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Thursday, April 25, 2024

Links - 25th April 2024 (1 - Palestine/Middle East Peace)

Meme - "Muslim women in hijabs: cheering with rifles before the attack and crying after it"

Martyrs source of pride for Palestinian families - "Dying as a Martyr for Allah - becoming a Shahid - continues to be presented as a positive achievement in Palestinian society. As documented by Palestinian Media Watch, for years the Palestinian Authority has promoted Martyrdom as an ultimate value and goal both to adults and children. Still today, aspiring to become a "Martyr" is considered an honor and praised by society. Often the death and funeral of a "Martyr" is referred to as a wedding and he himself is considered a "groom" who marries the virgins of Paradise."
Why would the Zionists kill them? Monsters!

Abe Greenwald on X - "Gaza is precisely what the Western left says it hates: a racist, sexist, homophobic, militaristic, anti-Democratic, kleptocratic, dogmatically religious police state of science fictional inequity and oppression. And they love it more than anything in the world."

Meme - "The Temple Mount. How Islamic history was built on top of Jewish and Christian history. A HISTORY LESSON FOR THE UN
561AD Christians build Church OF ST MARY OF JUSTINIAN

Ryan Saavedra on X - "Bill Clinton in 2016: “I killed myself to give the Palestinians a state. I had a deal they turned down that would have given them all of Gaza... between 96%-97% of the West Bank, compensating land in Israel, you name it."  “Hamas is really smart. When they decide to rocket Israel, they insinuate themselves in the hospitals, in the schools, in the highly populous areas, and they are smart. They said they try to put the Israelis in a position of either not defending themselves or killing innocents. They’re good at it. They’re smart. They’ve been doing this a long time.”"
Edward Northman on X - "I don’t like Clinton but that’s the truth.  Read the biography of Prince Bandar Bin Sultan. The former Saudi ambassador in DC and the father of the current one.   He single handedly solved Palestine 3 times and every time it was rejected by Palestinians   Read it. Please."
Austin Dunn on X - "And '08 was far better. They objected to not getting East Jerusalem, so in '08 Israel included it, and then Abbas just walked away, and wouldn't even negotiate."
Cranky Cold War Vet on X - "I saw it, the Palestinians have turned down every peace offer. Clinton and Barak got them the best deal ever at Camp David but Arafat turned it down cold and then started the Second Intifada. There will only be peace when the Palestinians want it on their knees"
John Hawkins on X - "If the Palestinians wanted to have their own state and live in peace with the Israelis, they'd have had it a long time ago. What they want is an Israeli genocide and all of the land. They're just too dumb and incompetent to pull it off."

Yael on X - "The war in Gaza is really not as big as other wars going on in other places, like Sudan. But it’s really easy to stop it. Just let Israel win, really win"

Meme - Amnesty International @amnesty: "The death in custody of Walid Daqqa, a 62-year-old Palestinian writer who was the longest-serving Palestinian prisoner in Israeli jails after 38 years of imprisonment, is a cruel reminder of Israel's disregard for Palestinians' right to life"
Readers added context they thought people might want to know: "Daqqa was imprisoned for the abduction, gruesome torture, and eventual murder of an Israeli citizen. He was not in jail for his writing - he only became a writer after his criminal conviction. Criminals die in jail all over the world - it is no reflection on Israeli attitudes."
Sneakily, Amnesty International did a fake edit of the tweet (not changing any text) to get rid of the community note

AG on X - "Just incredible. Daqqa was convicted for kidnapping, torturing (including castrating), and murdering 19 year-old Moshe Tamam. Look at how Amnesty International describes him below. It’s a sickness. It’s actually astonishing just how little these international groups even pretend to value Jewish life. They consistently portray clear murderers as victims.   Anyways, this was Moshe Tamam. The only real victim in this story. May his memory continue to be a blessing."

Adam Albilya - אדם אלביליה on X - "Do you mean Walid Daqqa? One of the most sadistic terrorists the Palestinian Nazi indoctrination system has created?  Kind Reminder: Walid is responsible for kidnapping 19 year old Moshe Tamam. First, they gouged out Moshe’s eyes, and then they mutilated him by cutting off parts of his body, starting with his sexual organs.  Finally, they shot him in the chest and dumped his body in an olive grove near Jenin.  May Tamam’s memory forever live while Walid Daqqa simply rots."

