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Saturday, March 09, 2024

Links - 9th March 2024 (2 - Hamas Attack Oct 2023)

Looting all but halts Gaza aid deliveries as law and order nears collapse - "Humanitarian aid distribution in Gaza has almost ground to a halt in recent days as desperately hungry Palestinians and criminal gangs loot aid trucks before they can reach their destinations."
"Humanitarian aid distribution in Gaza has almost ground to a halt.. Criminal gangs loot aid trucks before they can reach their destinations." (Feb 21st) : theworldnews - "And if anyone tries to stop the looters they get accused of GeNoCiDe because once they’re dead every Palestinian is just an innocent civilian according the Hamas."

Meme - Visegrád 24 @visegrad24: "The playwright Victor I. Cazares is 3 months into a protest during which he refuses to take his daily HIV medicine until the Broadway theater he works for officially condemns Israel.  He is willing to risk contracting AIDS for a ceasefire"
Ben Shapiro @benshapiro: "This may be the single stupidest protest in human history"
Not the Bee @Not_the_Bee: "So how did you get AIDS?"
"My employer wouldn't publicly affirm my political beliefs"
Left wingers will unironically claim the theater gave him AIDS (just like if you don't bow to TRAs' every demand, you are literally killing trans people)

Switzerland: Jewish man wounded in Zurich after rare stabbing attack, hate crime suspected - "A 50-year-old Orthodox Jewish man was stabbed and was left critically wounded in Zurich's Selnau area in Switzerland, media reports said. The incident occurred shortly after the conclusion of Shabbat, a holy day of rest and spiritual rejuvenation observed by Jewish people every week from Friday evening to Saturday evening.   Zurich city police reportedly disclosed that a 15-year-old assailant was responsible... Eyewitnesses recounted the chilling moment when the assailant was arrested, with one noting that "the perpetrator laughed when he was arrested." Initial reports also suggested that during the assault, the attacker screamed "death to the Jews" or "death to Israel."... a study in 2016 conducted by the European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights revealed that events in the Middle East can provoke antisemitic sentiments within the EU. When reports of the fatal attack on Israel circulated, it triggered incidents of individuals rejoicing over the killings in certain European countries, such as Sweden and the UK."
Damn Switzerland, censoring "pro-Palestinian speech"! Time to condemn Zionism and Islamophobia!
The terrorism supporters keep telling Jews to leave Israel and go back to Europe. Because they know it's easier to hunt down and kill Jews in Europe

Rashida Tlaib Blasted Over Hamas Rape Vote: 'Absolute Sicko' - "Michigan Democrat Rashida Tlaib has come under fire on social media after being the only voting member of the House not to back a resolution condemning "rape and sexual violence committed by Hamas... Tlaib, the sole Palestinian American in Congress, voted present, meaning neither in favor or opposed, in protest of the resolution not also referencing what she said was "sexual violence and abuse committed by the Israeli forces against Palestinians."... Tlaib went on to cite an article from the Israeli newspaper Haaretz, titled "Settlers and Soldiers Abused Palestinians," which alleged a group of Israeli soldiers and settlers detained three Palestinians in the West Bank in October who were then stripped to their underwear and beaten. In one case, there was allegedly "an attempt to penetrate one of them with an object." The Israeli military later dismissed five soldiers over the incident and is considering closing down their entire unit... In November, Tlaib was censured by the House of Representatives following a 234-188 vote in response to her use of the controversial "from the river to the sea, Palestine will be free" slogan."
So much for "All Lives Matter" being wrong
Weird. Terrorism supporters keep telling us that Israel rapes Palestinians. But in this case it didn't progress to that level and they were punished. But of course Hamas encouraging it is fine, because "resistance"

Meme - "We did it Abu Batrick! We saved Gaza!" *We did it Patrick! We saved the city*

Meme - "Popular local pro-Palestine page says Hamas did not commit sexual violence against women on October 7th despite plenty of evidence available on the Internet.
sgpforpalestine48: ""At least two female Palestinian detainees were reportedly raped while others were threatened with rape and sexual violence. Photos of female detainees in degrading circumstances were also reportedly taken by the Israeli army and uploaded online."
"No women were r@p*d on Oct 7 but in order to manufacture consent for g*noside, mainstream news outlets still ran with it. How many of them will report on this? Will our own news outlets report on this? Will the people who condemned the made-up Oct 7 allegations, which were DENIED by family members of the alleged vietims, also condemn the occupation's "army" appalling torture and abuse of Fal.as.tini women and girls?"

