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Monday, April 22, 2024

Links - 22nd April 2024 (1 - Trans Mania)

Meme - "Transsexual Typology
Autogynephilic transsexuals (AGP TS)
Heterosexual males who are sexually aroused or emotionally fulfilled by the thought or image of themselves as women
Transitional journey often begins with the AGP TS masturbating in private while wearing typically feminine clothing
A male partner for an AGP TS completes the superficial ideal of womanhood; however AGP TS do not inherently desire males and they remain gynephilic
Higher than average IQ
Often possess autism & enjoy stereotypical male pursuits (computers, video games etc)
Usually unsuccessful in passing as women
Examples of autogynephilic transsexuals
Homosexual transsexuals (HSTS)
Homosexual males who transition primarily to attract straight men
Display obvious feminity since childhood
In contrast to AGP TS, are not sexually aroused by crossdressing
Lower than average IQ
Often resort to prostitution
In contrast to AGP TS, successful in passing as women
Examples of homosexual transsexuals"

Meme - "I asked my wife if women borrow each other's underwear and she looked at me like I just ate our cat."
Cara Pace @CaraPac46808618: "Girls borrow each others underwear. Deal with it."
Readers added context: "Girls do not use other girls' underwear, mainly because of hygiene. Underwear fetish is a typical male sexual paraphilia."

Meme - Boomers "I can't believe I wore bell bottoms"
Gen-X "I can't believe I wore my hair like that"
Millennials "I can't believe I was goth/emo"
Gen-Z "I can't believe I cut my dick off"

Jonathan Kay on X - "Yesterday, Canada’s Governor General presented a panel discussion on the “lived experience of abuse” starring Fae Johnstone, a biological man who threatens feminists with violence at public rallies. (Plus local conspiracy theorist @atRachelGilmore of course)"
Saying that transwomen are biologically male is abuse. Threatening "TERFs" with violence in person is "resistance"

Genderfucking as a Critical Legal Methodology by Florence Ashley - "In this essay, I theorize genderfucking as a critical legal methodology. Genderfucking is defined by its focus on the needs and experiences of those who ‘fuck’ with gender, resisting attempts at gender governance through laws, policies, and practices. Adopting a politics of messiness, genderfucking is critical of recognition and calls into question the state’s legitimacy in defining and policing gender categories. Genderfucking offers a rich and fertile approach for analyzing a social, political, and legal world indelibly marked by regimes of gender and, in so doing, steps on the path towards gender liberation."

Meme - "Munchausen by Proxy (Fictitious disorder imposed on another)
-Megan Fox with two of her 'boys'-
Why do famous people have such a statistically disproportionate amount of transgender children?"

Meme - Billy Bragg @Serena: *funeral* "Anybody want to say anything?"
"I'm trans"
Ben Affleck and Jennifer Garner's daughter comes out as TRANS during her grandfathers funeral: "Seraphina Rose, 15, announced her new boys name 'Fin' whilst appearing with her head shaved at a memorial service for her grandfather over the weekend..."

