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Wednesday, August 28, 2024

Links - 28th August 2024 (2 - Harris-Walz)

ALX đŸ‡ș🇾 on X - "NEW WHAT CAN BE UNBURDENED BY WHAT HAS BEEN JUST DROPPED: “Should never be burdened by the limitations of other people to be able or not be able to see what can be.. this is that community
 who can see what is possible, unburdened by what has been.”"
Kamala Harris is so brave, so stunning

Muslim Women for Harris-Walz disbands in uproar after Palestinian speaker refused slot at DNC - "Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez appeared via FaceTime to speak to the group and reassured them their protest was “paired with a very strong inside push”, referring to those inside the DNC. She added that the request for a Palestinian speaker to appear is “not an irrational thing to ask for, it’s a basic thing to ask for”."
When the identity groups you must pander to get smaller and smaller

Clint Russell on X - "If you didn't figure it out after Bernie Sanders then you probably won't get it after RFK Jr., but I'll try anyway.  If you are a Democrat voter, you need to realize that your party doesn't care even slightly about who you want to represent you. They force fed you Hillary, Biden and now Kamala. Which, if you're being honest with yourself, you probably didn't really like any of them. You held your nose and pulled the lever. "Anyone but Trump" blah blah blah.  He's a "threat to democracy" right?  So you're going to vote for the DNC machine which just rigged 3 primaries in a row? The party that puppeted Biden until the 23rd hour only to force him out so that the least liked VP in modern times could then be anointed? All while obliterating the Kennedy ticket with lawfare to keep him off the ballot?  and they did all of this while lecturing you non-stop that they were the defenders of democracy
They hate you
They hate democracy
and if you don't send them packing this November then they'll know with certainty you are never going to demand better
Demand better"
This is why their slogan is "vote Blue, no matter who" - because they know enough of their own credulous voters will blindly vote for whoever they annoint

Video Omits Main Part of Harris' 2021 Answer About Fixing Inflation | Snopes.com - "what else are you going to do to fix this problem with inflation?"...
"Prices have gone up. And families and individuals are dealing with the realities of, of — that bread costs more, that gas costs more. And we have to understand what that means. That's about the cost of living going up. That's about having to stress and stretch limited resources. That's about a source of stress for families that is not only economic but is, on a daily level, something that is a heavy weight to carry. So, it is something that we take very seriously. Very seriously.  And we know from the history of this issue in the United States that when you see these prices go up, it has a direct impact on the quality of life for all people in our country. So it's a big issue, and we take it seriously.  And it is a priority, therefore... Build Back Better is not going to cost anything; we're paying for it... I think it's important to also stress that it's not going to cost anything for the American taxpayer."
The full clip makes her sound worse in some ways

Meme - "She raised $83,599,345 in 24 Hours.Just for her nomination! He is selling shoes for $300.00. I think we're done here!"
I like how money raised for Biden being unfrozen is being spun as being new money. Not to mention ignoring the merch they're selling