Meme - "I have no words. This is insane and very concerning."
Ghada Saga @sasa_ghada: "I promise you that we Palestinians, despite all the horror Zionists put us through, will never stoop to their level. We will never rape. We will never starve, besiege, bombard, or humiliate civilians, certainly not women and children. And as Israeli prisoners wave goodbye & write thank you letters to Hamas militants, your projection of the Arab terrorist is shattered. We hold onto our humanity as we fight for justice, comforted by the knowledge that ultimate justice lies with God."
Terrorism supporters flip between "all this never happened" and "the Zionists deserved it", i.e. "this is not happening, and it's good that it is"

Trudeau's Toronto event with Italy PM Meloni cancelled due to pro-Palestinian protest - "A Toronto event where Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau was scheduled to host his Italian counterpart was cancelled on Saturday evening due to security concerns as hundreds of pro-Palestinian protesters gathered outside the venue, a spokesperson for the Prime Minister's Office said.   Justin Trudeau's office says neither he nor Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni were able to enter the Art Gallery of Ontario (AGO), which went into lockdown over the protests."
You only get your bank accounts frozen if the left disapproves of your protests

Chris Selley: Canada gets more embarrassing after anti-Israel protestors thwart the Italian PM's reception - "Meloni is a G7 leader. We should be able to host a dinner for her without risk of it being shut down by a few dozen people protesting something that has next-to-nothing to do with Canada or Italy. Other G7 leaders might reasonably argue that’s something like a prerequisite for membership... Were Meloni not a current G7 leader, she’s the sort of politician Liberals would excoriate Stephen Harper for shaking hands with, never mind throwing her an arty shindig. But that’s false comfort, of course. Canada, a tumbleweed nation in the desert of world affairs, can’t afford to make such judgments about more important, more serious countries like Italy. And just about any world leader heading to the AGO on Saturday night, save perhaps the leaders of Hamas itself, would have faced the same basic situation. Trudeau is worthy of cancellation all by himself, by the protesters’ logic, on account of his quixotic, semi-consistent insistence that Israel has a right to exist.  The Toronto Police Service (TPS) says it did not advise Trudeau to cancel the event. The TPS says many attendees were already inside, and that it had guaranteed VIPs safe passage through the fray. The RCMP, who are in charge of Trudeau’s and visiting dignitaries’ safety, claims  “the size and volatile nature of the crowds at the entrances to venue (meant) it was not safe to move both prime ministers to the event at the scheduled time.”... at a protest outside a synagogue north of Toronto, a woman was caught dead to rights, on video, striking a York Regional Police officer . She was apprehended by said police officer and other police officers, which I think we can all agree is a reasonable and predictable response to striking a police officer … but then the assembled chanting rabble convinced the police to let her go. I carry no water for police in general, or Toronto’s or Ontario’s in particular. I have, though, defended their general commitment to de-escalating rather than cracking down on potentially violent situations. But that particular catch-and-release scenario was wince-inducing. At the end of the day, none of us wants a police force that can be literally harangued into letting stuff slide. For many conservative-minded Canadians, Saturday’s abject capitulation to the rabble was a notable data point in an already well-established narrative about the pro-Palestinian protesters, about policing, about the general decline of Canada under Trudeau. I feel that here more than I usually do... My biggest takeaway from this latest humiliation is a bit different. It’s this: How could Trudeau and his office possibly have foreseen any other outcome? The AGO would have been swarmed with pro-Palestinian protesters even if Trudeau had just dropped by to see the Keith Haring exhibit . Had Hamas not massacred 1,200 people on Oct. 7 last year, triggering a predictably remorseless response from Israel, self-styled anti-fascists would probably have shown up to protest Meloni’s presence. And the only predictable response from Toronto police would have been to let them shut down the event. That’s what they do. How utterly out of touch does a prime minister, and the people around him, have to be to have thought this would go off without a hitch?"

Trudeau-Meloni event: Demonstrators say they feel vilified - "Dalia Awwad, an organizer with the group known as Palestinian Youth Movement, accused elected officials of intentionally vilifying protesters in an effort to avoid talking about Canada's position on the Israel-Hamas war. "It's also an attempt by politicians to shift the narrative away from the role they have played in the genocide," Awwad said Monday. It's an attempt, she continued, "to make it so these protests are the issue when the issue is the role that the Canadian state is playing here... former public safety minister Marco Mendicino described the gallery protesters as antisemitic "thugs." The gallery "was not secure. And that was their objective. They don't want their fellow Canadians to feel safe," Mendicino said in a series of posts on X. "You break the law, you should be arrested, charged and prosecuted. These thugs think they scored a win last night, but all they did was lose public support and embarrass themselves. Time for the madness to stop." Amira Elghawaby, Canada's anti-Islamophobia envoy, also used social media to decry a "constant rush" to portray pro-Palestinian protests as a threat to public safety... Deborah Lyons, Canada's envoy on combating antisemitism, called the cancellation a "direct result of caving in to the irrational demands of an out-of-control and noisy cohort, fuelling their determination." A protest outside Mount Sinai Hospital in Toronto last month drew wide condemnation from critics who saw the location as a deliberate choice. In a joint written statement, the three groups that organized the march denied accusations of antisemitism. "We condemn the Canadian politicians incorrectly portraying the protest as targeting the hospital," the groups said in a statement."
Supporting terrorism rots your brain
Apparently the RCMP were Islamophobic to claim they couldn't guarantee safety at the event

