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Thursday, March 07, 2024

Links - 7th March 2024 (1 - Trans Mania)

Transgender sex offender raped a friend with 'her penis' just weeks after leaving jail - "A trans predator has been convicted of raping a friend with 'her penis' just weeks after being released from prison for child sex offences.  Lexi-Rose Crawford, a biological male who now identifies as female, had previously been handed a four-year jail term after having sex with an underage girl she met online. She only began using a female name and feminine pronouns around January 2019, when she was released from prison, but within weeks had raped a vulnerable friend... Prosecutor David Scutt suggested Crawford's claim of memory loss, which had no medical evidence to back it up, was a 'convenient excuse'. Mr Scutt said: 'It appears you can remember the good stuff, but you cannot remember the bad stuff. Are you pretending that you can't remember?'... Crawford was jailed for having sex with an underage teenager in 2017. Then aged 18, Crawford admitted to arranging to meet a 15-year-old, taking her to a secluded woodland spot before telling her: 'You are going to get laid.'  The case comes in the wake of Scottish trans rapist Isla Bryson, who was last month jailed for eight years for attacking two vulnerable female victims in their own homes while living as a man."

J.K. Rowling on X - "The trans activist outrage that ensues on here whenever I share my belief that jailed women shouldn't be used as validation tools or emotional support props for trans-identified male sex offenders is as revealing as it's predictable.  Such activists can't bring themselves to concede that a man who was convicted of harming women/girls ought not to be incarcerated with the demographic to whom he is a proven danger, because if they do, all their stock arguments ('no sexual predator would bother to pretend to be trans', 'no trans woman has ever harmed a woman in a women's only space', 'there is no danger in making all single sex spaces unisex') are exposed as the lies they are. If they admit that even a single man isn't a woman because he says he is, the entire edifice of gender identity ideology crumbles. This leaves activists who rely on bullying and slogans with nowhere to go but 'you hate all trans people', 'so you're saying all trans people are rapists' and, of course, 'you are causing a trans genocide.' I think this particular issue also causes conniptions because it threatens the activists' self image. These are people who preen themselves on their kindness and virtue, so acknowledging the truth - that they're indifferent to vulnerable women being assaulted or traumatised - threatens the idea they have of themselves. They therefore double down. The prisoners complaining aren't really afraid of rape or voyeurism or violence at all, they say. They're 'not exactly delicate flowers', as one self-identified empath put it.   If you support putting violent and sexually predatory men into women's prisons, you are knowingly forcing those women to live in fear of, and, in some proven cases, to suffer abuse that many of them will have endured pre-incarceration. You are not kind. You are not righteous. Women have the basic human right not to suffer cruel and unusual punishment. #WomensRightsAreHumanRights"

JK Rowling labels Guardian journalist ‘progressive misogynist’ - "JK Rowling has branded the Guardian’s chief sports writer a “progressive misogynist” with “disdain for women’s sport” after he dismissed concerns that transgender women could compete in Parkrun’s female category.  Jonathan Liew, who has written for the newspaper since 2019, labelled concerns raised by womens’ groups a “sinister campaign” which had been amplified by “useful idiots in the media”. He argued that because Parkrun was a non-competitive running event without prizes, it didn’t matter that categories were not sex-segregated, writing: “You can do Parkrun on a mobility scooter if you want. You can do it with a pram.”  In a response posted on Twitter, Ms Rowling cited a previous article written by Liew in which he said it would be “inspiring” to see transgender athletes dominate womens’ sports, with the caption: “Your previous remarks leave no room for mystery about your own special interest in this subject.   “Like many ‘progressive’ misogynists, you seem delighted to have found an acceptable outlet for your disdain for women’s and girls’ sport. We see you, Jonathan.” Concerns over Parkrun emerged after a think tank report found that it records the self-identified gender of its participants, not their sex.  The Policy Exchange research found that at least three Parkrun female records were held by biological men as a result of its policy of allowing entrants to self-identify their gender. The report – backed by Olympic medallists Sharron Davies and Daley Thompson and tennis player Martina Navratilova – warned that female athletes risked being alienated unless grassroots sports could provide fair and safe play.  It recommended Sports England require Parkrun to collect participants’ data based on biological sex, rather than their gender identity, and should update all course records to reflect such a change.   “If this does not happen within 12 months, taxpayers’ funding should be withdrawn,” said the report.  In February, gender, age group and course records were suddenly wiped from websites after Parkrun organisers rejected a campaign to compel transgender runners to record their sex at birth."
Weird. We kept being told that sex and gender are different and only ignorant people don't know the difference

