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Monday, October 28, 2024

Links - 28th October 2024 (3 - Schools in the US [including Homeschooling])

Dr. Caitlin Baird on X - "RIP my mentions, but seriously…what makes anyone believe they’re qualified to homeschool their kids K-12? it’s not as if teaching a) isn’t age-, grade-, and subject-specific; and b) requires a college degree in pedagogy"
Alexander on X - "This is a good example of how people who are probably smart can be misled based on what feels correct to them.  Teaching requires a degree and there are all sorts of things to learn about it - so certainly trained teachers must be better educators, right?  Doesn’t seem to be the case - homeschooled children perform as well (and even outperform) children who are not homeschooled.  For example, findings from these literature reviews from 2012 and 2020 show that homeschooled children consistently perform as well (and often better) than public school children.  Beyond test scores and academic achievement, homeschooled children are just as likely (or more) to go to college and have similar GPAs (or better).  That’s basically a summary - you typically see no differences or homeschooled kids do better across the literature.   All of the research on socialization is a wash, too.  As far as the evidence base goes, there is no reason why people should not homeschool their kids. Especially if they are affluent - because one moderator is SES. Kids of higher SES do even better when homeschooled."

 Dr. Waitman W. Beorn (@waitmanwbeorn.com 🟦)🇺🇦 on X - "You are not qualified to homeschool your kids."
Zarathanarchy's Ghost, M.A. on X - "Homeschoolers consistently outperform public school kids in every subject."
Wilfred Reilly on X - "Teachers do a good hard job. But, there is zero evidence that middle-class parents - who often test 100-200 SAT points higher - cannot do it as well, certainly with their own kids. Homeschoolers, private school kids, charter school kids, and Teach for America kids consistently do as well as or better than kids in regular publics.   This is strictly a data question."

Meme - Dave Greene @GreeneMan6: "“Listen, my dude. I know you think you are educated. You might be. You might be well-read in letters, knowledgeable in the arts, with a curiosity about the world that you share with your children. But are you qualified to educate them? Do you even have the degree?  “That’s why you need guys like me, we have the degrees, we have the media-literacy, we have the empathy that’s makes us the ‘Elite Human Capital’ qualified to educate the next generation. I know you Chuds can’t understand that, but it’s a hard truth.  “What was that? Do I understand the great books? Do I know the events in Western history? Can I do math or set up a scientific experiment? Lol, how quaint! Just the kind of Chud logic I would expect from you provincial people!  I don’t need to read books or know history, I have the right opinion about books and history. And I don’t need to know how to do science. I’m on the SIDE of the science. And the SCIENCE says that I am qualified to educate your kids.   What? Are we going to let you educate them yourself? And maybe indoctrinate those kids into your worldview? That’s silly. The SCIENCE says your kids should indoctrinated into MY worldview.  So ante up parents! Hand those kids over! You wouldn’t want them to turn out to be smug mis-educated midwits would you?”"

Corey A. DeAngelis, school choice evangelist on X - "Homeschooling isn't an "experiment" People were learning at home for thousands of years. Factory schooling is the experiment. And that experiment is in trouble."

Meme - Into the Memory Hole @frogNscorpion: ""Ummm excuse me chuddie but you aren't qualified to rape your kids and make them stupid like I am""
"Cougars in the classroom: The alarming rate of teachers charged with raping young boys in America"
"NATIONAL AVERAGE PERCENTILE SCORES PUBLIC SCHOOL VERSUS HOMESCHOOL *Independent Homeschooling much higher than public schools*"

wanye on X - "Just a reminder that the entire homeschooling debate is fake and based on the false premise that homeschooled kids do worse. They do not. So there’s literally no problem. Homeschooled kids outperform their peers. Again, there’s just literally no problem. It’s an entirely made up, ideological issue.
The one modification I’d make to this is to say that homeschooling is kind of like selective immigration. Immigrants in places like Canada and The United States have historically done quite well well because they are not representative of the larger populations in their home countries. And it’s very likely the case that homeschooled kids do better than their peers because of similar selection effects."