Hamas leader Sinwar cites civilian casualties as tactical advantage for terror group, - "Sinwar aims to emerge from his underground hideout after the fighting ceases and proclaim victory... Hamas also used recordings of hostages, including children, calling for help to lure Israeli troops into ambushes. "Fighting the enemy is like a game of whack-a-mole,” said an IDF reservist in Khan Younis, noting the difficulty in defeating the terror organization."

The Media-Savvy Murderers of Hamas - WSJ - "In an era when terrorists live-stream their atrocities, the Hamas massacre of Oct. 7 is arguably the most well-documented attack in history. The meticulously choreographed spectacle of savagery and sadism saw Hamas mercilessly murder, butcher, rape and burn Israeli families alive—documenting their crimes with GoPros and cellphones. The terrorists even live-streamed their atrocities on their victims’ social-media accounts.  That was only the first phase of Hamas’s media strategy. When the fighting shifted to Gaza, Hamas went from massacring Israeli civilians to hiding behind Gazan civilians. For the past 16 years, Hamas has systematically embedded its terror infrastructure inside and under civilian areas in Gaza as part of its human-shield strategy. IDF troops discovered that most homes in Gaza have terror tunnels underneath or weapon caches inside, and the majority of schools, mosques, hospitals and international institutions have been used by Hamas for their military operations.  Hamas has forced Gazans to stay in active combat zones by blocking their attempts to move out of harm’s way. When civilians manage to reach the safer areas to which we guide them, Hamas then moves to those areas, turning humanitarian zones into staging areas for further attacks.  By embedding itself among civilians, Hamas conceals itself from the cameras covering the conflict. By instructing terrorists to dress in civilian clothes, Hamas camouflages its terrorists as innocents. By waging war from inside and underneath hospitals, Hamas hopes that international law and public sympathy will provide a shield for their military activities. The Israel Defense Forces, by contrast, conducts its operations with caution, transparency and in accordance with international law"

Oren Barsky 🎗️ on X - "Remember the time a missile struck a hospital in Gaza and within 5 minutes there were reports of at least 500 dead, blaming Israel, and all the major media outlets in the world, led by the BBC, spread the story without even attempting to verify it?   Only later it turned out that it was the Palestinians who had fired the missile at themselves, and the next day it was realized that the missile actually landed in a parking lot, damaging barely 4 cars.   Remember all that?  So, the world has learned nothing from this."
Jack Reid on X - "I do remember, and I also remember when my friend presented it as a classic example of how I needed to "sharpen my reflexes to Zionist propaganda". When I showed them the HRW report about did he concede his reflexive belief had been incorrect? Nope."

Eylon Levy on X - "BREAKING: The IDF just exposed a 10km-long Hamas terror tunnel that passed under a hospital and a university. Hamas used it to move terrorists between brigades."

Jacob N. Kornbluh on X - "RFK Jr. to AlArabiya re: calls for ceasefire: “It’s part of the propaganda war that Gaza has the densest population in the world, it doesn't. Tel Aviv has twice the population density as Gaza and Gaza has been firing missiles at civilian populations for 30 years….”"

Shirion Collective on X - 🚨NOW: "WE WILL GIVE THEM NO PEACE!" - Jews Targeted in Beverly Hills 🚨
This video is cringeworthy and horrifying, words can hardly do it justice.
- Notice the way he pronounces "Gaza."
- The luxury cars blocking the roads.
- The terror inflicted on a Jewish neighborhood.
- Reflect on how this gay man's stance and earring would be received in Gaza."

