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Sunday, November 10, 2024

Links - 10th November 2024 (2 - Indigenous Peoples)

PC candidate compares N.B.'s original 2SLGBTQ+ policy to Indigenous residential schools - "A Progressive Conservative candidate for a seat in the New Brunswick Legislature is facing calls she withdraw from the campaign after she compared protections for 2SLGTBQ+ students to the systematic taking of Indigenous children from their parents to place them in residential schools. Sherry Wilson said the federal system of forcing tens of thousands of First Nations, Inuit and Métis children into the schools was "only allowed to happen because children enrolled in school were isolated from their parents' oversight, input and influence." She implied there was a parallel between that and the province's original Policy 713 — which allowed 2SLGBTQ+ students to adopt names and pronouns at school without their parents knowing. "We cannot afford to repeat the tragic mistakes that destroyed the lives of thousands of Indigenous families," Wilson, the PC candidate in Albert-Riverview, wrote in the statement posted on social media... Wilson isn't the first Progressive Conservative to draw the parallel between policies to protect 2SLGBTQ+ children and the residential school system. Hampton-Fundy-St. Martins candidate Faytene Grasseschi made the comparison as a Christian conservative activist, before becoming a PC candidate last year. She told CBC News in a July 2023 interview it was an Indigenous parent who first told her there was a parallel. "It's an ideology. It's a mindset that says the children belong to the government, not the family, not the parents," she said."
The government was definitely wrong then, but definitely right now, and anyone who disagrees is a bad person, and indigenous people who don't push the left wing agenda need to be ignored

nature on X - "How I apply Indigenous wisdom to Western science and nurture Native American students"
Crémieux on X - "I would prefer it if you just did science."
TheShadowbanned on X - "My favorite example of this is the university in Australia that said they shouldn't teach that aboriginals arrived in Australia 50,000-60,000 years ago because "they have always been there since the dreaming." This debate should have been over after the Scopes Monkey Trial"

'Colonialist mentality:' Indigenous groups challenge Quebec over new history museum - "The Assembly of First Nations Quebec-Labrador had criticized Premier François Legault for suggesting during the museum announcement in April that the province's history began with the arrival of French explorers Jacques Cartier and Samuel de Champlain in the 16th and 17th centuries... The Indigenous groups also repeated previous criticism of historian Éric Bédard, who was quoted telling reporters at the museum announcement that history begins with writing, and that therefore "the Indigenous people represent a bit the prehistory of Quebec." "I think we have a different understanding of what history means," Martin said. "You're asking us to endorse what we perceive to be reminders of colonialism." Quebec Culture Minister Mathieu Lacombe said he understood the objection to the word "prehistory." "I understand that those words could have been hurtful," he said."
Worshipping "indigenous" peoples means you no longer know the difference between history and pre-history
Trust the Experts - when they push the left wing agenda

Aboriginal smoking ceremony dispute delays Mitchell Freeway extension opening in Perth - "The simple opening of a freeway extension spiralled into chaos after two Aboriginal elders clashed over who had the right to conduct the smoking ceremony.   Western Australian Transport Minister Rita Saffioti, who is also Deputy Premier, and other officials were preparing to cut the ribbon at the new stretch of the $232million Mitchell Freeway, in Perth, on Sunday.  A smoking ceremony had been organised for the event with Whadjak Noongar man Steve Jacobs appointed the honour of carrying it out.  The ceremony was abruptly interrupted when another Indigenous man gatecrashed the event with an argument ensuing over who had the right to conduct it... The dispute over the smoking ceremony happened as controversial new Aboriginal heritage laws have come into effect in WA.  Under the change, many rivers, creeks and other tributaries will be considered ethnographic sites, requiring the highest level of assessment to change.  Australia's richest woman Gina Rinehart in June launched a scathing attack on the legislation, claiming it cause havoc.  She predicted the new regulations will cause 'unintended consequences', with even the addition of a granny flat to a property being subject to delays.  'Many are concerned that some elements of this Act have not been consulted on broadly enough,' Ms Rinehard said in a Brisbane speech.  'There is a risk of unintended consequences, even property developers are raising concerns, not just the mining industry. 'These unintended consequences could extend further too, with all West Australians who own a block larger than 1100sq/m needing to be aware of their potential obligations under the Act.  '[That] could involve additional assessment, permitting, plans and or approvals for various activities.'  She said anyone wanting to build a granny flat for ageing parents or for teenagers would have to comply with the new regulations if they move more than 20kg of soil.  Mrs Rinehart said the changes were 'carefully tailored' to protect voters of properties under 1000sq/m - the size of a traditional quarter-acre block."