Thread by @xxclusionary on Thread Reader App – Thread Reader App - "Tim Walz Signed a Bill Redefining the Term "Sexual Orientation" to INCLUDE PEDOPHILES.  đŸ§”A Thread đŸ§”
On 02/13/2023, Leigh Finke, a trans identified male, Introduced H. F. No. 1655, which redefined "Sexual Orientation."  Link to the amendment:
In this amendment, Finke CROSSED OUT the section that expressly precluded pedophiles from falling under the definition of "Sexual orientation."  In the old bill, the definition "Sexual orientation" delineated which people were were protected under the Minnesota Human Rights Statute, making it a violation to discriminate against those falling under that definition. This old definition EXPLICITLY EXCLUDED pedophiles through the addition of this phrase to the definition: "Sexual orientation" does not include a physical 1.20 or sexual attachment to children by an adult.  The bill then passed the committee was adopted.
Link to Minutes:
Link to the video stream of the hearing:
The amendment to 2022 c 52 art 19 s 44, (yes, this includes the section crossing out the pedophile exclusion), is characterized by Finke in the committee hearing as "modernizing" the terminology to reflect more contemporary understandings of sexual orientation and gender.  They think including pedophiles under the umbrella of "Sexual orientation" reflects a "modern understanding of sexuality and gender."revisor.mn.gov/bills/text.php
The most disturbing part of this bill, is that it went through MULTIPLE revisions, and in EVERY. SINGLE. REVISION., they kept the pedophile exclusion crossed out.
Link to the final changes to the bill:
Here is the final version of the bill that is LAW with the language TAKEN OUT:
These amendments were signed into law by Tim Walz, by virtue of their inclusion in the "Take Pride Act," which was an act included in the Judiciary and Public Safety bill.  As such, Tim Walz signed a bill into law that included an amendment that REMOVED the clause that excluded pedophiles from 2022 c 52 art 19 s 44.  Link to the Minnesota Department Human Rights announcement and list of things the bill included:  This bill included the Take Pride Act, which is where Finke's amendment, HF1655, the amendment that modified 2022 c 52 art 19 s 44 to exclude the section that excepted pedophiles from civil rights protections under the Minnesota human rights code.
To reiterate, Tim Walz signed a bill into law through which, removed the pedophile exclusion that excepted pedophiles from the civil rights protections that are afforded to those protected identities or classifications that fall under the definition "Sexual orientation."  This opens the door for the law to protect pedophilia as a "sexual orientation" under the Minnesota human rights legislation, especially when there is language in the bill expressly saying the provisions are to be construed "liberally."mn.gov/mdhr/news-comm

For further clarification about this amendment, the "Sexual orientation" definition change was included in the HF 1655 amendment, which amended 2023 c 52 art 19 s 46-48, and passed into law by Tim Walz.  Here is the link that shows JUST the definitions, of which apply to 2023 c 52 art 19 Chapter 363A, and were passed in the 2023 legislative session, with the corresponding legislative history version highlighted for which the new "Sexual Orientation" definition corresponds:
Here is the link to the full text of the bill, which IS current law and includes the subsection 44 "Sexual orientation" definition amendment that was included in HF 1655. As a reminder, HF 1655 was part of the "Take Pride Act," which was signed into law by Tim Walz on May 30, 2023 per its inclusion in the Judiciary and Public Safety bill...
It get's better y'all. They had around half a dozen organizations endorse the "Take Pride Act," which REMOVED the pedophile exclusion!!!
- The Girl Scouts
- The Minnesota Council of Nonprofits
- National Council of Jewish Women...
Here is a video of Leigh Finke on ABC News yesterday discussing how integral and involved Tim Walz was in LGBTQ+ legislation, the “Trans Refuge Bill,” and through his collaboration with the “queer caucus.”  Also that last line is a lot creepier when you interpret it in lieu of the above developments: “[Tim Walz] wants Minnesota to be the best place to raise a family, and he knows that means all families.”"
Meanwhile, left wingers were mocking me for pointing out (in relation to some stupid gay marriage meme) that if you say you shouldn't criminalise people for their sexual orientations, that includes pedophilia. Once again, "this is not happening, and it's good that it is"

Meme - Spike Cohen: "A reminder of what Minnesota looked like under Tim Walz: 90 days in jail or a $1000 fine if you spoke or hung out with someone who does not live in your home. Whether it was inside your home or anywhere else, including outdoors. If you "threatened to do so anyway", you faced a $25,000 fine. This was in November of 2020, long after even the World Health Organization had said that lockdowns were harmful. The problem is always too much government, and the solution is always less of it."
Spike Cohen: "He also set up a hotline so Minnesotans could tattle on their neighbors for playing in parks and walking their dogs. How neighborly of him."


Meme - Western Lensman @WesternLensman: "Michelle Obama: "Hope is making a comeback." It's as if Kamala and Joe Biden haven't been in power for 3.5 years. Gaslighting levels are truly wild."
Bryant Poland Sr @ @bryant_p...: "They talk like they are running against a rogue incumbent regime! They are the incumbent regime that needs to take that blame for this economy and the illegal immigration crisis!"
Western Lensman @Wester...: "Running against themselves. Epic gaslighting required."
JOHNNY LiBeRtY BB...: "No reasonably intelligent person believes a word of it"
Western Lensman @Wester...: "Right. Reasonably intelligent people are not their target audience."
The cope is to blame Republicans for blocking them, or to claim that Vice Presidents have no power at all (of course, simultaneously Democratic Vice Presidents can take credit for everything good that happens when they're in office)