MIT suspends student group that protested against Israel's military campaign in Gaza - "The president of MIT has suspended a student group that has held demonstrations against Israel’s military campaign in Gaza as protests over the war continue to rattle universities around the country. In a video statement Tuesday, Sally Kornbluth said the group, Coalition Against Apartheid or CAA, held a demonstration Monday night without going through the university's permission process required of all groups... its privileges as a student group would be suspended. It will not get any kind of funding that student group's normally get nor will it be able to use MIT facilities nor hold any demonstrations on campus. “I want to be clear: suspending the CAA is not related to the content of their speech,” Kornbluth said. “I fully support the right of everyone on our campus to express their views. However, we have clear, reasonable time, place and manner policies for good reason," she said. "The point of these policies is to make sure that members of the MIT community can work, learn and do their work on campus without disruption. We also need to keep the community safe.” The CAA, in a statement, demanded that they be reinstated and called MIT's move an attack on its right to fight for what it said was “Palestinian liberation." It also said that 13 student organizers had individually been threatened with permanent suspension from MIT."
If you support a left wing cause, you don't need to follow any rules and any attempt to enforce rules upon you is structural violence and censorship

Hen Mazzig on X - "The IDF has released a video evidence proving the death of many Palestinians in northern Gaza was due to aid trucks running over them, stampeding, and Palestinian armed men, likely Hamas, shooting at them, causing dozens of casualties.  Only a fraction of Palestinians who approached IDF troops in the area were hurt by their warning fire.  These images of a starving crowd rushing over trucks for food are tragic as it is, you don’t need to lie about it."

Al Waxman statue vandalized with pro-Hamas message - "The statue of Canadian entertainer Al Waxman was vandalized over the weekend in Toronto, an act his family is calling "hateful" and antisemitic... His son, Adam, told the Star he was saddened to see the words "Vote for Hamas" scrawled on the sculpture's chest. His father, he said, was a "proud Jew."... Multiple Jewish groups and the Waxman family have issued statements calling the graffiti an attempt at intimidation. "This is not complicated stuff," Adam said. "It requires firmness of will to speak loudly and clearly that no matter what a person's position may be on any global issue, no one has the right to vandalize property or intimidate free citizens from going about their lives in peace.""
Weird. We keep being told that no one supports Hamas

Malka Simkovich on X - "I just left my house in Skokie and passed a car adorned with Palestinian flags and the Hamas flag. The drivers had their windows halfway down and were wearing Hamas headbands. They were laughing and yelling, though I couldn’t hear what they were saying. I live in a neighborhood that includes many Jewish residents, including Holocaust survivors. Can you imagine what it is like for a Jew in 2024 to look outside their own home and see a flag that symbolizes the rape and genocide of the Jewish people?  Can you imagine what it is like for a Jew to see these things and know that it is pointless to call the police?"

