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Thursday, August 29, 2024

Links - 29th August 2024 (2 - Joe Biden)

The White House Is Taking Women’s Issues Seriously. Really. - The New York Times
Ironic, given trans mania

John Ziegler on X - "Please always remember that Joe Biden is an honest man of good character… 😂😡🤮"
Video of Biden lying about his performance in law school

Meme - "Redditors are getting sterilized because Biden dropped out"
"Biden is to "stand down" in re-election"
"promised and now his hubris has made a mess of things."
"We're fucked. I need to go get my uterus removed while I still have some bodily autonomy left. I refuse to live in the fucking Handmaid's Tale."
"I need to do the same. I was already planning on it but now my timeline is going to be much different."
"I had mine removed last month...just in the nick of time apparently."
"I got my hysterectomy in December. Do it. Recovery was much easier than I thought it would be. Check out r/hysterectomy"

Border Patrol Union denies Biden's claim agency endorsed him: 'Never have and never will'
You're only a liar if you oppose the left wing agenda

Collin Rugg on X - "BREAKING: Rep. Nancy Pelosi endorses Kamala Harris for president after she was accused of staging a coup against Biden.  According to Politico, Pelosi threatened Team Biden if he refused to drop out of the race.  "Nancy made clear that they could do this the easy way or the hard way. She gave them three weeks of the easy way. It was about to be the hard way," a source told Politico.  In October of 2020, Pelosi unveiled legislation that would allow Congress to intervene under the 25th Amendment to remove the president.  At the time, she assured the American people that the legislation was not for Trump..."

Charlie Kirk on X - "UPDATE: I've received multiple emails like this one confirming many elements of the story. Many have confirmed that a call went out to block streets to get Biden to University Medical trauma center ASAP, and then the plan abruptly changed and they got him out on AF1 very quickly. I have not confirmed the IDs of these people, but there are an overwhelming number of stories corroborating essentially the same account that I felt comfortable sharing. I have people diving deeper into this now."

Meme - joshua steinman: "In retrospect, there were signs"
Jim Cramer @jimcramer: "Joe Biden will never drop out of the presidential race. Bullish on Biden." - Jul 19 2024

Meme - "When you realize THEY told you to blindly support a corrupt old man at any cost. And then THEY turn on him without a second thought. (Think they care about you?)"
Comment: "They went from saying half the country was ageist and that Biden was sharper than ever to talking about how old Trump is in just a couple of days"

Far Right Spreads Baseless Claims About Biden’s Whereabouts - The New York Times
Melissa Chen on X - "When it is incredibly easy in this day and age to assure the American public and the President struggles to do that, some questions naturally come to mind.  The “far right” smear just doesn’t work anymore.   Covid origins, Hunter’s laptop, Joe Biden’s mental fitness for another term - these were all considered “baseless claims” spread by the “far right” by the mainstream press.   Weirder things and far more consequential cover-ups have happened and have been exposed. I personally don’t think Biden is actually dead but that so many think that this is well within the realm of possibility tells you just how insidiously deceptive they believe the Dems to be.   And who can blame them?   I suppose now all the people who complained that Trump “staged a photo op” after coming centimeters of getting his brains blown out now see the point of reassuring the American public, right?"
I remember when the "far right" was spreading "baseless claims" that Biden was senile and was going to be replaced as the nominee

President Biden on X - "Since my Administration took action to secure our Southern border, unlawful crossings have dropped by 55%. And they’re lower than when my predecessor left office. Republicans in Congress want to play politics with the border. I’m fighting to fix it."
i/o on X - "It's true that there has been a dramatic reduction in border crossings since his administration took action. But what he doesn't say is that he didn't take action to secure the border until earlier this year. For three years, he let the floodgates stay open."

@amuse on X - "Joe Biden climbed back up the stairs of an airplane he wasn't supposed to be on, as Kamala Harris and the Secret Service watched in disbelief. He clearly has no idea where he is or what he's doing. h/t @ianmSC"

Meme - Rob Reiner @robreiner: "I'm sick and tired of hearing Democrats whining about Joe Biden's age. The man knows how to govern. Just shut up and vote to save Democracy."
Rob Reiner @robreiner: "It's time to stop fucking around. If the Convicted Felon wins, we lose our Democracy. Joe Biden has effectively served US with honor, decency, and dignity. It's time for Joe Biden to step down."

