With Trump win comes sign of rightward shift in Mass. - "In the last 40 years, just one Republican had flipped a state legislative state during a presidential cycle, according to Carnevale, the MassGOP chair. On Tuesday, they flipped three... Every Republican incumbent held on to their seat, too."
Even in the face of powerful psy ops, many people retain an independent streak
Erin Adair on X - "The GROWN ADULTS going into absolute hysterics, filming their deranged, paranoia fueled meltdowns, POSTING them, & calling off work today are the same people who think they’re more intelligent than you. In what world should adults who behave this way be calling the shots?"
University of Oregon employee says Trump voters should 'jump off of a f***ing bridge' - "A University of Oregon staff member expressed hope in a social media post that people who voted for President-elect Donald Trump will jump off a bridge, a recording of the video published Thursday by a media supplier shows. “Do something, because you are f***ing stupid,” Leonard Serrato, an assistant director for fraternity and sorority affairs at the school, said in an Instagram story shared by Grabien. “And I hope you go jump off of a f***ing bridge.” Earlier in the video, he said Trump’s voters can “go f***” themselves. “I say this in the most disrespectful way possible: I don’t care if you are my family. I don’t care if you are my friend. I don’t care if we’ve been friends our entire lives. You can literally go f*** yourself if you voted for Donald Trump," Serrato said. He continued, telling people who are sad about expensive grocery costs to “get a better f***ing paying job” or a “f***ing education.” Angela Seydel, a spokesperson for the University of Oregon, told The National News Desk (TNND) that Serrato was placed on administrative leave"
The party of joy, love and empathy cutting people off because they voted differently from them
Weird. Left wingers used to mock right wingers who tell people unhappy about low salaries to get a better job
Resist the Mainstream on X - "🔴 Liberal woman says she NEEDS MEDICATION to COPE with Trump's victory. How will these people survive?"
Left wingers like to mock white men for making videos in their trucks when the world is supposedly changing. Ironic
Tom Elliott on X - "Lincoln Project’s @TheRickWilson, Nov. 4, 2024: “Trump's going to lose. He's going to lose badly. He's going to be wrecked. I don't know what the Electoral College count's going to be at the end of this, but it's going to get loud and it's going to get hard for him.”"
EXCLUSIVE: FEMA Official Ordered Relief Workers To Skip Houses With Trump Signs - "A federal disaster relief official ordered workers to bypass the homes of Donald Trump’s supporters as they surveyed damage caused by Hurricane Milton in Florida, according to internal correspondence obtained by The Daily Wire and confirmed by multiple federal employees. A FEMA supervisor told workers in a message to “avoid homes advertising Trump” as they canvassed Lake Placid, Florida to identify residents who could qualify for federal aid, internal messages viewed by The Daily Wire reveal. The supervisor, Marn’i Washington, relayed this message both verbally and in a group chat used by the relief team, multiple government employees told The Daily Wire. The government employees told The Daily Wire that at least 20 homes with Trump signs or flags were skipped from the end of October and into November due to the guidance, meaning they were not given the opportunity to qualify for FEMA assistance. Images shared with The Daily Wire show that houses were skipped over by the workers, who wrote in the government system messages such as: “Trump sign no entry per leadership.”... “If they had damage or lost power for over thirty-six hours, it was my duty to inform them of benefits to which they are entitled through FEMA,” one team member wrote in a complaint filed to DHS about the guidance... a FEMA spokesman clarified that Washington is not actively working for the agency, pending an investigation... The employees say that Washington has not been punished for the guidance, but has been shifted to another county in Florida."
Andy Ngo 🏳️🌈 on X - "New: The fired FEMA supervisor who told subordinates to skip hurricane-ravaged homes with Trump signs did a sit-down interview on Fox News and said that staff had the right to not go to homes with Trump signs if they were uncomfortable, similar to them avoiding homes with aggressive dogs on the property. Marn’i Washington says this was FEMA policy, and it applied in other states beyond Florida affected by the hurricanes. She says she's being made the scapegoat because she wrote the directive, which was later leaked to Daily Wire."
Meme - John McTernan @johnmcternan: "Turns out the world's richest man can buy an election. Who knew?"
Readers added context they thought people might want to know: "The Democrat Campaign spent approx. double that of the Trump Campaign on political advertising over the summer. Since Oct. 17, the Harris Campaign has received approx. three times the amount of donations compared to The Trump Campaign."
