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Monday, November 11, 2024

Links - 11th November 2024 (1 - Palestine/Middle East Peace)

Calls mount for Canada to bar UN special rapporteur Francesca Albanese over antisemitic remarks - "The Canadian government is facing demands to bar Francesca Albanese, the United Nations special rapporteur overseeing the Palestinian territories, from the country, following comments she made that have been called antisemitic. Albanese is scheduled to speak at the University of Toronto on Nov. 7 about international law and genocide... Albanese compared Israel to the Third Reich, arguing that the Jewish state was on a genocidal mission to create a “pure race.” She made similar remarks in August. In July, Albanese compared Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to Adolph Hitler. Her latest public comments drew the condemnation of Jewish leaders across the globe, including Canada’s special envoy combatting antisemitism, Deborah Lyons. “It is unacceptable for any official — independent or not — to engage in Holocaust distortion”... Hillel Neuer, the leader of UN Watch, a watchdog organization that has spotlighted many of Albanese’s most inflammatory comments, agreed. “We are calling on the Canadian government to deny her an entry visa, on account of her record of supporting terrorism and antisemitism,” the Montreal native told the Post. “Given the repeated violent antisemitic attacks in Canada, Albanese’s visit — certain to fuel more hatred and support for terrorism — poses a national security threat.” Albanese has a long history of controversial remarks about Jews and Israel, many of which predate her appointment as special rapporteur in May 2022. A list compiled by the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) reveals she rejoiced when Hamas was removed from a terror group list by the European Union in 2014 and has repeatedly dabbled in classic antisemitic tropes of Jewish control of government and media. “America and Europe, one of them subjugated by the Jewish lobby, and the other by the sense of guilt about the Holocaust,” she said in July 2014. Albanese was among the earlier voices seeking to justify the October 7 atrocities before the full scope of the devastation was apparent. As the attacks were unfolding, the UN rapporteur wrote , “Today’s violence must be put in context.” In February, she denounced French President Emmanuel Macron’s statements that the attacks were the “greatest antisemitic massacre of the century.” “The victims of 7/10 were not killed because of their Judaism, but in reaction to Israel’s oppression. France & the international community did nothing to prevent it. My respects to the victims.” Four days later, Albanese warned that reports of rape and beheadings were unverified rumours. The Hamas charter explicitly calls for the destruction of Israel and the genocide of Jews. It quotes a hadith (saying attributed to Muhammad) Islamic Scripture that says the “Day of Judgement will not come about until Muslims fight the Jews, when the Jew will hide behind stones and trees. The stones and trees will say, ‘O Muslims, O oh servant of Allah, there is a Jew behind me, come and kill him.’” Albanese condemned the deaths of Hamas and Hezbollah leaders over the summer, calling them “acts of aggression” tantamount to “murder.” When Yahya Sinwar, widely seen as the architect of the October 7 atrocities, was killed this month, she called his death “quite inhumane.” Albanese is the latest UN special rapporteur overseeing the Palestinian territories to be accused of anti-Israel bias. Her predecessor, Western University legal professor Michael Lynk, was appointed amid controversy, with Canada’s then-foreign minister Stéphane Dion criticizing the appointment in 2016. The position was previously held by Richard Falk, another international lawyer, who shared an antisemitic cartoon in 2011 featuring a dog with a kippah and blood dripping from its mouth ripping apart a skeleton."
Hate aside, her insane claims are wildly inaccurate - Israel has a 26% non-Jewish population. No wonder the UN has no credibility. But of course "experts" are needed to push the left wing agenda

Meme - Jonathan Kay @jonkay: "There are students dressed up as terrorists parading around the @TorontoMet  campus, and here’s  what the university president and his buddies are tweeting about: a “working group” redesigned the school’s ceremonial mace to bring it into compliance with its DEI politburo"
Eyal Yakoby @EYakoby: "Breaking: Students at Toronto Metropolitan University are currently dressed up as PFLP terrorists and have taken over a building.  It continues to amaze me how students can wear terrorist clothing, take over buildings, and administrations do nothing."

