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Sunday, April 21, 2024

Links - 21st April 2024 (2 [including Labour Shortages)

Meme - Christian Keil @pronounced_kyle: "My 3-month-old son is now TWICE as big as when he was born. He's on track to weigh 7.5 trillion pounds by age 10"

Meme - "RURAL TOWNS IN THE U.S. *Soyjaks and roads, cars and open plazas*
RURAL TOWNS IN EUROPE *Romans with laurel leaves on ears, in small town with river, bridge and old buildings*"

Meme - *LOTR orcs* vegans with chickens: "They are not for eating!"
vegetarians: "What about their eggs? They don't need those!"

Meme - Eomer: "Aragorn, I dare you to kiss the prettiest person in the room."
Aragorn: "Eowyn?"
Eowyn: "Y-yes?"
Aragorn: "Move. I need to get to Legolas."

Meme - "My favorite lebron moment is when he's reading a book. And it's always the first page."

Meme - "Not sure how they pulled that off...
Signed Copy"

Woman: "Neil... our house... it's... it's... HAUNTED!"
Neil with rifle: "Cool yet tits... I'll fix it..."
*Ghost of Neil beating ghost up*
*dead Neil, having killed himself with rifle*
Woman: "Kick it's ass Neil!"

Family Apps: "Groupon Aloha Yemeksepeti. SHEIN. Eventbrite. Twitter"
"G A Y S E *bird*"

Meme - "State. Seppo Code ISC 3166 Country Code [Ed: it's ISO 3166]
Alabama - AL - Albania
Arizona - AZ - Azerbaijan
Arkansas - AR - Argentina
California - CA - Canada
Canal Zone - CZ - Czechia (Czech Republic)
Colorado - CO - Colombia
Delaware - DE - Germany (Deutschland)
Georgia - GA - Gabon
Idaho - ID - Indonesia
Illinois - IL - Israel
Indiana - IN - India
Kentucky - KY - Cayman Islands (UK Territory)
Louisiana - LA - Lao (People's Democratic Republic)
Maine - ME - Montenegro
Maryland - MD - Moldova
Massachusetts - MA - Morocco
Minnesota - MN - Mongolia
Missouri - MO - Macao
Montana - MT - Malta
Nebrasksa - NE - Niger
North Carolina - NC - New Caledonia (French Territory)
Pennsylvania - PA - Panama
South Carolina - SC - Seychelles
South Dakota - SD - Sudan (Republic of)
Tennessee - TN - Tunisia
Vermont - VT - Holy See (Vatican City)"

Meme - "Margot Robbie So Cute <3 *opening legs from Wolf of Wall Street*
Brent Black: i missed all the good Barbie out-takes"

Meme - Angie Varona: "Noo don't kill yourself you know so much about the Raimi trilogy haha"

Ben Shapiro’s Daily Wire cuts ties with Candace Owens following Israel-Hamas comments
Left wingers were mocking Ben Shapiro for infringing freedom of speech. Apparently freedom of speech means you must pay people to say things you disagree with. Ironically, these are the same people who claimed there was no problem with the government collaborating with big tech to ban people online because the government wasn't directly doing it so it wasn't any violation of freedom of speech

Barcelona's Sagrada Familia finally has a building completion date after more than 140 years - "The actual work on sculptures and decorative details wont yet be finished. But it is still a massive milestone for a building which has been paused multiple times and come to a near standstill on progress over generations.  The website for the attraction admits that progress has been slow but in 2026, the powers that be are hoping the building will at least be completed.  The year will also coincide with the centenary of Gaudi's death, so an added touch."

RCMP warns Canadians may revolt once they realize how broke they are - "“For example, many Canadians under 35 are unlikely ever to be able to buy a place to live,” it adds.  The report, labelled secret, is intended as a piece of “special operational information” to be distributed only within the RCMP and among “decision-makers” in the federal government... Right from the get-go, the report authors warn that whatever Canada’s current situation, it “will probably deteriorate further in the next five years.”... Another major theme of the report is that Canadians are set to become increasingly disillusioned with their government, which authors mostly chalk up to “misinformation,” “conspiracy theories” and “paranoia.”"
Clearly the government trying to censor the internet and freeze bank accounts is just “misinformation,” “conspiracy theories” and “paranoia.”

Meme - Starann @StarannThe: "This is Antoine Cheval, a sologamist French man who married himself after many failed relationships and love proposal rejections... Hey why not?? I'd marry me"

Meme - "Dungeons and Dragons is the most popular table top game with Americans because it allows them to fulfill their wildest fantasies. Like speaking multiple languages and being able to make a living while freelancing"

Meme - "This is easily a 9/10 ocean. Social media has fried people's brains."
Professor Amanda Vickery @Amanda_Vickery: ""Mid ocean, mid winter", 1876. Oil on canvas. John Singer Sargent."