Weird. Left wingers keep insisting that money needs to be kept out of politics, because the biggest spender always wins
Meme - Patrick Webb: "BREAKING: 2,038 suicides have been reported today following Donald Trump's election win."
Readers added context they thought people might want to know: "MISLEADING: The global average for daily suicides is 1,975 deaths per day. Today's statistic likely has nothing to do with the election and is roughly following the daily average."
Meme - "Why did so many men vote against a woman's right to choose?"
"A Few months earlier..."
"I choose the bear..."
Opinion | Where Does This Leave Democrats? - The New York Times - "I find myself thinking about the 2004 election. In my lifetime, until today, that was the most total rejection liberals experienced. In 2000, George W. Bush was this accidental president. He’d lost the popular vote. He’d won the Electoral College after winning Florida by a few hundred votes. But by 2004, the lies and the failures and travesties of his administration were clear. The disaster of the Iraq war was clear. And the result was that Bush went from accidental president to unquestioned victor. He won the popular vote cleanly. On the electoral maps, the center of the country was a sea of red. What made that loss hurt so much for liberals was that by 2004, Americans knew who Bush was and what he had done. They chose him anyway. That is roughly what happened Tuesday night... Trump didn’t just win this election. Democrats lost it. President Biden, at 81 years old and hovering beneath 40 percent favorability in most polls, should never have run for re-election. And for months and months and months, the leaders of the Democratic Party, with very few exceptions — shout-out to Dean Phillips — refused to say that. As poll after poll showed supermajorities of voters thought Biden was too old for this job, the party continued to suppress any serious challenge to him. It suppressed its own doubts. It ignored its own voters, to say nothing of the voters it was going to need to win in 2024. I was one of the people arguing, beginning back in February, for some kind of competitive process: a mini-primary leading to an open convention. Those processes create information. Yes, they mean argument and dissension and fracture. But it is through argument and dissension and fracture that you discover what you do not yet know. It is through the bruising process of primaries and debates and speeches and interviews that you learn which candidates are able to connect to the mood and moment of the country. But Biden stepped aside mere weeks before the Democratic convention, after an extraordinary mobilization by members of Congress and Democratic donors. The hour was late. The party was scared. It had wasted so much time. And in wasting that time, it had refused to face up to a core problem: Biden wasn’t just too old. Voters were unhappy with his administration, with the wars abroad and the prices at home and the absence of leadership that made them confident that the people in charge knew what they were doing. The line in the Democratic Party was and is that Biden’s record ranks him as perhaps the greatest president since Franklin D. Roosevelt; the tragedy is that he is not 15 years younger. But Americans did not and do not believe that — and Democrats never reckoned with that fact or came up with an answer to it. That, more than any other reason, is why Kamala Harris lost... Was the endorsement of the Cheneys — and the enthusiasm with which it was embraced — a sign of the Democrats’ big tent or a sign of its internal confusion?... The Democratic Party had spent years kicking people out of its tent... It wasn’t that many years ago that Rogan had Bernie Sanders on for a friendly interview. And then Rogan kinda sorta endorsed him. Rather than celebrate, online liberals were furious at Sanders for going on “Rogan” in the first place. I was still on Twitter then, and I wrote about how of course Sanders was right to be there and this was one of the best arguments for Sanders’s campaign. If you wanted to beat Trump, you wanted to win over people like Rogan. Liberals got so angry at me for that, I was briefly a trending topic. Rogan was a transphobe, an Islamophobe, a sexist, a racist, the kind of person you wanted to marginalize, not chat with. But if these last years have proved anything, it’s that liberals don’t get to choose who is marginalized. Democrats should have been going on “Rogan” regularly. They should have been prioritizing it — and other podcasts like it — this year. Yes, Harris should have been there. Same for Tim Walz. On YouTube alone, Rogan’s interview with Trump was viewed some 46 million times. Democrats are just going to abandon that? In an election where they think that if the other side wins, it means fascism?... Democrats did everything they could to convince voters Trump was unfit for office, and voters gave Trump his first-ever popular vote victory. Emotionally, there are two ways Democrats can respond: contempt or curiosity. I’ve seen plenty of contempt already. If Americans are still willing to vote for Trump, given all he’s said and done, then there’s nothing Democrats or Harris could have done to dissuade them. There’ll be a desire to retreat, to hunker down, to draw the boundaries of who is decent and who is deplorable ever more clearly. But Trump sharply improved his margin in New York City... Trump seems to have made huge gains among voters making less than $50,000 a year. The Democratic Party is losing voters who lie at the core of its conception of itself."