While it was not a terror attack, students felt terrorized - "Dressed as a “Hamas terrorist,” this masked man ominously stood still in the middle of the student Toronto Metropolitan University lobby like a statue.  Surreal, weird and bloody scary. He was freaking people out. This was no Halloween stunt but an orchestrated action to create fear.  With a red and white keffiyeh over his shoulders, a red headband with Arabic writing over a black ski mask, mirrored sunglasses and holding a wrapped-up Palestinian flag on a pole that some thought looked like a weapon, this was one strange scene at the downtown campus on Tuesday.  People, already reeling from pro-Hamas supporters entering the lobby and chanting “Free, Free Palestine,” noticed his fanny pack and knapsack and worried what he would do next. Sources say one Jewish student had his camera smashed to the ground, but there were no reported arrests. Sometimes the most effective terror attack is one that looks like it is about to take place. This was terrifying.  “Students were very uncomfortable, one hundred per cent,” said a TMU law student who witnessed the whole thing. “He looked like he was in tactical gear and wearing a headband with a logo or emblem of a designated terror group.”   The video was originally brought to my attention by Meir Weinstein of Israel Now, who made the point that in the aftermath of the murderous horrors of Oct. 7, no Jewish or non-Jewish student, faculty member or citizen, should be subjected to something like this... More videos are emerging of this madness, showing that security seems to have no answer for it... To translate, the university once known as Ryerson and changed the name because of alleged previous concerns of discriminatory conduct, is not taking this incident seriously.   Toronto Police, as is common in many cases such as this, have not yet commented. But Jewish organizations certainly are... “The TMU administration should be ashamed of itself,” said Robertson. “To the detriment of its entire community, it continues to capitulate to the caustic demands of fringe radicals.”... “There are few things as horrifying as seeing someone knowingly dressed as a member of a recognized terrorist group,” he said, reminding that “Hamas is a listed terrorist entity in Canada, and it is appalling that this open glorification of terror was allowed on a Canadian campus. This act was a clear attempt to intimidate and instill fear … We call on Toronto Police Services to investigate the incident and hold the perpetrator accountable.”"

Meme - SoVeryIsraeli🇮🇱 @soveryisraeli: "A beginner's guide to Zionism:"
Crying Nazi, Hamas member and pink haired liberal woman: "Go back to where you come from!!!"
Jew: "Ok. *packs bag*
"Welcome to Israel"

Brad R. Torgersen on X - "Remember, gang: the women who say they live in fear of the red robe and white bonnet, were at the anti-Israel marches all summer. Wearing keffiyeh, and doing hijab-chic, while prostrating themselves during Muslim prayer."

Eitan Fischberger on X - "We now have self-described "Hamas operatives" serving in the National Guard, and that's not terrifying at all"
Pittsburgh ‘Hamas operative’ allegedly bought explosives, vandalized Jewish buildings — and donated to Squad Democrats
As the left love to say, if there's a Nazi at the table and 10 other people sitting there talking to him, then you got a table with 11 Nazis.

Max Abrahms on X - "If the political right spent the past year threatening Americans with violence like the political left that’s all the election would be about. The intifada movement is the biggest disgrace I’ve seen in my lifetime as an American & it was fomented by the Democratic leadership."

Eyal Yakoby on X - "Breaking: A Jewish man and his five year son were confronted by a cafe owner over a Star of David hat. The owner stated the symbol was violent and demanded they leave. The man asked if the cafe did not allow Jews, the man was told they “might not.""
Jennifer Sey on X - "A Jewish man and his son are told by a business owner in Oakland, CA to leave his restaurant. The police side with the business. Sound familiar? We are in a very dark place. And I’m glad I left the Bay Area."
Noah Smith 🐇🇺🇸🇺🇦🇹🇼 on X - "Let us take a momentary break from election madness to note that it is illegal to kick someone out of your restaurant for wearing a Jewish star"
They didn't get the memo that they were discriminating against "Zionists", not Jews. Too bad they weren't any other "minority", or left wingers would care

Iceveins on X - "Radical Leftist Communist CNN writer: “All Palestinians should just lay down to die”"
Terrorism supporter logic: if you think Palestinians don't have the right to kill as many Israelis and Jews as they want without the other side fighting back, you think all Palestinians should die