Meme - "Your hate and marginalisation has forced trans people into sex work."
J.K. Rowling @jk_rowling: "This is very sad news, but on the plus side, it proves some trans people have survived me knowing what a woman is, which you've previously assured me literally kills them."
"concentration camps is very sad news, but on the plus side, some survived, which proves that it is not so bad and does not literally kill" *clown*
J.K. Rowling @jk_rowling: "Gutted I didn't have "knowing what a woman is is comparable to putting trans people in concentration camps" on today's Best Trans Activist Arguments bingo card. It's particularly galling, because I only needed "your books are shit" and I'd have won the big prize"

Lee Harris on X - "This is utterly brilliant. A student accuses @jk_rowling of being transphobic. This teacher skilfully dissects the claim and challenges it by asking questions. He teaches not what to think, but how to think critically. Watch until the end. You see the epiphany in real-time."

Meme - Transgirls explaining why women love them: "Because I am better than you"
CisMales: "At what?"
Transgirls: "Everything."
There's no narcissism like trans narcissism

Meme - "My girlfriend and I would like to be part of your next boudoir photoshoot. Are you trans friendly?"
"At this time I only photograph women"
"Well technically he is a woman..."
"By all technicality "he" is a man. I do not shoot men in boudoir, I'm sorry."
"Wow go figure the only affordable boudoir photography is a fucking TERF. What will you do if we just show up?"
"Sure. I will call the cops."
"Unbelievable. And you're a bootlicker, no surprise there."
"Thank you for your inquiry, have a good night"
As usual, they are a vulnerable minority subject to violence who need protection

Meme - Sad: *Ellen Page smiling*
Happy: *Elliot Page crying*

Meme - Plastic Martyr @plasticmartyr: "Transphobia everywhere I look... I was playing Grand Theft Auto (yes, I play GTA) & saw this not-so-subtle transphobic slogan. I know most of you think this sh't is funny but it's getting us beaten, it's getting us killed. Stop contributing to our already difficult journeys"
"Post OP. No Longer Just Mail. your package is safe in our hands"

School district pays $100,000 to settle suit saying it supported secret transitioning of student - Los Angeles Times - "A Monterey County school district has settled a lawsuit that alleged middle school staff “convinced” a student to identify first as bisexual and then as transgender, without informing the 11-year-old’s mother.  The Spreckels Union School District, which encompasses an elementary and middle school in the Salinas area, paid nearly $100,000 to a Monterey County mother and daughter over an alleged violation of the parent’s 14th Amendment right to raise her child.  The settlement, agreed to in mid-June and approved by a federal judge Aug. 3, brings an end to the legal action pursued by Jessica Konen and her daughter Alicia, who went by the initials A.G... The lawsuit alleged that teachers and administrators at Buena Vista Middle School “secretly convinced A.G.” that she was bisexual and, later, transgender.  The child started using a new name and pronouns, and the school began to change A.G.’s name on educational records, the lawsuit said. The student was also granted access to a teacher’s unisex bathroom.  A.G. suffered “profound mental stress” due to the action of school personnel, who encouraged the student not to inform her mother, according to the lawsuit. On campus, teachers and staff would address the student under the new name, while reverting back to A.G. when communicating with Konen, the lawsuit said.  Teachers and staff began “instructing A.G. that she must not tell her mother about her new gender identity,” the lawsuit said... Also named as defendants in the lawsuit were Buena Vista teachers Lori Caldeira and Kelly Baraki — who ran the school’s gay-straight alliance club, “You be You,” or UBU — and then-Principal Katelyn Pagaran.  Baraki and Caldeira resigned shortly after the district placed them on administrative leave in November. Pagaran resigned at the end of June.  A.G. began attending sixth grade at Buena Vista in 2018. It was there, the lawsuit alleges, that Caldeira encouraged her to attend the school’s Equality Club, which later became UBU.  Caldeira and Baraki “told A.G. that she was bisexual,” an idea “that did not originate with A.G.,” according to the lawsuit. The two eventually convinced the child she was transgender, the suit said... A lawsuit was not filed, however, until after comments Caldeira and Baraki made at a California Teachers conference that October became public.  Excerpts from their presentation, “How we run a ‘GSA’ in Conservative Communities” were published the following month in a Substack post titled, “How Activist Teachers Recruit Kids.”"
Addendum: So much for "let teachers choose your kids' gender" being a right wing conspiracy