Rahim Mohamed: Toronto Star’s Paradkar goes full Hamas apologist - "Toronto Star social and racial justice columnist Shree Paradkar raised more than a few eyebrows on Friday with a column attacking former prime minister Stephen Harper for a tweet expressing solidarity with Israel’s wartime government.  She took issue with Harper’s characterization of the Hamas-led Oct. 7 attacks, which violated a then-existing ceasefire between the terrorist group and Israel, as “unprovoked,” calling Harper’s tweet the “latest reminder of the depth of Western bias” on the Israel-Hamas conflict. Paradkar also objected to the ex-prime minister’s use of the phrase “end(ing) the threat of Hamas” in the same tweet... Paradkar is, of course, far from the only public figure in Canada who’s played footsie with Hamas supporters over the past four-and-a-half months, but her latest column goes well beyond the pale. It’s hard to believe that it was even published under the umbrella of Canada’s largest daily print newspaper.  It’s equally hard to figure out where to even start when it comes to rebutting an article that’s so totally untethered from reality — but I’ll give it a try anyways.  Paradkar uncritically repeats Hamas commander Mohammed Deif’s claim that the Oct. 7 massacre of 1,200 people, and the kidnapping of 240 more, was meant to avenge Israel’s “brutal” spring 2021 incursions into East Jerusalem’s Al Aqsa Mosque. She conveniently left out the detail that no deaths were reported in the clashes. (Israeli security personnel used rubber bullets and stun grenades to suppress unruly worshippers). She’s also sure to mention that the Al Aqsa fighting took place during the Muslim holy month of Ramadan, omitting the fact that Hamas has repeatedly attacked Israel at its most vulnerable during Jewish holidays. The Oct. 7 attacks themselves were launched on the first day of Simchat Torah, a festive occasion that marks the start of a new annual cycle of reading the Jewish holy text.  “Hit the Zionists on their holidays,” is one of the most frequently called plays in Hamas’ playbook, ranking right up there with “use Palestinian women and children as human shields” and “dig here” (next to an ‘X’ marking UNRWA HQ on a map of Gaza). And even if we take Paradkar’s rubber-bullets-to-mortar-shells comparison at face value, her account still leaves out the fact Israel and Hamas fought a war at the time, where Hamas bombarded Israel with rockets and Israel responded in kind. She also neglects the key detail that the 2021 unrest was brought to an end by a “mutual and unconditional” Gaza ceasefire in May of that year. (The truce was negotiated by Egypt). Does Paradkar agree with Deif’s specious reasoning that the spring 2021 Al Asqa mosque raids — which, again, produced zero casualties — justified Hamas unilaterally violating a subsequent ceasefire with Israel two-and-a-half years later?  Did the bloodless Israeli security operation give Hamas carte blanche to indiscriminately slaughter Israeli civilians at any time of their choosing? Would Commander Deif’s invocation of the 2021 events ring equally credible if used to justify an attack launched in 2025? 2030?  Paradkar’s silence on these questions is telling. Instead she writes, “Israel wants vengeance for Hamas’s attacks. Hamas wanted vengeance for Al Aqsa,” as if the Oct. 7 slaughter was an insignificant tit for tat.  And this somehow isn’t even the article’s most glaring logical fallacy. Toward the end of the column, Paradkar suggests that Hamas’ bloated bureaucracy automatically makes it less nefarious than likeminded Islamist group ISIS... Hamas is far from the first terrorist organization to adopt a sprawling administrative apparatus comprising both paramilitary and nominally civilian wings (see, for instance, the IRA/Sinn Fein), and it’s structure has absolutely nothing to do with its murderous intent to wipe Israel off the map.  What’s more, Paradkar’s dismissal of the comparison between Hamas and ISIS falls down even further by the fact that ISIS itself had a system of government.  She isn’t, however, entirely wrong when she says Hamas is not ISIS. ISIS hasn’t been given billions of dollars from UN agencies and other “humanitarian” groups to build a thriving favour-trading network that robs Gaza’s poorest. ISIS can only dream of this sort of foreign patronage.  True to her “social and racial justice” bonafides, Paradkar tut-tuts the western media for “Reducing Hamas’s violent actions to an act of Islamic extremism,” as if deaf to the cries of “Allahu Akbar” that rang through the streets of Gaza on Oct. 7. Friday’s truly repugnant article sheds new light on the reported controversy over Paradkar’s role as the Toronto Star’s internal anti-discrimination ombudsperson. Her position was eliminated in December after she made several social media posts that Star staff “felt were antisemitic,” according to CanadaLand. (Paradkar was named “equity advocate” in a union-only role).  It’s hard to fathom how someone with so many of her own evident blind-spots was ever put in a position to guide the newspaper’s nondiscrimination policies. The fact that the screed was even published raises serious questions about the Star’s suitability as a workplace for Jewish employees."

Terrorist attack in UK linked to Gaza - "An asylum seeker bent on avenging deaths in Gaza has carried out a suspected terrorist attack in Britain, The Telegraph can disclose.  The public has not been told that the man, who came to the UK in 2020, told police he had done it for “Palestine”.  MPs said on Friday night that the public had a right to know, amid warnings that demonstrations this weekend could encourage so-called lone-wolf terrorist attacks... The details that can be reported are highly restricted for legal reasons, but the suspect – who is now in custody – said after his arrest that he had done it because Israel had killed children in Gaza.  Senior politicians have questioned why such information has not been made public at a time when the police and security services are on high alert for terrorist attacks motivated by the Israel-Gaza war.  A security source said: “They may be downplaying it so that they don’t have repeat attacks or copycat attacks.”  Earlier this week, it emerged that a Tunisian man who shot dead two Swedish football fans in Brussels had arrived in Europe on a boat that landed on the Italian island of Lampedusa. The incident has led to political debate in Europe over whether porous borders pose a security risk amid instability in the Middle East.  Ministers in this country also fear a political backlash if the Channel migration crisis undermines security... A senior counter-terror official said: “It just illustrates the risk when you get stressed individuals coming from all parts of the world, including places where they will have participated in or witnessed savagery.   “It is linked to migration. As a result of full-scale migration, we are getting a lot of people.”"
From October. I've been waiting for more details to come out, but none seem forthcoming

San Francisco artists protest Israeli massacres in Gaza by “vandalizing” their own works - "Several of the artists pointed to the hypocrisy of the YBCA and its “progressive” self-promotion, noting that in recent years the Center had supported Black Lives Matter, feminist causes and protests against the Russian invasion of Ukraine."
annn075087587 on X - "Part 2 the SF artists rape and massacre their neighbors and families in an orgy of "resistance" before burning their houses while filming themselves for tiktok."
Going down the left wing politics route is a fool's game, because there's never a right answer due to intersectionality

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