Meme - Stephen L. Miller: "Why would he do such a thing?"
POLITICO @politico: "Trump moves to tie Harris to Biden on the economy: 'They are a team'"

Kamala Harris on X - "I grew up in a middle-class household. For most of my childhood, we were renters.  My mother saved for well over a decade to buy a home. I was a teenager when the day finally came—and I can still remember how excited she was.  In college, I worked at McDonald’s to earn spending money. Some of the people I worked with were raising families on that paycheck. They worked second or even third jobs to pay rent and buy food.  That only gets harder when the cost of living goes up.  When I am elected President, I will make it a top priority to bring down costs and increase economic security for all Americans."

Thread by @guang_lie on Thread Reader App – Thread Reader App - "Liar liar pants on fire. Your mother transferred 20K to a Canadian Bank when ya’ll moved from Berkeley, CA to one of the most affluent suburbs of Montreal back in 1976. 20K adjusted for inflation is over 100K USD today. Your two immigrant parents had PhDs from UC Berkeley. Your father’s family owns an extensive pimento plantation farm in Jamaica. You mother’s family are Brahmin Indians. Your maternal grandfather was a government official stationed in Zambia. Your mother flew you and your sister out to visit your grandparents in Zambia and in India almost every summer. Nothing about your upbringing is “middle class.” Do I need to pull up the UC Berkeley tuition “receipts” for your mother? All of this is available online, Kamala “Iyer” Harris.
Note: “Iyer” was Kamala’s middle name at birth before it was later changed to “Devi.” “Iyer” is an ethnoreligious designation for a group of Tamil-speaking Brahmins — (top caste). Here is a dossier of immigration documents on Shyamala Gopalan Harris, the mother of Kamala Harris, that was released by the U.S. government. Read it here for yourself, and then tell me what exactly about her mother is “middle class.”
The only reason why Kamala Harris’s family were renters is because as new UC Berkeley PhD graduates, her parents had to move to universities that had job openings for both of them — places that had career opportunities for people in two different departments, and not because of a lack of funds. From the immigration documents of Kamala Harris’s mother, a timeline is provided. Let’s walk through her “rental” history. Here is a timeline of Shyamala Gopalan Harris’s employment timeline. Notice how Shyamala’s employment timeline matches up with her moving dates. After Shyamala completed her PhD at UC Berkeley she stayed in Berkeley to complete a post-doc from 1963-1966. Of course she probably didn’t buy a home then! Who buys a home when you’ve just completed your PhD and you don’t have a tenured position? After completing her post-Doc, Shyamala secured a position as a VISITING scholar at the University of Illinois. Of course she rented at this time, because she did not have a permanent position and was still rising up the ranks. Next, Shyamala secured a position as a research associate at the University of Chicago for 4 months. Of course she still rented. After a stint in Illinois, Shyamala then skipped off to Wisconsin where she was a special research fellow for 11 months at the University of Wisconsin Madison. Of course your parents didn’t purchase a home then. After her stint in the mid-West, Shyamala and your father then relocated back to Berkeley, where she accepted a position as an assistant Research biochemists at UC Berkeley. After building up her academic resume, your mother obtained a stable position where she consider buying a home, BUT

The marriage between your parents, Shyamala and Ron was falling apart. The separation/ divorce proceedings between your parents lasted at least 2 years (1972-1974). So, of course your parents continued to rent instead of buying a home when they returned to Berkeley, CA. They were fighting. 🙄 After your parents divorce was finalized in May of 1974, your mother moved up the ranks becoming an associate research biochemist at UC Berkeley, a position she held for only 5 months, before packing up and moving you and your sister out of the country to Canada and transferring what is today the equivalent of over 100K USD to a Canadian bank. So, of course you mother was still renting, but it wasn’t because she was “middle class.”
After moving to Canada, Shyamala Gopalan secured Kamala Harris and her sister housing in Westmount. 🙄  â€œBut Westmount is not only home to wealthy residents. It boasts notable ones as well. The late singer-songwriter Leonard Cohen was born there, and United States Vice President Kamala Harris attended the local high school.”
Finally, to be clear, folks need to understand that a career in academia — more often than not — requires both tremendous economic and social capital. Shyamala Gopalan and Ron Harris, the parents of Kamala Harris, had both!  The fact that Kamala Harris’s parents had the resources to move across state lines — repeatedly — as navigating a career in academia often entails — is decidedly NOT “middle class.”"

Meme - "When you realize you are the best choice to the guy who can't walk up stairs or speak coherently"

HARRIS Helping America Respectfully Restore Its Sanity Unisex Heavy Cotton Tee
So they admit it's insane now? I wonder whose fault that is...

Kamala Harris blasted for 'scariest' policy after video resurfaces of her threatening to 'snatch patents' - "A RESURFACED video of Kamala Harris has brought backlash to the Democratic nominee after she vowed to implement a controversial policy.  Harris threatened to "snatch" patents away from drug companies to lower costs in a 2019 speech - and the clip has raised concerns from voters on social media. In her speech at a campaign event in Iowa at the time, Harris spoke about how as president, she would make sure that the government sets a fair market.  She went on to say that companies that didn't comply would be stripped of federal funding in order to lower prices for drugs.  "I will snatch their patent so that we will take over,” she said in the resurfaced video... "The party frightened about the 'threat to our democracy' is nominating a wannabe tyrant," filmmaker Eric Abbenante slammed in a post."
Ian Miles Cheong on X - "This is the full uncensored video of Kamala Harris in 2019 vowing to use state authority to snatch patents away from private companies. This video contains the full context of her remarks, and it's actually worse than what has been shown before."


Vance wants to raise the child tax credit to $5,000. Here’s why that could be difficult
Harris proposes $6,000 tax credit for new parents, other middle-class tax breaks


Opinion | Trump Is ‘Weird,’ Vance Is ‘Creepy.’ Finally, the Democrats Start Name-Calling. - The New York Times - "taking the high road only works if politics is a sport played mainly by people who act like grown-ups, which it is not"
I like how she pretends that every 4 years, we don't get all the Hitler accusations

Opinion | Conversations and insights about the moment. - The New York Times - "I cannot think of a sillier, more playground, more foolish and more counterproductive political taunt for Democrats to seize on than calling Trump and his supporters “weird.”...  if Democrats have any hope of carrying key swing states and overcoming Trump’s advantages in the Electoral College, they have to break through to white, working-class, non-college-educated men and women, who, if they have one thing in common, feel denigrated and humiliated by Democratic, liberal, college-educated elites. They hate the people who hate Trump more than they care about any Trump policies. Therefore, the dumbest message Democrats could seize on right now is to further humiliate them as “weird.” “It is not only a flight from substance,” noted Prof. Michael J. Sandel of Harvard, the author of “The Tyranny of Merit: Can We Find the Common Good?” “It allows Trump to tell his supporters that establishment elites look down on them, marginalize them and view them as ‘outsiders’ — people who are ‘weird.’ It plays right into Trump’s appeal to his followers that he is taking the slings and arrows of elites for them. It is a distraction from the big argument that Democrats should be running on: How we can renew the dignity of work and the dignity of working men and women.”"

Meme - "Americans: What are your policies?
Kamala Harris and Tim Walz: Best we can do is sell merch and call people weird."

Meme - Drag Queen: "Drag Queen Story Hour for Kids" "Trans surgery for kids"
Bald man in dress: "Vote Woke" "Late Term Abortion"
*Rachel Levine*
Kamala Harris: "He's so weird. Cackle cackle"
Vance in MAGA hat: "Secure Borders. Energy Independence. American Jobs"

Meme - *JD Vance with wife and kids*
Denethor with horn rimmed glasses, septum piercing, purple lips and multi-coloured hair: "Weird."

Meme - "Liberals: "JD Vance is weird."
Liberals: *Dionysus at Olympics opening ceremony*"

Meme - WCCO I CBS News Minneso...: "Trump falsely accuses Harris of donating to Minnesota Freedom Fund, bailing out "dangerous criminals""
Kamala Harris @KamalaHarris: "If you're able to, chip in now to the @MNFreedomFund to help post bail for those protesting on the ground in Minnesota."