Opinion | In a Post-Covid World, Let's Pay Teachers Six Figures - The New York Times
More money is always the solution, the national debt doesn't matter and you can always tax "the rich" to pay for it

Matthew Yglesias on X - "High school teachers earn about 12% more than the average American salary, The top end of the salary range for high school teachers in the UK is about the US mean at current exchange rates. But it seems like these low-paid English high school teachers earn much more *relative to the UK average* than our American teachers do.   Should maybe offer them some visas."

Thread by @sage_stage on Thread Reader App – Thread Reader App - "What happens when you don't suspend a student. A case study.  About 15/16 months ago. A student is chronically disruptive, and is intentionally miserable to his teacher. The teacher is at her wits end, and meetings are held to figure it all out. Here's what happened. This student was only in her class to begin with because she had a good reputation for working with difficult students. So in typical educational fashion, she is given many more difficult students until she is overwhelmed and starting to hate her job. She's burnt out. The student refuses to do any work. He typically arrives at school at the end of first block, will skip 2nd and 3rd block, and then attends 4th block while waiting for the bus home. He's passing nothing, he has no intention on passing anything. because he is a freshman, he is at no risk of being moved for academic reasons until the end of next year. Most sophomores in his group will pass just enough classes by sophomore year to avoid being moved out of the school building so they can stick around another year or two He has no intention on behaving in the classroom either. While many students are content to play quietly on their phones all period, he doesn't use ear pods and plays music and tik toks for all to hear, he walks around the room and even out of the room as often as he wants. She's called home, shes written him up. She has assigned her own detention once a week, though he could earn one every day. And he doesnt stay after for them anyway. It takes a few weeks for a teacher detention to turn into a school detention, and he doesn't serve those either. So she slowed down with that since nothing happens anyway. This is the first thing admin bring up "we need more documentation. We just started the third quarter, so everything starts over, your last documentation was a month ago." None of his other teachers are writing him up or documenting him for hardly going to any of their classes. And they are probably glad he is skipping their classes. But now more burden is on her because "nobody else seems to have a problem with him" So they won't switch him to another class because then "teachers will just start complaining about students non stop to get their classes changed" He doesn't qualify for a new academic placement because he's a freshman. And the alternative high school is already full. Suspension also isn't an option. He already had one suspension for his part in a brawl in the hallway earlier in the fall, and that did not change his behavior "he needs to be in school" plus, our suspension data is under a microscope. This would be seem as an "elective oss" Defiance and disruption as the reason for a suspension is not looked upon well by district and state higher ups. It's seen as a failure by the teacher and building leadership. She is encouraged to just try harder to work with him. The teacher is mad, starts openly talking about looking for another job. The AP in charge of all this tells her to focus on "finding her why" The Department chair and queen bee is mad that she's talking about leaving, and suggests maybe she should leave if she hates it here So, she bails. Switches to a different school and grade level. DC is mad at her for leaving, and in more of a bad mood when we can't find anyone to fill the position. So the rest of us lose electives and have larger class sizes this year. I essentially get her course load They also have a few teachers from outside our content area teach some of the sections. A few manage it well, a few don't know the content at all and don't do much besides rolling out our lessons and telling their class to "try their best" The least competent of these teachers is given the more advanced classes because " those are the only classes she can handle" So now I have no advanced kids and the advanced kids gets a teacher who can't really teach, and doesn't know the subject matter at all. Shortly after, the AP announced she's moving to an AP position at another school. The DC openly talks about leaving but ultimately won't because she enjoys her queen bee status too much. But her attitude has changed, as has everyone's attitude towards her. Other department members start openly applying for other jobs. Two more leave during the next year. Two more still looking, including the original teachers "work husband" who has now reached levels of burn out seldom seen in nature. Oh, and she had a good personality and was our content groups best lesson writer. She always did the final touch ups on lessons other people wrote and put in a lot of time into this. Not easily replaced, nor could we fill her position at all. The student returns this year and is in my class. Because I have him first period, I rarely see him. But when I do he comes in late, doesn't do any work and his behavior is miserable. By October, mom pulls him from the school and we never see him again."

