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Tuesday, April 23, 2024

Links - 23rd April 2024 (2 - Women)

Meme - Lyman Stone @lymanstoneky: "Your regular reminder that the opportunity costs of motherhood in America are, when measured by the size of the motherhood income penalty, falling, not rising, and so "opportunity costs" are not reasonable explanation for falling fertility."

Meme - "Hill: There's no International Men's Day because we can't celebrate all the accomplishments of men in one day like we can with women"

Meme - Melian Refugee @escapefrommelos: "women choose one of two paths when they are blessed and burdened by huge fucking yams *Sydney Sweeney exposing cleavage, Billie Eilish concealing hers with frumpy clothing*

McKenna Kindred: Ex-Washington High School Teacher Sobs as She Avoids Jail Time after Sexually Engaging with Student While Husband Was Away - "A former married high school teacher convicted of having sex with an underage student will not face any jail time, despite the victim's mother claiming that the teacher's "predatory behavior" robbed the student of his aspirations. McKenna Kindred sobbed as she apologized to the victim and his family in the courtroom and admitted to the crimes she committed... "I know that this past year has been enormously stressful for all involved.  "As a result of my actions I've lost my career, valuable friendships, freedoms and have let down countless people who placed their trust in me.  "My mental health has also been severely affected by this event. I am deeply ashamed of the pain I have caused.""

What Makes People Attracted to Each Other? - The Atlantic ("Scientifically Proven Sources of Sex Appeal") - "Scads of studies suggest that those of us looking for Mr. or Ms. Right may actually be looking for Mr. Facial Symmetry or Ms. Ideal Waist-to-Hip Ratio (about 0.7 for women). But other research suggests that whether a trait is attractive depends on the type of connection you’re looking for. For example, women in one study found men with facial scars more appealing than other men for short-term relationships, but not for long-term ones. In another study, men with beards had an edge among women seeking long-term relationships—a finding that might give clean-shaven guys with scars an idea about how to turn a one-night stand into something lasting... Should two people seek lasting happiness, they may want to define the relationship, especially if they’re already friends. As any Harry or Sally can tell you, while women often mistake males’ indications of sexual interest for expressions of friendliness, men consistently mistake females’ expressions of friendliness for sexual interest... Those of you playing at home may have noticed that men have more predictable (and physical) definitions of what makes a woman attractive than women do for men. Elsewhere in the “Hey, eyes up here!” school of attraction science, people in one study tended to look at faces if seeking love, and bodies if motivated by sexual desire. In another study, people tended to check out a romantic prospect’s head and chest—while they focused on the legs and feet of someone in the friend zone. If two people can get it together to go out, they are likely to wear red or black, especially common choices on a first date. No wonder: Red makes everyone seem more attractive, both to themselves and to others. What they order matters, too. Researchers have found that a woman is more likely to find a man attractive if she’s eating something that’s spicy rather than sweet. A drink may also help—but only one."

He loves me, he loves me not: The thrill of uncertainty - "the women were more attracted to the men who liked them a lot—much more attracted than they were to men who were lukewarm in their feelings. This isn’t all that surprising, and it lends support to the reciprocity principle. But—and it’s a big but—the women were most attracted to the men whose feelings remained unknown. They found these mystery men even more attractive than men who openly declared their attraction. The scientists call this the “pleasure of uncertainty,” and they also uncovered a hint as to why this dynamic works. Among the questions they asked the women were how often they thought about the different men—how frequently they “popped into their head”—during the time before they made their ratings. The women spent more time musing about the uncertain men than the others, suggesting that having a man in one’s thoughts can increase attractiveness. These women—the ones contemplating a mystery man—were also in a better mood than the women who had been flattered or deflated. The women in this study had no information about the men’s choosiness in general. That is, they didn’t know if the men were uniformly “hard to get” or “easy to get.” So this may be a new version of the “playing hard to get” scenario—creating uncertainty to pique interest. And it may be a version especially suited to the 21st century, simulating the kind of information people often get when they meet on-line. At least at the very start of the e-dating process, mystery may have some benefits."