Meme - "BORN TOO LATE TO fight in the Middle East *Arab Revolt*
BORN TOO EARLY TO fight in the Middle East *Attack of the Clones*
BORN JUST IN TIME to fight in the Middle East *Iron Dome*"

ZOG Enjoyer 🇳🇬🇮🇱🎗🎮🎸 on X - "The entire Palestinian cause is like a criminal in jail crying that his freedom is restricted, while still committing crimes and begging to be released so he can commit some more 😂😂😂"
wanye on X - "Yeah, I mean, it’s like you just want to say to the Palestinians, “I know you think you deserve the right to retaliate, but we’re only going to give you more freedom over your destiny if you promise not to. Like, you’re not going to get additional freedoms if you use them to retaliate. Do you understand?”  And then you give them more freedom and they retaliate.   And of course they do! Maybe there’s just nothing else you can expect of them! Maybe they’ve been so completely and historically wronged that no human being in their situation could possibly do otherwise. OK, man, but Israel is still not obligated to give them the freedom to attempt to destroy them. Like, even if all that is true, Israel is not obligated to give them the freedom to attempt to destroy Israel.   I think this is the core claim that short circuits peoples brains. I think they actually believe that, no, you absolutely have to give the Palestinians more freedom to operate, even if that means they’re going to use those freedoms to attempt to destroy you."

Kosher🎗🧡 on X - "I can’t get my head round this BBC hit a new low every single day but this? @BowenBBC interviewing Hamas Leaders and seemingly distributing Propaganda of a Proscribed Terrorist group to UK Public Is this even legal? Paid with UK Public money Sickening"

Meme - Stanford then: Brainiac: "Our professor invented radar jammers to save Americans from the Nazis."
Stanford now: Idiot putting shapes in holes: "America bad?"

Will Sussman on X - "“MIT is not neutral in an important way. We are an American university. We serve this country. We served this country in World War II. It’s one of the reasons that we won, is because we had the MIT scientists and engineers working for the Allies. And so, in an important way, MIT is not neutral. We’re not some global university that exists in a bubble where it’s utopia. We serve the United States.  And so, if we’re taking money from the Department of Defense to advance military projects, and you’re upset with the direction that the United States is going, then you can vote in U.S. elections. But that doesn’t mean that we should be accusing professors of building ‘killer drones’ (which he says he’s not building) all because you disagree with the U.S. being an ally of Israel.”"

Joe Yudin | Facebook - "For all those people who think that there should be an embargo on arms to Israel, to pressure Israel to stop targeting and killing the terrorists who have been indiscriminately firing rockets at our children for over 11 months daily now from Lebanon, Gaza, Syria, Iraq, Iran and Yemen, you are either fools or antisemites. Israel will defend itself with whatever weapons we have. So if you stop giving us the parts we need for these precision strikes, the most precision strikes against militants ever made in the history of warfare, we will revert to less precise arms and the end result will be more civilians used as human shields by the terrorists who will die. We will not stop defending ourselves and we will not stop targeting and killing the monsters trying to murder us. If you really want this war to end pressure and punish those people in Iran, Qatar,  Lebanon, Syria and Gaza who are behind all of this to stop shooting at Israel indiscriminately and release the hostages. Pressure them, not us."

Meme - Dr. Maalouf ‏ @realMaalouf: "Atefeh Sahaaleh, a 16-year-old Iranian girl was publicly hanged for being raped.  She was murdered by the Islamic regime because she reported that she was raped.  Under Sharia law, being raped is considered ‘sex outside of marriage’, and it’s a capital crime."
"Atefeh, several hours after her execution, in the early morning, 2004. She was 16-years old at the time of her execution by Iranian Judicial officials."

Meme - Chase Geiser @realchasegeiser: "Over 30% of marriages in Gaza are between cousins. The average IQ is 67.9 For context, Forrest Gump's IQ is 75."
Consanguinity profile in the Gaza Strip of Palestine: Large-scale community-based study

WHAT WE THINK WE ARE *abused wife*
WHAT WE ARE ACTUALLY *terrorists*"

Richard Hanania on X - "New poll of Arab Americans by YouGov.
Trump: 45%
Harris: 43%
Stein: 4%
They're tied on who will be better on the Middle East, and Trump is up six on the question of who is more likely to peacefully resolve the Israeli-Palestinian crisis.   The voters in this poll were +10 for Hillary and +9 for Biden in 2020, so this is a real shift.   Interestingly, only 38% of Arab Americans say the US should decrease its military presence in the Middle East. 52% say it should be maintained or increased!  We need a religious breakdown here. I suspect that this is being skewed by Republican leaning Christians."
Internalised white supremacy!