Meme - "Do you live in Alberta?
I do not recognize the province of Alberta, but live in a region within the geographic, boundaries of what is known as the province of Alberta
This is a checkbox from a federally sponsored survey on "2SLGBTQ+ Poverty." Conducted by York University and funded by the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council, it apparently allows participants to negate the existence of Alberta in describing where they live."

Who Invented Scalping? - "there is abundant evidence from various sources that the Indians practiced scalping long before the white man arrived and that they continued to do so without the incentive of colonial cash.  The first and most familiar source of evidence is the written descriptions of the earliest European observers, who presumably saw the Indian cultures of the eastern seaboard in something like an aboriginal condition. When Jacques Cartier sailed up the St. Lawrence to what is now Quebec City in 1535, he met the Stadaconans, who showed him “the scalps of five Indians, stretched on hoops like parchment.” His host, Donnacona, told him they were from “Toudamans from the south, who waged war continually against his people.”  Twenty-nine years later, another Frenchman, artist Jacques Ie Moyne, witnessed the Timucuans’ practice of scalping on the St. Johns River in Florida...  The French were not alone in witnessing the Indian custom of scalping. When the English brazenly set themselves down amid the powerful Powhatan Confederacy in Virginia, the Indians used an old tactic to try to quash their audacity...  The first Dutchmen to penetrate the Iroquois country of upstate New York also found evidence of native scalping...  The list of Europeans who upon first meeting the eastern Indians found scalping prevalent is a long one. The first characteristic their descriptions share is an expression of surprise at the discovery of such a novel custom. The nearly universal highlighting of the custom in early accounts, the search for meaningful comparisons (such as parchment), the detailed anatomical descriptions of the act itself, and the total absence of any suggestion of white familiarity with the practice all suggest that their surprise was not disingenuous.  The second theme of these descriptions is that scalping was surrounded by a number of rituals and customs that could hardly have been borrowed from the freebooting European traders and fishermen who may have preceded the earliest authors...  The final characteristic of the early accounts is an obvious search for words to describe scalping to a European audience. The older English word scalp did not acquire its distinctly American meaning until 1675 when King Philip’s War brought the object renewed prominence in New England. Until then, the best expressions were compounds such as “hair-scalp” and “head-skin,” phrases such as “the skin and hair of the scalp of the head,” or the simple but ambiguous word “head.” Likewise, the only meaning of the verb to scalp meant “to carve, engrave, scrape, or scratch.” Consequently, English writers were forced to use “skin,” “flay,” or “excoriate” until 1676 when the American meaning became popular. French, Dutch, German, and Swedish speakers were also forced to resort to circumlocutions until they borrowed the English words in the eighteenth century.  On the other hand, the languages of the eastern Indians contained many words to describe the scalp, the act of scalping, and the victim of scalping. A Catholic priest among the Hurons in 1623 learned that an onontsira was a war trophy consisting of “the skin of the head with its hair.” The five languages of the Iroquois were especially rich in words to describe the act that has earned them, however unjustly, an enduring reputation for inhuman ferocity...  Drawings reveal yet another piece of evidence damaging to the new theory of scalping, namely scalp locks. A small braid of hair on the crown, often decorated with paint or jewelry, the scalp lock was worn widely in both eastern and western America. Contrary to the notion of scalping as a recent and mercenary introduction, the scalp lock originally possessed ancient religious meaning in most tribes, symbolizing the warrior’s life-force. For anyone to touch it even lightly was regarded as a grave insult. If the white man had taught the Indians to scalp one another for money, it is highly unlikely that the Indians were also hoodwinked into making it easier for their enemies by growing hairy handles. Something far deeper in native culture and history must account for the practice.  The final and most conclusive evidence of scalping in pre-Columbian America comes from archaeology. Since Indian skulls of the requisite age can be found to show distinct and unambiguous marks made by the scalping knife, the Indians must have known of scalping before the arrival of the white man. A wealth of evidence, particularly from prehistoric sites along the Mississippi and Missouri rivers and in the Southeast, indicates just such a conclusion."
I saw someone claiming the French introduced the practice to the natives and that it "Originated with native Americans after being taught by the French how to do it."

