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Friday, August 30, 2024

Links - 30th August 2024 (2 - General Wokeness)

Meme *Am I So Out Of Touch?*

Meme - "Me trying to avoid all of the gay propaganda in June. *Neo from the Matrix bullet time*"

Meme - *Seeing Pride flag over army camp through binoculars*
To Russian in Z tank: "Who is it?"
Russian in Z tank: "Americans."

National Affairs: THE NEGRO CRIME RATE: A FAILURE IN INTEGRATION - "THEY are afraid to say so in public, but many of the North’s big-city mayors groan in private that their biggest and most worrisome problem is the crime rate among Negroes. In 1,551 U.S. cities, according to the FBI tally for 1956, Negroes, making up 10% of the U.S. population, accounted for about 30% of all arrests, and 60% of the arrests for crimes involving violence or threat of bodily harm—murder, non-negligent manslaughter, rape, robbery and aggravated assault. In one city after another, the figures—where they are not hidden or suppressed by politicians—reveal a shocking pattern... Negro leaders sometimes argue passionately that arrest statistics wildly distort the comparative incidence of crime among Negroes and whites because cops are more likely to arrest Negroes for petty crimes or on mere suspicion. Protests Executive Editor Charles Wartman of Detroit’s Michigan Chronicle, a Negro weekly: “The number of Negroes booked is at least partially indicative of subconscious if not conscious racial persecution on the part of police officers.”  But inequality of treatment by the police may actually tend to shrink rather than inflate the statistics of Negro crime. Says Newsman Wartman in the next breath: “When Negroes violate social morals—sex, drinking, gambling—white cops bypass this as ‘typically Negro.’ ” Many Negro leaders protest that the police are far from diligent enough in dealing with crimes committed against Negroes—and Negroes are the victims in the great majority of Negro crimes of violence. Since Negroes, even when they are victims or innocent bystanders, are often wary of calling the police, many offenses of disorder and assault go unreported when committed by Negroes in the depths of a ghetto. Whether the statistics of Negro crime overstate or understate the reality, they are shrouded from public attention by what a Chicago judge last week called a “conspiracy of concealment.” In many cities, Negro leaders and organizations such as the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People put pressure on politicians, city officials and newspapers to play down the subject. Fearing loss of Negro votes, few elected officials dare to resist the pressures.  Abetting the concealment campaign is the feeling shared by many whites that it is unfair, inflammatory and even un-American to talk about Negro crime. This feeling is reflected in the widespread newspaper practice of not mentioning a criminal’s race unless he is at large and the fact would help in identifying him. In hiding the facts about Negro crime, the “conspiracy of concealment” helps blur the causes of it. Negro leaders themselves often put forward explanations that are oversimple. Some hold that Negro crime is largely the result of migrations from the South: in the unfamiliar environment of the North, the argument runs, Negroes tend to be more crime-prone, just like white immigrants from abroad. But in fact, some studies have shown that, contrary to popular conviction, crime rates among foreign-born whites were lower than among U.S.-born whites. Most often, Negro leaders point to poverty as the No. 1 factor in Negro crime. As Editor Louis Martin of the Chicago Defender sees it, the main cause is poor and crowded housing. But the moderate crime rates among European immigrants, subject to similar stresses of poverty and bad housing, suggest that other factors may be more important... As many a public-housing official has learned to his dismay, better housing does not automatically bring about the improvement in character and conduct that do-gooders used to predict. Slum dwellers who move into brand-new public-housing projects often turn them into new slums as verminous and crime-ridden as the tenements they left behind. Negro leadership could make a start toward lowering Negro crime rates by abandoning the conspiracy of concealment and urging full disclosure of the facts to be met. Once they faced the facts, Negro leaders and organizations—including the N.A.A.C.P.—could help by wholeheartedly undertaking short-term efforts of rehabilitation, by accepting responsibility in an area where they habitually look the other way."
From 1958. The article goes on to argue for integration as the solution, but presumably more than 60 years later, they are still equally discriminated against

Poilievre rejects 'straight pride' message in controversial Calgary Stampede photo - "Conservative leader posed for a photo with a man wearing a T-shirt offensive to many in the LGBTQ community"