Saul Sadka on X - ""The Jews are collapsing, terrified, penniless, fleeing back to Europe and North Africa... any day now we will put them on trial and execute them."  Coincidentally, this is what the Arab states told Abdel Bari Atwan's parents in 1948, but they were wrong, and that's why he was born in a refugee camp in Gaza in 1950, where his UNRWA teachers no doubt told him the same thing in 1956 and 1967.  This is the false narrative that deludes the Arab street into their forever wars against the Jews, one that they lose harder every time. The great-great-grandchildren of the founders of Israel are now handily proving in wrong for an 8th time, as Israel's population stands at 10 million.  Far from feeling back to Europe penniless with Arab armies chasing them, every army sent against the Jews has fled, they have multiplied 10-fold in 77 years, and are some of the wealthiest, healthiest and happiest people on earth.  As long as Atwan and his ilk keep lying to each other (and perhaps themselves), they will keep losing, which is OK for Israel, but wouldn't it be better if they had a realistic view of reality, which is a prerequisite for peace?"

Meme - Wilfred Reilly @wil_da_beast630: "The extraordinary global focus on the "genocide" of Palestinians - a people led by terrorists, who basically keep losing wars - combined with total blind-eyeing of the ACTUAL near-extermination of Christians and Jews in the Middle East, is one of the more significant and bizarre misdirection of our time."
Dr. Maalouf ‏ @realMaalouf: "The Palestinian population has grown 400% since 1948, yet they call it a ‘genocide’.  Christians are on the verge of extinction in the Middle East, and yet no one calls it a genocide."
"RELIGION. Decline of Christianity/ In some Middle Eastern countries Lebanon 53% in 1932 -> 32% Lebanon In 2024
Syria 14% in 1943 -> 1% In 2024
Jordan 20% in 1930 -> 2% In 2024
Iraq 12% in 1950 -> 0.2% In 2024"

Meme - Visegrád 24 @visegrad24: "This video is going viral among Lebanese Christians right now.  The new Hezbollah leader Hashem Safieddine, who was likely killed in an Israeli airstrike yesterday, can be seen on the video threatening Lebanon’s Christians.  He said their time is running out (demography)"

Meme - *Man holding sign: "Zionism causes Polio"*
Hen Mazzig @HenMazzig: "The polio vaccine was developed by Jewish doctor Jonas Salk, who gave lectures in Israel.   Israel was the third country in the world to independently produce Salk’s polio vaccine.   Israel was one of the first countries to carry out mass polio vaccination campaigns, significantly dropping polio rates in rural communities and Arab villages.  Israel’s contributions to polio research and vaccine development have significantly impacted global efforts to combat the disease.  Take your medieval antisemism elsewhere."
"Zionism" is so powerful. It is the cause of everything that's wrong in the world today, apparently

Meme - Saul Sadka @Saul_Sadka: "Accusing Jews of spreading disease in medieval times, and of controlling world leaders in the 1930s, are two devices used to prepare the ground for, and justify, the killing of Jews.  And here we are, in London, in 2024.  October 7 will forever be a festival for these new Nazis."

Meme - Saul Sadka @Saul_Sadka: "Other nations get to mourn their dead in peace. But Jews mustn't cry: Jewish tears are "weapons of war," explains the Guardian, memorials to Jewish dead are just rallying points for "limitless violence."  Jews don't count—and they don't get to count their dead either. A new low."
"How Israel has made trauma a weapon of war"

