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Thursday, August 29, 2024

Links - 29th August 2024 (1 - Star Wars: The Acolyte)

'The Acolyte' Canceled: No Season 2 For Disney+'s 'Star Wars' Series : r/StarWars - "Only the withces chant? That was cringe inducing, but only a minor fraction of the show.  It could have been a great show even with that stupid chant still in, if it wasnt a pile of junk that also happened to have that silly chant.  The worst part was, by far, the plot.  Nothing of it would have happened if people actually talked to each other.  The crucial moments are pure WTF. Like the whole stone building catching fire and collapsing internally, Aniseya turning into a dark shadow when she wanted peace, Sol killing her, Trinity killing all the witches at once just by stopping them from controlling Kelnacca, Sol never explaining anything to anyone, every character that could have prevented what was going to happen with just a little exposition being interrupted, the stupid Bazil, Sol pushing Osha to the dark side because why the hell not, Mae getting her life erased because why the hell not, and I am sure I am forgetting so much...  I kept watching expecting it would all make sense in the end. I was very wrong."

'The Acolyte' Canceled: No Season 2 For Disney+'s 'Star Wars' Series : r/StarWars - "Interesting facts from the Neilsen data.
Mandalorian, Boba Fett, and Andor have gained audience over their seasons release. The other shows lost audience.
The Acolyte didn't track for half of its runtime. It's the only Star Wars show to not track for multiple weeks.
It even landed about 600k views below Andor, as of each shows finale week.  I guess the general fanbase just weren't into it. I was pretty excited when the premise was released, but I'm one of those millions that just lost interest as it went along.
Edit: "didn't track" means it wasn't watched enough to show up on Neilsen data."

They’re mad AF over the canceling of the acolyte. : r/saltierthankrait - "The problem is that it doesn’t appear to be a well written show that just has a cast of multiple ethnicities and backgrounds, it’s a show built around just having multiple ethnicities and backgrounds as it’s main selling point and telling everyone who thinks that shouldn’t be the lynchpin for the show that they’re a racist bigot who should go off and die somewhere."
They’re mad AF over the canceling of the acolyte. : r/saltierthankrait - "For me at least I find it odd that under Disney (and in alot of recent adaptations) every location, people, culture, group, organisation regardless of historical period or scifi future logistics is always reflective of the same ethnic makeup of downtown New York in the present day.  It just makes everything and everywhere feel a tad homogeneous. There’s no real difference between “cast of X” or “cast of Y” or “Cast of Z” except when it’s the bad guys who are predominantly white.  I think it can be more interesting if different worlds and cultures in scifi look more unique to each other, and visually different in populations.  Maybe Planet X is predominant black characters because that’s who colonised the planet or are the native inhabitants. Maybe Population Y is almost all ginger Scots and Irish Celts in appearance because that’s their dominant genetics."
Naturally, both of these comments got downvoted - because this is from the "Subreddit for criticizing toxic Disney Star Wars Fans", i.e. defending bad quality because if you don't, you're a racist bigot

Was The Acolyte a money laundering job? : r/saltierthancrait - "I’ve never been on the money laundering or conspiracy bandwagon: the culture of reshoots and badly budgeted projects at Disney is simply in their DNA at this point. Incompetent executives + incompetent creatives = massive waste.  What is utterly depressing about this change is the fact Walt Disney (particularly post-1941 animators strike) was ruthless with budgets and cutting what he termed “dead wood”. It kept the studio alive and thriving. They need someone with that mindset again."
Was The Acolyte a money laundering job? : r/saltierthancrait - "Hiring your wife for a lead role as a producer is unethical, but what would you expect from Harvey Weinstein's assistant."

Was The Acolyte a money laundering job? : r/saltierthancrait - "I imagine they thought it'll be a long-running series, so they frontloaded costs in things like sets, costumes, cgi thinking that they would use them for multiple seasons  This was intended to be THE flagship series for disney+."
"Reports early this year said that it actually WAS supposed to be the new flagship Disney+ show after Mando well... you know what happened."

Was The Acolyte a money laundering job? : r/saltierthancrait - "Each episode, which lasted about 40 minutes, cost more than what it took to make Godzilla Minus One ($10-15 million) (2 hour movie) which won the Oscar for Special Effects. This speaks volumes of the incompetence of the cast and crew involved in the Acolyte."