Meme - Lakita Chandler: "niggas nut faster than they reply"
Yrn Taay: "cause yall pussy better than yall conversation"

Meme - "Ladies: ask your husband if he'd still love you if you got a sex-change. If he says "no" - walk over to your room & start packing your bags"
"ladies, do something unreasonable and drastic with huge impact on both your lives and if he doesn't agree, dump him because you actually want a submissive pet that will validate all you eccentricities"

Anne Hathaway Was Told She'd Have Zero Sex Appeal in Hollywood - "Anne Hathaway revealed in her new Vanity Fair cover story that she was told she had zero sex appeal when she was a young actor just starting out in Hollywood. Not that she ever bought into the claim: “I was like, ‘I’m a Scorpio. I know what I’m like on a Saturday night,’” she said."

Meme - MED GOLD @MedGold: "The 4 Categories of Female Attractiveness
Gorgeous - There is a stunning element to her face and a uniqueness that is striking. There is a mysterious and unconventional allure that is hard to look away from. Kate Moss is Gorgeous.
Beautiful - There is a traditional look to her face combined with a lack of explicit sexuality. Facial symmetry is the most defining factor. Anne Hathaway is Beautiful.
Hot - A face that oozes sexuality. A natural temptress who can bend most men to her will. Full lips and seductive, hypnotic eyes dictate hotness. Hot is synonymous with Sexy. Emily Ratajkowski is Hot.
Pretty - there is a strong element of sweetness. Smile is the strongest factor, which can be described as friendly or even radiating. Pretty is very close to Cute. "The girl next door." Sydney Sweeney is pretty. These categories sometimes overlap."

Meme - "Whats the worst thing someone has ever done to you?"
"I cheated on my ex (it was a one time thing, whatever) and after he found out from a mutual friend his response was to sleep with not one, not two, but all 5 of the girls in my friend group over the course of a month. Needless to say I'm no longer friends with them and I now have trust issues for life."

Meme - "First date should derinitely be public though!"
"True! We both gotta ensure survival!"
"Definitely so! As a standard, I do charge $200 for a date. Charging for dates isn't about devaluing oneself but rather recognizing the worth of one's time and companionship. By setting a price, it communicates a level of respect for oneself and ensures that the time spent together is mutually valued. It also filters out those who may not be serious about the connection, fostering more meaningful and"

Meme - Royce Lopez: "Women need to stop plastic surgery until we figure out what's wrong. Why would you ruin your face like this? This is Erin Moriarty from The Boys...she was already very pretty."
On buccal fat removal

Meme - "DO YOU WANT TO STEP UP & BE A REAL MAN FOR ME & JAMAL? *woman and Orang Utan*
*strips of paper*: "No thanks" "No thanks" "No thanks" "No thanks" "No thanks" "No thanks""

Meme - "I'm turning 40...no relationship, no children, no hope :(
A lot of things in my life have gone well. I have great parents and siblings, have gotten a fantastic education and have a rewarding career. I am active, have hobbies, have traveled and maintain a good relationship with myself.  However, despite my best efforts, I am single and about to turn 40 with basically no relationship prospects in sight. While there is nothing wrong with this, it's just not what I want. I love the domestic side of life and I've always wanted a home, and someone to share it with...maybe kids. Now that I am about to turn 40, I hear the ticking of my bio clock loudly in my ear and I feel this dream fading away. And yet I feel powerless to change this, because it depends on so many outside factors.  I've spent time concentrating on "myself", thinking that it would happen naturally if I followed my passions. I've joined activities and pursued my hobbies and gone out there and met people. I've tried online dating and networking groups. I've tried bars, I've been fixed up, I've fixed myself up...all to no avail. I can meet men, just not the right ones, apparently.  I don't feel that my standards are too high. To be honest, looks are secondary, but I want someone with a professional career (like I have), a good sense of humor, some type of hobbies or passions...who is honest and reliable enough to invest myself in. That's about it.  Right now I'm attracting younger men. Nothing wrong with that, but none have been seeking a relationship on the level I want.  Why is this so hard? I'm funny, smart, objectively cute, am in shape and look younger than my age. What can I do differently? My birthday is approaching and I feel like a door is closing to a room that I've never been allowed to visit."

Meme - "My boyfriend told me to wear a pretty flowy dress and I got mad at him and said "don't tell me how to dress" so I wore cargo pants instead And then this happened
Ladies maybe we dont need to pick a fight every time #proposa..
proposal videos"

The woman on X - "Women will cheat in a relationship and then post "She was a bird, he wanted to cage her 🕊️""

Meme - "I have a question for you."
"Yes I'd cry if you died
Yes I'd still love you if you was a worm
Yes I still love you
No I don't want to break up"
"Thank you"

Meme - "Aita for wearing the “joke” bikini my friend got me?
So it was my birthday couple months ago. Had a party. Got some gifts. My friend “Mandy” for me a “super cute bikini”. I liked it. Said thanks. She had ripped the tags off but whatever.  Anyway. Went to the community pool with my roommate. Wore bikini. Got in the water. Roommate immediately is like uhm girl.... I look and see that this bikini is now kinda see thru.  Haha good joke Mandy.  Anyway, Mandy invited me over to her place to hang out with her and her bf and a few others. Most leave and we’re still hanging out. I’m like hey, what if we get in your hot tub? I go change after them. And meet her bf in the hot tub she’s getting new drinks. I hop in. Immediately, he’s looking at my chest. I pretend I don’t notice and just make small talk. She comes out a few min after. And just looks in shock. Eventually gets in. “Uhh is that the one I bought?” Yeah I love it. I wear it everywhere. Make up some stuff about how I wore it to the beach, some party with lots of guys, etc. and she’s just like “oh”.  We’re in the tub for 20-30. Eventually get out and change. She approached me after and was like. “Uhm I’m sorry thought you’d notice. But it goes kinda see thru”. I’m like yeah I know why’d you buy me a ducking see thru bathing suit? “She’s like it’s a joke. Wait you knew? So you just spent last 30’ flashing my bf on purpose?” I reply I’m just wearing my birthday gift from her.  Anyway. Aita?"

Meme - "Blame online dating and shit like Tinder.
>women use snapchat filters to make themselves look pretty and not fat
>men start chatting with these women because they think they're hot
>they meet up. The man looks no different to his pictures. The women is a fat ugly mess.
>the guy, having spent hours putting in the ground work, and now having spent time meeting this ugly woman, thinks he'll fuck her anyway because he has nothing to lose at this point
>the woman is happy to get fucked because he's out of her league
>the guy fucks her and then goes home because he doesn't wanna stick around with an ugly woman
>the woman thinks all men are pigs because they just want her for sex
>she won't talk to less attractive men because in her mind she just had sex with a good-looking guy, therefore she should be able to get a good-Iooking boyfriend
>she talks to other good-iooking men
>the guy talks to other women who appear good- Iooking, but are actually ugly"

Meme - "George Lucas is worth 5 billion dollars and eating at the food court in the mall. Don't let her tell you Chillis isn't a date"

Meme - Someone's Unmarried Son @BigOukebowski: "I remember I took a babe to see Age of Ultron. Midway through the movie she leaned over and was like "do you want popcorn? I'll go get it if you pay" I said yeah and handed her a $20...Not only did she not come back, she got on Snapchat later and was at Cheesecake Factory"

Meme - christinaaamaral: "Ignoring people staring at you in the gym while filming content is a WORKOUT in itself!"
joeyswoll: "Please don't perpetuate this culture in gyms. You're literally filming yourself for the entire internet to see yet it bothers you that people look in real life? I'm sorry but when you set up a tripod and make a film production out of your workout people are going to look, period. I also just watched your last 3 gym videos and in all 3 you start by pulling your shorts up your a** which has nothing to do with working out."

Korean Girls Describe The Ideal Korean Girl | ASIAN BOSS - YouTube
I like the answers to why Korean girls don't show cleavage

Belvue School head teacher sexually harassed male worker, tribunal hears - "A female head teacher sexually harassed a male teaching assistant by saying he looked “fit” in Speedos, a tribunal heard.  Inappropriate comments made by senior women to younger men have “no place in the modern workplace”, an employment judge ruled after hearing the case of school worker Nikoloz Papashvili.  Mr Papashvili became the subject of staff room “banter” when colleagues laughed at sexual innuendos made by head teacher Shelagh O’Shea, an employment tribunal heard. Mrs O’Shea signed off emails to the teaching assistant with a kiss and said she wanted him to “meet the parents”."

Meme - "Central Arkansas husband link
Public group: 2 members
Becky Fraught invited you...
About: This group is for women who prefer married men. We are a support group and also will share leads on married men to each other and help each other out. Women only and your relationship status is irrelevant, married and taken women are welcome. We do not judge and we do not snitch. If you share anything in this group to men or wives of men you will be banned. Let's have some fun ladies"

Changing fortunes drive young women’s votes left and men’s right - "Young people are increasingly diverging politically, with women becoming more liberal and men more likely to be conservative, researchers have revealed. Two decades ago there was little difference between men and women aged 18 to 29 when asked to place themselves on a scale of one to ten signifying “very liberal” to “very conservative”. But an analysis of 20 wealthy countries carried out by The Economist discovered that by 2020 the gap had grown to 0.75 on the scale. The gap between men and women in Britain was 0.71. The study found that young men in 2020 were only slightly more likely to describe themselves as liberal than as conservative, with a gap of only two percentage points. However, young women were much more likely to lean to the left than the right, with a gap of 27 percentage points. In all the large countries examined by the magazine, young men were more conservative than young women. The gap between the sexes was roughly twice the size of the gap in opinion between people with and without a degree in the same year.  Alice Evans, a senior lecturer in the social science of development at King’s College London, said the change was driven by several social factors. They included a more feminised public culture, economic resentment, social media bubbles and the impact of cultural entrepreneurs. Evans, who is writing a book called The Great Gender Divergence, told The Times: “Rising university enrolment has motivated increased competition. It means that not all men can get to the top — and men care about getting to the top. “We also know that, simultaneously, many young women are choosing to stay single, so it’s also harder for young guys to attract girlfriends. Both of these things, which men really care about, have become so much harder and that is triggering resentment.” That resentment, Evans argued, is causing some young men to harden their attitudes against certain groups, such as women and foreigners.  This can mean they are more likely to turn their support to right-wing parties, have the opinion that women’s rights have gone too far or be attuned to extreme social media personalities such as Andrew Tate. Meanwhile, women continue on in today’s “culturally liberalising” society, where it is more acceptable than ever not to marry or start a family. Researchers at The Economist used the European Social Survey, America’s General Social Survey and the Korean Social Survey to examine 20 rich nations, including the UK. The study found that young men were more anti-feminist than older men, contradicting the popular notion that each generation is more liberal than the previous one.  Figures from the Financial Times in January showed a 25-point gap in the UK between increasingly conservative young men and progressive female contemporaries. Germany showed a 30-point gap, while in Poland last year almost half of men aged 18 to 21 backed the hard-right Confederation party, compared to a sixth of young women. In the United States, women aged 18 to 30 are now 30 percentage points more liberal than their male contemporaries, a gap that took only six years to open up. Evans said that due to Brexit and the unpopularity of the present Conservative government, young men in Britain were less likely to be driven to the extreme right politically. But, she added: “Certainly in other European countries, young men are more likely to turn to the far right.”"
Naturally, the masculine is pathologised, and only the "far right" is an issue, not the far left
Ironically, this admits that not delegitimising the right and banishing it from the public sphere reduces the appeal of the "far right"

Attractive Women Want it All: Good Genes, Economic Investment, Parenting Proclivities, and Emotional Commitment - "The current research tests the hypothesis that women have an evolved mate value calibration adaptation that functions to raise or lower their standards in a long-term mate according to their own mate value. A woman's physical attractiveness is a cardinal component of women's mate value. We correlated observer-assessed physical attractiveness (face, body, and overall) with expressed preferences for four clusters of mate characteristics (N = 214): (1) hypothesized good-gene indicators (e.g., masculinity, sexiness); (2) hypothesized good investment indicators (e.g., potential income); (3) good parenting indicators (e.g., desire for home and children), and (4) good partner indicators (e.g., being a loving partner). Results supported the hypothesis that high mate value women, as indexed by observer-judged physical attractiveness, expressed elevated standards for all four clusters of mate characteristics. Discussion focuses on potential design features of the hypothesized mate-value calibration adaptation, and suggests an important modification of the trade-off model of women's mating. A minority of women—notably those low in mate value who are able to escape male mate guarding and the manifold costs of an exposed infidelity—will pursue a mixed mating strategy, obtaining investment from one man and good genes from an extra-pair copulation partner (as the trade-off model predicts). Since the vast majority of women secure genes and direct benefits from the same man, however, most women will attempt to secure the best combination of all desired qualities from the same man."
Beautiful women have higher standards

we can’t even rest without it being a problem? 😭😭 #ick #icks #redfla... | TikTok - "we can’t even rest without it being a problem? 😭😭 #ick #icks #redflags #redflag #icklist #list #fyp #viral"
Aka "The Ick List: When His Nap Irrationally Annoys Me"

When a woman says “I shouldn’t have to ask him!” #shorts @warriorswaymindset - YouTube
Men need to be psychic and do things exactly when women want - no earlier and no later

LindyMan on X - "One thing you notice in old photos are how unattractive the women were. Even with high status men. There wasn't a "dating market" like how we engage in. It was a circle of people and one knew someone and that was it. It's a woman. She wasn't fat. She knew your family. That was it.   today it's much different."

Meme - "Folsom; California
Tiffany, 33
I'm back on this app after a year ban, don't ask why. I had given up on dating and decided to add more children to my family as a single mom. I've already selected my sperm donor from a licensed sperm bank, and I'm about to go through IVF. I can't get pregnant naturally, so don't ask. I need help with paying for the embryo transfer back into my womb so I decided to start dating again. Only message me if you're trying to have a kid and you're ok with the sperm not being from you."

Richard Hanania on X - "Oklahoma woman convicted of having her husband killed based on overwhelming evidence. She appeals to the Supreme Court, says she should get a new trial because prosecutors slut shamed her over the thong she packed to go to Mexico with her boyfriend after her husband’s death."
Did Prosecutors’ Sex Shaming Help Send Brenda Andrew to Death Row? - The New York Times

Amy on X - "I was not in my "pRimE" in my 20s lmao I was New Age, atomized, struggled to regulate my emotions, had no financial knowledge and couldnt see reality. Along what dimensions are these guys even talking about here? Physical fitness for breeding? Perverts and freaks, freaks I say"
Wilfred Reilly on X - "I am once again noting that wanting to date attractive adults who are at the peak age for humans to have children is not "perversion." Exact opposite, really.   I like both older and younger women, should anyone at all care...but the online world's constant labeling of the most statistically normal behavior as "evil" is a real problem."

I'm too hot to get a date — intimidated men worry that I'll turn them down - "“Fans are shocked at how kind and humble I am when they meet me in real life,” the modest model claimed."
Sure. I'm sure that's why men aren't queuing up for a BBW

Doc  on X - "Tinder is for rookies. Go to Facebook Marketplace and search for wedding dresses. Itll show you recently divorced females in your area. From there you can filter by size."

Billie Eilish Has No Problem With Lil Yachty Rapping About Her Breasts (13 Nov 2023)
Billie Eilish on being sexualised: "Fuck you" (Nov 14 2023)

Meme - "When he promised you a good time but he's rubbing your clit like he's trying to get a stain out of the carpet"

Meme - "When he's not getting the signals so you gotta make it obvious
my HOLE is a lot of FUN!
Featuring the new doughnut holes
Krispy Kreme"

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