Woman who transitioned at 16 sues doctors over double mastectomy - "A Minnesota woman who has decided to de-transition from a transgender male is suing the doctors who performed a double mastectomy on her when she was just 16.  Luka Hein, now 21, claims she was going through a tough time emotionally as a teenager, when her parents were getting divorced and when she was being groomed online by a man from another state.  As she struggled with her mental health during this time, she said she found influencers online who extolled the virtues of breast surgery and hormones. Hein then met with staff members at the University of Nebraska Medical Center, who she claims coerced her into undergoing “top” surgery and started her on hormone treatments. She says the surgery and treatments left her in constant pain and may have robbed her of the chance of becoming a mother... She added that she should not have been able to consent to the surgery and treatments, as she was still a minor.  “I don’t think kids can ever consent to having full bodily functions taken away at a young age before they even know what that means,” Hein said.  Luka Hein is pictured showing off the scars she has from the double mastectomy.   “I was talked into medical intervention that I could not fully understand the long-term impacts and consequences of.”  Hein is now seeking financial compensation from the medical center and “accountability for the fact that these [doctors] put me through this,” she said...   Because of what she read online, the suit claims, Hein thought that having her breasts removed might help her mental state and met with the doctors at the clinic — who, the suit says, made a “snap” diagnosis of gender identity disorder after just 55 minutes into her initial session in July 2017...   Hein then met with Dr. Johnson and Dr. Amoura to discuss the option, but in the official medical record, the suit claims, that Amoura wrote she was meeting with Hein for an “endocrine disorder.”  “This was fake. Luka’s endocrine system was functioning perfectly,” the suit says.  “Defendant Amoura’s plan to disrupt the healthy functioning of Luka’s endocrine system in order to ‘treat’ a mental health disorder was not reasonable and fell below the standard of care for an OB-GYN physician,” the suit claims... Dr. Johnson told Hein’s parents she would likely commit suicide if she did not have the procedure — even though she had not had suicidal ideation in nearly a year before the surgery...   She then went on to take testosterone for four years, and Dr. Amoura even recommended she undergo a hysterectomy at one point — but her parents objected and she never had the procedure. Still, the lawsuit says, Hein was left with pain in her joints, lumbar spine, hands, wrists, elbows, and pelvic area, and is having “heart irregularities” due to the hormone therapy... Hein finally told Dr. Amoura in January that she was de-transitioning, but Amoura allegedly told her she should seek mental health counseling.  She reportedly told the now-young adult, “I guess this is just part of your gender journey.”"
Damn transphobic parents not letting her have a hysterectomy! If she'd committed suicide it would've been their fault
TRAs keep claiming no one is coerced into transitioning. Of course she must be lying, because lived experience only matters when it pushes the left wing agenda

My 13-year-old stepdaughter identifies as a FOX and jumps around in a mask and tail - now she's convinced my nine-year-old to act like GIRAFFE - "The stepmom, Jill, was uncertain how to react on discovering the teen was a 'therian' - a person who identifies as a non-human animal - she told mental health podcast The Dr. John Delony Show.  'She wears a mask and a tail and has a YouTube channel of her jumping around like a fox in really short shorts,' the horrified woman continued, adding that the girl's biological mother was seemingly encouraging the behavior at her house.   Briefly asking Jill to pause, Dr. John emphasized that outside of his show, 'in the real world' he tries to be 'compassionate,' and added that he's 'worked with young people my whole career, like teenagers and young adults, so nothing surprises me.' 'But the fact that there's a name for this … I feel like we're in the Twilight zone,' he admitted... In an even more bizarre twist, the stepdaughter had apparently also converted Jill's nine-year-old biological daughter into a therian - with her stepsister now identifying as a giraffe, the flabbergasted woman relayed.  The stepdaughter had also made and posted a video with Jill's two 'young kids' over Christmas, which the parents hadn't even known about until later.   Jill went on to ask Dr. John if she should let her own daughter 'continue to be a giraffe' - and, 'more importantly, what rules do I have in place in my home about the internet and screens and social media?'  'And can I tell my stepdaughter that her cell phone's not allowed here?' she added... 'If your kid wants to dress up like a giraffe and run in the backyard, I don't have an inherent problem with that, understanding that she's not going to dress like a giraffe when we go out to dinner. She's not going to dress like a giraffe when friends come over,' he explained of the boundaries around the child's preferences.  'Because you don't "identify as" - that language is just madness. It's so strange that we're even having this conversation.'  He further urged the parents to stop 'one-eye cringing' at the behavior - and rather look at at it with 'two [eyes] wide open.' When Dr. John asked Jill where her husband was in all this, she responded: 'It seems that he's at a place where he feels like it doesn't matter what he says to the stepdaughter or her mom - they're gonna do what they're gonna do… at their house.'   She added that the father had said 'absolutely not' to the daughter having a YouTube channel months ago - but the biological mom and her daughter launched one anyway.   The father took particular issue with when the daughter livestreams herself - and Dr. John cut in to emphasize that the vast majority of any viewers were in all likelihood 'adult men.'   'When you hand a kid a smartphone, you're not giving them access to the world - you're giving the world access to them,' he declared... He also expressed concern that the stepdaughter's online behavior could open her up to grooming from sexual predators... Jill also added her stepdaughter had been searching for 'anime porn' and on other occasions was caught being intimate in a closet with other girls... 'What she needs from y'all - I love the word Dr. Becky Kennedy uses - she needs sturdiness. She needs sturdy parents who are going to stand there in storm while the winds rage because those winds are 13 years old,' Dr. John emphasized.  'You're playing a 10-year game with her. You want her to turn around at 26 and be like, "Those two people never stopped fighting for me, and they really cared for me."'
Weird. The media and the left keep telling us that it's fake news and right ring misinformation that there're kids who identify as cats, and that those who express concern about grooming are the true groomers
Sadly, Dr John didn't get the memo that unless you unconditionally support your child, you're a toxic parent who deserves to be sent to a nursing home