wanye on X - "The progressive position isn’t just that there is no other way to handle this kind of disorder, but also that you should be forced to send your kids to schools like this and that it’s deeply problematic if you decide not to"
Alexander Dukes 🇺🇲 🇺🇦 on X - "My dad was a teacher at the beginning of this "don't suspend them" logic in the 00's-10's. He almost got his masters in education, but left the profession because you couldn't remove bad kids from the classroom. I went to a magnet school, and always found the idea you couldn't"
Clearly, it's the adults' fault, because they are the adults and the students are children

Students getting some real life consequences : r/Teachers - "I spent the weekend at the lake with my sister-in-law and her husband who is an owner/operator of a very popular fast food franchise. They hire a lot of kids in high school and in their first years of college. My sister-in-law said that she is amazed that so many of these kids think it's okay to just not show up for their scheduled shift and then they come back the next day and are SHOCKED that they have been written up and/or fired! I told her that attendance policies are no longer enforced, if schools even bother to have them in the first place, so I'm not the least bit surprised that 17 year olds really think they can skip out on work and have nothing happen to them. It's sad, but at least some of these kids are finally getting some consequences for their choices instead of being bailed out all the time by parents and admin."

Melanie Burney on X - "Let’s talk about race and school discipline. Please read my story to learn more about what the data shows. Thanks to my @PhillyInquirer colleague @jduchneskie who analyzed the numbers - self reported by districts. Would love to hear from stakeholders."
Black and Hispanic students were disproportionately suspended, N.J. report shows
i/o on X - "One of the weirdest varieties of magical thinking: "Sure, black kids commit violent crime at a rate several times that of white kids, and this continues into and throughout all adulthood, but these longstanding facts have no predictive value regarding school discipline rates.""
That's because they usually deny that "minorities" commit violent crime at a higher rate, and blame discrimination, under/overreporting etc
Of course, the "solution" will be to stop disciplining black and hispanic kids. Good luck to the kids who just want to learn
Somehow, the fact that boys were five times more likely to be restrained or secluded was not blamed on sexism

The American Federation of Teachers (AFT) Disregards Real Solutions for Teachers - "The American Federation of Teachers (AFT) is not a K-12 teachers union. It is an amalgamation of AFL-CIO bargaining units that includes nurses and healthcare workers, Planned Parenthood employees, librarians, higher education employees (including graduate students), early child care workers, and other federal, state and local government employees. Teachers should not be surprised when their urgent needs are not prioritized at next week’s AFT Convention. Yes, the AFT has a Public Education unit, but teachers are a fraction of the AFT’s 1.75 million members. In fact, the AFT describes itself as “the second-largest union representing nurses and healthcare professionals in the national AFL-CIO” and “the fastest growing healthcare union in the nation.” The AFT will gather in Houston next week for a “Real Solutions for a Better Life”-themed convention. Based on the 160-page “Proposed Constitutional Amendments and Resolutions” booklet provided to attendees, the union will vote on a range of resolutions that ignore the discipline, learning loss, and chronic absenteeism challenges that teachers face. The AFT Convention’s few education-related resolution topics include ramping up opposition to student testing and education options. Most of the other 81 resolutions are focused on advancing a radical agenda and building “union power.” The AFT will vote on preparing for strikes, replacing gender-specific language with gender-neutral language, advocating for sex-trait modification procedures, divesting from Israel, solidarity with campus encampments, ramping up get-out-the-vote efforts for Biden, reducing military spending, carbon emissions, ESG, CA’s water supply, DC statehood, and an array of other progressive positions."
Good to see that they are barely wasting time on anything that's actually to do with improving student outcomes. Pushing the left wing agenda and growing their power are the most important things in the world