Was The Acolyte a money laundering job? : r/saltierthancrait - "Far more likely that everyone involved in incompetent and most of that money was just wasted."
"Yup. A show runner who's never ran a show, who's also the writer who's never written a show, and she's also the directer who never directed a show.  What could go wrong????"
"Whose wife can’t act but given a prominent acting role in the show"
"TBF she directed 2-3 rom-com films that got above average reviews and co-wrote a very well received show on Netflix before she got the SW gig, so she wasnt a noob like so many assumed including myself. But the end result sure looks like a C-grade noob job though"
"Just the resume we like to see for handling Star Wars!"
"There were early reports that Leslye just sort of... went off and started shooting stuff. And any time she was asked for a status report she just sent back random scenes or trailer type footage, then asked for more money. My guess is, she really had no idea what to do, and all these interviews where she's talking about Kathleen telling her to make the story this, or her wife telling her to make the story that, were her admitting she was being told to tighten up the story and focus on something rather than a dozen things. The show we got was the result of them stitching together all the random, disparate footage they had and just putting it out. Which explains why 3+7 were almost the same except for a few scenes and camera angles, and the reason for all of the bad things happening didn't make sense and it seemed like the Jedi were totally justified.  It's all because Leslye had NO idea what she was doing and just pissed all of the money away."
"Delays, reshoots, too much filmed that didn’t need to, script changes mid production, and executives taking higher and higher pay  This is the formula. Miss managed projects that sit in development hell, burn money, and then get dropped on the audience half baked. Add rushed schedules and you have a recipe for failure"

Amandla Stenberg flooded with nasty comments following cancellation. Disney needs a better PR team to guide their leads from making diss tracks and commenting about wanting to "make white men cry" because ultimately that was just going to add gasoline to the fire : r/CriticalDrinker - "I wasn’t really the biggest fan of when she randomly decided to blurt out “all nerds are gay”  The interviewer quickly said “well, no not all nerds are gay” and she immediately doubles down with “in my world, all nerds are gay” while Lesley is cracking up laughing next to her.  I feel like if a different actor said “in my world, all _____ are _____” while speaking of certain groups they would get crucified on social media and would probably never get any significant work again. But no, kinda just got laughed at and brushed off here."
"In my work all such statements would get either severe disciplinary action or even fired, unless it was a joke about conservatives."
Amandla Stenberg flooded with nasty comments following cancellation. Disney needs a better PR team to guide their leads from making diss tracks and commenting about wanting to "make white men cry" because ultimately that was just going to add gasoline to the fire : r/CriticalDrinker - "No you don't understand, someone commented "Take the L stay away from Star Wars" on her Instagram so therefore that's an attack against all black people.  It's not because she acted like a douche."

Amandla Stenberg flooded with nasty comments following cancellation. Disney needs a better PR team to guide their leads from making diss tracks and commenting about wanting to "make white men cry" because ultimately that was just going to add gasoline to the fire : r/CriticalDrinker - "Seriously, I think people who message hateful shit to the actors are scum, even if I don’t like the character. However I believe she opened the door to it when she made the diss track. If you are gonna diss the fans like that, then be ready for when they diss you back"

Amandla Stenberg flooded with nasty comments following cancellation. Disney needs a better PR team to guide their leads from making diss tracks and commenting about wanting to "make white men cry" because ultimately that was just going to add gasoline to the fire : r/CriticalDrinker - "Apparently Manny hasn't gotten any hate from this cancelling. The av club asked if anyone can spot the difference. Surely it's because one of these actors has been incessantly antagonistic their entire career, and ironically putting out hate that she says is so damaging.  Will she actually make a difference or is she just going to voice displeasure till no one listens?"
Amandla Stenberg flooded with nasty comments following cancellation. Disney needs a better PR team to guide their leads from making diss tracks and commenting about wanting to "make white men cry" because ultimately that was just going to add gasoline to the fire : r/CriticalDrinker - "Remember, you can only be racist if you're white. Could you imagine what would happen if a white male actor tweeted the opposite?"

Amandla Stenberg flooded with nasty comments following cancellation. Disney needs a better PR team to guide their leads from making diss tracks and commenting about wanting to "make white men cry" because ultimately that was just going to add gasoline to the fire : r/CriticalDrinker - "You told us not to watch We then didn't watch You then called us racist for not watching"
"To be fair, she would have called us racist even if we watched it or not. Guilty of the crime of being white in their eyes."

Amandla Stenberg flooded with nasty comments following cancellation. Disney needs a better PR team to guide their leads from making diss tracks and commenting about wanting to "make white men cry" because ultimately that was just going to add gasoline to the fire : r/CriticalDrinker - "Her acting sucks, her dancing sucks, her music video sucks."
"Not even hated for a good performance, it’s bad.  I hate Kevin Bacon for some of the characters he played because he played some villains SO WELL!  But she couldn’t even be hated for that"

Amandla Stenberg flooded with nasty comments following cancellation. Disney needs a better PR team to guide their leads from making diss tracks and commenting about wanting to "make white men cry" because ultimately that was just going to add gasoline to the fire : r/CriticalDrinker - "Someone needs to make a dis track against Stenberg for making the Travesty that is Acolyte"
"Like, the point of a dis track is to start shit.Starting shit means the other people will attack you back. Then you attack them back and everyone gets money/views.  When you cry like a bitch you ruin the game and the cash flow."