Children identifying as cats are wearing 'ears' in class, warns Britain's toughest headteacher - "Children identifying as cats are wearing ‘tails and ears’ in class, Britain’s toughest headteacher has warned.  Katharine Birbalsingh cautioned that adult authority ‘is long gone’ as more children are being allowed to identify as animals in school... she warned that parents have ‘no idea just how bad things are in schools’... 'Elon Musk is correct - you all have no idea just how bad things are in schools and you ignore the vital and crucial roles schools play in shaping our society’s culture. 'There are kids right now, in some schools, with tails and ears pinned to their heads and bottoms.  ‘This isn’t fancy dress, they identify as cats, you see. Kids aren’t allowed to wear trainers to school but they are allowed to wear ears and tails because that’s their chosen identity.  ‘That’s how they feel they belong. Adult authority is long gone.’"
Why does she trust her lying eyes and ears and not trust the media that no students identify as cats?

Keir Starmer: ‘Clearly ridiculous’ for children to self-identify as cats - "one of Britain’s leading head teachers warned that “adult authority is long gone” in many classrooms, as she said some schools have multiple children identifying as cats.  Katharine Birbalsingh drew attention to a school where a “cat” child is even allowed to lie down in lessons. She hit back at critics who had accused her of lying when she previously mentioned the issue.   “Now everyone can see that what I was saying was true,” she said... Ms Birbalsingh, sometimes referred to as Britain’s strictest head and who was chairman of the Social Mobility Commission until January, said that she knew “teachers who work and have worked in schools where there is more than one cat”.  She added: “I don’t ‘think’ this is happening. I know.”  The founder of the Michaela Community School, in Wembley Park, London, tweeted a message from one teacher who said there was a “cat” in their school who was allowed to lie down in lessons, which the teacher said was “complete madness”. The teacher in question said other children in the class were being “failed by being allowed to watch this tolerated” and complained that “we have had a new set of gender guidelines which define nothing, take an ironic ‘do not harm approach’. It does harm to the whole community to leave people scared to question obvious unmet needs”... she said that a “me, me, me culture” had been allowed to take root in schools.   She said in the speech: “We have been frogs in hot water for decades and now we are at boiling point.  “What is me, me, me culture? Well, do you know that some kids identify as furries … there are kids right now in some schools with tails and ears pinned to their heads and bottoms. This isn’t fancy dress, they identify as cats.  “Kids aren’t allowed to wear trainers to school but they are allowed to wear ears and tails because that’s their chosen identity. That’s how they feel they belong.  “Our nation’s culture is not only created in our schools but it is our children who are leading the development of that culture in our schools.  “Adult authority is long gone, so here I am raising the alarm.”  Social media users responded to Ms Birbalsingh by sharing other examples of children identifying as animals, including a girl who identifies as a wolf and “a whole group of furries” at another school."

Meme - John Lund @AttilaTheLund: "A student at my daughter's school who identifies as a wolf (and is thus allowed to wear a wolf mask when nobody else is allowed to wear masks because the school is inclusive) punched the Principal and then punched the cop who showed up.  This is how the school described it:"
"Kulshan Middle School posted in Undisclosed. Hold protocol - KMS today
Dear KMS families, We had first responders on site briefly today from about 2:15 to 2:30pm to assist a student in need of medical attention. We thank our students and staff for their care and community because some classes were briefly disrupted. We did a brief all-school hold from 2:20-2:30 pm to ensure privacy and limit passing time. Learning proceeded as usual during the hold protocol and for the rest of the day. As a reminder, information about all of our school safety protocols is available at our school safety webpage. Thanks- Meagan Dawson View in ParentSquare"