US teacher union criticized for BDS, ceasefire, campus protest resolutions - "The 88th AFT National Convention will discuss a resolution submitted by the Berkeley Federation of Teachers proposing that the second largest teacher’s union call on teachers’ pension funds to divest from companies that it claimed facilitated Israeli “human rights violations and violations of international law as part of prolonged military occupations, apartheid, and genocide.”... The same Berkeley group submitted a resolution calling on the US government to immediately end all military aid to Israel as long as Israel blocked “substantive and meaningful aid to Gaza.”... An AFT Oregon proposal resolved not to purchase further bonds from Israel, while the resolution submitted by American Association of University Professors (AAUP) Advocacy, University of Illinois Chicago Graduate Employees, and University of Vermont Medical Center Support Staff United would position AFT against the purchase of bonds from any foreign governments... The coalition also attacked a resolution proposal for solidarity with campus anti-Israel protesters, arguing that it sought to endorse activists who engaged in protests that disregarded the rights and safety of Jewish and Israeli students and staff. The Chicago Teachers Union had proposed that the AFT demand that academic administrators cease suspensions, expulsions, and use of law enforcement agencies to respond to the protests, which since mid-April have included the occupation of campus buildings and grounds with encampments."
By “substantive and meaningful aid to Gaza” they mean allowing terrorists to get as many supplies as they want

Emil O W Kirkegaard on X - "Speaking of the crazy amount of money spent on "special" education. There is little actually reliable evidence it does much. According to this 2022 review, there isn't even a randomized controlled trial. More insane is that authors claim it would be illegal to run one! We do randomized trials for literally life and death medicine, but it's illegal to run one for a massive educational experiment that uses 30-35% of education funds for primary education??? 🤡🗺️"
Russell T. Warne 🇺🇸🇨🇱🇮🇱 on X - "I published an article where I recommended a randomized control experiment of grade skipping. FOUR OUT OF FIVE(!) peer reviewers objected to the idea. To justify it, I had to add two footnotes (totaling 397 words!)."
The educational establishment does not want its sacred ideas challenged
Clearly, even more money is needed. Trust the experts!

Corey A. DeAngelis, school choice evangelist on X - "Teachers union president Becky Pringle: "Here in America, we have never invested in our public schools." Inflation-adjusted public school spending per student:
1970: $7,576
1980: $9,615
1990: $13,092
2000: $15,204
2010: $18,024
2021: $19,999
164% real increase since 1970."

~~datahazard~~ on X - "Public Schools are obligated by Federal law to provide large teams of administration & professional staff to support each qualified Special Education student. Are you surprised this feel-good disability Inclusivity program is just a jobs program for our glut of B.A. holders?"

Satanic Temple clashes with the state of Florida over definitions - "During a Board of Education meeting Wednesday, Diaz encouraged schools interested in implementing the program to use the model policy “to ensure that credible chaplains can volunteer in Florida schools.” The policy defines a chaplain as “an individual who is officially authorized by the leadership of a religion under the religion’s governing principles to conduct religious exercises.” It defines religion as “an organized group led, supervised, or counseled by a hierarchy of teachers, clergy, sages, or priests that (1) acknowledges the existence of and worships a supernatural entity or entities that possesses power over the natural world, (2) regularly engages in some form of ceremony, ritual, or protocol, and (3) whose religious beliefs impose moral duties independent of the believer’s self-interest.”... Greaves said the policy “flies in the face of all standing First Amendment precedent and basic respect for religious pluralism and liberty.”... The organization’s website says: “The mission of The Satanic Temple is to encourage benevolence and empathy, reject tyrannical authority, advocate practical common sense, oppose injustice, and undertake noble pursuits.” Greaves told The New York Times that he doesn’t believe in a literal Satan any more than he does a literal God."
I like how excluding a "religion" that is only pretending to be a religion is somehow outrageous