Nancy Pelosi suggests adding Biden to Mount Rushmore: 'Such a consequential president'

Biden Supreme Court reforms are terrible – and reek of desperation - "I almost feel bad for President Joe Biden.  After he was pushed out of the presidential race by Democratic Party bosses last month, Biden has become – simply put – irrelevant as he waits out the end of his one term in office.  In a desperate ploy to remind people he’s still president (as all eyes have shifted to Vice President Kamala Harris), Biden penned an opinion column in The Washington Post this week, laying out several “reforms” for the U.S. Supreme Court.  The president's ideas should be shelved as quickly as his relevance.   Biden has joined the chorus of Democrats and their media allies saying there is a “crisis” at the highest court, with faux ethics scandals and “flag-flying” controversies. This is a false narrative, and it’s a dangerous message to spread in an already polarized country. It probably wouldn’t surprise you that the only justices who have come under Democrats’ scrutiny are the ones appointed by Republican presidents.   Democrats are always smugly telling us how they are the only ones who can preserve democracy – while they back ideas that would undermine one of our nation’s most esteemed institutions. Biden wrote: “What is happening now is not normal, and it undermines the public’s confidence in the court’s decisions, including those impacting personal freedoms.”  What isn’t normal is the level of orchestrated attacks on one branch of government by another one. The steady drumbeat of negative attention on the conservative majority of the nation's highest court is what has caused public confidence to drop – not its actions. Let’s be real about what’s going on. Biden and Democrats are angry about decisions the court has made in recent years... Biden claims he has “great respect for our institutions and the separation of powers,” yet he has flaunted his disdain for the court’s decisions and specifically said its ruling on student loans wouldn’t “stop” him from similar efforts.   In other words, the Supreme Court did its job by serving as a check on another branch of government. Biden’s proposed changes would blur the lines of the government’s separation of powers and the independence the court has enjoyed since its inception.   One upside: They are not likely to go anywhere soon. Republicans in Congress strongly oppose Biden’s blueprint, and any amendment to the Constitution would first need approval from two-thirds of the House and Senate, a high bar.  Yet, Harris – the likely Democratic presidential nominee – has embraced the reforms, meaning these are talking points that we will keep hearing about through the election. The worst idea is to impose term limits for justices. Biden proposes 18-year term limits for the nine justices, meaning a president would be able to appoint a new justice every two years.   It’s hard to miss the hypocrisy of Biden, who spent nearly four decades in the Senate, arguing passionately for term limits. While terms limits may sound nice – and offers Democrats a way to offload the sitting justices they despise – it goes against what our founders envisioned in the Constitution when they clearly wrote that justices and federal judges “shall hold their Offices during good Behaviour.”   In other words, these are lifetime appointments, until death, retirement or impeachment intervene.   Biden once opposed meddling with the high court, including efforts to “pack” the court to dilute justices whom one may not like. What Biden is proposing now is not unlike what President Franklin Roosevelt tried to do in 1937, when he was perturbed that the Supreme Court had blocked some of his big-government expansion."

Biden says Vietnam motivated him to stop wars... 60 years after he dodged the draft: How Joe used FIVE student deferments then teenage problems with asthma to avoid joining the millions of Americans who served - "The disqualification was for having suffered asthma as a teenager, although he was a student athlete... Former President Bill Clinton also came of age during the Vietnam War but also did not serve.  He received educational deferments as well and then received permission to join the ROTC at the University of Arkansas law school.  That allowed him to go to Oxford University and he did not serve in the ROTC."
Damn bone spurs!

Meme - "Let's count Joe Biden's First Debate *LIES*.
1. "Suckers and losers" lie
2. "Hitler did good things" lie
3. "Fine people" lie
4. "My son died in Iraq" lie
5. "l capped insulin at $15" lie
6. "l capped Medicaid drug expenses at $200" lie
7. "Retaliation" lie
8. "Trump said he would be a dictator" lie
9. "No soldiers died on my watch" lie
10. "Border crossings fewer than Trump" lie
11. "Unemployment was 15% under Trump" lie
12. "Trump wants to get rid of Social Security" lie
13. "Billionaires pay 8.2% in taxes" lie
14. "Trump said inject bleach" lie
15. "Border patrol endorsed me" lie"

David Sacks on X - "Right-wing conspiracy theories suddenly acknowledged as true:
— Biden is senile.
— Democrats engaged in a massive cover-up of this for months if not years.
— The Biden presidency is run by an oligarchy.
— Democrat mega donors, not primary voters, actually choose the nominee."