Family of Blackfeet chief, face of NFL's Redskins for 48 years, wants his image back in NFL - "The family of the Blackfeet chief who served as the face of the Washington Redskins for 48 years want his image back on the fields of the NFL... The descendants of John Two Guns White Calf also want his incredible life story retold, too, to a new generation of Americans who seek unity and value multiculturalism.   The White Calf family has support in Washington, D.C. from one of their Montana senators, while the NFL franchise itself, now known as the Washington Commanders, is making new efforts to honor the team's heritage. "The fans want him back and we want him back," Thomas White Calf, a great nephew of the celebrated early-20th-century native, said this week by phone, hours after the family met with Sen. Steve Daines, R-Montana.   Two Guns White Calf’s proud portrait adorned Redskins helmets, T-shirts, playing fields and marketing materials from 1972 until 2020. "Our ancestor was the most famous and most photographed native in history," said White Calf, who was joined on the call by his mother, Delphine White Calf, a niece of the late Blackfeet chief.   "Two Guns was also the face on the Indian head nickel. I’m proud of him. The Blackfeet are proud of him." White Calf's portrait and the name Redskins were erased from the NFL in 2020 following years of mounting public pressure, much of it fueled by the George Soros-funded cancel-culture group, National Congress of American Indians. ,The celebrated Blackfeet chief and his life story were canceled even as polls showed that 90% of Native Americans supported the team name and White Calf portrait. Thomas White Calf, who lives on a Blackfeet reservation in Montana, says his family was never consulted and never supported the removal of Two Guns White Calf's image from the NFL.   "This is about righting a wrong," Sen. Steve Daines, R-Mont., said"

Meme - *Every Child Matters design* "NOT ONE CHILD FOUND"

Leah ProudLakota (she/her) on X - "Today, I tabled Bill C-413 to help combat Residential School denialism. In honor of Orange Shirt Day, I extend this gift to survivors and their families on behalf of myself and all my colleagues. May you find justice and healing in the protection of your stories."
Jonathan Kay on X - "amazing how we went from “truth & reconciliation” to “don’t ask about those 215 graves or we’ll send u to jail.” Hard to imagine anything more corrosive to *actual* reconciliation. And it’s turning orange shirt day into a farce (insofar as our surfing PM didn’t get that job done in tofino)"
Truth About Covid on X - "There is very little truth in truth and reconciliation. When it comes to natives, politics always runs rough shod over the truth."
As long as there's money to be made from milking white people, there will never be either truth nor reconciliation

Jonathan Kay on X - "For those outside Canada who are following the tragicomic saga of our 2021 “unmarked graves” social panic, here’s where we are. 3 1/2 years later, they have not found one single grave. But instead of admitting the mistake, they want to criminalize anyone who points it out."