Meme - ~~datahazard~~ @fentasyl: "Apparently they're now secretly seating the dumbest, most violent students next to the smartest, most diligent students to ensure proper DEI execution in Public Schools."
egg @egreghost: "Found on Reddit. This is notable to me because the IEP is a *legal* document, and since IEPs are so common nowadays, any model student in public school is likely to be explicitly used as a legally bound IEP accommodation without disclosure. It’s not merely a suggestion."
Other Students Are Not Accommodations
 This is based on an earlier thread discussing inclusion. It's time we collectively dump the IEP accommodations stating that a student should be "seated near a helpful peer," or sometimes "near a model student." Other students should never be used as an accommodation. They can't consent to this role because they are never told about it. Families of these model students are never notified and therefore can't opt out.  Let's call this what it is: exploitation. These are usually the quiet, driven, polite students, because they are least likely to cause any problems or to protest being seated near the student in question, and they'll probably still get their own work done. That doesn't make it right to exploit them. It's the student equivalent of an adult being punished for being good at their job. Being "good" at school should not mean you have to mind the work or progress of other students. That job belongs to the teachers and to the resource team.  Just another example of the "least restrictive environment" being practiced as "the least restrictive environment for selected kids.""

Daniel Buck, “Instruction Geek” on X - "The NCTE (the largest professional organization of English teachers in the country) is holding its annual conference. I decided to [cntrl + f] their list of sessions. What do you notice?
Phonics: 2
Close reading: 3
Activism: 15
Antiracist: 16
Critical Literacy: 18
Advocacy: 278"
It's far right misinformation that left wing teachers are trying to brainwash their students

Thread by @StevenWelliever on Thread Reader App – Thread Reader App - "WA K-12 is being Bolshevik’d. That is what Ethnic Studies is.  It is the curriculum that all minorities in the USSR were indoctrinated with 100 years ago.  I will prove it graphing the keywords in the @WA_SBE memo.  Here we go 🧵…

Meme - Jamie Hinkle @jamiehinkle_: "In #loudoncounty VA/ from a parent:  Is it strange that a teacher in the hallway gave my daughter  a voter registration form and told  her to fill it out on the spot and give it back to her? It has highlighted sections to complete. She told the teacher she is only 16, and she said she needed to do it anyway. My daughter told her she wanted to take it home first, and the teacher said she had to bring it back today. I have serious trust issues with LCPS and election integrity. Am I just being crazy to think this is not right?"

Not-so-great expectations: Students are reading fewer books in English class - "Chris Stanislawski didn’t read much in his middle school English classes, but it never felt necessary. Students were given detailed chapter summaries for every novel they discussed, and teachers played audio of the books during class. Much of the reading material at Garden City Middle School in Long Island was either abridged books, or online texts and printouts, he said. “When you’re given a summary of the book telling you what you’re about to read in baby form, it kind of just ruins the whole story for you,” said Chris, 14. “Like, what’s the point of actually reading?” In many English classrooms across America, assignments to read full-length novels are becoming less common. Some teachers focus instead on selected passages — a concession to perceptions of shorter attention spans, pressure to prepare for standardized tests and a sense that short-form content will prepare students for the modern, digital world. The National Council of Teachers of English acknowledged the shift in a 2022 statement on media education, saying: “The time has come to decenter book reading and essay-writing as the pinnacles of English language arts education.”... The emphasis on shorter, digital texts does not sit well with everyone. Deep reading is essential to strengthen circuits in the brain tied to critical thinking skills, background knowledge — and, most of all, empathy, said Maryanne Wolf, a cognitive neuroscientist at UCLA specializing in dyslexia research... There's little data on how many books are assigned by schools. But in general, students are reading less. Federal data from last year shows only 14% of young teens say they read for fun daily, compared with 27% in 2012. Teachers say the slide has its roots in the COVID-19 crisis... Only around a third of fourth and eighth graders reached reading proficiency in the 2022 National Assessment of Educational Progress, down significantly from 2019."

Meme - i/o @eyeslasho: "Found in a grade school in 2020. Notice the first item entered under "What do you like about being...?"  For blacks, it's "Not white."  For Hispanics, it's "Pride."  For whites it's "No worry about routine stops.""
"What do you like about being...
White: No worry abt routine stops. Worry less. Privileges. GOOD EDUCATION. Question authority. SAFETY/RAPE. RESPONSE W/O FEAR
Black: Not white. Culture. FOOD. MUSIC. PEOPKE. Body-Shapes. Connectedness. History
Hispanic/Latino: Pride. Culture. Fluency of Language. PASSION. FLAVOR. Beauty"
No wonder nowadays white kids have so many mental problems

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