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Monday, November 11, 2024

Links - 11th November 2024 (2 - Migrants: Canada)

FIRST READING: Erin O'Toole warns of 'flirtatious' woman who may have been a Chinese spy - "So far in 2024, more than 13,000 foreign nationals who entered Canada on student visas have applied for asylum as refugee claimants. There’s a few reasons why it would be advantageous for a foreign student to do this: Refugee claimants can apply for work permits, their tuition often goes down and they’re immediately granted free health-care coverage. What’s more, if their visa is coming to an end, the refugee claimant backlog is currently so long that it would be at least two years before an immigration official even has a chance to see if they qualify as a refugee. This is why Immigration Minister Marc Miller is now accusing students of using the refugee system as a form of “backdoor entry into Canada.”"

Gad Saad on X - "Last night, my wife and I went for a walk post-dinner. As we approached a park, I counted that nearly 50% of the women in the park were veiled. Do people have a right to be concerned about the rapid Islamization of their societies or is this bigoted? Is it ok for millions of non-Muslims to say that they did not sign up to live in an Islamic society when they emigrated to the West or is this bigoted? Suicidal empathy kills. Suicidal empathy eradicates the natural instinct to protect one's culture, heritage, religion, family, etc. When you are suicidally empathetic, NOTHING is as important as being a "non-bigot.""

Natasha Montreal Live Free or Die on X - "I don't feel safe due to the mass importing of pre-civilisational barbarians from cultures which hate women, Christians, and Jews. My child and other children have been accosted at the local park which my property taxes pay for. I had a long conversation with a beat cop about the situation and he explained that the aggressive children are publicly housed immigrant teenies for gangs, that they are dangerous and effectively untouchable for political reasons, and that we should avoid them. So we no longer go to the local park. I am cat-called in front of my daughter. I have been jeered at by gangs of Arabic men-usually while alone or with other women, but even while being accompanied by men. I have been accosted by groups of sub-Saharan African and Arabic men in broad daylight.  Our politicians post about Islamophobia most days. When are our politicians and leaders going to talk about the rights and freedoms of Canadian women and our ability to walk around in our own country without being intimidated? I can't do all of the things that I used to do without being menaced by foreigners. So I no longer do them. While walking downtown a few weeks ago, a man who looked east African lunged towards me and threw a burning cigarette at me. These types of unpleasant events are now so frequent that I barely register them. I am startled and then I move on. I have modified my behaviour to protect myself because in Canada women are defenseless. We were always defenseless due to strict legal gun laws, but we used to live in a culturally cohesive, high trust society. We don't any more. So the questions become why don't we live in a high trust society, what has changed, and what do we do about it? Should I have to fear for my own safety due to the polite lies of post-nationalist kooks? Are we really expected to believe that Canada must import the criminal underclass from collapsed pre-civilisational nation states in order to survive as a country? Is anyone really still stupid enough to believe this? Is anyone still buying the economic argument which is a Keynesian economic argument predicated on Malthusian population growth? It doesn't stand up to basic scrutiny and doesn't allow for natural market corrections. When I tell people about the harassment I experience they sometimes deflect by saying that men in general harass women. But there has been no rise of men in general harassing me. There are no groups of Chinese or white guys harassing me. It's very specifically Arabic and sub-Saharan foreigners harassing me. But apparently it's xenophobic for women to tell the truth about these experiences and it is xenophobic for us to resist harassment. In the same way we are to accept males in private female spaces and sports if they claim to be a woman, we are to lie back and think of post-nationalist multiculturalism in the face of dangerous males. If you don't like being grabbed and jeered at by strangers, you're a bigot! Celebrate diversity!  It's long past time Canadians started telling the truth.  We need a complete moratorium on immigration."
Gad Saad on X - "Oh do you remember when I kept repeatedly warning you about Montreal for decades? It is going to get a lot worse. Completely self-inflicted due to parasitic suicidal empathy. It is "unkind" to protect Canadian women if these are being attacked, demeaned, and harassed by Noble People."

Hopeful immigrants to Canada are learning French after other paths to permanent residency prove difficult - The Globe and Mail - "“If you look at the data, French language skills outside of Quebec and New Brunswick are not very predictive of earnings, in large part because they’re not used,” said Mikal Skuterud, an economics professor at the University of Waterloo who was involved in the original construction of the points system.  “So the point is, we are no longer using skilled immigration system. We are using something else that’s not about prioritizing skill.”... Samuel Coeytaux, the director of the Ottawa branch of Alliance Française, said his organization has seen a significant increase in the number of people taking the TEF and TCF exams across Canada this year. The organization administered 3,681 exams last year but had already reached that total in the first six months of 2024.  Some clients registering for the exam, he said, don’t have a background in French – “people from countries not deemed francophone, like India, China and other countries in Latin America as well” – but they study the structure of the test and prepare well."

The Weekly Wrap: Immigration is the Trudeau government’s single biggest policy failure - The Hub - "Our self-image of Canada’s immigration system as being hyper-focused on skills and human capital is no longer supported by the evidence. Among the more than 470,000 newcomers who came through the permanent resident stream last year, only about 40 percent were selected according to economic criteria. The majority were the immediate family members of economic immigrants, family members of those who have already immigrated, or refugees.  And even that only tells part of the story. Non-permanent residents—including temporary foreign workers and international students—are now a bigger share of Canada’s annual population growth. In 2023 alone, nearly 805,000 non-permanent residents were added to the population. Sargent estimates that there are now 2.8 million non-permanent residents in the country—of which just under 2 million are entitled to work. What’s the upshot here? Less than half of those entering Canada’s much-vaunted permanent resident stream are being selected based on economic criteria and more than two-thirds of the total annual intake aren’t even entering as permanent residents. We increasingly have an immigration system that’s shifted away from the country’s long-term economic interests and towards temporary migration to fill low-skilled jobs and subsidize post-secondary institutions... Conservatives shouldn’t limit themselves to economic critiques here. They should be prepared to make values-based arguments too.  Large-scale temporary migration is incompatible with how conservatives think about society as a web of reciprocal relations between neighbours and family. The late British rabbi Jonathan Sacks frequently referred to society as a “home that we build together.” Former Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper used to describecitizenship ceremonies as “joining the Canadian family.”  These metaphors of family and home convey something much richer than a mere transactional relationship between migrants and a society in which the former sells his or her labour to the latter. They reflect a Burkean conception of society in which we’re equal parts of a multi-generational partnership. The Canadian family can and should welcome new people to join it. But it shouldn’t really be in the business of temporarily hiring people to do its landscaping or deliver its food or care for its children.  This richer, more textured understanding of immigration is reflected in Canada’s birth-on-soil policy. We grant citizenship based on birthright rather than blood because we envision making long-term commitments to newcomers and their families and expect them to make similar commitments to our society. It’s a vision of mutual obligation, not temporary expediency."

Meme - "r/kitchener
No, my 14 year old daughter doesn't want your number
Asking other parents here. Are you becoming alarmed at the number of adults approaching your teen children? I have a 14 year old daughter, who looks and dresses like a typical young teen, and the number of times she's approached in a week by men 40+ is starting to scare me. Example 1 : walking our dog, Iron Horse Trail. Aman stops her for directions and then asks her for her number. Asks if she has a boyfriend. Her response is a simple "no thank you" and keeps walking. Example 2: sitting on the lon to go to the mall with a friend, an adult man moves to sit right next to them from his original seat, and tries to engage in conversation, asking where they're going. Both occasions, this is a an adult male (different people) over the age of 40. I don't want to helicopter my teen, but Im starting to become nervous when she's walking alone, even during the day. What are other teen parents seeing / feeling?"
"Are these men from India by any chance? Just curious."
"Not here to make this political, but yes."