Meme - "ChRiStlaNiTy Is BelnG fOrCeD oN uS! MEANWHILE, SOCIETY:
*Satanic scene from Montero (Call Me By Your Name)*
*Satanic scene Chris Brown / Fivio Foreign C.A.B. (Catch a Body)*
*Satanic scene from Sam Smith at the 2023 Grammy Awards*
*Satanic scene from Cardi B*
*Satanic scene from Lil Wayne - Love Me*
*Katy Perry with Devil Horns*

Thread by @johnarmstrong5 on Thread Reader App – Thread Reader App - "My new paper published today looks at attempts by the Quality Assurance Association for Higher Education (QAA) to impose ideas from "critical pedagogy" across university curricula in the UK, and looks at what happens if you follow their advice... 🧵
The QAA insists that all university subject areas cover Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI), Enterprise and Entrepreneurship Education (EEE) and Education for Sustainable Development (ESD). The EDI theme is the most obvious concern. For example: Economics courses should show zero tolerance for microagressions. Mathematics courses should teach that some mathematicians were Nazis, but aren't asked to teach that some mathematicians were persecuted by Nazis. The Education for Sustainable Development theme is also worrying. The theme comes from the UN who want to "reorient education to address sustainable development". This means inserting political content into all courses across all educational institutions in all countries. As an example, the UN recommends that you should have students in music classes write songs about water conservation. The inspiration for such innovations comes from the Marxist educator Paolo Freire, the father of "critical pedagogy", a postmodern approach to teaching, which sees questioning dominant power structures in society as the central task of education. Paolo Freire has an almost mythical status among educationalists. It is claimed he taught 300 adults to read and write in 45 days. Sadly nobody seems to have attempted to reproduce this remarkable result. In fact, the literature on critical pedagogy is remarkably uninterested in whether it is an effective way to teach. They are more interested in the moral imperative to bring about political change.
The QAA is proposing that the academic community embraces critical pedagogy and incorporate political content across curricula. Yet they do not point to any case-studies at all to show the effectiveness of their approach. However, one case study does now exist. A module called "Gateway to King's" was piloted at King's College London. It was designed to introduce all first year students at King's to topics which map closely to each of the QAA's required themes. The plan was to roll the module out as a compulsory module for all first year students. However, the module was canned after the pilot. 1657 students were eligible to take the course, 366 enrolled and 42 completed it.
I argue that the reason the course failed is that the QAA's recommendations are fundamentally flawed. University students want to be taught high quality content by renowned experts. They do not want bland platitudes about citizenship, regurgitated myths about unconscious biases, indoctrination in postmodern politics. Nor do students want to pay the opportunity costs of pursuing someone else's hobby horse. Maths students want to study maths, music students want to study music, and it is politics students who want to study politics.
We should not allow quangos to determine what we teach. Instead we should pursue academically led curriculum development, guided by the individual research expertise of academics. This is the route to high quality Higher Education."
Alexandra Wilson on X - "I have long been uneasy about a growing compulsion for academics to bring political agendas into teaching and research. (I believe political views are private and that the lecturer has no right to use their platform for propaganda.) Turns out I wasn't just imagining this."
Alonso Gurmendi on X - "There is no such thing as “neutral knowledge” and so there is no such thing as “a-political teaching”. It doesn’t really matter what you’re teaching or which approach to knowledge you are taking. It is all always political"
Itai Sher on X - "Again really amazing to me that people say “everything is political” to try to obscure the fact that you can be more or less political and it’s a choice.  It’s like saying “everyone dies, so no point in trying to live a healthy lifestyle”."