leekern on X - "I’m going to be quite honest: Muslim antisemites are the most disgusting antisemites I’ve ever encountered  Hard left antisemites are scum  Neo-Nazi antisemites are filth  But Muslim antisemites supersede them in every respect in their hateful cruelty and zeal - fuelled in no small part by a primitive, sectarian religiosity that gives them supernatural “justification” and motivation for hurting Jews  The hard left and neo-nazis do not have that impetus  For jihadists and muslim extremists, hurting and killing Jews is pleasing to their imagined deity Allah and a way for them to get into their imagined heaven  The hard left and neo-Nazis do not have that crack cocaine coursing through their antisemitism  And that makes Muslim antisemites the most disgusting of all antisemites in their attitude, tone and behaviour"

Rachel Riley MBE 💙 on X - "Dear @Apple  @AppleSupport  @tim_cook    I’ve just upgraded my software to version iOS 17.4.1, and now, when I type the capital of Israel 🇮🇱, Jerusalem, I’m offered the Palestinian flag emoji. 🇵🇸 This didn’t occur on my phone immediately before this update.  Below is a (non-exhaustive) list of capital cities that do not offer their nation’s flags, let alone the wrong one.  Showing double standards with respect to Israel is a form of antisemitism, which is itself a form of racism against Jewish people.  Please explain whether this is an intentional act by your company, or whether you have no control over rogue programmers.  Sincerely, a Jewish woman concerned about the global rise in antisemitism.
London Washington DC Canberra Dublin Paris Berlin Madrid Brussels Lisbon Vienna Buenos Aires Beijing Zagreb Prague Sarajevo Moscow Sofia Quito Kyiv Accra Cairo New Delhi Nairobi Kabul Tirana Algiers Andorra La Vella Luanda Saint John’s Bangkok Abu Dhabi Hanoi Tashkent Montevideo Ankara Lome Damascus Khartoum Seoul Victoria Belgrade Dakar Riyadh Ljubljana Bratislava Freetown Cape Town Kingstown Doha Manila Lima Windhoek Chisinău Nouakchott Rome Athens Baghdad Libreville Banjul Conkary Jakarta Reykjavik Port au Prince Tehran Tokyo"
Aurora D Flynn on X - "I just went through the keyboard on the iPhone and I figured out the Palestinian flag comes up for the word “Jerusalem” if you select English UK, English Singapore and English South Africa. English US, English India, English New Zealand, English Canada, English Japan don’t."

Richard Hanania on X - "Israel says it wants to push humanity along the technological frontier. When you listen to Palestinians, it’s “my grandpa owned an olive tree and donkey.” The Palestinian cause is extremely ambitious when it comes to committing genocide but small and petty in every other way."

US-based Gazan peace activist calls on Palestinians to abandon armed resistance narrative - "When it comes to lashing out
When one side does not want peace, nothing the other side does can ever lead to it, short of wiping the terrorists out

Why Palestine Can't Deliver Peace - "My staunchly pro-Israel views are based on a general pessimism about the possibility of the Palestinians being able to make peace... most Palestinians have very extreme views. When the majority of the people of Gaza reject Israel’s right to exist, how can there ever be peace?... Say I point to a poll showing that Palestinians love Islamic Jihad. That makes it sound like if one eventually gets to a point where 55% of Palestinians say they want a two-state solution and accept Israel’s right to exist, the conflict would be over. Yet this ignores how political processes actually play out in the real world. In the free speech debate, there’s something called the “heckler’s veto,” or the “assassin’s veto.”... The only way two sides can have peace is if there is no major faction within a society willing to disrupt the process, or, if one does exist, their neighbors and co-nationals will work to crush them. When the broader population cannot do that, we can say that extremists hold a “spoiler’s veto” over the process.  Let’s say... The people of the West Bank and Gaza have an election, and the Reasonable Arab (RA) Party wins 60% of the vote, compared to 40% for the Islamist Lunatics (IL). What happens at that point?  If the members of the losing party were the types to accept the will of the majority of voters, then they wouldn’t be called Islamist Lunatics. Upon losing, there’s a good chance they start launching missiles and planning attacks against Israel, if they haven’t been doing so previously. Perhaps they start assassinating Reasonable Arab leaders. Israel has to respond to new provocations, and so all the good will that the Jews created that allowed the RAs to win elections in the first place evaporates. All of this ignores regional actors like Hezbollah and Iran who might also oppose peace. Its strategy could backfire if IL causes outrage and disgust among fellow Palestinians, which makes them an even smaller minority. But remember, the reason why this is such an intractable conflict in the first place is because Arabs care about the crimes of Jews a lot more than they care about what Arabs do to one another. If history is any guide, an attack by Palestinians that draws an Israeli response will only increase hostility towards Israel... Every step in the process of finding a permanent solution to the conflict creates new opportunities for IL to either assassinate moderate Palestinian leaders or strike out against Israel and play the role of spoilers. And once a Palestinian state is formed, the problem doesn’t go away. What guarantees does Israel have that the Palestinian state won’t fall apart as soon as it has formed, given the almost unblemished record of Arabs being unable to build stable and functioning societies in the aftermath of attempts to create a new political order?  One might ask, if achieving peace is so hard, then, and small groups of fanatics may be able to throw things off course at any time, how does any conflict ever end? What’s required is a societal consensus against extremists, or at least the institutional capacity to restrict the ability of minorities to play the role of spoiler. Americans are nationalistic, but if a group of our fellow citizens were lobbing missiles at Mexico, maybe 5% of the population would support them for getting revenge for the border crisis or something, but almost the entirety of the rest of society, including most importantly, functional law enforcement agencies, would be sure to come down hard on them and put an end to the organization. If 25% of Americans wanted war with Mexico, and that section of the population provided passive or active support to a few thousand men willing to die to make it happen, maintaining peace between the two countries would be extremely difficult. One could argue that Israel also has a spoiler’s veto problem. In 1995, Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin was assassinated over his support for the Oslo Accords. The settler movement can also be considered as spoilers, often provoking the Palestinians. That said, Israel has shown some capacity to enforce collective decisions arrived at through the political process, as when Ariel Sharon uprooted Jewish settlers from Gaza in 2005. It’s just much harder to imagine Palestinian leaders being able to functionally commit Arab-on-Arab violence for the sake of giving land to Jews. Part of this is because Palestinian opinion is so extreme, but it’s also because Palestinian society doesn’t have institutions strong enough to make difficult decisions and then carry them out. People talk about the Palestinian Authority ruling Gaza after the war is over, but it doesn’t even really control the West Bank, having to rely on Israel for basic functions like security and collecting taxes... The need to build institutions does not refer to a trivial undertaking. In fact, the question of how to do so in developing countries is one of the most fundamental questions in political science. Much of the world has never gotten there, and across Africa, Latin America, and the Middle East, there are countless examples where the central state fails in its most basic task of achieving a monopoly on the use of force. Wikipedia currently lists over 20 countries experiencing civil war right now, with some of them involving governments fighting on multiple fronts... since most conflicts don’t make headlines, people underestimate how dysfunctional much of the developing world is and therefore the challenges involved in giving Palestinians a stable society. If any people doesn’t have the historic and cultural preconditions for statehood, it is this one. Palestinian society is rife with extremism, dependent on outside aid, has no history of functioning institutions, and practically defines itself in terms of a struggle against a much more powerful enemy. Bukele’s successes are so shocking because the norm is that third world states that have been torn apart by violence for a long time tend to stay that way. This is one lesson that American leaders either never knew or forgot when they went around undertaking regime change wars throughout the Middle East in the decade and a half after 9/11 and just assuming something better would pop up and replace previous governments... I say we pick the culture and civilization that we think has more value and cheer for it to win, and to me that’s not a difficult decision... the only path forward for Israel is continuing to kill Hamas leadership, and seeking the strategy of depopulating Gaza by trying to get someone else in the world to take the people of the enclave as refugees... If even a significant minority of Gazans goes elsewhere, it will make life much more difficult for Hamas and the Palestinian problem a lot more manageable, as part of a longer process of the Arabs losing hope of ever destroying Israel.  This path has many costs and dangers, but it strikes me as imminently more sensible than believing that Palestinian society could both change its attitude towards Jews and do so at the same time that it builds functioning institutions, accomplishing something that tends to be difficult for poor societies even under the most favorable conditions"

Thread by @Monika_is_His on Thread Reader App – Thread Reader App - "🔶 10 questions for which I seek answers:
1- If Israel wanted to commit genocide, why does it send in soldiers on foot and risk their lives instead of just flattening Gaza from the air?
2- If Israel is an apartheid state, how are there anti Zionist Muslims in the Knesset, Israel’s parliament?
3- If Israel is ethnically cleansing the Palestinians for 75 years, how has the Palestinian population grown by millions since 1948?
4- If Israel occupied an Arab Palestinian state, when was this state established and what was its language and currency?
5- If Israel made up October 7th, who took the GoPro footage of the murders and rapes and why are Hamas boasting about it if it never happened?
6- If Israel is occupying Gaza; what was the Disengagement in 2005?
7- If what we are seeing today around the world is anti Zionism and not antisemitism, why are Jewish content creators online who have never stepped foot in Israel being harassed and verbally abused? .... Why are synagogues being attacked?
8- If Israel’s occupation is what caused Palestinian terror, why were Arabs massacring Jews before there was any occupation or even any state of Israel? See Hebron 1929.
9- If the Palestinians want a two state solution, why can’t you find a single leader of theirs who will say that Israel has a right to exist?
10- If Israel killed 30,000 innocent people in Gaza, if you believe those numbers, then how many terrorists has Israel killed?
Asking for a friend ..
(Hillel Fuld on X)"
This is adapted from this thread which also looks at Koranic verses and the claim that Israelis are white
Someone claimed that no one was accusing Israel of genocide before October 7th, so you can't point to the exploding Palestinian population to refute the absurd claims of genocide. Then I dug up 3 examples from September to October 6th alone

Marina Medvin 🇺🇸 on X - “We ran out of Palestinian flags so we start selling Jordanian flags and white people don’t know the difference.”

Tucker Carlson on X - "Ep. 91 How does the government of Israel treat Christians? In the West, Christian leaders don’t seem interested in knowing the answer. They should be. Here’s the view of a pastor from Bethlehem."
David Reaboi, Late Republic Nonsense on X - "Bethlehem is NOT controlled by Israel; it’s under the control of the Palestinian Authority. These churches and priests are threatened with their lives unless they toe the line—same as in Egypt or Syria, or everywhere there is a religious minority in an Islamic territory.   Had Tucker been interested in getting the answer to the question of how Israel treats its Christians, he’d have spoken to Christians IN ISRAEL. But he isn’t, so he didn’t."

Meme - Marina Medvin @MarinaMedvin: "I'm just going to leave this here and you tell me.
85% 1948 Jordan Control
12% 2024 PA CONTROL"
"The visual aid above is explaining that when Jordan took over control of Bethlehem (from the British), the Christian population was 85%. At the end of their rule, the Christian population was a minority, 40%. Israel then took control in 1967 and the Christian population rose back up to a majority, 65%. The Palestinians then took control of Bethlehem in 1993 and the Christian population plummeted to minority status, lower than at any point in the last century. Today it stands at 12%."

AG on X - "Christians are currently being actively killed and persecuted in Lebanon, Nigeria, Sudan etc.   Tucker doesn’t have a word to say about that.   He didn’t bother to ask the 200K Israeli Christian citizens how Israel treats them. It’s the only actively growing Christian community in the ME.  He didn’t bother to ask why 2/3rds of the Christians in Gaza fled after Hamas took over.   No, instead he took an anti-Israel nationalist from The West Bank and tried to frame his takes as evidence of mistreatment of Christians.   Which btw is Tucker’s whole shtick. He presents a question then suggests an implied answer using dishonest or partial facts, then insists he’s selling his audience a truth instead of feeding them obvious BS. Also, why is he talking about this when allegedly discussing Israel instead of the border is evidence you don’t care about America? At least when it comes to anyone whose views he doesn’t like."

Thread by @EBluemountain1 on Thread Reader App – Thread Reader App - "*Hadriani Relandi: Palaestina ex monumentis veteribus illustrata*
The book is written in Latin. In 1695. Rilandy was describing what was then called Palestine. The author Adriani Rilandi is a geographer, cartographer, traveler, philologist, he knew several European languages, Arabic, ancient Greek, Hebrew.  He visited almost 2,500 settlements mentioned in the Bible. The research was conducted as follows:
*He first created the map of Palestine. He then designated every settlement mentioned in the Bible or the Talmud with its original name.
* If the original was Jewish, it meant "pasuk" (a suggestion in the Holy Scriptures that mentioned the name. )
* If the original was Roman or Greek, the connection was in Latin or Greek.
In the end, he made a population census by settlements. Here are the main conclusions and some facts:
* The country is mainly empty, abandoned, sparsely populated, the main population is Jerusalem, Akko, Tsfat, Jaffa, Tveria & Gaza.
* Most of the population is Jews, almost everyone else is Christians, very few Muslims, mostly Bedouins
* The only exception is Nablus (now Shchem), where approximately 120 people from the Muslim family Natsha and approximately 70 "shomronims" (Samaritans).
* In Nazareth, the capital of Galilee, lived approximately 700 people - all Christians.
* In Jerusalem there are about 5,000 people, almost all Jews and a few Christians.
* In 1695, everyone knew that the origin of the country was Jewish.
* There is not a single settlement in Palestine that has Arabic roots in its name.
* Most settlements have Jewish originals, and in some cases Greek or Roman Latin.
* Apart from the city of Ramla, there is no Arab settlement that has an original Arabic name. Jewish, Greek or Latin names that have been changed to Arabic that don't make any sense in Arabic. In Arabic, there is no meaning in names like: Akko, Haifa, Jaffa, Nablus, Gaza or Jenin, and names like Ramallah, al-Khalil (Hebron), al-Quds (Jerusalem) - they do not have philological or historical Arabic roots. So, for example, in 1696, Ramallah was called Bethel (Beit El, the House of God), Hebron was called Hebron and the Cave of Mahpel was called El-Khalil (the nickname of Abraham) by the Arabs.
* Relandi mentions Muslims only as nomadic Bedouins who came to the cities as seasonal workers in agriculture or construction.
* About 550 people lived in Gaza, half of them Jews and half Christians. Jews were successful in agriculture, especially in vineyards, olives and wheat, Christians were engaged in trade and transportation.
* Jews lived in Tveria and Tsfat, but their occupation is not mentioned, except for the traditional fishing in Kineret.
* In the village of Um El Fahm, for example, lived 10 families, all Christians (about 50 people). There stood a small Maronite church.
The book completely refutes theories about "Palestinian traditions", "Palestinian people" and leaves almost no link between the land and the Arabs who even stole the land's Latin name (Palestine) and took it for themselves.
Book by Adrian Reland (1676-1718) about Palestine, published in Utrecht in 1714."

Richard Hanania on X -  "Here's the situation in Arab countries on the eve of the Six-Day War, which they provoked in 1967.  Egypt was 45% illiterate, with a GDP per capita of $140, and relied on the US for 60% of its bread. Meanwhile, Nasser accuses the US of starving the country!   Syria had a series of coups, with elites regularly executing each other. The government had tensions with its own population over religious sectarianism, and merchants whose businesses it seized. The major issue a month before the war was some guy had written an article denying the existence of God, so 20,000 took to the streets and he was sentenced to death.  Under those circumstances, these governments decided that what their malnourished, stunted, primitive people needed was to kill some Jews.  The Palestinians today continue that legacy.  With the exception of the Gulf monarchies, Arab societies have simply failed modernity."

Han Shawnity 🇺🇸 on X - "There are 9 countries that spend more than Israel on lobbying in the US. Qatar alone (one of the biggest state sponsors of terrorism) spends 35% more on lobbying than Israel."
Damn Israel lobby controlling the US and preventing peace in the Middle East!

Meme - NMH 🇮🇱 @NMHbackup 🇮🇱: "Israel & the “occupied territories” myth, & it’s ONLY about destroying the Jewish State & more importantly terrorizing Jews.   A lot of people in the western world don’t realize that Arabs in Gaza & West Bank (or the world) don’t view any differently Ramallah or Tel Aviv, to them it’s ALL “occupied Palestinian land” So while the west is busy going on & on with a “2 state solution”, guess what? The “Palestinians” don’t want that.  BTW the original mandate for the Jews included “Transjordan”, instead Jordan went to the Shariff of Mecca’s son (other son got Iraq), so THERE is your “Arab state”  The next is from @l_ysr66365  who says it better than I could have.  The western distinguish between 1948 and 1967 is a FAKE one!   Claiming delusionary that this is the "internatonal  low"😅.
1. Nobody in the left or the Muslim word cares about that when chanting "from the river to the sea" and "we don't want 48, we want all of it".
2. To claim that Haifa is Jewish but Jerusalem or Hebron is not, is ridiculous! No Palestinian recognize such difference anyway, and Israel can't sign an agreement with itself.

Meme - "Great Britain's Division of the Mandated Area 1921-1923
British Mandate
Area Remaining for Jewish National Home
Area Separated and Closed to Jewish Settlement, 1921"
"The Palestinian Answer To Peace with Israel:
1947 UN Partition: NO
1967 Khartoum Resolution: NO
2000 Camp David: NO
2001 Taba: NO
2008 Olmert Offer: NO
2009 Bar-Ilan Initiative: NO
2016 John Kerry Plan: NO
2020 US Peace Plan: "We say 1,000 times: NO, NO, and NO" Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas"

Abbas on US plan: 'We say 1,000 times: No, no and no to the deal of the century' - "Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas firmly rejected the Trump administration’s plan to resolve the Israeli-Palestinian conflict on Tuesday, calling it the “the slap of the century.”...   “We say a thousand times: No, no and no to the ‘deal of the century,'” Abbas said, adding that the US plan “will not come to pass” and that “our people will send it to the dustbins of history.”
From 2020
Why don't the Zionists want peace?!

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