Lilley: Chants of 'death to Canada' cannot be accepted at rallies : r/canada - "Growing up in Iran, I vividly remember, starting at age 7 (grade 1) we had to line up at school, do some military style moves, then chant "Allahu Akbar, Khamenei is our supreme leader, death to America, death to Israel" followed by ~5 min of a volunteer student reading a passage from the Quran in Arabic (none of us understood what it says, of course). This went on until age 16.  It's terrifying to see how many 10s of thousands of islamists/jihadists that I ran away from have come to Canada and other Western countries.  A lot of us always laughed at school when our Quran/Religion teachers would say "Our goal is global domination and bringing jihad to all countries". We thought they are delusional. Turns out the West have accepted them with open arms.  Never forget, Christopher Hitchens warned you all about this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0EYg8Tgrh0o [1 min video]"
"Hey man. I also grew up in Iran and can confirm everything you're saying. This stuff boils my blood. My family didn't escape that situation to come here and make a home in order for these fuckers to follow us here."
Racism! Islamophobia!

Stephen Harper in 2015 debate: "Justin Trudeau will open the borders up and let in hundreds of thousands of people without security checks" : r/Canada_sub - "Trudeau: "Mr. Harper is just playing on your fears""
Plus, Trudeau repeatedly interrupted Harper. How rude.

Canadian woman claims Tim Hortons sacked her over criticising management for hiring only Indians, viral post sparks debate - "A Canadian woman’s claims against Tim Hortons have got the Internet talking. A viral X post suggests that the woman was allegedly sacked from the multinational coffeehouse and restaurant chain after she raised her voice against its hiring practices, which she claimed favoured Indians.  The incident came to light amid ongoing debates about immigration policies in Canada.  According to the post by X handle @Klaus_Arminius, the woman called out the management for hiring only Indian immigrants. “This woman noticed Indian managers of Tim Hortons were hiring only other Indian immigrants; when she confronted the discriminatory hiring, she was fired,” said the post.  The viral post also has a snapshot of the woman sharing details about the incident. “Just got fired from Tim Hortons after 4 years. Just because I called out management for only hiring “Indians”. So now I’m exposing everything they make us hide,” the text on the snapshot said."
Clearly, it's racist to accuse non-white people of racial discrimination in hiring

Support for Immigration in Canada Plunges to Lowest in Decades - "Nearly six in 10 people now agree “there’s too much immigration to Canada,” according to the country’s longest-running survey on the topic by the Environics Institute. It’s the first time since 1998 that this view is held by a clear majority, and a stark shift from favorable opinion over the past two decades... Record population growth — comparable to adding all of San Diego’s residents to a country that’s slightly more populous than California in just over 12 months — exacerbated housing shortages, inflated rent prices, strained public services and pushed up the unemployment rate. These pressures threatened a long-held belief that mass immigration gives Canada an edge in a global race to replace aging workers."