Amandla Stenberg flooded with nasty comments following cancellation. Disney needs a better PR team to guide their leads from making diss tracks and commenting about wanting to "make white men cry" because ultimately that was just going to add gasoline to the fire : r/CriticalDrinker - "Why was she cast as a lead? Like does she have an extensive resume? Her performance wasn’t good."
"It actually kind of creepy that Leslye Headland developed the show with her specifically in mind. I would get it if she was a rising star or a very good actress, but I don’t think you can really say that about her."
"She saw her instagram and was infatuated. Her prior industry training taught her that if she saw something she liked on a screen, offer it a job and make it go down on your nasty genitals"

Getting tired of the “it tried something new” argument : r/saltierthancrait - "What “new” thing did the acolyte do? Terrible writing?"
"I don’t think being shit is anything new for Star Wars lately "
Getting tired of the “it tried something new” argument : r/saltierthancrait - "I would be happy with a sitcom set in the Star Wars universe that has nothing to do with any existing characters or lore as long as it's well written and entertaining."
"I rather watch the Christmas Special than this new shit.... Horrible writing, horrible acting, nepotism left and right (this is my wife, she is perfect, I want to fingerbang this Danish girl, so she didn't need to audition, attraction is all about looks, so somebody who killed most of your friends is fine if he looks hot.... WTF?!?!)"

Getting tired of the “it tried something new” argument : r/saltierthancrait - "I have seen so many "hurr durr the fans only wanted empire era skywalkers stuff because they're dumb" takes. Has anyone, ever, used the setting and era as an argument against the Acolyte? Has anyone said "yeah it'd be good if one of them was a skywalker"?  Everyone would be thrilled with other eras being explored, as long as it is done well, and that's what people dislike about the Acolyte, it was not done well...  By their logic we all should have hated KOTOR, but it's one of the highest regarded pieces of star wars media in history."
"Yep, no idea what this kind of argument is about. I've never seen anyone gripe about why things are being done in a different era, or with different/new characters. Nobody.  It's been a lot of "the acting is bad" or the "the story is dumb" but nothing like what is being described....everyone wants new things, but not done like a dumpster fire of half thought idiocy with bad acting and virtue signaling."

Getting tired of the “it tried something new” argument : r/saltierthancrait - "The Acolyte asked bold new questions like “what if convincing a traumatized man to kill himself was actually a good thing?”"

Getting tired of the “it tried something new” argument : r/saltierthancrait - "Star Wars and deconstruction just don't mix. Lucas built it as a rejection of the cinema at the time, which was very deconstruction-heavy - angsty antiheroes and corrupt systems and social breakdown and what-not. That's why it was such a huge hit - the relative simple good vs. evil conflict felt like a breath of fresh air. I just don't understand this compulsion to turn Star Wars into the thing it was very specifically designed NOT to be."
"I think when Lucas says Star Wars was "meant for kids" this is really what he means. Heroes who can provide a road map of how you should act, not necessarily a black and white view of the world. The light side is compassion and selflessness, dark side is greed and selfishness. I don't really need a "well akshually the dark side isn't that bad..." take on the material."

Getting tired of the “it tried something new” argument : r/saltierthancrait - "Did they forget about Andor? I feel it’s fair to say Andor tried something new and it was great. You nailed it though, we just want good quality writing and characters that make sense. Why Weinstein’s ex assistant is allowed to do anything in Hollywood is beyond me. If Courtney Love knew what Harvey was up to years and years ago no one can convence me Leslie didn’t know what was going on as his assistant."

Getting tired of the “it tried something new” argument : r/saltierthancrait - "Except the last thing we got about “Skywalkers” from Disney ended with a Palpatine stealing everything that made the Skywalkers and their friends unique, including their victory and even their fucking name lmao  I’d just rather they didn’t touch the franchise again, at all. I’d rather no Star Wars than Disney Star Wars. That’s where I’m at. That’s how bad they’ve damaged it."

Getting tired of the “it tried something new” argument : r/saltierthancrait - "I guess if you opened a restaurant and it was hemorrhaging money but you had a vision for the future you'd just keep on keeping on right?"