EXCLUSIVE: Dildo ring toss, ‘pin the clit on the vulva,’ and ‘family friendly’ drag show featured at Ottawa’s Pride fest - "Saturday's big draw was the Drag Show Extravaganza on the TD Main Stage, featuring a host of drag performances. The drag queen who hosted the show introduced it as "family-friendly" and noted that drag "is supposed to be provocative, it's supposed to be political" and said that "Drag is not a crime! We're going to prove it to you today." One performance included a drag queen dancing while pictures of hot dogs—and people scarfing them down—were displayed on the screen. The drag queen eventually pulled a hot dog out of the costume and went on to squirt ample amounts of mustard. Another turned a slasher film into a sexualized dance routine between the murderer and his victim... Two participants were dressed as giant genitals. Men in "pup play" fetish gear were also present."
Damn conservatives making up things so they can feel persecuted!
If drag is supposed to be provocative and political, why are the left trying to force it on kids? And I thought people's literally existing was not supposed to be political. How strange

California Cops Stand Idly By As Men Expose Themselves, Pee On Each Other At Event Open To Kids - "Police appeared to opt out of taking action as San Francisco’s Pride march attendees openly performed oral sex on each other and engaged in disturbing sexual acts, including urinating on one another, during Sunday’s pride parade... One attendee laid down in an inflatable pool in a designated area called “The Fetish Zone” and let a woman pee on him. Another man wearing only a dog collar and a small cloth around his genitals stood in the pool and clapped... “The Fetish Zone” was designated as an 18+ zone but parade officials were allegedly not checking IDs... Another nude man appeared to stand with his genitals hanging out while children walked by during the parade...   There were children marching in the parade from multiple groups, including the Boy Scouts... Hansen asked members of San Francisco Police who were stationed at the event about the legality of the lewd behavior.  “Right across the fence you have a zone where people are giving each other blow jobs in public and pissing on each other in public. Is that legal?” Hansen asked.  The police said the event was technically not public despite the fact that it was taking place on a public street.  “It’s a pick your battle day. They want us to maintain civility on the outskirts of it,” one of the officers told him.  Democrats and left-wing media have spent years criticizing the idea that drag queen story hours and lewd pride events were rife with groomers.  ABC News ran a 2022 headline claiming “Some Republicans use false ‘pedophilia’ claims to attack Democrats, LGBTQ people.” MSNBC’s Chris Hayes accused Republicans of “playing footsie with Q-Anon” and called grooming allegations “an age-old smear to imply that members of the LGBTQ community are trying to prime children for sexual abuse,” in a 2022 monologue.  The Washington Post also called grooming accusations “part of a conservative effort to foster a moral panic that will help limit how and what educators teach,” in a 2022 article."

New York City LGBT Activists Chant ‘We’re Coming For Your Children’ - "Activists at a New York City drag march Friday can be heard chanting, “We’re coming for your children,” in videos of the event.  “We’re here, we’re queer, we’re coming for your children,” the activists shouted as they marched. The marchers convened at Tompkins Square Park and made their way through the East Village before stopping at Stonewall Inn. Stonewall Inn, a gay bar, was the site of a police raid which sparked violent protests known as the Stonewall Riots in 1969. Other video taken of the event shows protestors with signs reading, “Groom Cissies” and “Drag isn’t for Cissies.” As concerns rise over explicit drag events marketed to and performed for children, some states are taking action to prohibit underage kids from attending these shows"
"This is not happening, and it's good that it is"

Libs of TikTok on X - "BREAKING: Police report from when Matt Walsh went undercover for his “Am I Racist” movie. The anti-racists called the police on him when they realized who he was. One of them told police she considered using a chair to break a window and escape because she felt unsafe in his presence and he’s “extreme” and has “radical views.”  You can’t make this up 😂  “Am I Racist” in theaters September 13th!  Buy tickets now to support @MattWalshBlog  and Daily Wire!"
These are the same people who go on about "white fragility"

Uzay Bulut on X - "Did you know that there are tens of thousands of actual slaves in Africa? The enslavers are predominantly Arabs.  Consider the Muslim African country of Mauritania as an example.  Mauritania is one of the last countries in the world where people are still born into slavery and literally owned by other people, facing a lifetime of abuse and forced labor.  “Slavery in Mauritania takes the form of chattel slavery, in which people are considered legal property and can be bought, sold, and owned.   “Here, enslaved people are maintained on a hereditary basis, thus their children are also considered the property of the enslavers.   “As a result, enslavers, who are predominantly Arab-Berbers or Arabs, commonly force enslaved people to do domestic chores, herd animals, and farmlands.   “Sadly, enslaved people in Mauritania are also often subjected to sexual and physical abuse by their masters, sometimes with children fathered by enslavers who then remain enslaved throughout their lives. (Source: Jessie-Lee Smith)”  The West’s human rights advocacy system is broken. If it wasn’t, then one of its main focuses would be the actual slaves in Africa."

Meme - i/o @eyeslasho: "From 2022: A school district board chairperson in Canada listed those views which she considers "red flags" in candidates running for the school board."
Jayne Herring, Trustee Candidate @CambridgeJayne: "embracing diversity of opinion
all voices are needed
give parents, students & staff their voices back
board has weaponized the rules
re-direct focus to academic excellence
honour the rights of all parents
put an end to identity politics"
Left wingers hate diversity of opinion, want to disempower parents, students & staff by giving all power to left wing activist, despise academic excellence and have contempt for parents

Meme - "theycantalk.com
Goose chasing man: How were kids and dogs getting Monkey Pox?

Meme - "The Average Western Game Dev who is very passionate about gender and race when the game they spent 8-9 years developing is played by no one when it finally launches"

Microsoft Publishes New Inclusion Guide For Video Game Devs, Recommends Against Creating Female Characters With "Exaggerated Body Proportions" - "In doing their part to push the entire medium ever further towards a final form as a pile of boring and uninspired mush, Microsoft has released a new “Product Inclusion Guide” for video game developers which, in addition to a number of other such recommendations aimed at appeasing the terminally online, notably suggests that creators completely abstain from depicting any sexualized or ‘unrealistic’ female characters within their works... It should be noted that while Microsoft did cite four studies regarding representation in support of their arguments, all of them are extremely flawed in their methodologies.  Though the Diamond Lobby study claims that there is a stark lack of diversity in the overall gaming sphere, its findings are based solely on a surface level look at the “the 10 highest selling games” between 2017-2021.  Further, not only does the report fail to specify by which metric they determined the ‘highest selling’ games – amount of money pulled in? amount of units sold? – but it also does not name any of the specific titles (outside of Apex Legends, which it put forth as the “most diverse video game”) that were looked at. Then there’s the Geena Davis Study.  Published in 2021, the study not only takes particular issue with the long-disproven idea that video games can directly inspire an individual to real-world violence, but it’s also extremely disingenuous in making its arguments.  For example, in support of the study’s claim that gaming communities are “rife with identity-based prejudice, harassment, and bullying that are ultimately harmful to boys and young men,” the Geena Davis Institute cites such facts as “Streamers used some variation of the ableist language ‘crazy’ in one-in-five gameplay segments” and “Nearly one-in-four (23.7%) male characters express anger.” As for the two News Zoo studies, their results are called in to the question by the fact that not only is its information based entirely on self-responses, but the conclusions they extrapolate from this data are completely out of pocket.  Look no further than the fact that in their 2022 report, as produced in partnership with the Anti-Defamation League, the organization claims that roughly 12% of respondents reported that they had been on the receiving end of a ‘swatting’ call.   In the report, the ADL and NewsZoo assert that their information is based on “a nationally representative sample of nearly 100 million American adult gamers” (and that’s not even counting their teenage respondents), meaning should one follow their information to its presented conclusion, means that at least 19,400,000 players in the US had experienced this phenomena.  However, as they admitted at the end of their report, their information truly only represents the “2,134 Americans who play games across PC, console, and mobile platforms” that they actually sampled."

Meme - "You didn't see the 70s or the 80s or 90s. You know they took something but you don't fully understand what. The best way to understand what they took so to watch Beethoven from 1991. Things you'll see
- nuclear family
- Three kids
- Beautiful small town America
- Happy music
- No pessimism
- No politics
- No race baiting
- No gay indoctrination
- No trans indoctrination
- No underlying "message" about race
- Positive vibes
- Little worries because US is #1
You can really feel the optimism of America. Peak United States power. Peak economics."
When a culture loses faith in itself
Left wingers keep claiming the romanticised path that conservatives mythologise is the 60s, with racial segregation.