Burger King wants a manager for $48K. Experts say foreign workers aren’t the answer - "A job listing at a Toronto-area Burger King has prompted observers and experts to wonder whether the temporary foreign workers program is being used to avoid paying higher salaries to Canadians. On Sept. 25, a Burger King in Mississauga, Ont., posted an opening for a restaurant manager position on the federal government’s online job bank. The post drew criticism from some social media users, who noted that underneath the posting, a banner reads, “This employer has applied for a Labour Market Impact Assessment (LMIA) to hire a foreign worker to fill labour or skills shortages on a temporary basis.”... The job comes with an annual salary offer of $48,000, which works out to be just under $25 an hour, with hours listed as “Day, Evening, Night, Weekend, Early Morning, Morning.” Global News asked Burger King whether they considered raising the advertised salary to attract more people for the role before applying for a LMIA. “The wage at which the job was posted is a competitive range amongst quick service restaurants in the Mississauga area, which is based on competitive data and the Franchisee’s experience in hiring in this market,” the spokesperson said in response. There’s nothing illegal about what Burger King is doing, and no rules are being broken. It comes amid growing scrutiny on the Temporary Foreign Worker program and growing concerns about whether access to less expensive labour through the program can hurt the potential for wage growth in communities... The posting on the job bank indicates that the Burger King salary is slightly higher than the median wage for similar positions across Canada, which is around $22 an hour... Christopher Worswick, an economist at Carleton University, said economists have been concerned that the temporary foreign workers program gives employers permission to rely on cheap labour. “In the absence of a temporary foreign worker program, normally the firm would have to decide to reapply or re-advertise at a higher wage, or maybe do something else, like hire a different type of worker, invest in new technology, capital equipment,” he said... Worswick said the reliance of employers on the program not only slows wage growth but can actually lower wages... Benjamin Tal, deputy chief economist at CIBC, said this was one of the reasons productivity in Canada was lagging. “We simply have too many workers working in low-paying industries. And if companies have an unlimited supply of very cheap labor, they will not invest in capital, they will not improve the productivity. And that’s one of the reasons why productivity in Canada is lagging behind,” Tal said... Matthew Green of the NDP proposed... “Workers should arrive with landed status, preventing exploitation and ensuring fair treatment. Temporary workers in Canada should be regularized, granting them the rights they deserve, which would stop employers from using the TFW program to suppress wages,” he said."
Clearly, if they are not tied to a specific employer, they won't increase the supply of labour in the labour market and won't reduce wages

Wesley Yang on X - "Canada has what @Noahpinion has called "the optimal immigration system" -- points based, carefully vetted. In theory, the closest thing to a free lunch that a modern economy can obtain. During the period of mass immigration under Trudeau's rule, per capita GDP declined, the health service cratered, housing prices skyrocketed, government debt exploded, inflation surged, the government bought off the media and became nakedly authoritarian in response to protest, invoking emergency powers unwarranted by the situation, and now 4 percent of all deaths are euthanasia enacted by state doctors."
Proof that open borders lead to prosperity

Debbie Bloodclot. on X - "The majority of beaches are closed in Ontario due to ecoli Thanks, disgusting beach shitters"
µicrocheap ✯ on X - "They can't clean the beach but they are going to fix the climate."
valhalla⚡️ on X - "Almost all of our lakes that people swim at are closed. And it's because the city people are coming here and shitting in the water. Wish I was joking"

Ontario resident goes viral after speaking out about immigrants pooping on the beach - "Videos from a Wasaga Beach resident in Ontario are being shared widely on social media after she accused immigrants, mainly from India, of defecating in holes on the beach and burying it.  Tiktoker “ItsNattylxnn2.0,” is a local in the Ontario resort town that boasts the world’s longest freshwater beach.  “Natty” went viral online after ranting about being unable to take her kids to the beach because visitors have been using it as a toilet.  She claimed to have discovered feces in spots where she witnessed Indian families digging and even setting up a tent over the hole for the day.  “It’s pre-planned, premeditated. They dig the hole. There are tents,…They pitch the tent; you think they’re going to change, but they’re not. They are using them as washrooms”...        “They did it off my backyard. There were three different families of maybe 25, 30 people that came for barbecues who would set up right on the fence of my backyard. I saw them digging the hole. I saw them placing a tent (over it). When they left, there was poop,” Natty said in another video.  Natty said the issue became noticeable after the COVID-19 lockdowns were lifted.  “People were coming to the beach, and the washrooms were closed. So they were making their washrooms,” she said in another video where she called those who did so selfish.   She has faced accusations of racism for her comments.  She responded to one TikTok user who called her a racist colonizer by saying she has a First Nations background.   “People are too scared to speak up because they think that it’s being racist. It’s not because if another white person was doing that, would you feel any type of way to tell them to ‘pull your pants up.’ ‘Don’t be doing that on a beach?’” she said. “This has nothing to do with targeting someone based on their skin colour and everything to do with protecting our beaches, our parks. These are places that everyone is supposed to be able to go to and enjoy.”"