Getting tired of the “it tried something new” argument : r/saltierthancrait - "Absolutely nothing the Acolyre did was new. We have had (far more compelling) mysteries in Star Wars before. We have had (far more thought out) Witches/all female Force users before. We have had (far, far better choreographed) lightsaber battles.   The only slightly compelling "new" story beat the Acolyte added was the idea of the Twins being the Light and Dark side of the same person, but even that was shit due to the actresses lack of basic emoting/acting leading to both characters seeming the exact same as well as the bullshit ending where OSHA and The Other One switch between their Light and Dark personalities. If they had focused on the murder of Jedi, kept the Sith out of it entirely, and kept the mystery of the two being seprate for much longer the should could have been decent."
"I'm pretty sure one of the expansions for the game Star Wars: The Old Republic was about exactly that."

Getting tired of the “it tried something new” argument : r/saltierthancrait - "I've seen insane comments online claiming that the original Star Wars fans who don't like the series, need to suffer for not supporting it, and apparently the show got canceled on the guy who played the siths birthday lol."
"Star Wars fans have already been suffering for years. The Acolyte has been a continuation of that suffering."

Meme - "ACOLYTE Cancelled. She Hulk Cancelled"
"Perfectly balanced, as all things should be."

Meme - The Critical Drinker @TheCriticalDri2: "Tell me, how does it feel to watch something you care about get destroyed? Bad, right? Welcome to Star Wars."
Roran the Wookiee THRERA ...: "Great... The Fandom Menace won... The Acolyte is canceled. They're the ones ruining Star Wars, not Disney. They're not getting what they want so they have to throw a tantrum like the man babies they are and ruin things for the rest of us :/ I wa..."

Meme - Willlam Linares: ""Do you have The Acolyte merch?"
Disney: "What's 'The Acolyte'?"
"No Result Found For: the acolyte"
Deadpool: "That was quick, wasn't it?"

Meme - "They're cancelling The Acolyte because of sexist misogynistic trolls"
"Well, how many episodes did you watch?"
"Zero. Why

Meme - "If you don't like it, don't watch it"
"The Acolyte cancelled because of low viewership"
"Why would the toxic fans do this?"

Fans Fear ‘The Acolyte’ May Be Deleted Entirely For A Disney Tax Write-Off - "No, Disney cannot delete The Acolyte for a tax write-off. While you may recall Warner Bros. doing that with Batgirl and Coyote vs. ACME, that happened before those shows were released. So Disney cannot do that with The Acolyte, a fully released series.  However.  Disney can delete the show to avoid paying residuals for the series, and there is already precedent for this within Disney Plus itself. This exact same thing happened to Willow, a show that was little-watched and Disney simply nuked it. There is now no legal way to watch the Willow show, which infuriated its creators who knew why they’d done it:"

The Acolyte cost a staggering $670k per minute of footage and garnered over a billion less minutes watched than every other Star Wars show. How is anyone surprised it was cancelled? : r/StarWars - "Vernestra was the second worst part of an already not great show. The worst part was her nerdy, whiny padawan that she barked orders at all the time. That guy sucked."
"Yeah, that casting was bizarre. I remember asking my wife “do you think the casting call for this character said ‘we need a sniveling little bitch?’”"

The Acolyte cost a staggering $670k per minute of footage and garnered over a billion less minutes watched than every other Star Wars show. How is anyone surprised it was cancelled? : r/StarWars - "Because they thought the loud minority were the majority...... they confused who were the power of many."
"The Power of One (season)"
"The Power of Too (much money per episode)"
"The Power of Many (terrible narrative decisions)"

The Acolyte cost a staggering $670k per minute of footage and garnered over a billion less minutes watched than every other Star Wars show. How is anyone surprised it was cancelled? : r/StarWars - "Yep. Compare to House of the Dragon. HOTD was ~$20MM/episode, Acolyte was $22.5MM/episode.  There's a grand canyon sized chasm of difference between the production quality of those 2 shows, for what was ROUGHLY the same budget. On top of that, HOTD was almost 2x as long in terms of total run time.  I honestly believe that there was just a complete dereliction of duty, incompetence, or some other malfeasance with respect to the production of this show. For the quality of what was produced, and considering that there were not any major big name actors besides Carrie Ann-Moss, who was in maybe 10 mins of total screen time and Lee Jung Jae.  I have some knowledge about how this stuff works in the back end. To me, this really feels like whoever was running the budget (not sure if Headland herself managed the budget) basically said: "we have $X so I'm going to find a way to spend $X." They probably did stuff super inefficiently, overspent on luxuries, catering, travel, and so on just because they could and probably because there was little to no oversight.  There's just no way that this budget scale should have produced a show that visually was not even better than some of the other SW shows. Now to be fair: all the lightsaber fights & choreo were absolutely TOP TOP tier, but pretty much everything else was uninspiring visually. Begs the question: how tf was this budget managed and wtf did they spend 22.5MM/episode on."
Andor was filmed during covid, so the budget comparisons are inexact

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