Biden campaign burned through 93% of cash raised in June before he dropped out - "Before his Sunday announcement that he was leaving the presidential race, Joe Biden’s beleaguered campaign entered July with $96 million cash on hand, after a spending spree last month that depleted about 93% of the money it raised in June.  Biden’s spending included a $50 million ad blitz ahead of his disastrous June 27 debate performance, which fractured the Democratic Party and prompted the relentless pressure that led him to drop out. His burn rate far outpaced that of his rival, former President Donald Trump, whose campaign spent just 46% of the money it raised in June and entered the final 127 days of the 2024 race with $128 million in the bank.  Biden’s campaign has spent $243 million through the end of June, Federal Election Commission records show, and hadn’t let up in July. Even as dozens of Democratic lawmakers called on him to quit the race, his campaign continued to spend. The Biden team has bought $35 million of ad time in July, according to AdImpact, compared with less than $70,000 for Trump... Biden’s financial misfortune was a stunning reversal from a few months ago, when his campaign was raising significantly more money than Trump’s and was poised to vastly outspend its Republican rival. Even as Trump’s fundraising has surged, his campaign has maintained a lean operation and has shied away from the costly field offices and large advertising blitzes at the center of the Democrats’ strategy."
Weird. Everyone knows that the biggest spender wins the election

Biden-Harris Department of Energy official calls for 'queering nuclear weapons' as part of radical DEI agenda - "The Biden-Harris administration announced Sneha Nair had been appointed as special assistant at the National Nuclear Security Administration in February 2024. Nair believes in eradicating purported "White supremacy" in the nuclear field as well as "queering nuclear weapons" as part of a diversity, equity and inclusion push she believes is essential for deterring threats to nuclear energy facilities in the U.S.   "Finally, queer theory informs the struggle for nuclear justice and disarmament," she wrote last year. "Queer theory helps to shift the perception of nuclear weapons as instruments for security by telling the hidden stories of displacement, illness, and trauma caused by their production and testing."   Nair argues that DEI, more broadly, "is essential for creating effective nuclear policy." Before she joined the administration, she worked for the Stimson Institute, which has received hundreds of thousands from Soros' Open Society Foundations and millions from "The Embassy of the State of Qatar" over the years... Nair's DEI agenda envisions expanding America's deep secrets to people with foreign connections, claiming those individuals were discouraged from applying as an issue of race bias.   She said, "U.S. government reports show that qualified applicants with foreign ties have been discouraged from applying to sensitive national security positions and faced barriers to obtaining a security clearance. This is in part due to preconceived confirmation biases held by investigators about certain racial or ethnic groups."   "Considerable progress has been made in advancing DEI in the nuclear field, but the largest obstacle remains in ensuring that nuclear security practitioners understand how DEI can serve as a tool to strengthen nuclear security," she said in the article. "Greater focus on the intersections between nuclear security and DEI is essential." Regarding race bias, Nair believes that White staff at nuclear facilities don't have the ability to properly evaluate threats from people of the same racial group, notably radical White supremacists... She then discussed how a radical academic concept, called critical queer theory, is crucial to addressing national security threats.   "Queer theory: changing the narrative…. Queer theory is a field of study, closely related to feminist theory, that examines sex- and gender-based norms. It shines a light on the harm done by nuclear weapons through uranium mining, nuclear tests, and the tax money spent on nuclear weapons… "  "The queer lens prioritizes the rights and well-being of people over the abstract idea of national security, and it challenges the mainstream understanding of nuclear weapons—questioning whether they truly deter nuclear war, stabilize geopolitics, and reduce the likelihood of conventional war. Queer theory asks: Who created these ideas? How are they being upheld? Whose interests do they serve? And whose experiences are being excluded?" She said, "Queer theory also identifies how the nuclear weapons discourse is gendered: Nuclear deterrence is associated with ‘rationality' and ‘security,’ while disarmament and justice for nuclear weapon victims are coded as ‘emotion’ and a lack of understanding of the 'real' mechanics of security."  Nair also said that nuclear policy through the lens of queer theory is about rejecting "the tenet that nuclear deterrence creates security and disarmament creates vulnerability.""

Hugh Hewitt on X - "Gold Star family speaks out after Biden falsely claims no troops have died on his watch: 'Shame on you'"
Stephen L. Miller on X - "Any journalist want to take this one? What would @jaketapper or CNN do if this photo was Trump and Gold Star Families spoke out? The sitting President literally either forgot or lied about what happened during the Afghanistan withdrawal, and our media is completely disinterested"
Fact checks are only for those who oppose the left wing agenda

Trump Rips Biden For Being Too Weak To Stand Up For Police - "Former President Donald Trump slammed President Joe Biden this week for being too weak to support law enforcement because his base won’t allow him to.  Trump made the remarks after attending the wake of slain 31-year-old New York City Police Department officer Jonathan Diller, who was allegedly murdered by 34-year-old Guy Rivera.  During a traffic stop, as Diller attempted to get Rivera to vacate the car, Rivera allegedly pulled out a handgun and shot Diller in the stomach. Rivera had 21 prior arrests and was released from prison in 2021 after serving five years for criminal possession of a controlled substance.  “I think that politically he can’t support the police. I think he’s also making a mistake, but I think politically, his base won’t let him support the police,” Trump said"

Joe Biden and the New Progressive Era - The Atlantic
From 2021. The article says that he's a partisan and an opportunist with no ideology and voters aren't excited or inspired by him, and that even though he's much more radical than the left wingers expected, they're still not satisfied

James Kirkpatrick on X - "You will begin to understand the American political system when you see that Biden has 71% disapproval among 18-29 year-olds, but he will win them easily. More blacks disapprove than approve. He will win 90% of them. Voting is about who you hate, not who you support."