Poop on the beach? Ontario mayor slams social media ‘misinformation’ - "Town of Wasaga Beach Mayor Brian Smith writes that the municipality has received “no evidence – from residents, visitors or the Ontario government – to verify that any undesirable, unsanitary behaviour has occurred on the beach areas that make up Wasaga Beach Provincial Park... In response to Global News inquiring if public defecation or urination on the sand has ever been an issue on Wasaga Beach’s beaches since 2020, a spokesperson with the town said “the answer is no.”... A ministry spokesperson said staff at Wasaga Beach Provincial Park “have not observed this behaviour during their regular patrols of the beachfront or in response to any complaints.””
‘I think it’s horrible’: Bad beach behaviour bedevilling Wasaga residents, mayor - "In 2020, in response to the practice of people setting up tents on the sand in order to use them as makeshift porta-potties, the Town of Wasaga Beach prohibited tents from having more than one opaque side, along with limiting the size of a shelter to 10 feet by 10 feet or smaller.  Brown said she wouldn’t have believed such a thing could happen had she not witnessed it herself."
Misinformation is whatever impedes the left wing agenda

Greater Vancouver Food Bank won’t serve first year international students - "A Greater Vancouver Food Bank policy prevents international students experiencing food insecurity during their first year in Canada from receiving free food while they adjust to an unfamiliar country and community.  Emma Nelson, communications manager at the GVFB, said in an email the policy exists because the federal government requires international students to have “substantial savings” before coming to Canada... Baljit Kamoh, the Vancouver regional director for the non-profit Khalsa Aid Canada, disagreed. She said international students need the most support when they first arrive in the country. “A lot of them don’t know the high cost of living on top of their international tuition fees, which is typically three to four times that of a citizen student,” she said... in 2022, post-secondary students overall made up 24 per cent of new GVFB registrants in the previous year and they expected that number to increase.  Dan Huang-Taylor, executive director of Food Banks BC, said that the proportion of B.C. post-secondary students visiting food banks more than doubled from 2019 to 2023.   Vancouver Coun. Adriane Carr called the GVFB’s policy “tragic” and added, “it’s really important that the students who come here to gain an education don’t starve as they do it.”"
Sounds like the minimum amount to have needs to be increased

Greater Vancouver Food Bank won’t serve first year international students : r/canada - "My Chinese-Canadian friends getting ostracized by the Chinese students in uni for being to stupid to use their cheating site was funny/sad. They were called 'banana' for 'acting white' when refusing to use one of the paid essay services."

Meme - r/CanadaMassImmigration: "I'm an international student that hates my own kind
A little about myself, I'm an Indian international student, moved to Montreal in Sep 2022. I always planned on moving away from the shithole that is India, a country where I never felt at home. This is a place where if you have some level of integrity to your character, you're putting yourself at a disadvantage. A country where lying, cheating and stealing is the way of life. With a crappy family to boot, I always wanted to move away and so I did. Got good grades during my undergrad, applied to master's program here, got in, packed my bags, didn't shed a single tear as that plane took off. Why Canada? It's a valid question. I moved because my sister, the only person in my life I could ever talk to about anything, moved here way back in the early 2010s. I knew what moving abroad entailed and I wanted to live somewhere I had a support system, even if it's just one person. I did everything right, focused on my master's because that's what I was here for, did my assignments with all the integrity, tried to improve myself with each passing day, worked a job only during the summer and that too just to fill in my time during the week, learned fluent French, assimilated.! wanted to add value to my skill set because I knew that a 23 year old with a master's degree and no professional experience needed skills to break into a job market. Cut to present day and I'm the most bitter about life I've ever been, no jobs, I wake up to a rejection every single day only to find out later that another Indian 20 years my senior got the job because he was willing to do it for less. I'm student still and regularly run into the most rude, disrespectful and mannered Indians at uni and they seem to be in the majority. I'm tired of the same shit here as back home because the entire reason I moved was to get away from that. They from cliques based on the fucking region they're from and it's only getting worse by the day. No assimilation, barely any skills, technical or communication. They cheat on their assignments all the time because how else would someone dumb as a bag of rocks get on the hardest courses. I'm tired of going to and etching an Indian ask a question only for it to either completely incoherent, irrelevant or the dumbest question known to mankind. And yet, everytime I open up LinkedIn, some random Indian is posting about their shiny new job at Bombardier or Airbus while I sit here with my mountain of rejections because I refuse to suck up to them. It's very true, they only hire their own kind. Been holding it in for a while, would love to get your thoughts on this"