End Wokeness on X - "Kamala Harris refused to acknowledge Columbus Day. Argentina's Milei did. "Civilized the American continent""

Nate Hochman on X - "There are still some conservatives who spend an inordinate amount of time trying to engage left-wing arguments with maximum "nuance" and "complexity." Columbus Day is a good example.  A lot of conservative defenses of Columbus include lengthy, throat-clearing to-be-sure clauses — "okay, yes, he may have committed this or that sin, but you have to understand the broader context in which those sins occurred."  This completely misses the point. The purpose of the attack on Columbus Day is not historical accuracy. It's not an attempt to "correct the record." It's an ideological weapon, aimed at the legitimacy of the American nation itself. It's yet another attempt to paint America as a fraud, a sin, a nation whose mere existence is a moral crime — a nation that does not have a right to exist, nor to defend itself from those who seek to end its existence.  What does your "nuance" mean to people advancing arguments such as this? It means nothing. They will not be persuaded, because this was never about persuasion in the first place."

Meme - Ben & Jerry's: "This 4th of July, it's high time we recognize that the US exists on stolen Indigenous land and commit to returning it. Learn more and take action now:"
Readers added context they thought people might want to know: "Despite Ben and Jerry's supposed commitment to returning land they feel was stolen, they have yet to reach out to the tribe whose land their HQ is on, and arrange a return of the land to them."

NSW police say they will keep locking up young offenders but advocates say approach is ‘draconian’ - "New South Wales police have said they intend to keep locking up young offenders and “holding them to account” as part of their youth crime crackdown. But the Aboriginal Legal Service has called the approach a “draconian measure”, and argues that it will make the problem worse. The police announced on Monday that it had charged 153 people – including 109 children – with more than 1,400 offences since launching Operation Regional Mongoose last September, mainly to respond to young people allegedly committing “unprecedented” levels of violence during break and enters. The NSW police assistant commissioner, Rod Smith, told reporters in Dubbo on Monday he believed the youngest offender charged in the operation was 11... Smith said 67% of the 153 people charged were on bail at the time of committing an offence."
If they are not locked up, activists will blame high crime in aboriginal communities on white people

End Wokeness on X - "Kamala Harris on Columbus Day: "European explorers ushered in a wave of devastation, violence, stealing land, and widespread disease""
Geiger Capital on X - "The “stolen land” people are simply low IQ with zero understanding of history or how the world works…  America was not stolen. It was conquered.  The Native Americans were not skipping through a meadow when Europeans arrived…  They were savages.  Tribes constantly at war, taking resources (and land!) from each other. They raided, raped, tortured and literally scalped each other. They were then conquered themselves by a people far more advanced in every quantifiable metric. The natives didn’t even have a common written language, let alone any concept of an advanced civilization. They were living thousands of years behind the rest of the world.  America was conquered. The Natives lost. It resulted in the greatest country in human history.
Oh and don’t forget…  Many native tribes also practiced slavery and slave-trade, long before the European introduction of African slavery into North America."

Meme - "In 1487, 5 years before Columbus' arrival, the Aztec people sacrificed as many as 84,000 men, women, and children at the re-consecration of the Great Pyramid of Tenochtitlan. HAPPY INDIGENOUS PEOPLE'S DAY!"

Meme - "Europeans hated the indigenous culture"
The culture: *horrendous bloody sacrifice with man impaled through chest and 5 people holding him down*