Gays Against Groomers on X - "Headlines and posts from trans activists over the past few days have been filled with histrionic lies about how "a nonbinary teenager was brutally beaten to death in the school bathroom."   The Advocate cited systemic challenges confronting LGBTQ+ youth. The New York Times even attributed her death to a recent "anti-LGBTQIA+" Oklahoma law that simply preserves sex-based definitions in legal protections.   The bodycam footage shows otherwise: she walked out of the bathroom on her own without any help, gave a full statement to the police hours later stating she was the one that started the fight, and even mentioned that she didn't know who the other girls were, disproving accusations of sustained bullying.  Meanwhile, the autopsy indicated that injury/trauma was not the cause of Nex Benedict's passing, suggesting that she did NOT die as a result of the altercation and was certainly NOT hate-crimed to death in a school bathroom. Thousands of children were fed the lie this week that their queer and non-binary classmates were in imminent danger of being mercilessly attacked by violent bigots who hate them. And that could not be further from the truth.  Imagine being so desperate to cling to your narrative that you lie about the death of a teenage girl, specifically with the intention of scaring the people you claim to care about? Casually throwing around terms like "hate crime" and "genocide" to make it seem like there's an epidemic of organized violence against a group of people is dishonest and manipulative.   Every corrupt news source, biased media outlet, and lying activist nutjob should be ashamed of themselves for brazenly misrepresenting this story in order to score woke points. This had NOTHING to do with the student’s identity."
Left wingers love fake news. So many of them kept going on about how this was a transphobic hate crime

Wilfred Reilly on X - "This "Nex" Benedict case - and RIP the kid - is almost certainly going to pass into history alongside Matthew Shepherd, the J6 cops, etc....as a tragic hate crime that never actually happened."

Gays Against Groomers on Instagram Looks Into Nex Benedict Case : BlockedAndReported - "Literally even on a fruit farm people are saying it’s tragic but wasn’t a hate crime like it’s being spun as by activists. How is that “dancing on her grave”?  Could it be activists see anything not going with the narrative they want as “hate”?
Edit: Also they keep pushing this “bullying” narrative except that nex herself confirms on video that she was never bullied at all and there was no history whatsoever prior to the day she decided to pick a fight in the bathroom."

Crisis Center Receives 500% Increase in Calls After Nex Benedict’s Death - "The organization received 522 calls from Feb. 16 to Feb. 23, compared to the 87 it typically receives on a weekly basis, according to data shared with TIME. About 70% of calls mentioned the news out of Owasso as a reason for their distress. Even more, 85%, said they were facing bullying at school and/or on social media."
Grievance mongering has very real harms to the "marginalised" populations that it claims to help

Gays Against Groomers on Instagram Looks Into Nex Benedict Case : BlockedAndReported - "I've been down this rabbit hole and have thought about reaching out to Softandchewy Tracingwoodgrains about the trans brigading going on. Anytime there's a Wikipedia entry about a trans subject, it gets locked from public editing. There are several editors that consistently come up on talk pages, including the entries for:
Death of Nex Benedict
Lia Thomas
Chloe Cole
Brianna Ghey
The editors don't always agree, but some of them are trans themselves and generally agree with the editing choices and even wording. They give each other Wikipedia awards for their work too. They consistently block "deadnaming," even in cases where the person doesn't care. For example, Caitlyn Jenner prefers for Olympic records to say "Bruce Jenner," but editors have changed those pages anyway.  My favorite trans editor is the one whose personal page says that she's got DID (also known as multiple personality disorder) and her various personalities argue about editing choices. When they argue she seeks support from her polycule.  A person has to make 500 Wikipedia edits before they get privileges to edit a locked page, and even then they'll have an uphill battle to overcome the editing consensus of the brigade. There's an official group of editors that work together on trans pages, so there is a coordinated effort. But I also think that some of the regulars just show up at the wikipedia page for whatever trans issue is in the news."
Obviously, Wikipedia's liberal bias is a myth

Storm on X - "Nex Benedict describing the incident in her own words:  The girls didn’t have a history of bullying her as has been claimed in several articles. They had never even seen each other before the incident. She assaulted them first because she thought they were laughing at her. Nex didn’t die due to any injuries from the fight. This was not an anti-LGB/TQ hate crime. She bullied younger girls and they fought back.  It’s disgusting how the Left and TRA’s instantly cried “hate crime” and used a 16-year-old girl’s death to push the gender agenda. They know science won’t help advance their political goals, so they’re willing to use anything including warm bodies to create their rhetoric.  The Left already has a monopoly on the narrative. Now when her actual cause of death is eventually made public, there will be no opportunity to have a meaningful discussion on the cause and it’s likely correlation with mental health among teens grappling with gender."
Wesley Yang on X -  "The activist and media-led effort to turn the death of a non-binary teenager into a Matthew Shepard-like myth of anti-trans violence is totally refuted by video of the victim's own words. The myth-making apparatus is still operating at full blast."