What is a therian? Seattle woman Naia Ōkami, who identifies as a wolf shares what her life is like - "A woman who identifies as a wolf has opened up about her unique life and hit back at bullying trolls who call her 'mentally ill'. Naia Ōkami, from Seattle in the USA, calls herself a therian, which is someone who identifies as either an extinct or living non-human animal, and believes she is 'spiritually and psychologically' a British Columbia Wolf.  Speaking on the I've Got News For You podcast, the 28-year-old - who goes by NaiaGoesAwoo online - said identifying as a wolf does not affect her day-to-day life, relationships or job and that she 'doesn't really care' about the nasty things people say about her online. Naia, who is also transgender, said she was just 10 years old when she started telling people she had 'the spirit of a wolf' and spent years figuring out her identity before finding the term therian.   She said she is a wolf 'on all levels except physical', often howls, sometimes dons a tails and ears when dressing up and spends time volunteering at wolf preserves to bond with the animals.  'So spiritually and psychologically, I identify as a wolf but I know I'm human. I walk on two legs, I've got a job, I've got a career. My partner is human,' she said... Naia said people also often wrongly assume she must have mental health issues but assured listeners that isn't the case.   'Mental health issues are judged by how they're affecting your performance in society. Are they affecting your daily living skills? Are they affecting your ability to have a career? Are they affecting interpersonal relationships? Being a therian does none of those things,' she said... She claims being a wolf therian actually helps her in her job as an investigator where she tracks down people who harm animals and children.   'When I'm going after predators … I get to feel like a wolf hunting my prey and my prey happens to be humans who are doing bad things,' she said."

Rise of the Therians: People who identify as animals claim they 'shift' into feral impulses, prefer to walk on all fours and show off their lives on TikTok wearing masks and tails - "Groups of TikTokers self-titled as 'therians' are hosting meet-ups across the UK for those who identify as animals.   The term therian refers to people who identify as non-human animals on a deep level and engage in behaviours associated with their animal identity.   They differ from furries, who see their animal persona as a character, while therians innately feel animal characteristics. Teenagers have been filming themselves coming home from school and finding relief at being able to express their 'real' animal persona again, while others have posted guides to 'coming out' to parents.   Some therians even claim they experience 'shift' impulses to behave like their animal selves, where they temporarily get taken over by their instincts, and post videos of themselves on all fours or connecting with nature...  there are also 'polytherians' who identify as multiple species, while 'paleotherians' even identify as extinct animals. Therians are a subculture of Otherkins, who identify as partially or entirely human.   They say they feel especially attuned to nature, while others identify using the term 'transspecies'.   Commenting on one video of a therian meet-up, one social media user couldn't help exclaiming: 'I WANT THERIAN FRIENDS SO BAD!' while another admitted: 'This is how I feel I just don't know how to tell anyone'."

SophieXY on X - "Whoever coined “TERF = tired of explaining reality to fuckwits” deserves a statue in their honor. I *am* tired. So very tired. Their circular arguments are dizzying."

Meme - "Ten minutes into the campus activist's lecture about the "gender spectrum", Murray is slowly beginning to realize why the Church used to burn witches. *Sesame Street*"

Supreme Court lets stand ruling that protects people with gender dysphoria under disability law - "In a win for transgender rights, the U.S. Supreme Court on Friday declined to review a first-of-its-kind ruling from a federal appeals court that found people with gender dysphoria are entitled to the protections of the Americans With Disabilities Act.  Advocates praised the decision to leave a ruling from the 4th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in place...   The ruling is binding only in the states covered by the Richmond-based 4th Circuit — Maryland, North Carolina, South Carolina, Virginia and West Virginia... A federal judge dismissed the lawsuit, finding that because the Americans with Disabilities Act excluded “gender identity disorders not resulting from physical impairments,” Williams could not sue under the law.  A three-judge panel of the 4th Circuit reversed that ruling, finding there is a distinction between gender identity disorder and gender dysphoria"
Isn't it transphobic to call trans people disabled?

Gaslighting the Concerned Parents of Trans Children—A Psychotherapist’s View - "Perhaps because Jo, Carol, and I are generally liberal in our political attitudes, however, the majority of parents we serve generally skew progressive and left-leaning. They approve of same-sex marriage, often have marched for gay pride, and have happily waved LGBTQ+ flags.  I note this by way of indicating the self-selection bias at play in regard to the observations that follow. Presumably, more conservative parents seek parent groups that tend to be more politically right-wing than ours... I have yet to hear a single truly bigoted remark over the course of my many meetings. “Blindsided” is the most common word parents use to describe their response to a teenage child’s sudden and unexpected announcement that they are transgender. These kids typically are already very troubled, and present with a variety of pre-existing emotional problems. Gender dysphoria often feels like another diagnosis on a list that’s already quite long. These parents are seeking a deeper understanding of their children’s gender identity. Most are well-educated and -informed, and are put off by simplistic slogans that don’t make much sense. “How can my son be born in the wrong body?” asked one woman. “We’re in our bodies when we’re born … there’s no other option.”  These parents also tend to feel misunderstood and vilified by others around them. In some cases, they’ve been shunned by family and friends simply for expressing concern that their child’s autism, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, anxiety, depression, and other comorbid conditions might be connected to these sudden expressions of gender dysphoria.  They also feel frustrated when friends casually presume that medical transition is somehow analogous to coming out as gay, an impression that is easy to get from the way that the media covers the issue. Being gay doesn’t carry a heavy medical burden; nor does it require a wholesale revision of years of childhood memories, so that documents from the past accord with newly picked pronouns. Coming out as gay will not risk rendering you infertile, nor will it impair your sexual functioning, negatively impact your heart, or weaken your bones in the way that medical transition often does... Those who demand that trans-identified individuals (including children) must immediately have their new identity affirmed typically embrace the unprovable (but also unfalsifiable) idea that we all possess some innate gender identity that is distinct from our biology. Of course, adherents should be free to espouse this understanding of human identity. But in doing so, they too often dismiss detractors as presumptively bigoted (i.e., transphobic). Many parents who reject gender identity theory (as some call it) are agnostics (in the usual non-religious sense), and have difficulty endorsing ideas that seem very much like a new take on the traditional Christian idea that we all possess some divinely imbued spark of identity.  The young people who seek to transition, by contrast, tend to be in a different place. They typically haven’t given much thought to such gender theories. Nor are they usually aware that they are buying into an ambitious and unproven form of ersatz spirituality. Almost all of the parents at GDSN meetings describe their children as experiencing what Dr. Lisa Littman has termed Rapid Onset Gender Dysphoria (ROGD)... Hovering over everything is the ideologically-mandated insistence (often by a child’s educators and therapists) that most or all of their children’s problems can be chalked up to the difficulties associated with inhabiting a transphobic society—a claim that casts the parent as villain (or even oppressor) if he or she responds in any way that is not seen as instantly affirming of a child’s newly announced demands. The parent must either accede to this judgment and pretend to endorse a course of treatment that he or she knows is wrong, or speak up and thereby go to war against his or her own child (not to mention that child’s entire enabling ecosystem of supporters). I should emphasize that ROGD children tend to follow different paths than those followed by children with early-onset childhood dysphoria. Experts in gender non-conforming children have pointed out that, in the latter case, “the whole town” usually can observe that the child is non-conforming. Many of these gender non-conforming kids could be described as “pre-gay,” as they often end up being gay, lesbian, or bisexual as teenagers and adults... "It’s much cooler to be a brave trans kid than a clichéd butch lesbian.”... One enormous irony at play here, in fact, is that while the concept of gender identity is presented as a highly progressive phenomenon, it is largely animated by a stereotypical 1950s-era understanding of what it is to be a man or a woman. And it is notable that many older men who come out as transgender in middle age will often embrace an aesthetic that is typical of their mothers’ (or even their grandmothers’) fashion era... Some parents assure me that their boys have not yet developed sexually. But other parents observe the opposite phenomenon: Their children’s online history betrays endless forays into obscure fetish-porn communities—including the variant sometimes described as “sissy hypno,” in which men in lingerie are forced to submit to feminization rituals. Some of the boys, who describe themselves as lesbians, will seek to engage in elaborate forms of sexual interplay with older transwomen. They also tend to be deeply enmeshed in fantasy subcultures such as Japanese anime, whose narratives and characters they adapt in symbolic ways.  These kids appear to be desperately unhappy, and it isn’t surprising that many are searching for a simple answer to their distress through medical technology... It is essential that parents involve themselves in their children’s online behaviour if they are to gain an understanding of the underlying emotional distress... The most strident gender ideologues try to convince sceptical parents that they are bigots who must reform their attitudes, lest they drive their child to further sorrows, or even suicide; and that all their parental observations and opinions about their sons and daughters, developed over many years of parenting, suddenly become void once a child announces new pronouns.  It’s a form of gaslighting, in other words, and one that works particularly well on liberal parents who already are predisposed to castigate themselves for any number of ideological sins."