Meme - Canadian Patriot @PPC4Liberty: "Wake up Canada"
Divyansh Gupta @divgupta48: "Wait for few more decades. Indians will have more population than canadians in canada. And then we will throw these canadians out of their own land"

Uber drivers protesting at Toronto Pearson Airport. They have completely BLOCKED access to Canada's busiest airport. Will Trudeau freeze their bank accounts like he did to the Freedom convoy truckers? : r/Canada_sub

kache on X - "I don't think we want Canada to be a cultural mosaic. We want it to be a melting pot. I don't like other cultures. Other cultures don't uphold trust. Some cultures lie, steal, and deceive. Some cultures are proud of getting away with fraud. Keep Canada Canadian"

Meme - 🇨🇦Unacceptable Canadian Girl🇨🇦 @AreOhEssEyeEe: "I constantly see brand new "Canadians" driving around in Teslas and Mercedes while real Canadians struggle to put food on the table and make ends meet, and many are now homeless.  I've been wondering how they do that when most of them work at Tim Hortons.   Here's how. 👇"
"COSTI. To Whom It May Concern. I am writing on behalf of my client Mr. ***. Residents, who are financially assisted by the Federal Government of Canada under the Resettlement Assistance Program (RAP) of Immigration, Refugees, and Citizenship Canada (IRCC). The length of the program is 12 months from the date of their arrival in Canada. Under the RAP program, the clients receive a monthly allowance of $1,899.41. To supplement their income, the clients are also entitled to a monthly earning of $949.70, under the Employment Incentive Policy of the RAP program. In addition, the clients are also eligible for the Child Tax Benefit, a monthly amount of approximately $1,800.00. The client is also eligible for a monthly allowance of $500.00 from RAP Housing-Top-Up allowance. The family also gets a start-up allowance of $8,326.14 for basic household needs, furniture, and clothing. After the program's termination, should ***'s family require any financial assistance, they are eligible for the Provincial Government's Financial Assistance Program until they become self-sufficient. If you require further information or have any questions, please feel free to give me call at ***. Thank you very much for your cooperation and assistance."
🇨🇦Unacceptable Canadian Girl🇨🇦 @AreOhEssEyeEe: "Not only do these people get $5148.00 a month...  It's all tax free. 😡"
Weird. Left wingers keep insisting that migrants don't get free money

Contrarian on X - "🇨🇦So my Doctor told me the craziest immigration story.  Nigerian “engineer” flew here and immediately claimed asylum.  Gets $3100 a month.  Works for cash under the table.  My doctor asked are you not afraid of being deported?  He said thats the best part I already have a new name and documents ready to go so they pay for me to have a holiday then I just come back and do it again.  Yes this is real.  And I have one more story to tell in my next post."

Contrarian on X - "🇨🇦So my doctor has a small stand alone building as an office.  Reception told me that daily asylum seekers and immigrants are just showing up.  No call no appointment they just show up.  And often get angry when they are refused as my Dr does not take new patients.  Here is the wild part.  Talked to my doctor after and here is what he said…  He received a letter from “a health authority” saying if this happens he must see them. So they know it’s happening.  Of course he threw it in the garbage and said Im full what am I supposed to do stop caring for my long term patients to deal with them?  So Health Authorities are actively saying to Doctors you must see these asylum seekers and immigrants and for them to do that they would have to neglect their patients who have paid taxes in Canada their whole lives!  What do Canadians think about this?🤔"

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