'X-Men '97' Creator Was Fired Over Egregious Internal Investigation - "“Above is #XMen fan-art I posted on Instagram for Gay Pride in June. On June 13, #Marvel sent a letter notifying me that they’d stripped my Season 2 credits due to the post,” DeMayo wrote on X Thursday, along with an illustration of a shirtless version of himself as the superhero Cyclops.  DeMayo, who spent several years at Marvel working on a draft of a long-gestating Blade feature as well as on the TV show Moon Knight, added: “Sadly, this is the latest in a troubling pattern I suffered through while on working on #XMen97 and #Blade.”  Marvel responded by saying that DeMayo’s behavior was the cause of his firing and for him losing his credits.  “Mr. DeMayo was terminated in March 2024 following an internal investigation,” said a Marvel spokesperson in a statement. “Given the egregious nature of the findings, we severed ties with him immediately, and he has no further affiliation with Marvel.”...  DeMayo was an avid social media user during his tenure at Marvel, sharing X-Men tidbits as well as shirtless pics of himself, and even running a non-explicit OnlyFans account. This all led the LGBTQ publication Out to declare him “the Sexy, Gay Marvel Writer & Showrunner to Know.”  On the surface, the notion that Marvel would strip DeMayo of a credit due to a social media post would stretch credulity, as outside observers note the gay Pride illustration is similar to any number of posts he made while employed at Marvel. And fired Marvel executive Victoria Alonso retained credit on projects she previously worked on following her exit in 2023. But the reveal of an internal investigation points to deeper causes."

Meme - Culture Crave @CultureCrave: "DeMayo was asked to stop sending such photos but persisted anyway  DeMayo was also reportedly let go from Netflix's #TheWitcher for similar behavior  Brad Winderbaum reportedly was the one who failed to look into details around his #TheWitcher departure Show more"
DiscussingFilm: "Beau DeMayo allegedly sent nude photos of himself in sexually suggestive "hero" poses to several young male staffers working on 'X- MEN 97', saying they could be used as "inspiration"  He also allegedly groped an assistant multiple times and emotionally/physically abusive to other staffers."
"To me, My X-Men!" *Beau DeMayo self-insert as Cyclops*
Beau DeMayo @BeauDemayo: "The truth will be revealed. After their Disney Plus disaster Marvel wants to mislead with alleged contract breaches over tweets. It's tragic it's come to this but unsurprising. Stay tuned."
Beau DeMayo @BeauDemayo: "This is their Disney-Marvel's usual playbook. Legal letters as well as other items to prove their long-standing pattern to follow . It's about finding a safe outlet. Thanks for your faith and patience."
Beau DeMayo @BeauDemayo: "I'll have more to say soon but must take a step back from social media to find a safer space for me to be out, proud, and nerdy. Stay tuned."

Meme - "JD Vance had sex with a couch, according to a now deleted tweet from a guy who literally already admitted that he made it.up."
"In other news, Disney has now stated that the homosexual creator of X-Men '97 was fired for sending nudes of himself to staffers and groping people."

Meme - "Being called 'sir by a Brit"
"Being called 'sweetie' by a Southerner"
"Being called 'sugar' by an old black lady"
"Being called 'champ' by a dad"
"Being called 'bigot' by a pink haired they/them SJW"

Meme - "...and that's how I made all these jokes and mockery of Jesus and Christianity"
"Impressive. very cool. when when will you do the same for Muhammad and Islam?"
"Not everyone is a racist islamophobic bigot like you, Harry."
"I thought you advocate for equality"

VS CHRISTIAN BAKERS *fierce barking dog*
VS ISLAM *cowering leashed dog*"

I AM OFFENDED *Olympics opening ceremony Dionysus*
I DON'T GIVE A SH*T *Yusuf Dikec*"

Meme - "ALL races across the world were enslaved at one point in history. But there's only one race that is still crying about it and can't move on."

Sex between men, not skin contact, is fueling monkeypox, new research suggests
9th child in US tests positive for monkeypox - ABC News

Meme - "Monkeypox being found on children and animals"
"The media *walking away*"

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