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Monday, August 26, 2024

Links - 26th August 2024 (1 - Trans Mania)

Thread by @benryanwriter on Thread Reader App – Thread Reader App - "Jack Turban dismisses as “nonsense” what Pamela Paul’s states about attitudes about “gatekeeping”. And yet in Turban’s new book he strongly suggests psychosocial assessments should be done away with because, he suggests, they are useless. He suggests in the book that puberty blockers and cross-sex hormones should be as easy for children to get as Prozac. He has also suggested that kids should be able to get blockers without parental approval, like birth control. Here is the first section in @Jack_Turban’s book where he strongly suggests that he thinks psychosocial assessments for gender-transition treatment for children should be discarded. This is the third time this month that Jack Turban has held up the virtues of the psychosocial assessment—he did so in the essay he published with coauthors criticizing the Cass Review and he did it in his NYT opinion essay. All this despite his suggesting in his book that the assessment is useless and should be done away with. At another point in his book, @Jack_Turban recounts prescribing a teen Prozac and the kid remarks how easy that was and wouldn’t it be nice if it were that easy for minors to get gender-affirming care? Turban makes very clear he agrees, which suggests he believes that kids should be able to get blockers and hormones on their first visit to a doctor about gender dysphoria. Also, Pamela Paul is not referring to what WPATH and the Endocrine Society recommend, she is referring to what activists like Florence Ashley say.
"This is not happening, and it's good that it is"

Meme - MaryCate Delvey @marycate...: "Straight men: Would you date a transwoman?"
RDRR @JJ_RD_RR: "I would rather guide my dad into my mom by hand."

Angie Jones on X - "My 11yo daughter has been school refusing, which is very unusual for her as she is doing well academically and is developing healthy friendship with other girls her age. Until today she has been unable to articulate why she doesn’t want to go to school except to say she “hates her teacher” This is the first time, grade 5,  she has had a male teacher & I had assumed she was having difficulty adjusting to the different energy a male teacher, relatively new to teaching, brings to the learning environment. As a qualified teachers aide I am atuned to these kind of nuances.  I have been gently trying to help her articulate the root of her issue with her teacher. This morning, on the drive to school, through tears, she blurted out .. “He keeps calling us folx and friends. He’s not my friend Mum, he’s an adult and he’s my teacher”  I have always been vigilant about safeguarding in my household. Not just because I was let down by own parents who welcomed adult predators in to our home, but because as a teenage girl I had a relationship with a teacher at my school that developed from a “friendship” I know how grooming works and how important solid delineation of boundaries between adult professionals and children are.  I have made a call to the school to flag a safeguarding concern and I will follow it up on writing and forward copies to the education department and the minister for education @BenCarrollMP  whose office has removed sex based language like “boys and girls” from teachers vocabulary and replace it with the language used by groomers. I am not accusing her teacher of any impropriety toward my daughter except for his dangerous choice of language which is likely to be @VicGovAu  mandated.  Watch this space…  🔥"

Stephen Knight 🎙️ on X - "You need to stop hoping for that watershed moment with the gender deranged. There won't come a moment where things have gone too far for them.  It didn't come after the Tavistock scandal.  It didn't come when male offenders were sent to female prisons. It didn't come after The Cass Review. It didn't come when the NHS banned puberty blockers.  It didn't come after the WPATH scandal.  And it won't come now just because men are smacking women in the face and cheating them out of Olympic medals.   Because you are not dealing with reasonable people with a grasp on reality. It's not your duty to convince them. It's your duty to oppose them at every opportunity until their ideology is intellectually terminated."

Benjamin Ryan on X - "Attorneys at @Liberty_Ctr have sued a Colorado school district on behalf of parents alleging that a Denver-area school secretly facilitated a gender transition of their child
The Center for American Liberty alleges in a release: "Their daughter, A.D. was in 9th grade, grappling with depression and anxiety, sought help from a school counselor. During their conversation, A.D. expressed gender dysphoric thoughts. The counselor then began affirming a new identity for A.D. as a male, going so far as to set A.D. up with telemedicine counseling sessions through the state-run I Matter counseling program that assisted in transitioning her gender identity from female to male.  "All of this occurred without ever requesting permission from A.D.’s parents. The school never even notified them.  "What’s more—the school counselor intentionally deceived A.D.’s parents about their daughter’s transition at school. The counselor called A.D.’s parents to let them know that their daughter was struggling with her mental health. During these conversations, the counselor used A.D.’s female pronouns instead of her 'chosen' pronouns, and the counselor did not disclose that the school was socially transitioning A.D."  Interestingly, this case argues that under the 14th Amendment, parents have a right to direct the upbringing of their children. That is the same argument that those such as the @ACLU  have made in seeking to overturn state bans of pediatric gender-transition treatment: that the state has no right to interfere in the rights of parents to direct the medical care of their children. That argument fell flat yesterday in Ohio, when a state judge ruled that such a ban did not violate the due process rights of families, and that it was in service of a legitimate state interest in regulating medicine.   Here is a link to the Colorado case: https://libertycenter.org/wp-content/upl"
If you don't let teachers choose your children's gender, you're a transphobic bigot who deserves to go to jail