Thread by @jonkay on Thread Reader App – Thread Reader App - "much of the leaked info I get is from federal bureaucrats, who spend half their time in DEI sessions, learning about how genocidal their employer is. E.g. these docs concerning an especially disastrous Oct 10 "Indigenous Voices" session at @TransportCA’s Ont office...(thread...)
on 10/10, deputy mins Arun Thangaraj @Transport_DM / Brigitte Diogo brought in a woman named Sandra Bender to do a canned talk on unmarked graves etc. To Bender’s shock, the audience pushed back, noting that those 215 “unmarked graves” don’t seem to exist. So things got wild... (side note: @TransportCA calls this event “Indigenous Voices.” But Bender’s “voice” isn’t Indigenous. She’s white. You can tell she’s white bcuz her NCTR bio is so long: She adds in every stray bit of intersectional flotsam she can muster, hoping to compensate for her whiteness)
anyway, Bender got so furious that her audience was posting facts in the Teams chat that she reportedly went on a rant and abandoned the session. This mortified the deputy ministers, of course, who sent a mass email later that day, bewailing the loss of their “safe space”… a source tells me that the online commentators thought they were allowed to speak their minds freely. But now Thangaraj and Diogo are pledging to track down & punish the heretics... They also cancelled the other 3 weekly instalments of Sandra’s enthralling multi-part series...  needless to say, more was to come. next day, the DMs send a longer message declaring unwavering faith in the tale of 215 graves, & further denouncing TC heretics (inexplicably, they also demand veneration for the “lived experiences” of the aforementioned Bender, a white woman)..
and there’s more. the orig DEI session got reconvened for Oct 24 — except this time, Thangaraj would deliver “opening remarks,” & the whole @TransportCA executive committee was instructed to attend, to supervise their heretical riffraff & take names if anyone stepped out of line. by now, Transport Canada’s entire C-suite is basically working full time to clean up the mess from the orig Oct 10 disaster. Today, yet another event was announced—a “virtual healing circle” so ppl can heal from the Oct 10 trauma. Thangaraj will deliver remarks at this one too…
by my count, this makes six separate events for TC’s employees to attend on this file, in the space of just a few weeks... (1) Bender’s orig disaster, (2) the replacement session, (3) three more parts of her gripping 4-part series, plus the post-10/10 “healing circle”... sorry, I wrote that by my count, this makes six separate events for TC’s employees to attend. given the DM’s allusion to the “conversation” about reconciliation on Tofino Day last month, the true number is likely seven-plus. @jonkay regrets the error. but when that’s done, Transport Canada workers get back to working on, like, “transport,” right? Nope. An ATIP request came in for docs relating to the 10/10 session. Workers got a 7-page compliance memo. Some staff will be working on this well into 2025 Your tax dollars at work
Oh and by the way, if you live in Winnipeg and Sandra Bender’s name sounds familiar, it’s because, when she’s not storming out of her own DEI sessions, she’s doing her best to “queer Handel’s Messiah”"
Safe spaces are safe from facts that threaten the left wing agenda

Geoff Russ: Environmental NGOs love using First Nation land issues for profit - "Is there a natural resource project being built somewhere in Canada? Does it overlap with the title land, reserve lands, or other jurisdictions of a First Nation? If so, expect green NGOs to turn it into another dramatic episode so they can keep fundraising. It has been 53 years since the infamous “ Crying Indian ” ad was released, but it still provides the template for how environmentalist NGOs co-opt and intrude into Indigenous affairs... Hilariously, the actor was actually Sicilian-American and went by the name, “Iron Eyes Cody.” Not much has changed since. British Columbia has been at the epicenter of green activism in Canada. In too many cases, its orchestrators almost always claim to be acting partially or fully in the name of Indigenous people , who would mostly prefer those NGOs simply go away and let them settle their own issues themselves. A good example of this is playing out in northern B.C. where the Nisga’a nation is embroiled in a battle with the neighbouring Gitanyow Nation and environmentalist NGOs who have once again hopped on the bandwagon. The Prince Rupert Gas Transmission Project (PRGT) was originally proposed by TC Energy back in 2014... the PRGT project was jointly purchased by Western LNG and the Nisga’a Nation, whose government has endorsed the project in a bid to create generational wealth for the nation and its members. This follows in the footsteps of many other coastal First Nations in BC like the Haisla and the Squamish who are heavily involved in LNG development. The Nisga’a and some of their neighbouring First Nations still have lingering territorial disputes related to overlapping land claims as a result of the Nisga’a Treaty’s finalization in 2000. The Gitanyow have asserted that they control areas deemed to be Nisga’a under the treaty. Some members of the Gitanyow and their allies ended up occupying Nisga’a land last year , resulting in the Nisga’a suing to evict them. Unsurprisingly, many of the same members of the Gitanyow who occupied the land near Raven’s Ranch in 2023 began blockading the PRGT project that began construction at the end of August. The blockades by members of the Gitanyow were kicked off with a dramatic burning of the benefits agreement they signed with TC Energy a decade ago... Environmentalists seem to only back First Nations if they are blocking resource-related development, and this is a longstanding trend. The PRGT blockades are just the latest in a string of disputes between Indigenous people that environmental NGOs will hijack for their own ends. Green activists have hurled themselves against other projects like the Trans Mountain pipeline expansion and the Coastal GasLink project, both of which were endorsed by Indigenous groups and their governments who signed benefits agreements with industry. The PRGT controversy is rooted in a disagreement between two First Nations who have quarrelled over land for over two decades. It is their dispute, and no matter how beneficial the resource industry may be, the Gitanyow and the Nisga’a should be left alone to resolve it without outside interference. Unfortunately, this will never happen so long as every resource project serves as an opportunity for NGOs to stay relevant and keep fundraising to pay their salaries."