Meme - Chaya Raichik @ChayaRaichik10: "Reporter with @okcfox, @wsuares just deleted this tweet filled with lies. But not before 2M people saw it. They will all quietly start deleting tweets as their lies get exposed one by one. I have all their tweets saved."
Wendy Suares @wsuares: "Heartbroken to learn about the non-binary student who was beated to death at their Owasso school. That same district was targeted by the self-described 'stochastic terrorist' who runs Libs of TikTok. Chaya Raichik now sits on OK's library advisory board."

More than 70 per cent of transgender prisoners are in for sex offences or violent crimes - "More than 70 per cent of transgender prisoners in British jails are serving sentences for sex offences and violent crimes, government figures have revealed.  At least 181 of the 244 transgender inmates, more than 74 per cent, are in jail for crimes including rape, forcing under-age children into having sex, grievous bodily harm and robbery... The high levels of violent crimes among male prisoners who identify as women demonstrates why they should not be detained in female prisons, women’s rights campaigners argue.  Campaigners and former prison chiefs, however, were insistent that the high level of violent crimes among trans prisoners did not imply that they were inherently violent, adding that the vast majority lived crime-free lives... The figures released by the Ministry of Justice also reveal that a further 25 transgender males, women who identify as men, located in female prisons have been convicted of violent crimes and sexual offences. Just a year ago there were fewer than five... The figures were released after a former female remand prisoner told The Telegraph how one trans woman inside a female high-security prison continuously bullied other prisoners. The woman said: “There was nobody on my wing - including the prison staff - who thought it was appropriate for a trans woman to be housed inside a female prison. Almost everyone regarded her as a threat.  “She was an absolute nightmare. She was not huge but very athletic and very strong and had all the physical features of a man. She was a bully and was very threatening and intimidating. I think she was fully aware that she was physically much stronger than all the women on the wing and was exploiting that position.  “The belief that she should have been housed in a male prison was unanimous, not just among the prisoners but also the staff.  “She was very disruptive, pushing into the queue every morning when people would line up for their meds or during meal times. This often led to fights and a lot of unnecessary stress in an environment that was always tense. There were a lot of very dangerous inmates in my prison. I shared a wing with murderers and terrorists and women who had committed some very violent crimes. The tension was palpable most of the time so it only needed one spark to set the whole thing off. She was eventually moved from our wing to another because she had become too difficult to manage.”  Rhona Hotchkiss, a former prisoner governor, said that in her experience most trans women prisoners changed their gender only when they came into contact with the criminal justice system.  She also said the figures showed why men who identify as women should only be housed in male prisons... “It is always an issue to have males who identify as women in women’s prisons. It’s not necessarily always the physical threat that they experience but the re-traumatisation because many women in prison are already traumatised at the hands of men. They are also faced with constant gaslighting when they are forced to call these men ‘she’. The vast majority of men who identify as transgender in prison did not do so before they came into contact with the justice system.”"
The TRA cope is going to be that there're tons of biologically female sex offenders and violent criminals out there who are not being caught due to transphobia, and that in reality, trans prisoners are as prone to criminality (in both degree and type) as real women

Hon. Sheila Copps on X - "Transgendered women do not have male anatomy."
BLAIRE WHITE on X - "They literally have balls bitch shut up"
Liberals are spreading misinformation again

45% of Canadians support ban on surgeries and hormones for trans kids - "“On the policies, she’s not wildly off the mark with respect to where public opinion generally is starting from,” said Andrew Enns, an executive vice-president at Leger.  Enns admitted that he was “a little bit surprised” by the findings given “the kind of reaction” that came when Premier Smith first tabled the legislation.  Roughly five in ten Canadians (45 per cent) support a blanket ban on gender reassignment surgery for minors, the most popular response in the category, while 11 per cent agreed that minors should be permitted to undergo gender reassignment surgeries “without the need for parental consent.” Meanwhile, nearly a third (30 per cent) found themselves somewhere in the middle, supportive of such medical interventions with parental consent. Similar rates of opposition (42 per cent) were registered for puberty blockers and hormone therapies for children aged 15 and under, apart from those who have already begun the intervention. Slightly over a quarter (26 per cent) of Canadians felt that such medical interventions, when paired with parental consent, were appropriate. Only 11 per cent supported access to such care without any parental oversight... Notably, these positions were widely shared across Canadian provinces... Smith’s new rules also mandate female-exclusive sports competitions.  Most Canadians (68 per cent) agree that transgender women should not be allowed to physically compete against biological women in sports or athletics. Just 17 per cent said they should be allowed to compete, while the rest said they do not know."
Damn far right extremists!

LILLEY: Trudeau pummelling 'punching bag' Alberta for votes, premier says - "“Shame on them,” Trudeau said last week in Alberta. He claimed that Smith and federal Conservative Leader Pierre Poilievre were picking fights with trans kids. “The question I think people should be asking is why has the right suddenly decided to attack the LGBT community?” