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Saturday, April 27, 2024

Links - 27th April 2024 (1 - Left Wing Economics)

Meme - Caryn Rose @carynrose.bsky.social: "Anyone who says shit like "Just move" has never actually moved anywhere that wasn't to and from college. Moving is hard & expensive & traumatizing esp to another state. Job hunting long distance is insanely difficult! so take all the seats with that garbage"
Left wingers are traumatised by moving. No wonder they can't survive in the real world

LEVY: Toronto will decline even further under Chow - "In an acceptance speech Monday night — peppered repeatedly with vows to deliver a “safer, caring and more affordable” Toronto  — Olivia Chow’s narrative reminded me of the same hopey-changey hyperbole made by Toronto’s last NDP mayor David Miller. Miller, a disaster as mayor, managed to increase spending by 43% and the net debt by 176% during his one term. The union friendly mayor landed the city in a costly garbage strike and left the mayor’s office with a $700-million unfunded commitment for buses and streetcars. It did not escape my attention that the hyperbole Chow used was the same used to woo voters nearly 20 years ago when Miller came to office. But the low-information largely downtown progressives didn’t seem to remember, or care that everything old is new again. And now a Toronto already in severe decline faces three years under the leadership of someone I call “David Miller on Steroids.” The union support Miller got pales in comparison to Chow. Every single Ontario teachers union and virtually every single labour union worked overtime to put her in office and will expect their quid pro quo now that she’s there. Not only did the fiscally challenged Chow refuse to say throughout the 90-day campaign how she’d resolve Toronto’s $1B-plus deficit left by her predecessor but she trotted outrageously low figures (no doubt put together on the back of a napkin) as to how much it would cost to build her promised 25,000 units of affordable housing. She assiduously avoided the city’s rising crime rate and the subject of policing likely because she is known to be a great supporter of defunding the police. Her plan to expand community crisis teams of social workers who respond to people with mental health issues will do absolutely nothing to resolve out of control lawlessness on the city’s streets and TTC system, largely perpetuated by desperate drug addicts. Speaking of drug addiction and homelessness, based on Chow’s history of enabling the poverty industry (the Ontario Coalition against Poverty was on speed dial during her councillor days), it should come as no surprise that more encampments and (un) safe drug injection sites are likely. It is certainly not a leap of faith to suggest that this radical progressive will seal the destruction already well underway during her predecessor’s term — turning Toronto into the next San Francisco, Eastside Vancouver, Portland, and any other U.S. or Canadian city already ruined by progressive mayors... She presented herself as an outsider and alternative to a City Hall dominated in recent years by the Old Boys, lobbyists and the political establishment. That in fact was highly manipulative considering she brings to the job her own set of union hangers-on and the loud voices of poverty pimps, queer  and cycling activists... The low-information voters lapped it up, claiming they were tired of 12 years of conservative rule, when in fact Chow’s predecessor had done everything he could think of to appease the progressives inside and outside City Hall."

Rent controls don’t reduce housing supply, studies show
The left wingers were gushing over this. But the linked studies are about "rent starts", not housing as a whole.
The 1994 CMHC rent control study (weird how outdated studies don't matter when they support the left wing agenda) was also on "rental unit starts", and concluded that there was "no evidence to suggest that rent controls reduce the rate of increase of rents in the long run" (which might have been why the rent controls were not that harmful). Ironic, given that the left wingers keep bitching that they'll never be home owners. But of course they are not thinking about the impact on the non-rental units.
Meanwhile, the 32 economists who supported rent control mostly did not do any work in housing and misrepresented the research

10 Liberal-Approved Ways Of Helping The Poor | Babylon Bee - "    Care a whole, whole, lot: The poor people will really feel your caring.
   Vote for politicians who care about the poor: Politicians who care about the poor always follow through and do something about it.
   Hate billionaires: For every billionaire you hate, 12 hungry mouths get fed. That's basic economics.
   Vote to raise taxes on other people so they pay their fair share: It's the least other people could do!
   Vote to raise taxes on other people a little more than last time so they pay their even fairer share: One more increase should do the trick.
   Leave your "Bernie Sanders for President" bumper sticker on your Subaru one more year: You'll inspire hundreds.
   Hate millionaires: Yeah, come to think of it, they suck too!
   Ask the government to send more money to Ukraine: We heard they have poor people there.
   Use the poor's preferred pronouns: A simple gesture will go a long way.
   Sing John Lennon's "Imagine" to the homeless as you drive by: Then post your performance on TikTok to multiply the poverty-smashing power!"