Chris Selley: Canadian conservatives have more than just newfound confidence on their side - "Panellist Suzanne Sexton wisely said campaigners have to remember the vast majority of people simply aren’t seized with this issue, and so passion can easily be misinterpreted as zealotry. She advised focusing parental-rights conversations on the fact that “the vast majority of parents, no matter what their political views or their personal, religious or moral views, want the best for their children.” That’s good advice. But do they even have to make that case, at this point? The other parties’ positions on this issue are unhinged. Poll after poll tells them they’re miles offside even the majority of their own voters, and yet they only seem to become more and more entrenched: If a child tells a teacher or counsellor they wish to transition to a different gender at school, and they don’t want their parents to be informed or involved, the other parties insist the school must agree. Almost literally no one agrees with that idea, including, I suspect, many of the people who claim publicly that they do agree with it. It’s based on the fundamentally misanthropic idea that a critical mass of parents would abuse children coming to them with such problems, and the easy-to-refute idea that any given teacher or principal or school knows better. It’s not just an easy argument to win. It seems to be won... No doubt we’ll soon hear the usual attacks from the Liberals that they unleash against every Conservative leader: He’ll roll back same-sex marriage, he’ll ban abortion, and on and on, ad nauseum infinitum. There’s no reason to believe he’ll do any of those things. And the good news for Poilievre is that confidence is the best shield against spurious allegations of all kinds — the ability, which Poilievre has, to just wave or chuckle away stupid questions, even if you’ve heard them 20 times that week."

Thread by @sometherapist on Thread Reader App – Thread Reader App - "Last night I was, once again, piled on by an angry, threatening mob of TRAs for expressing GC views online. Their refrains are familiar. According to them, people like me are "literally" responsible for people allegedly dying of suicide in droves. Their delusion that GCs pose an actual threat to anyone is dangerously used to justify all kinds of threats against us. This ought to be worrying to any sane person. The alarmism about suicide is also grossly, negligently misguided & needs to be cleared up. So allow me to introduce myself. Unlike 99% of my critics, suicide prevention has been an actual part of my job description for the past 10 years. I know a thing or two about it. My job is to help ALL people avoid such a fate. I don't want ANYONE to die of mental illness... I felt it was my duty to understand the narratives & statistics regarding suicide risk in a rapidly growing population, & the outcomes of treatment methods. I emerged as gender critical only after, & because of, having investigated it with appropriate seriousness. If TRAs cared about suicide half as much as they claim to, they wouldn't be so glib in what they allege & what they dismiss. Maybe they'd take a moment to consider HOW a formerly affirming therapist in one of the US' most liberal cities came to arrive at the conclusions I did. I care about the suicide risk of today's youth more than TRAs do. In my 10 years as a therapist I've never seen such a - pardon my language - clusterf*ck of suicide risk factors as I do in the population of victims of gender medicine (VOGM). It worries me tremendously. When so many of today's VOGM are yesterday's TRAs & these numbers grow exponentially, how could I see it any differently? Even the people who think I'm their worst enemy might need my help a year from now when they suffer transition regret. In the near future, a news report from a major publication will be airing, in which I explain suicide risk & protective factors in greater depth, & why I'm so concerned that the very people claiming "gender affirming care saves lives" will be the most at risk post transing."
Stephanie Winn on X - "Meta-analysis shows higher rates of suicidal ideation & attempt in people who medically transitioned (MTF & FTM, respectively) than in those who were gender-nonconforming (GNC) or enjoyed cross-dressing (CD) but did not undergo medical/social transition."
Time to go on about abortion clinics bombings to justify a crackdown on the "far right". Left wing threats are just justified "resistance"

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