Crémieux on X - "During the debate, a lot of people talked as if Biden was just doddering, but Trump was, uniquely, a liar But Biden constantly lies. There's no contrast. During the debate, in subsequent campaign messages and rallies, and in the Stephanopoulos interview, he just incessantly lies"
Crémieux on X - "Apparently many people don't know that Biden's 1988 presidential campaign ended due to a lying scandal in which he was caught plagiarizing for most of his adult life. The final blow was him claiming to have graduated at the top of his law school class. He graduated 76 out of 85."
Coddled affluent professional on X - "The collective amnesia is shocking. For decades Biden was known specifically for being a shameless and habitual liar. (That and his belligerence.)"
Just Kansas Things on X - "And it's also worth noting that Trump's "lies" are often just unapproved opinions. Or they're "lies" in that they're refuted by one single anonymous source that the New York Times reported out and no other evidence whatsoever."
So much for "He is the far better human."

Joe Biden, Sean McElwee, and the Future of Progressive Power - The Atlantic (aka "The Progressive Activist Begging the Left to Stop Owning Itself") - "“I’ve come to the realization that the Democratic Party is actually ripe for a transformation into a progressive vehicle,” McElwee told me. Progressives should be working to build power and influence within the party, district by district and voter by voter—not to overthrow it. “We have lost this muscle of persuasion,” he said.  This conflict over progressive purity is the newest iteration of the one leftists waged during the Democratic primary—a fight that started between the Sanders and Elizabeth Warren wings of the left and lives on in progressive-activist circles and on Twitter... McElwee’s critics see him as a hypocrite, a grifter, a “professional progressive” who has abandoned the left—in its moment of weakness, no less—to cozy up with centrists. To them, his approach smacks of incrementalism—the scourge of compromise for compromise’s sake, and the opposite of the swift, systemic change that they believe is so urgent. Why work to persuade existing voters, they ask, when you can employ bold, ambitious ideas to awaken a legion of brand-new ones? Why attempt to reform the Democratic Party when you can conquer it?... “The Venn diagram of people with a pretty radical analysis [of politics] who are devoted to operational electoral politics is pretty small,” Chris Hayes, the progressive commentator and MSNBC host, told me. McElwee “is in that space.”... Now, McElwee said, he’s focused on the nitty-gritty work of politics, while trying to reassure leftists that Biden and his team are, in fact, very receptive to progressive ideas. “It’s easy for people who sit in their apartments in Brooklyn who post 20 times a day to believe that everyone who does the work is a sellout,” McElwee told me recently. “I am doing more and more politics.” Heather McGhee, McElwee’s former boss and the former president at Demos, told me that Sean has been “influenced by a vision that says We want the left to take over the Democratic Party—which is different than We want the left to replace it or burn it down.” McElwee is still adamant that movements should be idealistic. But he has a blueprint for progressive up-and-comers that focuses only on what’s achievable. In short: Left-wing candidates—especially those in tough districts—should run on popular ideas.  In February, Data for Progress distributed a survey to 78,000 Americans of all political persuasions, laying out a series of arguments for and against a set of 50 progressive policies and asking them to rank their support for each. The agenda items that were supported by more than half of respondents included clean water, paid family leave, generic drug licensing, and free two-year college. (Abolishing ICE, meanwhile, ranked among the 10 least popular ideas.)... many leftists don’t seem to appreciate just how progressive congressional Democrats have really become: Party ideology has veered leftward in the past decade, and Democrats now harbor much more liberal views on issues such as health care, immigration, and race. Nearly all Democratic House members support abortion rights, stricter gun-control legislation, and an ambitious response to climate change. Ten years ago, progressives tried and failed to include a public option for health insurance in the Affordable Care Act; now most House Democrats support some form of government-funded health care. Yet during the 2020 primary, leftists excoriated multiple Democratic candidates for endorsing a public option instead of Medicare for All. “Every time we have a victory, there’s some people who claim that that victory isn’t an actual victory,” McElwee said."
From 2020. Given trans mania, pseudo-open borders and persecuting political opponents, the progressives were more successful than they thought (though doubtless less than they believe). When you demand a Revolution, you will never be satisfied

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