He is deluded about Kamala being good, though
Left wingers have contempt for ordinary people while pretending to represent them
ZNO 🇺🇸 on X - "The same women who feared that Trump would impose a dystopian ‘Handmaid’s Tale’-like system, where women were forced to wear colored attire to identify them, are the same women now voluntarily donning blue bracelets as a form of self-identification. Amazing."
John Pavlovitz on X - "I knew a lot of men hated women, but I didn't realize how many women hated women."
Melissa Chen on X - "Suddenly we are women again, not just vagina-havers. This male feminist reveals the contempt he has for our agency and capacity to think for ourselves. Apparently ladies, we owed our support for Kamala because we share the same genitals."
Elon Musk on X - "Arizona just declared for @realDonaldTrump, making it a clean sweep of all swing states! Massive red wave success! It is beyond a landslide, as Republicans won:
– Presidency
– Popular vote
– Senate majority
– House majority
– State governor majority
– State legislature majority
The few states that didn’t go red are mostly ones without voter ID requirements. Must be a coincidence 🙄 This is an extremely clear mandate from the people for significant change!"
Meme - Gad Saad @GadSaad: "All of my academic colleagues think that the totality of red shown in the map below is a reflection of the number of uneducated, low-information, deplorable, degenerate garbage people that apparently make up the United States. Imagine that the people who are entrusted with education your children think this of you."
TaraBull @TaraBull808: "The Red Wave for Trump 2024"
Meme - wanye @wanyeburkett: "“The American people are fundamentally stupid and bad” is a sinister position that’s held by quite a large share of the left. And it’s not just the view of coastal elitists with impressive resumes. It’s probably the most common sentiment in my Facebook feed today, expressed by some of the most mediocre and uninteresting people I know. It’s something I thought when I was much more progressive and was a frequent topic of conversation amongst my liberal friends. The feeling that you’re smarter and more moral than conservatives is fundamental to the project."
Robert Sterling @RobertMSterling: "Kamala Harris’s campaign didn’t fail the American people. The American people failed the Kamala Harris campaign."
Michael J. Stern @MichaelJStern1: "CNN has a story titled “where the Harris campaign went wrong.” Nope, I won’t read it. Harris ran a great campaign. The story should be titled “where the American people went wrong.”"
Shannon Watts: "Kamala Harris was not a flawed candidate. America is a flawed country."
Ally Sammarco: "I genuinely am so proud of Kamala Harris and Tim Walz. They took a less than ideal situation and worked non-stop to make it happen for us. Their campaign team was absolutely incredible. It's unfortunate that our country failed them."
To protect democracy, left wing elites need to prescreen candidates to ensure that only approved choices can run for election
Meme - i/o @eyeslasho: "Kendi: "Men know a scared man when they see one." In his entire career as a "public intellectual," Kendi has never agreed to debate anyone who disagrees with his views. He has been offered huge sums of money. He has been challenged to debate numerous times. He never responds."
Ibram X. Kendi @ibramxk: "As a man, I’m just not scared like Trump. I’m not scared of telling the truth. I’m not scared of humility. I’m not scared of people who don’t look like me. I’m not scared of immigrants, of powerful women, of working people, of trans people, of Muslims. I’m not scared of love. I’m not scared of radical change. I’m not scared of Putin. I’m not scared of fair fights. I’m not scared of admitting when I lose. Trump is trying to get men of all races to be scared like him. Once we are scared like him, he can arrest us with our fears. Once he can arrest us with our fears, he can control us through our fears while telling us he is freeing us. Let’s not fall for it. Let’s not fall for Trump’s fears. Men know a scared man when we see one."
Chris Rose on X - "I haven’t seen the BBC this depressed since the former Hamas leader was killed."
Meme - samantha.tara: "So far, I haven't talked to a single woman or LGTBQIA+ person, who didn't start their day on Wednesday by crying"
casi_magz: "I actually had to pull off on the side of a highway because I was having the worst panic attack of my life. The cops and an ambulance showed up because someone called, saying I looked like I was in distress. Upon seeing the white male cop, the panic attack ONLY got worse"
These are the people who go on about "white fragility"
These people will never reflect a bit and realise that they're living in a bubble. Far easier to blame fraud
Good luck if you have a panic attack when meeting a "minority"
Shannon on X - "So I'm supposed to go to work and do my job tomorrow as if half the country didn't just vote to give me less rights than men?????"