Meme - "VP KAMALA HARRIS CAST TIE-BREAKING VOTE TO LET IRS TRACK WORKERS' TIPS SO THEY CAN BE TAXED. Vice President Kamala Harris - who on Saturday copied a campaign promise first announced by former President Donald Trump to eliminate taxes on tips - voted in 2022 to pass legislation that allowed the IRS to track down workers' tips so that they could be taxed."
"Thought we wouldn't notice, but we did."

Meme - Spike Cohen This is a mosaic of Kamala Harris made out of all the Black men she locked up and kept in prison past their release date for cheap labor. This doesn't even include the White people, Black women, etc. that she also did it to."

Meme - Christopher F. Rufo ⚔ @realchrisrufo: "Joe Biden himself declared Kamala Harris the pinnacle of DEI: "The values of diversity, equality, inclusion are literally—and this is not kidding —the core strengths of America ... And it starts at the top with the Vice President.""
"To me, the values of diversity, equality, inclusion are literally - and this is not kidding - the core strengths of America. That's why I'm proud to have the most diverse administration in history that taps into the full talents of our country. And it starts at the top with the Vice President."
Who knew that Biden was such a far right extremist who used the n word

Meme - ""DEMOCRATIC" PARTY BE LIKE: "If you want to save Democracy, you'll vote for this candidate we installed after lying to you about the incumbent's health to prevent a primary you could have participated in. Also, the candidate we selected was polling in the single digits when she tried to become President in a fairer primary, so that's why we had to rig it for her. So get out there and save Democracy!""

‘He better pick a Black woman’: Biden faces Whitmer backlash - "African American activists and operatives say Biden would pay a steep price if he chooses a white woman for the ticket."
Weird. I thought she was picked because she was so qualified

Meme - "Today we celebrate the 4th of July. And the reason we celebrate the 4th of July is because this is July and the 4th of July is in July. And if it wasn't July we couldn't be celebrating it, because you all know how much we love the 4th of July.."

Kamala To Announce Policy Positions Just As Soon As Polls Tell Her What They Are | Babylon Bee

Richard Hanania on X - "Meet Kamala's niece, Meena Harris. She's built a personal brand focusing on DEI based on her proximity to her aunt. She wrote a children's book about Kamala, sells shirts with her face, and started a VC arm that invests in an "anti-patriarchal" finance app.   Meena's mother is Kamala's sister, Maya Harris. Maya was a single mother who then married Tony West, who strangely ended up the highest ranking official in the DOJ under Eric Holder during the Obama administration. Kamala, Maya, and Meena are said to be inseparable, though Kamala has always denied any involvement with Meena's business endeavors.   Eric Holder, Meena Harris, and Meena's stepfather, Tony West, all got paid by Uber to investigate their workplace culture issues and improve their PR. Basically fake diversity make-work.   Meena also launched an initiative that called on "male allies" to donate a portion of their salary in the name of fighting the gender pay gap. The shirts she sells say things like "Phenomenally Black," "Phenomenally Asian," and "Childfree." Her marketing strategy is basically to recruit celebrities like Tayra Banks to wear them.   She seems an ideal representative of DEI capitalism, which I think is not that bad (better than any form of anti-capitalism), but it may cause political headaches."

Collin Rugg on X - "BREAKING: Kamala Harris’ campaign X account caught sharing video of Trump’s rally in Montana from *2 hours* earlier in the day, claiming it was the live footage.  I’ve never seen a campaign lie so blatantly in my life.  Shortly before Trump’s rally started, Kamala HQ shared the footage below.  A time stamp shows the video was taken at 7:36pm Eastern time.  Live footage from 9:35 eastern time shows a packed arena.  This is just one of the many deceptive posts the account has made in the past few weeks.  Despicable."

Meme - "TIM WALZ THE GOOD VIBES VICE PRESIDENT *destroyed city during George Floyd riots*"


The fact that left wingers keep saying "We understand the assignment" is telling - it reveals a lack of independent thinking and a craving to follow directions

Meme - @DC Draino: "Uh oh - Tim Walz is now getting called out by Army Special Forces for wearing their crest on a camo hat when he was never in SF and even abandoned the Army before his Iraq deployment Humiliating!"
Green Beret Nap Time @GBNT1952: "Hey @Tim Walz, this you? Do you often wear our crest even though you were only National Guard with zero deployments, never went through SFAS or the Q course, and by all accounts never even worked with Special Forces? Stolen valor much?"

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