Meme - Saul Sadka @Saul_Sadka: "The insane UK's Sky News, with takes like this from Dominic Waghorn and the usual shocking bilge from Alex Crawford, who finally managed to used the T word last week—of course about Israel, which "wrought two days of terror" against the "fighting group" Hezbollah—is getting noticed worldwide. It's an embarrassment to UK journalism.  This is all because Sky News' only major, regular advertiser is the modern slave state and terror hub of Qatar, which has sponsored the weather hourly via its airline (terrorsits welcome, but no beepers pleaee) since 2005.   As they say in England, "You pays your money, you gets your terror supporting propaganda.""
Ritchie Torres @RitchieTorres: "Listening to the media, one could be forgiven for thinking that Israel is the aggressor and Hezbollah the victim.  Never mind that Hezbollah has been unleashing unrelenting rocket fire against Israel for nearly a year—a state of affairs that no nation, including our own, would ever accept.   Nonetheless, the media frames Israeli self-defense as “escalation” and portrays Hezbollah as “provoked,” as if the world’s most heavily armed terrorist organization were a blameless bullied victim of unprovoked Israeli aggression."
Sky News @SkyNews: "Hezbollah has been provoked like never before by Israel and may be tempted to unleash its firepower"

Meme - Saul Sadka @Saul_Sadka: "If the facts that the theocratic dictatorship of Qatar
1. funds terror and Jew-hate worldwide,
2. is a home base for Hamas,
3. is the world's foremost practitioner of modern slavery,
4. is a place where 90%+ of residents are not, and will never be, citizens, and lack basic human rights,
5. is a place where homosexuality is a capital offence,
were not enough to make you stop flying Qatar Airways, perhaps the knowledge that some of your fellow passengers are active jihadists trying to make their connection for their training retreat in Kabul, will make you think twice.  #BDSQatar
Don't go there. Don't go to universities they sponsor. Don't get your news from outlets they advertise with. Don't support or do bussiness with businesses they own."
Qatar Airways: "Effective immediately: Following the directive received from the Directorate General of Civil Aviation of the Republic of Lebanon, all passengers flying from Beirut Rafic Harirl International Airport (BEY) are prohibited from carrying pagers and walkie-talkies on board flights. The ban applies to both checked and carry-on luggage, as well as cargo, and will be enforced until further notice."

Meme - David Jacobs @DrJacobsRad: "Here is a proposed course outline from the University of Toronto that bans Jews from joining the class.  The word 'Zionist' was ultimately removed, but the professor was not.  How are we supposed to combat hate when we teach it at our universities?"
"Diversity: This classroom is a space free of sexism, racism, Zionism, homophobia, and all other forms of social violence. Preferred pronouns will be respected, and students are expected to demonstrate a commitment to equality and generosity at all times."
"Diversity" is about everyone having left wing approved thoughts

Meme - Alex Leo @AlexMLeo: "DNA testing is not banned in Israel and that is just such a bonkers thing to assert. You can’t buy an OTC genetic test w/o an RX or court order but you can buy them online. 23&Me is restricted by lots of countries but ships to Israel. 1/"
Readers added context they thought people might want to know: "DNA testing is not banned in Israel. The Genetic Information Law, passed in 2000 amid privacy concerns, conditions domestic testing on a doctor's prescription or court order, & that testing be done by accredited labs. Commercial ancestry tests can be purchased from abroad."
Terrorism supporters are always lying

Meme - Drew Pavlou 🇦🇺🇺🇸🇺🇦🇹🇼 @DrewPavlou: "Wake up babe the pro-Palestine watermelon emoji people are now endorsing KKK leader David Duke"
Layla @hiprincesslayla: "I'm not surprised he endorsed Jill Stein. You should listen to David Duke's podcast, he's actually very reasonable and intelligent especially on Palestinian history"

Meme - "Over the past years, 16.3 Billion has been donated to the Palestinian cause. Your generous donations have made such a difference.
Eductaion *Tunnel*
Healthcare *rockets*
Housing *militants holding rifles*
Please keep giving"

Meme - "Why didnt my rents accept the two state solution 75 Years ago? *Child with blood on face and on clothes sitting on steps in ruins with Palestinian flag*"

Meme - "UNRWA school, Gaza"
*IDF looking into school*
Hamas member: "Cute kids, eh?"
*Rockets with smiley faces in classroom chairs*

Netanel Worthy - נתנאל וורתי on X - "Apartheid? 0 Jews in Gaza. 2 Million Arabs in Israel, with full, equal, civil rights. Numbers don’t lie. Antisemites do."

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