Gad Saad on X - "I have spent more than three decades studying human behavior. The capacity for human minds to violate axioms of rationality is limitless. No self-reflection. No intellectual humility."
Meme - Carole Cadwalladr: "Democracy died in darkness."
Chris Rose @ArchRose90: "Almost 200 million Americans voted, that’s democracy in action you mad woman."
Daniel ShenSmith (BlackBeltBarrister) @dshensmith: "Clearly meant “democracy that gives the result I want”!"
Kathleen Stock on X - "Progressive talking heads really have to get their theory of human nature straight. It's not credible that your big flaw all along was optimism/ believing in inherent human goodness, when you've spent years insinuating half the electorate skew fascist at the drop of a hat."
KanekoaTheGreat on X - "In 2016, there was no peaceful transition of power. Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, and the Democratic Party weaponized the FBI, DOJ, and the legacy media to frame Donald Trump as a Russian agent. They lied to a FISA court multiple times to secure wiretaps and surveillance on Trump and his team. For years, federal agency heads fed disinformation to the media to undermine the duly elected president—the first populist outsider in recent history. The same media that dismissed Hunter Biden’s laptop as Russian disinformation, perpetuated the “very fine people” hoax, and portrayed Joe Biden as “sharp as a tack” also lied to the public about the integrity of the 2020 election. Russiagate, along with disinformation campaigns and social media censorship from the left, fueled widespread distrust and deep frustration with our institutions, ultimately leading to the events of January 6th. Meanwhile, the left supported BLM protests that caused billions in damages across American cities, yet continues to focus on January 6th because they are obsessed with smearing President Trump and his supporters while projecting moral superiority. For Trump supporters, who now represent the majority of the country, there was no peaceful transfer of power in 2016. Russiagate was always seen as the real insurrection—a coordinated attempt by the Washington establishment, unelected bureaucrats, and national institutions to overthrow the American people's choice for president."
Meme - Matt Bruenig @MattBruenig: "The majority of trump support came from women and people of color"
"Percent of Trump Votes that Come from Each Demographic Group (2024 Edison Exit Poll). 59% - Women & POC. 41% - White Men"
Meme - Chris Rose @ArchRose90: "“Dear brown servant, why aren’t you as hysterical as I want you to be?”"
Owen Jones: "I'm going back to my hotel in New York. With a Muslim Pakistani American cab driver... who voted for Donald Trump because "the prices were too high" under Biden"
Meme - 𝐆𝐫𝐞𝐠 @HarmfulOpinion: "All it takes is one little upset and their racism comes right out."
Greg Hatfield: "Fuck Latinos and Arabs. There. I said it. Hope you all get deported and banned."
Matt Blackwell on X - "The “Latinos are voting for their own deportation” takes are maybe a good indicator of why the left isn’t doing well with Latinos"
Meme - Aes @AesPolitics1: "Anyone else find it odd that billionaires chose the president?"
Readers added context they thought people might want to know: "Harris had 83 billionaires backing her, vs 52 billionaires supporting Trump."
Meme - Elon Musk @elonmusk: "Worth noting that far more “billionaires” backed Harris than Trump and she raised almost 50% more money. Nonetheless, America showed that elections aren’t just a function of money and gave Trump a resounding victory!"
Seth Dillon @SethDillon: "Harris had 83 billionaires backing her."
"This year, high-earners swayed both ways, but more veered left: Forbes counted 83 billionaires backing Vice President Kamala Harris and 52 in former President Donald Trump's corner. Between their campaign committees and the PACs that supported their election efforts:
Harris raised $1.6 billion with help from deep-pocketed donors like Michael Bloomberg, Bill Gates, Melinda French Gates, Laurene Powell Jobs, Reed Hastings, and Dustin Moskovitz (a Facebook co-founder).
Trump raised $1.1 billion, with one-fifth of the pile coming from Elon Musk and Timothy Mellon-a banking heir who was this election's largest individual donor. The former president also got $100+ million from Miriam Adelson, the majority owner of Las Vegas Sands Corp."
Why are left wingers on the billionaires' side?
Meme - The MAGA Slayer @LePapillonBlu2: "Trump said, “We don’t need [the] votes,” and “We got more votes than anybody’s ever had.” He knew the election was rigged in his favor all along."
Elinor @elsurf1: "I am wondering if people were secretly paid to vote for Trump."
Pensandpages @Pensandpages: "Yup. Wondered that, too. Musk has the money to buy votes."