Frank Stronach: Thank red tape for making Canadian entrepreneurs a dying breed - "A new study conducted by the Business Development Bank of Canada (BDC) and the University of Montreal revealed that there aren’t enough new entrepreneurs in Canada to make up for those who are shutting their doors. According to the study, Canada has 100,000 fewer entrepreneurs today (roughly 725,000 total) than it did in 2000 (roughly 825,000 total), despite having a population that has grown by about eight million people in that time. The report found that roughly one of every 1,000 Canadians is starting a business today, compared to three out of every 1,000 Canadians 20 years ago. The BDC called the trend “alarming” because of the impact that entrepreneurship has on spurring economic growth and innovating new products and technologies. Here’s how the report framed the problem Canada faces: “Entrepreneurs are the backbone of Canada’s economy: They spearhead innovations. They’re responsible for virtually all net new job creation. They drive growth and transformation. Yet fewer people are venturing into business ownership each year. And nearly one-third of those who do will close their business within five years.” Why is that? One reason, according to the report, is that entrepreneurs and small business owners today face a “more complex business environment.” Why is the business environment more complex today than it was 20 or even 50 years ago? I would argue that it’s mainly because of government red tape and regulations, which continually grow year after year and weigh down small businesses. The other key factor is that we tax small businesses to death during the critical period of time when they need as much cash as possible to get up and running."
Time to increase regulation to prevent exploitation and tax "the rich" even more to pay for left wing policies (like more money for unions)

🍑🥤 on X - "Don’t buy a homeless person food. Just give them the money if you have it. You think you mean well but what you’re doing is taking away their autonomy & ability to make choices for themselves."
Clearly, even more money is needed

$50K in unpaid rent over five years nets fine for BC woman - "In what appeared to be a planned scheme, she left eight landlords short nearly $50,000 in combined unpaid rent, according to a recent Residential Tenancy Branch decision.  Scott McGregor, of the Residential Tenancy Branch's enforcement division, said it was "more likely than not" that Colleen June Clancy entered each new tenancy with no intention to pay rent.  Although she did pay portions of her rent at times, some of her landlords issued eviction notices within the first month or two of moving in.   She would challenge the eviction with the Residential Tenancy Branch each time, extending her stay by months. Some lasted just a few months in total and, aside from one 15-month tenancy, they were all less than a year...  She's been ordered to repay a total $43,024 to the landlords she owes, accumulated since 2018.  The only one that hasn't included a repayment order was during the height of the COVID-19 pandemic. She moved in before the pandemic began and, as soon as the province introduced a freeze on evictions, Clancy stopped paying rent.  That landlord was missed out on the second-highest amount, with $11,200 in unpaid rent.  How the unpaid rent affected the landlords isn't detailed in the decision, at least not financially. One couple did tell investigators the ordeal was stressful and the husband went through months of counselling because of it.  The $5,000 penalty is entirely separate from the unpaid rent owed to the eight landlords, however."

Collin Rugg on X - "NEW: Seattle residents are publicly shaming serial squatter Sang Kim for squatting in a $2M property despite allegedly making $400k a year.    Let's make publicly shaming squatters a new trend.    According to the landlord, they are unable to get Kim out of their home who owes them $80,000 in unpaid rent.  The event below was captured by @choeshow  who is demanding that action be taken to stop squatters like Kim.  Kim is considered a 'Serial Squatter' because he allegedly moved from a $1.3M home where he didn't pay for rent into this $2M home where he also doesn't pay rent.  Landlord Jaskaran Singh says Kim lives a lavish life "doing barbecues, buying new cars, living in the best neighborhood and sending his kids to the best schools."  "Whereas the poor landlords, they are doing multiple jobs to support the mortgage of his house. [Kim] has no shame and he does not care about society."  Thanks, progressives!"

Out-squatted: Handyman Flash Shelton will squat with your squatters — until they leave - Los Angeles Times - "Their plan: live with the squatter. Dirty the bathroom. Take the best spot on the couch. Commandeer the TV remote. Blast music. Drink his coffee. Eat his Cheetos.  Out-squat him. And film it all for YouTube... For homeowners in Southern California and beyond, run-ins with squatters can be a nightmare both emotionally and financially. For the Squatter Hunter, it’s just another day on the job.  What started as a viral YouTube video has grown into a one-of-a-kind vigilante-style service, helping homeowners boot trespassers from their property.  His motto: “If they can take a house, I can take a house.”... He called the local sheriff’s department, but according to Shelton, they said they couldn’t enter the house since it appeared to be occupied.  Hearing nightmares about the lengthy and arduous process of dragging out an eviction in court, Shelton got creative; he had his mom write up a lease making him the official tenant of the home. That way, he could legally enter the property.  “If they’re the squatter, they have rights. So if I become the squatter on a squatter, I should have rights,” he said.  He drove 10 hours from the San Fernando Valley and slept in his Jeep outside the home, waiting for her to leave in the morning. When she did, he went inside and installed Ring cameras throughout the property.  When she returned, he explained that he was the new tenant and that she needed to move all her stuff out. Since he was now in possession of the property, he said if she returned, he would call the police for trespassing.  She left by the end of the day. Squatting isn’t common; most housing disputes are between landlords and tenants, in which an entirely different set of rules is in play. But for homeowners who’ve dealt with an actual squatter, the process of removing them can be arduous and costly, taking weeks or months and costing tens of thousands of dollars in legal fees.  But Shelton made it look easy. He recorded the entire encounter and published a recap on YouTube titled, “How I removed squatters in less than a day.”... “I’m not surprised he’s getting attention,” Moret said. “So many people are frustrated with the legal system. Attorneys are expensive, and the deck feels stacked against housing providers.”... Business is booming. He consults for free but requires clients to donate $150 to a GoFundMe advocating for squatter law change. So far, he’s raised nearly $9,000... It can be costly, but Shelton said he’s encountered homeowners who’ve already sunk $100,000 into their efforts to remove a squatter through the legal system and made no progress.  “I don’t tell them what I’m doing or how I’m doing it. I just tell them to make me a leaseholder, and I handle the rest,” he said... Moret, the real estate agent, said police officers once refused to remove a squatter living beneath the carport outside one of his buildings because he didn’t have a “No Trespassing” sign posted. Another time, police said their hands were tied because residents had no proof that the squatter committed a crime, according to Moret. Shelton said many of the homeowners he consults with claim that police aren’t able to remove squatters because they have no proof of when exactly the squatter entered the home and how long they’ve been there...  Although every case is different, there’s generally an easy way and a hard way to remove a squatter.  The easy way: Wait for the squatter to leave the home and secure possession of the property while they’re gone. Change the locks and install security cameras. “Now, they’re fighting to get back in instead of the homeowner fighting to get them out,” he said... The hard way: squatting with the squatter.  “If I can’t get them off the property, I’ll move in with them,” he said. “I walk in, sit on the couch, pour a bowl of cereal and say, ‘Lucy, I’m home!’”  He hands the squatter a copy of the lease and explains that he’s not going anywhere — that he’s there to make their living situation miserable and “turn it into a reality show” with cameras everywhere.  They’re typically out by the end of the day.  To help persuade squatters to leave, he offers them a deal: If they go peacefully, he’ll keep their identity a secret.  Most squatters accept. For those who don’t, he uploads their picture onto his website and their interaction onto YouTube and Instagram. He’s currently building a database of confirmed squatters so landlords can avoid renting to them in the future... Shelton, a single father with five kids, two living at home, doesn’t want to hunt squatters forever, but demand has been overwhelming.  The end game is policy change. His GoFundMe advocates for legislation that would expand law enforcement’s ability to remove squatters and also make it easier for judges to order squatters to pay restitution.  “The whole system needs to change,” he said. “I want my name on a bill.”"

SALT Tax Increase That Burned Blue States is Targeted by Democrats - The New York Times
From 2019. So much for "taxing the rich"

"Being poor doesn't entitle you to other people's property."

Carson Binda: B.C.’s provincial deficit is set to be the largest on record; The province's debt-to-revenue ratio is set to soar to a staggering 151.2 per cent by 2026-27. : britishcolumbia - "It's all about taxes. Specifically, that lack of taxes being paid by the super rich. Canada in general. and BC in particular, are famous around the world for being used as tax havens. The money is there to pay for schools, hospitals, roads... all the infrastructure we need. The BC Liberals were in power for 16 years, and during that time the "Vancouver model" of international money laundering was created. That culture of corruption will take years to clean up."
"As a percentage of total funding the rich contribute a ton to government budgets. We may still hate how rich they are becoming relative to the middle class but wealthy people fund a lot of programs"
"Top marginal tax rates under NDP and federal liberals have gone from 44% to 53.5% of every dollar at the top tax bracket. Lower brackets have also had increases.  Taxes have been increased a lot already and they are still running massive deficits.  So where else are they going to find more money once taxes are already high?  Maybe looking for efficiencies, eliminating waste as well as some “nice to have” items but not essential would make sense at one point.  And leaving money in peoples pockets to let us decide what we want to do with it is a good idea instead of having a “we know best” attitude with everyone’s money…"
"Bc has the highest corp tax rate among on qc and an, and the 2nd highest personal tax rate. Top bracket tax rate is already 53.5%. What kind of tax haven is this? How high do you want? 70% or 90%? If being rich is so great in BC, maybe you should consider becoming rich here, rather than whining about the government 6 years ago for a deficit 3 years from now."
Left wingers always want "the rich" to pay more taxes

Carson Binda: B.C.’s provincial deficit is set to be the largest on record; The province's debt-to-revenue ratio is set to soar to a staggering 151.2 per cent by 2026-27. : britishcolumbia - "According to the latest available tax records, the top 20% of Canadian income earners pay 61% of the income taxes in Canada. If you factor in that those top wage earners probably spend the most per capita, they probably pay the majority of the sales, exercise, and other taxes and fees in Canada as well.  How much more do you think is fair for these people to pay before they just up and leave Canada and not pay any Canadian taxes? If they do that, are you willing to step up and pay more taxes?"
Carson Binda: B.C.’s provincial deficit is set to be the largest on record; The province's debt-to-revenue ratio is set to soar to a staggering 151.2 per cent by 2026-27. : britishcolumbia - "If you make a ridiculous amount beyond what you actually need to survive, shut up and do your part.  The ultra-wealthy need to realize this isn't optional under democracy, it's how they reciprocate for all the advantages gained by their money hoarding at other's expense.  The fact that this still needs to be said after two millenia of settler civilization is just proof of how exponentially arrogant the wealthy actually are."
The left don't love the poor - they hate the rich. Good luck paying for everything once you kill the golden goose

Carson Binda: B.C.’s provincial deficit is set to be the largest on record; The province's debt-to-revenue ratio is set to soar to a staggering 151.2 per cent by 2026-27. : britishcolumbia - "The problem is as the debt levels increase and the interest rates stay where they are, we will have less to spend in every budget as more money will be paid to the bond holders so that we can service our debt. The more money paid to bond holders, the less money we have for healthcare, education, welfare, and other needed government services. We can always borrow more is the common response. But the more we borrow, the more interest we pay and then we have to borrow more..."

Financial Expert Can’t Believe Dad Spends $80K On Childcare, People Say He Needs A Reality Check - "A caller to money management expert Dave Ramsey’s show caused some surprise when he revealed that he spends $80,000 a year just for daycare...
Dave Ramsey: Can you explain to me why you can’t get by on $180,000? And you have to borrow money because you can’t get by on $180,000?...
Adding in the extra costs and a nanny during the summer, this family is spending what could amount to a solid annual income just on childcare, never mind all the other costs of actually having a kid. Naturally, Dave Ramsey suggests that they downgrade the daycare they use, which, for some reason, prompted a lot of quite negative comments... One study revealed that, on average, Americans spend around $1700 a month per child. This is no small sum, although still half of what the caller spends on a single child per month. What is more surprising is the fact that so many viewers didn’t seem to even blink. Instead, they call Dave Ramsey out of touch for thinking this is way too much.  It’s true that a person purporting to give financial advice should be informed about the costs people face on a daily basis. However, this particular caller, on top of paying for a summer nanny, is spending over twice the national average per month for each child. Given that many daycares do give discounts for additional children, it’s unclear why he can’t just find a cheaper alternative."
Of course, your being unwilling and/or unable to find cheaper childcare proves that capitalism has failed

Meme - S. @Simply_Shingii: "Homer Simpson was a true baller because HOW did he afford 3 children, a detached suburban house, 2 cars, a stay at home wife and extra change for his drinking problem with absolutely NO side hustles"
Left wingers have no idea what they're talking about when they claim the answer is being part of a union: "You know, I've had a lot of jobs. Boxer, mascot, astronaut, imitation Krusty, baby proofer, trucker, hippie, plow driver, food critic, conceptual artist, grease salesman, carnie, mayor, grifter, bodyguard for the mayor, garbage commissioner, mountain climber, farmer, inventor, Smithers, Poochie, celebrity assistant, power plant worker, fortune cookie writer, beer baron, Kwik-E Mart clerk, homophobe and missionary. But protecting Springfield, that gives me the best feeling of all."
Also, Homer was criminally incompetent but had job security. What an admission that unions are dangerous

Labour says unemployed youngsters who can work will HAVE to as there should be 'no option of a life on benefits' - "In a bid to toughen up Labour's stance on welfare, shadow work and pensions secretary Liz Kendall will say that a future government would not allow young people to languish on the dole when they could be working... Separate figures released by the Liberal Democrats reveal that the soaring number of people on long-term sickness benefits is costing the government £3 billion a year. The research, compiled by the House of Commons library, reveals that the figure has risen by 625,000 since 2019. The study found that each person out of work because of sickness results in an average loss of £5,200 a year in tax revenue."
Damn fascism! Obviously welfare can be fully funded by "taxing the rich"!

Meme - "You want to know a good measurement of how much a billionaire should be taxed? Are they still a billionaire? If so, they're not being taxed enough"
When left wingers say they want to "Tax the rich", what they mean is to tax them so much, they are no longer rich

SOUND OFF: NDP budget spends more, delivers less - "WHEN DAVID EBY BECAME PREMIER OVER A YEAR AGO, he promised to deliver results that people could see, feel, and touch.  Last week, the NDP delivered their 8th and final budget before the 2024 election, Eby’s final chance to deliver on his promises to British Columbians. Unfortunately, this budget maintains the status quo that has failed our province for the last seven years.  Not only does Budget 2024 fail to move the needle on affordability, healthcare, or public safety, but it is an economic disaster showcasing staggering fiscal incompetence from the NDP. The budget racks up an $8 billion inflationary deficit — the largest in B.C.’s history.  It took 150 years for B.C.’s debt to reach $50 billion, but the NDP has already doubled that debt in seven years to over $103 billion and it’s projected to grow to $165 billion by 2026/27. By every economic measure, this budget is a disappointment to British Columbians. Exports are down, GDP per capita is expected to fall, and private sector job growth continues to flatline.  Despite collecting over $22 billion more in tax revenue each year, this government continues to deliver such terrible results that people have gotten used to the NDP’s new normal of things not working the way they should.  From housing to healthcare to crime, everywhere you look life has gotten worse for British Columbians over the last seven years."
Obviously, the solution is to tax the rich

Saw these "Business in Ontario" ads in the Frankfurt (Germany) airport : ontario
Some left wingers were upset, claiming it was a waste of money, they didn't work, and the money should be used for healthcare instead. Others complained the ads were in English, not German. Clearly no non-German speaking businessmen go through Frankfurt

Meme - Jonathan Kay: "Every time you think Nora Loreto couln't possibly tweet anything dumber, she defies expectations"
Nora Loreto: "Imagine jailing people for a victimless crime."
The Globe and Mail: "Poilievre says three auto theft convictions should mean three years in prison"
Readers added context they thought people might want to know: "Increases in the rate of stolen vehicles result in concomitant insurance rate increases for all creating many other victims of vehicle thefts."
Left wing logic: if your car is stolen, you're not a victim. Everything can be charged to insurance and no one is hurt or suffers. But when insurance goes up, they will blame "greedy" insurance companies

Ford Will 'Think Carefully' About Where It Builds Vehicles After UAW Strike - "The increased wages and benefits will increase the price of cars. Ford said its vehicles will cost $900 more due to the contract once it's in effect"
Damn greedy companies! They should just eat the losses

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