Poachers are exploiting the high demand for eagle feathers that are sacred among Native Americans - "America's golden eagles face a rising threat from a black market for their feathers used in Native American powwows and other ceremonies, according to wildlife officials, researchers and tribal members. The government’s response has been two-pronged: A crackdown on rings illegally trafficking dead eagles coupled with a longstanding program that lawfully distributes eagle feathers and parts to tribal members. But that program has a yearslong backlog, and officials said illegal killings appear to be worsening, with young golden eagles in particular targeted because of high value placed on their white and black wing feathers. Golden eagles, which are federally protected but not considered endangered, already faced pressure — from poisonings, climate change and wind turbines that kill eagles in collisions... Perry Lilley, a member of the Nakota Tribe in northern Montana, attends numerous powwows a year and says he has been solicited to buy eagle feathers. He said illegal shootings were “absolutely wrong” but sympathized with tribal members who don’t want to wait years for eagle parts. Eagle feathers are woven into Native American culture. Beyond powwow regalia, they're presented to high school graduates, used in marriage ceremonies and buried with the dead. A government repository in Colorado that provides dead eagles and their parts for free to tribal members keeps up with orders for individual feathers, such as for graduates. Yet it's unable to meet demand for eagle wings, tails and whole birds, even as powwows become more elaborate and competitive... "The biggest atrocity in Indian country today is the powwow but no one will say that out loud because everybody takes part,” said Voelker, who operates a tribally sanctioned feather repository and raptor shelter in southern Oklahoma."
Weird. I thought indigenous peoples live in harmony with nature

Report calls for 20-year probe into missing residential school children - "A final report into missing children and possible unmarked graves at residential schools is calling on the federal government to create an Indigenous-led national commission with a 20-year mandate to investigate missing and disappeared Indigenous children. It’s also calling on Canada to refer itself to the International Criminal Court for investigation... She said the national commission must reflect Indigenous Peoples’ sovereignty, be governed by Indigenous laws and examine the systemic patterns of genocide and crimes against humanity. Its mandate should be no less than 20 years... The two-volume report lists 42 “obligations” for governments, churches and other institutions to achieve truth, accountability, justice and reconciliation. Murray said she’s calling them “obligations” rather than recommendations because the government often ignores the latter. By calling them obligations, Murray says the federal government will need to recognize its role in righting wrongs. Among them are a call for Canada to refer the disappearance of children from residential schools as a crime against humanity to the International Criminal Court... Murray also said the federal government should criminalize residential school denialism, or the twisting, misrepresenting and distorting of basic facts about residential schools to shake public confidence in the stories of survivors, as defined by historian Sean Carleton."
Self-flagellation never ends. Almost 10 years from the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada's wrapping up, we are further than ever. Given that no bodies have been found from the moral panic, they'll surely be wasting another 20 years, and soon they'll be claiming that indigenous people were sent to the gas chambers, and if you fact check that claim, you'll go to jail

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