🌊🌊🌊Ronda🌊🌊🌊😘😚💖❤💪 @Rparton196310: "He has more than the money he has that satellite bullshit, in comes Elon changing the votes"
Weird. I thought election denial and unsubstantiated fraud charges were disgusting and fascist. Turns out...
Meme - Glenn Greenwald @ggreenwald: "Oh, damn: liberals are about to unleash a level of vitriol and scorn for America's Latino voters unlike anything we've seen in awhile. Literally nothing enrages Democrats more than when the "marginalized groups" they believe they own don't do what they're told:"
kimberly @problemsthots: "we have to have a very very uncomfortable conversation about latino voters in this country."
Meme - Glenn Greenwald @ggreenwald: "The Nation's Justice Correspondent and all-around hate-driven maniac @ElieNYC basically threatens some sort of civil war between Latino voters and Black voters (even though polls show 20% of Black men also voted for Trump):"
Elie Mystal @ElieNYC: "One thing I do worry about, is that the "solidarity" between "people of color" has been significantly damaged. Watching Latinos chase model minority status has never sat *well* with black people, but this is a wound the Black community won't soon forget"
DB @Hi_ImBria: "Please, I beg, don't EVER group us together as "POC" anymore."
Thread by @DeAngelisCorey on Thread Reader App – Thread Reader App - "BREAKING: A California public school teacher had a total meltdown in class because Trump won. He compared Trump to Hitler, told kids they could end up in concentration camps, called them privileged, said Kamala lost because of racism/sexism & MORE I have the audio Buckle up👇🧵
WARNING: This guy is verbally abusing these children 🚨
"This sh*t is not a f*cking game.. Can you end up in a concentration camp in your lifetime? YES! Can you end up with no human rights? YES! .. has Donald Trump quoted Hitler? YES! Does he embody some of Hitler's ideas? YES!"
"Donald Trump won.. because Black men and Brown men didn't show up to vote for Kamala Harris. I know a lot of Latino men on this campus that love Donald Trump and he has called their mothers rapists. He has called their fathers rapists.. and they did vote for him."
"I know a lot of Latino men that wish they were White.. A lot of your fathers. A lot of your uncles. A lot of your grandfathers. God they wanna be White so bad but they never will be. I hate that sh*t. I hate Latino men that oppress the women in their family, their own daughters"
"God I f*cking hate the patriarchy. If you're a young man right now in front of me, I hope you hate it too.. you get the privilege of not being born with a uterus.."
"Do you have privilege because you live here? YES! .. You got a f*ck ton of privilege living in this great state."
"Trump said people who fight for the military are stupid cowards. He got drafted into Vietnam and faked medical paperwork to get out of it. Is that someone you idolize? Why did he win the election? A rapist draft dodging coward. Treasonous scum. Why would he win?"
"Why would he win? Why did he win them? WHY DID HE WIN THEM? She [Kamala] has a vagina and uterus.. she has melanin."
"When Joe Biden dropped out and Kamala took over, I cried for a week nonstop. I knew that there were White people and non-White people that were men that would show up and would rather vote for literally anybody except someone with a uterus who has melanin."
"We all deserve better. You know know what this country is. Is our country racist? Is our country patriarchal? Can we change it? Maybe."
I've obtained an email from the principal to a parent indicating that the incident involved "Mr. Perez's AP World History Class" at Valley View High School in Moreno Valley Unified School District. "We do not condone the behavior that was exhibited in class [Wednesday]"
UNBELIEVABLE: A "Mr. M. Perez" is listed as the school's advisor for the "AP Mental Club." Purpose: "To focus on mental health and social resources for those students in an advanced placement course.. To experience social emotional wellness firsthand."
Total Pay & Benefits: $106,442
2020 Medium article on lesson plans: "I was able to talk about cultural erasure, colonialism, systemic racism, the fight.. against white and capitalistic American forces." "The evidence and activities are centered around the understanding of inherit racism and white supremacy"
I just obtained an email from the @MorenoValleyUSD Superintendent Alejandro Ruvalcaba to a parent. "Personnel matters are highly confidential. Please trust that the matter will be addressed and appropriate action taken as deemed necessary." Just trust they'll do the right thing?
Superintendent Alejandro Ruvalcaba's base salary is $356,000.
BREAKING: "We do not condone the behavior that occurred, and an immediate investigation has been launched. The staff member involved has been placed on administrative leave pending the outcome of this review." The school district just sent this message to parents."