Meme - Courtney Knill @courtneyknill: "if we want struggling people to start getting healthier, teasing them for trying is the worst vibes ever."
jny the human @jnyboy: "athletes"
Superfit Hero: "Superfit Hero is the only premium activewear brand designed exclusively for plus size athletes."

Meme - Dave W Plummer @davepl1968: "I wrote this Format dialog back on a rainy Thursday morning at Microsoft in late 1994, I think it was.  We were porting the bajillion lines of code from the Windows95 user interface over to NT, and Format was just one of those areas where WindowsNT was different enough from Windows95 that we had to come up with some custom UI.  I got out a piece of paper and wrote down all the options and choices you could make with respect to formatting a disk, like filesystem, label, cluster size, compression, encryption, and so on.    Then I busted out VC++2.0 and used the Resource Editor to lay out a simple vertical stack of all the choices you had to make, in the approximate order you had to make.  It wasn't elegant, but it would do until the elegant UI arrived.  That was some 30 years ago, and the dialog is still my temporary one from that Thursday morning, so be careful about checking in "temporary" solutions!  I also had to decide how much "cluster slack" would be too much, and that wound up constraining the format size of a FAT volume to 32GB.  That limit was also an arbitrary choice that morning, and one that has stuck with us as a permanent side effect.  So remember... there are no "temporary" checkins :)  Follow me for more random code musings!"

Meme - Bjorn Lomborg @BjornLomborg: "Misinformation experts are perhaps not quite unbiased  "Experts leaned strongly toward the left of the political spectrum"  Data from Harvard Misinformation Review, survey of 150 misinformation experts"

Meme - "When aliens see us putting up windmills again after we have harnessed fission.
This is the most ghetto sh*t I've ever * seen in my life"

In 2022, School’s Usual Lesson On McCarthyite Political Persecution Causes A Tizzy - "A school class lesson that appears to bear the official letterhead of Grosse Pointe Public Schools has caused an uproar on social media by posing invasive questions to students about their families. The document asked students questions such as what church they went to and who their parents voted for, and why. The document asked if they lived with their parents and if not, why not. The document also asked students if anyone in the family had a criminal record and asked for details of any crimes.   The school district said the students were not expected to answer any of the questions... Grosse Pointe Public Schools released a statement about the document. It read in part, “This simulation was meant to demonstrate McCarthyism. This was explained to students moments after the official looking document was handed out, in our letter to parents, and in our Superintendent’s comments at the televised board meeting that evening. … No data was collected, and to be doubly safe all forms were shredded immediately. This is a powerful lesson teachers have used for years.”"
Image of letter - "1. What is your complete name? Do not abbreviate.
2. What is your home address?
3. Do you have a mailing address that is separate from your home address? If so, write your mailing address here.
4. How many people live in your home?
5. Do you live with both your parents? If no, with whom do you live? Explain why you do not live with your parents.
6. Do you attend a church on a regular basis? If yes, write the name of the church. If no, explain why not.
7. How many bedrooms are in the house in which you live?
8. Has anyone in your family ever been accused or convicted of a crime? If yes, explain.
9. Have you ever been in trouble at school? If yes, explain what you did wrong to get into trouble.
10. Do the adults in your family regularly vote in elections? If yes, for which political party (Democrat, Republican, other) do they usually vote? If no, explain why they do not vote regularly.
11. Does your family have a car? What kind of car do they have? Is it paid for?
12. How often do you visit a doctor? What reasons do you have for visiting a doctor on a usual basis?
13. Have you ever talked to a counselor at school or been to a psychologist? Has any member of your family ever been to a psychologist? If yes, why were these visits necessary?
14. Have your parents (or guardian) ever lost their jobs? If yes, explain. If no, have your parents (or guardian) worked at more than one place? If yes, why have they been unable to keep working at the same place?
15. Is alcohol allowed or served at your home?"
Keywords: Orwellian activity, given a questionnaire, were shredded after, intrusive, parents voted, school activity

Salt Bae's London restaurant is hiring a chef for $16 an hour - "Nusret Gokce, also known as Salt Bae, is hiring a chef to whip up pricey menu items like Golden Giant Tomahawk steaks that cost $1,975 (£1,450) for a measly $16 an hour...   The job was posted on caterer.com and notes the restaurant “offers a highly competitive salary.”... the Nusr-Et London in Knightsbridge was highly criticized for its outrageous prices, which include $34 (£25) desserts, $12 (£9) soda, a Golden Burger for $136 (£100), Golden Giant Striplion for $1,839 (£1,350) and Golden Kafes for $681 (£500)... Gokce and his steakhouse chain were sued for allegedly stifling workers’ pay. Five grill men filed the suit in New York City and alleged Gokce refused them overtime pay. The men each claimed they made a weekly salary of $1,125 and worked over 70 hours per seven days... Salt Bae was sued previously in April when he was hit with a $5 million copyright infringement lawsuit by Brooklyn artist William Hicks, who claimed the chef stole his artwork and used it without permission."