Brianna Wu on X - "It is not “fascist” to advocate rolling back to the higher transgender medical protocols we used just TEN YEARS AGO.   It’s not crazy to suggest someone should have 3 months of therapy before medically changing gender and starting hormones.   It’s not crazy to ask someone to live for a year in their target gender before performing permanent surgery on their genitals.   This was reasonable in 2014. It’s reasonable today. It’s the activists that have become unreasonable.   I know the fringe can’t see it, but building a system where a lot of people who are not trans permanently alter their bodies does not help trans people. It will destroy access to health care."
"The moral arc of the universe" seems pretty indistinguishable from the slippery slope

i/o on X - "'Cis' is ideological language, signifying belief in the unfalsifiable concept of gender identity. You have a perfect right to believe in unprovable essences that may or may not match the sexed body, but the rest of us have a right to disagree, and to refuse to adopt your jargon. — JK Rowling"
Myshkin on X - "At first I thought it made sense to go along with the new definitions, axioms and changes to language. It seemed like the kind thing to do and it wasn't hurting anyone. But it turned out to have hurt quite a lot of people."
MLEA_Prez on X - "Cis as a term hasn't hurt anyone, anywhere."
Myshkin on X - "I'm referring to all the things that came downstream of changing the language. Puberty blockers and surgeries for kids, men in women's sports, men in women's private spaces, the careers that were ended when people tried to stand up to it."

NHS staff told to ask men if they are pregnant before X-rays - "Radiographers at multiple hospitals have been told they must check whether all patients aged 12 to 55 are pregnant, regardless of their sex, as part of inclusivity guidance.  The guidance was written after an incident in which a trans man who was unknowingly pregnant had a CT scan, and tells staff to be inclusive of transgender, non-binary and intersex patients by not making assumptions about people.  The radiation from X-ray, CT and MRI scans, as well as cancer treatments, can be dangerous to unborn babies, but forms designed to be inclusive have caused confusion and anger among patients and pose a risk to their safety, according to NHS staff. Radiographers told this publication the measures had left men storming out of appointments and women in tears because of “invasive” fertility questions. They say patients are being asked to fill out pregnancy forms stating their sex at birth, preferred name and pronouns, and read “ridiculous” statements about people who are born with variations in sex characteristics. Campaigners said the practice was “humiliating” for patients and called on NHS trusts to “return to common sense”.  One radiographer claimed a man on a two-week urgent cancer pathway “was so annoyed by the questions on the form, he shouted, he left the department and didn’t actually have a scan”.  “There is an unnecessary risk for these patients if they do get so annoyed and don’t have the scan.” In another example, an inpatient requiring daily scans for a week after oesophageal surgery had “a sense of doubt” instilled by being asked daily whether he was a man at the radiology department.  Women have been left in tears by questions about their fertility, including having to explain why they could not be pregnant, while patients of all backgrounds have been affronted or embarrassed by the suggestion that their sex was not obvious, staff say.  “We’ve had women who have had terrible miscarriages, ectopic pregnancies, and we’re reminding them of that trauma,” a source said. “Instead of just asking ‘is there any chance you could be pregnant?’ and them choosing to say ‘no’, they’re now having to say, ‘I had two ectopic pregnancies, and I don’t have ovaries anymore’ and we then write that down.” They also said the forms were “indoctrinating” children by asking under-18s their preferred names and pronouns, with parents “furious” about it.  The guidance tells staff “a patient should always be asked ‘What pronouns would you like me to use for you?’ and ‘How would you like to be addressed?’”... Its guidance claims the proportion of British adults “identifying as trans or non-binary [is] as high as 4.5 per cent”, despite Office for National Statistic census data putting it at 0.5 per cent. It says a further 1.7 per cent of people are intersex, which is thought to be the situation with Olympic medal-winning boxers, Imane Khelif and Lin Yu-ting, who purportedly have XY chromosomes, known also as differences of sex development (DSD).  It is not known how widespread their use is, but it is understood multiple hospitals in London, the North West and North East are using variations of the form.  Insiders claimed the SoR was “pushing a national rollout” and “keeps doing training sessions”, with the guidance “slowly creeping in” across NHS hospitals. Dr Louise Irvine, a GP, said: “It should be possible for medical records to accurately record sex, as well as the patient’s preferred mode of address, pronouns etc.  “Given that it is impossible for anyone of the male sex to become pregnant, there is no need to ask male people if they might be pregnant, and thereby avoid a lot of embarrassment and upset. If someone identifies as transgender or non-binary, and their records indicate they are biologically female, then they can be respectfully asked about the possibility of pregnancy. The proposed radiography guidelines muddy the water by including so-called intersex conditions.” Fiona McAnena, the director of campaigns at human rights charity Sex Matters, said: “The Society of Radiographers’ inclusion policy is among the worst examples of professional bodies losing their senses by prioritising ideology ahead of biological fact.  “Putting healthcare staff and male patients through this humiliating farce, with inclusivity pregnancy forms, questions on the likelihood of pregnancy, and enquiries about their pronouns, is both inappropriate and a shocking waste of time.  “The NHS trusts that have adopted this policy in their radiography units should immediately revoke it and return to common sense and reality.” The materials were developed in collaboration with staff from University College London Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, Leeds Cancer Centre, Cambridge University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, and Liverpool University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust.  Trans groups OUTpatients, Intersex Equality Rights UK and TransActual were also involved in the guidance, according to the SoR’s credits, while no groups representing women were involved.  The organisation has been “ideologically captured” according to members. An NHS source said this was not national NHS England guidance."
Clearly, any patients who are upset at transphobic bigots and only have themselves to blame

Meme - Colin Wright @SwipeWright: "TOP: The fundamental and universal definition of male and female in biology.
BOTTOM: An actual quote from slides from a BIOL 104: Principles of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology lecture at Yale."
An individual's sex... is defined by the type gamete... produce. they have the function to produce"
Sex is a cluster of iterative... coevolved... differentiated... reproductive homologies. A becoming or enactment-a performance of the self."

Benjamin Ryan on X - "Dr. Hilary Cass Denounces As a Fabrication Claims That She Recommended @AbigailShrier's Book Irreversible Damage @MaxDavie and Lorna Hobbs, former employees of the UK pediatric gender clinic, GIDS, and its nascent successor, put onto a public Google doc on Aug. 7 a paper attacking the Cass Review.
In a footnote, they claimed that Dr. Cass "expressed her dismay and shock at the practice of medical transition to one of us before she started this review, and recommended strongly that we read the gender critical polemic Irreversible Damage on the subject. She is described on the Cass review website as an expert who came in with no fixed views - we will leave the reader to draw their own conclusions."  In a statement to me, Dr. Cass responded, saying: "This is a baseless and wholly untrue comment and should be seen for what it is, which is a cynical attempt to undermine the [Cass] Review. Anyone who has actually read my Report will see that it advocates to provide appropriate support for all gender questioning young people, regardless of whether they choose a medical pathway or not.  "I have never read Irreversible Damage, and the suggestion that I recommended it to anyone is fabrication. I note that by the time it was published I had already been reviewing the evidence for six months and had spoken to people who had had successful medical transitions, and I continued to do so throughout my Review. I have consistently said, both in my report and in multiple public fora that this is the right pathway for some young people.”"

Meme - "r/TransLater
How do cis-teen girls get anything done?
So I've had another bit of a breast surge (yay, injections!) , and I find it so distracting. I'm constantly touching them, checking my profile, experimenting with different underclothes, etc. Today I have a bra on at work for the first time, and it is overwhelming. I think I'm losing (enjoying?) 2 hours a day to this. Do cis teen girls have similar distractions as they go through puberty? My first puberty as boy was nothing like this. Hug, Daisy"
Totally not a fetish

Meme - @watanabesayuri1: "If TERFs want to keep making trans women's lives hell I propose that trans women are allowed to violate them as they please with that cock the whiny lesbians are so obsessed with."
Classic projection. But autoerotic gynephilia requires affirmation, so

Meme - "Anonymous said: Imagine Awesome Trans Gals tearing out TERFs' tongues and cutting off their hands so they they can never speak or type their transmisogynistic bullshit ever again. Now imagine those same trans gals using the TERFs' hands and tongues as sex toys and posting the videos online."

Carole Hooven on X - "Seems like a good time to re-post my older (now edited) post about athletes with XY DSDs (Disorder, or Difference of Sex Development). Lots of graphs and detail about the relevant biology at the end.
First: People living with DSDs should be treated with compassion and understanding, and receive any heath care they need. These can be challenging conditions for individuals and their families. But when male athletes have DSDs that give them an advantage over females, and they compete in the female category, this raises concerns about safety and fairness, and forces discussion of the relevant physical traits.
Athletes with XY DSDs who have testes (usually internal), XY sex chromosomes, male-typical levels of testosterone, and functional androgen receptors are often described as females with "hyperandrogenism," i.e., abnormally high levels of testosterone. They experience physical benefits of this high testosterone during puberty, which translate into athletic advantages over females. The issue for sports is that athletes with the XY DSD 5-alpha reductase deficiency (5-ARD), may be socialized as female, may be legally female, and may live and identify as female; but they are male.  These individuals are usually born with female-appearing genitalia, which can lead to being sexed as female. Here's why. 5-ARD is caused by a mutation in the gene that codes for the enzyme 5-alpha reductase, which converts testosterone into a more potent androgen, DHT. This androgen interacts with the androgen receptor, like testosterone, and is necessary for the typical development of male external genitalia (penis and scrotum) and the prostate. Without DHT, female-typical external genitalia develop. At the end of this monster post is a graphic of the relevant steroid production pathway, from my book T: The story of Testosterone.  DHT is also responsible for male-pattern baldness and dark, coarse facial hair, which is why people with the condition have smooth skin that can give a feminine appearance.   The “decision makers” are aware that athletes with 5-ARD are male, and that they experience the benefits of male puberty. The requirement to reduce their testosterone to typical female levels isn’t discriminatory, since these are males who are asking to compete in the female category. But more significantly, all the relevant scientific evidence shows that reducing male T in adulthood does not undo the physical benefits of male puberty.
Here's more detail about T, DHT, and male advantage in strength and speed.
I've been asked if men with the DSD 5-ARD (in which ppl cannot convert testosterone into the more potent androgen DHT) experience the typical benefits of male puberty, that would give them an advantage in strength and speed relative to women. This is relevant to questions about whether male athletes with 5-ARD should be allowed to compete in the female category. This is an excellent question, because it could be the case that DHT is necessary for the development and maintenance of male-typical muscle, lean body mass and strength. If that were the case, then people with 5-ARD might not have a typical male advantage, because the lack of DHT would perhaps lead to a more feminine pattern of fat, lean body mass and strength. I've wondered about this myself and have looked into the evidence.  Perhaps the top researcher in this area, Shalendar Bhasin, who is scrupulous in his methods, has examined this very question. The answer appears to be: no, testosterone does not need to be converted to DHT to exert its typical anabolic effects. These findings are reported in his 2012 study, "Effect of Testosterone Supplementation With and Without a Dual 5α-Reductase Inhibitor on Fat-Free Mass in Men With Suppressed Testosterone Production, A Randomized Controlled Trial." (It is linked to below—and since it's paywalled, I've included the graphs that show comparisons between the placebo and DHT— inhibited conditions, with no difference on the various outcomes.) For more detail, the investigators wanted to examine the effects of suppressing DHT on muscle mass, strength, and sexual function. This important because one of the treatments for benign prostatic hyperplasia and male-pattern baldness is to suppress DHT, but clinicians have been concerned about effects on other outcomes that affect health and quality of life. Participants (healthy men, 18 to 50, with normal T levels) had their T blocked, and were given graded doses of T, along with either placebo or a drug that blocked the conversion of T to DHT. So both groups had T, but only one, the placebo group, also had DHT. After 20 weeks of treatment, changes in lean body mass, muscle, and strength were assessed. There were no significant difference between the placebo and DHT-blocked groups in these outcomes."

Meme - "r/MtF
Is this what a female orgasm feels like? My head is still spinning from the pleasure! I was imagining myself having sex with a man, which was making me feel a little good, but then I started to rock myself forward and back on my bed while I was massaging my girlie wand. This started a series of sensations that drove me crazy (definitely in a good way)! First, I began to feel a thrusting motion in my pelvic muscles as if I was being penetrated in a phantom vagina. Next, I felt a powerful tickling sensation begin building up in my spine, which then spread out to the tips of my extremities making my fingers and toes to curl. I began arching my back and and breathing became heavy as I approached climax, with my mind losing all thoughts except for the utter bliss overtaking my body. Upon climaxing, I feel a massive wave of ecstasy passed over my entire body, radiating from the originating point of my spine. I laid motionless on my bed for a good 10 minutes as waves of pleasure continued to spread through my body. What made this such an amazing experience is that I'm still pre-HRT. I have not had my hormone levels checked to even begin the process of starting it. And it makes me so happy that this experience was so gender and sexuality affirming. I love guys and being a girl!"

Meme - Arcadiac Maniac @ArcadiacMa...: "The character has male physical features she IS trans it's not a headcanon it's just a trans character. Female deers do not have antlers"
Notesuke @Notethosejokes: "Trans people and needing characters to be them will never not be funny. Imagine if I said every character needed to be my height in order to love myself lol. such clowns"

Thread by @wokal_distance on Thread Reader App – Thread Reader App - "One reason Gender Ideologues hijacked our institutions is that woke activists don't understand how *LEGITIMACY* works  I'll explain:  The woke think legitimacy is a matter of power and authority: A thing is legitimate when people with power and authority say it's legitimate...
As such, they think that the legitimacy of various types of medical interventions (IE: puberty blockers, mastectomies, and cross sex hormones for 15 year olds) depends entirely on whether or not the people with the power and authority in the medical system say it is.  Now...
Most of us believe that the legitimacy of medical treatments rest on a foundation of objective truth, objective standards of quality, rigorous criteria for safety, attention to detail, and careful application of sturdy medical ethics.  The woke reject all of that. Here's why:
The woke think all the standards and criteria for Truth, safety, health, morality, and so fourth are "socially constructed," and therefore they are merely the expressions of the values and interests of a particular group of people in a particular culture.  Read that again. For this reason the woke deny that the standards of western medicine are objective. They think the standards of care, rigor, safety, and truth used in western medicine are merely a mask for the values and interests of a white, racist, sexist, homophobic, transphobic, culture. On this view the medical institutions which oversee standards of care are not actually trying to do what is best for everyone, they use their medical power and authority to further their own interests at the expense of trans people, gay people, black people, etc.  So...
This means Gender Activists don't think the western medical standards for health, appropriateness, rigor, care, and safety, are built on a foundation of objective truth.  Gender activists deny that western medicine is tied to an objective understanding of how the world works. They think western medical standards, and in fact ALL standards ( including standards of truth, justice, morality,safety, democracy, rationality, and any other standard you can think of) are really just expressions of the values and interests of the people who invented them. Because woke activists think whoever has the power gets to decide what is legitimate, they took over our institutions in order to re-write the standards.  Then they changed the rules to say that it is totally legitimate to give mastectomies to 15 year olds confused about gender
The woke think all legitimacy about social power and authority. They also think the only proper use of power is in the service of advancing wokeness. So they think the only way a standard is "legitimate" is if implementing it advances woke ideas (like gender ideology). This means the gender activists think the only way a standard is legitimate is if it advances Gender ideology.  They cannot comprehend the idea that legitimacy is matter of objective truth and rigorous standards and people ideologies, interests, and agenda's don't matter. The standards of western medicine are supposed to be grounded in objective truth, rigorous scientific standards, attention to detail, and sturdy medical ethics.  It is not grounded in whose self-interests are served, whose ideology is advanced, or who selfishly benefits. The thing that make the standards of care of western medicine legitimate is their well grounded connection to objective truth, objective facts, rigorous methods, and sturdy medical ethics.  Everyone benefits (unselfishly) when we ground legitimacy in objective standards....
We must reject the absurd and nihilistic standard of legitimacy that was cooked up by Gender activists who claim that masectomies, puberty blockers, and cross sex hormones for 15 year olds are "legitimate."  Because this is what happens if don't:"
Chloe Cole ⭐️ on X - "Most days I’m ok. But I still have mornings where I wake up and I can’t recognize myself in the mirror, and I wonder, “what the hell did my ‘doctors’ do to me?”"

Meme - "Vote like your daughters and granddaughters chances to compete in sports and their right to have private spaces to dress and undress in depends on it."
They literally do, unlike with left wing fantasies about being enslaved

Meme - Billboard Chris 🇨🇦🇺🇸 @BillboardChris: "This man has a court order not to talk about me online.  But please, someone try to charge me with anything related to my speech. I beg you.   I would love nothing more than to challenge any of this madness in court."
Jessica Simpson @SFUJessica: "What about transphobia? Anyone look into the content that Billboard Dude is publishing that is essentially a criminal offence in regards to conversion therapy laws? @VancouverPD"
CityNews Vancouver @CityNewsVAN: "B.C. politicians say there is no place for antisemitism or violence in the province, as the RCMP investigates a video out of Port Coquitlam."

Meme - Purple haired MTF: "Stop giving me your toughest battles"
Jesus: "Just use the Men's room, Richard"

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