state is dysfunctional, and our leaders are letting the French live alongside human bombs. It’s time for this government to act: our compatriots are angry and will not mince words.” This observation is shared by the Left. For former French President François Hollande, deportations should be carried out more “quickly.” Only the far Left stood out, being more indignant about the supposed ‘racism’ of those who had a grudge against the Moroccan suspect than about the fate of the victim."
Time to jail the "far right" to keep the country safe

Murder of Paris student fuels anger at failed deportation - "Currently fewer than 10% of French expulsion orders are carried out, according to government figures."

Germany to deport thousands of Turks with rejected asylum applications
TĂŒrkiye denies it agreed with Germany for mass refugee deportations

Dr. Maalouf ‏ on X - "A Tunisian iman in France gave a sermon calling the French flag ‘satanic’. Within 8 hours, the police showed up at his house and put him on the first plane to Tunisia. He had lived in France for 40 years! Do you agree with France’s decision to deport him?"

Jess Gill on X - "It’s not safe to be a woman in London.  I’ve just moved to London just over a week ago and almost every time I’ve gone outside somebody has been weird.   And while it may be politically incorrect to say, most of them were not British.
- at Euston station, a man told me to take deep breaths (idk why???) and then said I look like a slut.
- outside my accommodation, a man asked if he could smell my hair.
- on my way home, a man followed me and my friend in the dark, speaking frantic gibberish at us.
- the first time leaving my accommodation, a man and his friend told me to come over (I didn’t, obviously) and then started making sexual comments about me.
Since when was Britain a place where you couldn’t walk down the street without being harassed by someone?"
Time to arrest her for racist hate speech!

Foreigners Committed 77% of Solved Rape Cases in Paris in 2023

Tarek Fatah on X - "In Italy, an African beats a train ticket inspector as meek Italian passrngers just sit back and watch the assault. Cowards willing to roll over."

Meme - Covfefe Anon @CovfefeAnon: "As an avid strategy game player I need to point out that allowing enemy units into your base en masse leads to a loss"
Margaret Killjoy: "whenever people are against immigration i wonder if they've ever played a single strategy game in their lives? you desperately want people. people produce all wealth. people grow the economy. more people equals more jobs. more workers equals stronger tax base. etc etc"
evan loves worf @esjesjesj: "Legitimately can't think of a reason to be against illegal immigration besides racism"
Left wingers have very poor empathy, since they can't imagine people would ever think differently from them. Also they don't understand per capita

Meme - i/o @eyeslasho: "There would be no state of emergency to declare if Netherlands had the right kind of immigrants.
Lifetime net contribution of immigrants from North America in Netherlands: 536,000 euros
Lifetime net cost of Somali immigrants: 1.14 million euros"
The Spectator Index @spectatorindex: "BREAKING: Netherlands set to declare a state of emergency over illegal migration and seek to opt out of EU's migration policy"

Meme - Jonatan Pallesen @jonatanpallesen: "Asylum is one of the least cost-effective ways of helping vulnerable people in poor countries ever devised. The figure shows that it costs around ~€500,000 per person.  And yet, if we look at the total expenses for all types of foreign aid, added together, these are smaller than the expenses for asylum seekers and other non-Western immigrants.   Thus, most of the resources paid for by tax payers from Northern Europe that are used to help people from poor countries, is used in this exceedingly ineffective way.   So if we want to use some of our resources to help the some of the least fortunate people in the world, and we have decided that we do, there are many ways that are far more effective. But most of the total resources are used in this one way, granting asylum, that we know with certainty is highly ineffective."
Virtue signalling is expensive

Meme - Lewis Brackpool @Lewis_Brackpool: "This is a real training module from a local council in England on what to do if someone who works there shares “anti-immigration views.”  The answer according to the module? Call counter-terrorism police on them."
"A counter-terrorism case police officer is assigned and visits the family along with a social worker from children's services"

How fast is the UK's economy growing and what is GDP? - "when you strip out inflation and population growth, the latest quarterly figures show that in the second three months of 2024, GDP per capita was 0.3% lower than for the same period in 2023."
Weird. We keep being told that mass migration grows the economy and results in higher living standards and productivity. Canada has the same problem

Dr. Maalouf ‏ on X - "An Egyptian Coptic Christian woman who had to flee her homeland due to extreme persecution warns Europeans about the horrors of Sharia. Muslim migrants nearby curse and spit on her, but she does not back down. Listen to this brave woman!"
Islamophobia! This far right extremist must be silenced before she harms more Muslims. The Muslims men who call her "slut" and "asshole" are just defending themselves, and the violence of the oppressed is not the same as the violence of the oppressor

Mary Harrington on X - "“Public opinion wants legal euthanasia”
—> euthanasia is legalised
“Public opinion wants lower immigration”
—> *crickets* See how it works yet?"
It's only an oligarchy if the left wing agenda is supported by most people but not implemented. The cope is that "basic human rights" cannot be taken away - but the left defines those according to their agenda

Revealed: First migrant crime table - "One in 50 Albanians in the UK is in jail, according to analysis revealing the first league table of criminality by nationality.  More than 1,200 Albanians have been sent to prison from a migrant population of nearly 53,000 Albanians living in the UK who do not have UK citizenship...  Albanians are followed by Kosovans, Vietnamese, Algerians, Jamaicans, Eritreans, Iraqis and Somalis.  The analysis suggests that the overall imprisonment rate of foreign nationals is 27 per cent higher than for British citizens. It shows 18.2 inmates per 10,000 migrants compared with the UK’s 14 per 10,000. German, Italian, Indian, Greek, US, Sri Lankan, French and Chinese nationals are the least likely to be jailed. It is the first time such an analysis has been carried out amid claims that there has been an “institutional cover-up” over the publication of migrant crime rates... While data on nationalities among the prison population reveals the scale of serious crimes committed by non-UK nationals, information about offences committed by migrants for which they are not jailed is not published... Mr O’Brien said it was a “fascinating” analysis by The Telegraph which revealed “enormous variations” between nationalities.   “It is shameful that the Government refuses to publish so much of the information which it holds about this subject. It should be available to the public so we can have an informed debate,” he said.  â€œThe Home Office knows the immigration status of prisoners and whether they were here legally or illegally, but it does not publish this. It knows about the offending history of overseas nationals in our prisons and whether they are committing multiple offences but it does not publish this.  â€œAcross the board, the migration debate is hampered by a lack of data which the Government could easily publish but chooses not to on things like the impact on public services and spending. The data the Government is refusing to disclose on criminal justice is a particularly bad example of this.” Mr Jenrick said: “This analysis confirms what the public will have sensed for a long time: some nationalities are more likely to go on to commit serious crimes than others. It once again points to the need for a far more tightly controlled immigration system, including more rigorous security checks for nationalities linked to criminality in the UK.”"
Lostintranslation on X - "Brits also mean those who have obtained British citizenship in the last few years"
🇬🇧 IM 🇬🇧 on X - "All I see is a lot of wrongfully discriminated against doctors and engineers here đŸ€Ą"
Jack Montgomery on X - "Labour will say racism is the cause, though."
Weird. Left wingers keep telling us that immigrants are less likely to commit crime than natives and that anyone who asserts the contrary is spreading misinformation
Keywords: immigrants more likely to commit crime, migrants more likely to commit crime, immigrants more criminal, migrants more criminal, higher crime rate, higher rate of offending

Dr. Maalouf ‏ on X - "A sermon at a mosque in Germany: “It’s ok to kill non-believers, because they are infidels! Germany is a land of infidels, and we as Muslims must take it over. We have to spread Islam and Sharia everywhere in Europe.” Concerning!"

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