There’s more to Salt Bae than steak and seasoning - "Gökçe insists the meat and the experience of dining at Nusr-Et, even without him there, are big-enough draws. But from the looks of the lunch crowd and their apparent disregard for the cost of their meal, it’s clear they want one thing: Salt Bae, tableside, holding that pose for just a second longer so they can get the angle right on their phones."

Why People Are Quitting Jobs and Protesting Work Life From the U.S. to China - Bloomberg - "The pandemic has taken a toll, with surveys showing an increase in feelings of burnout and a deterioration in mental health in many nations.  But the pressure has been building in developed countries for decades. Incomes have stagnated, job security has become precarious, and the costs of housing and education have soared, leaving fewer young people able to build a financially stable life.  Although the Great Resignation is a phenomenon among those who are younger than 40, it’s also reverberating across the economy and forcing a broader conversation about work. Millennials (born between 1980 and the late 1990s) and Generation Z (the demographic cohort after them) tend to marry, buy houses, and have children later than their forebears—if at all... Almost half of the world’s workers are considering quitting, according to a Microsoft Corp. survey... working hours have been dropping in richer countries for decades across all age brackets... Although the Great Resignation is often thought of as a youth movement, at least one study shows employees from age 30 to 45 are also quitting at high rates... Often what’s portrayed as a change in young people’s attitudes is simply a manifestation of longer-term trends, says Bobby Duffy, director of the Policy Institute at King’s College London, whose book The Generation Myth challenges stereotypes around generational shifts. Many people in their 20s and 30s seek different things from work than their older peers, such as prioritizing learning new skills over stability, Duffy says, but older cohorts held broadly similar views when they were young."
From 2021

The Great Resignation 2021: People quitting jobs in droves - "Malmendier and Nagel's first influential paper in this area was titled "Depression Babies: Do Macroeconomic Experiences Affect Risk Taking?" They wanted to know whether those who grew up in the aftermath of the stock market crash of 1929 were less likely to invest in the stock market. They found the answer was a resounding yes. The Great Depression, they found, created an entire generation that was skittish about investing in stocks. Those who came of age in the roaring 1950s and 1960s, in contrast, were much more gung-ho about it.  In a new working paper, Malmendier sketches out a prototype of how we should think about the ways in which personal and generational experiences can systematically affect our economic behavior. She reviews the literature and finds patterns. Economic calamities like hyperinflation, stock market crashes and unemployment spikes tend to affect people's attitudes and choices for a long time, but people are particularly reactive to what happened recently. These "experience effects" tend to be "domain specific," she says, so a stock market crash doesn't seem to affect, for example, people's purchases of bonds."

The Great Resignation is 'over' - "One explanation for the changing US resignation numbers, he says, is the impact of the current economic instability on the labour market – something workers quitting throughout the pandemic didn’t grapple with... many people shifted from less desirable industries to more sought-after ones – a phenomenon some have described as a ‘Great Reshuffle’. “For example, people who might have been cashiers before, were like, ‘wait a second, I can be a call centre representative from my couch, with my dog at my feet and a TV in the background’. That led to a lot of movement, but it was a one time jump.” Some people have also stopped quitting, says Klotz, simply because they have less reason to.   “Work for millions of people has gotten better over the last two years,” he says. “Many jobs are more flexible than they were two years ago, in many jobs pay is much fairer than it was pre-pandemic, and in many cases, benefits have been improved. Companies have taken employee wellbeing more seriously over the last couple of years, and invested much more in making their workplaces more inclusive and diverse.” Some of these changes can be chalked up to companies trying to stem attrition... job satisfaction is now higher than it’s been in nearly four decades... some industries are still feeling the sting of mass quitting, especially in certain sectors.    “Healthcare, manufacturing, construction – resignation rates in those industries are well above 2019 levels,” says Klotz. “When you say the Great Resignation is over, there’s probably going to be people who are leading healthcare or manufacturing organisations who are still really struggling to find workers or with high turnover.” But a worsening economy might start to lower resignation rates in those industries, too: historically, fewer people quit during economic dips... “I think it’s important to keep in mind that the resignation rate is still at about the level it was in 2019. Pandemic aside, resignations in 2019 were the highest in the 20 years the Bureau of Labor Statistics has been recording it.”  He adds: “I'd say what comes next is just an unsettled labour market.”"
From 2023

Crippling worker shortages prompt employers to loosen job requirements - "“Applicants with criminal histories are welcome to apply... Just 2.5 per cent of Indeed postings in May mentioned fair chance hiring. That is up from 1.9 per cent in May 2019, but is still a small percentage... There are also signs of rising interest in people who lack formal qualifications.”

Where have all the workers gone? Don't blame COVID, economists say - "Boomers are exiting the workforce in droves, leaving more job vacancies than there are people to fill them"
Too bad the government "solution" was mass migration. Left wingers say that the issue is employers are not offering good enough wages, which is weird, since they think that people don't respond to incentives

Lack of highly educated talent not driving labour shortages in Canada - "Labour shortages in Canada appear to be mostly centred in jobs requiring little education, while employers finding it difficult to fill positions requiring higher levels of education probably aren’t facing challenges because candidates lack the necessary degrees... for every job vacancy requiring a university degree in the fourth quarter last year, there were at least two unemployed individuals with the necessary degree. In contrast, the study found the number of vacant positions requiring a high school diploma or less has exceeded the number of unemployed Canadians with equivalent education since the third quarter of 2021. The findings suggest employers’ complaints about a labour crunch cannot, in general, be attributed to a national shortage of highly educated job seekers... To address high vacancies and labour shortages, government officials and businesses often point to immigration as a solution. Indeed, shortages were a key reason behind the federal government’s decision last year to increase immigration targets that aim to bring in 500,000 newcomers annually by 2025... during every quarter from 2016 to 2022, the number of unemployed individuals with a bachelor’s or higher degree exceeded the number of vacant positions requiring such an education.  “The finding is pretty striking,” said Morissette. “It suggests that for these high education vacant positions, employers’ challenges cannot be attributed to a lack of highly educated workers. It needs to be attributed to something else.” The “something else” the author refers to includes an array of reasons, such as a skills mismatch between what is required and what a job-seeker possesses, newcomers’ struggles to get appropriate licences to work in their fields of expertise or to learn the language, or even an exodus of staff over deteriorating work conditions. For example, Morissette pointed to labour shortages in health care arising from nurses leaving the industry “because the working conditions are no longer what they desire.” But, low-skilled positions are also difficult to fill. There were 497,000 vacant positions requiring a high school diploma or less in the fourth quarter last year, compared to 296,000 unemployed Canadian-born individuals and 70,000 unemployed immigrants with matching credentials. That means job shortages in Canada are made up almost entirely of low-skill positions... Tonie Chaltas, chief executive of Achev, a group that supports newcomers, said the paper highlights provinces’ need to break down barriers preventing immigrants from getting jobs.  “While several government programs are prioritizing immigration pathways for skilled workers, once workers arrive here, they continue to face barriers such as Canadian work experience requirements and credentialing,” said Chaltas.  “Some professional bodies are starting to address these barriers, but employers also have a critical role to play.”"

How Restaurants Defied the Doomers - The Atlantic - " although chains are thriving, independent sit-down locations are struggling... with every passing year, restaurants are more about filling to-go bags than filling chairs. According to the NRA, on-premises traffic hasn’t returned to its pre-pandemic highs. But drive-through and delivery orders have grown so much that together they now account for a higher share of customer traffic than on-premises dining, for the first time ever. Meanwhile, the only parts of the day with growing foot traffic are the morning and late night, when customers are likely to be on the go... The evolution of the restaurant industry in some ways mimics the trajectory of the entertainment industry. In the 1930s, when the typical American went to the movies several times a month, film was a collective sit-down experience, to be enjoyed with strangers. But video entertainment has long since become something people mostly consume at home or on the move—even in their car, while waiting at a red light. It’s the same with prepared food. If you say, “Think of a restaurant,” most people will imagine a room with tables bearing meals. But from a sales and traffic perspective, the 2024 American restaurant industry isn’t primarily about rooms, or tables. It’s about preparing food for someone to consume at home or on the move—even in their car, while waiting at a red light. As Americans spend less leisure time with other people, it’s predictable that they’d spend less time in shared public spaces, such as cafés and diners. The great restaurant comeback is an inspiring business story. Less inspiring is to recognize that, overall, restaurants have survived by evolving to fit within the well-worn grooves of a new American solitude."
Someone was claiming that the F&B industry would be safe from online shopping because food is about the experience

Meme - ">Be uber driver
>Picks up emo girl
>Plays Evanescence on the radio
>Next ride
>Pick up two black guys
>Play Tupac
>Next ride
>Chinese couple
>Play Carl Douglas Kung Fu Fighting
>Get stars every time"

TEXAS GOON SLAPPA on X - "Yall did not get bullied for liking anime. Yall got bullied because you did shit like growl at people in class and ninja sprinted to the lunch room. Be honest with yourselves please."

Tiffany Fong on X - "First photo of Sam Bankman-Fried in jail at MDC Brooklyn. (December 17, 2023)"
So much for he'll never be prosecuted because he donated a lot of money to the Democrats

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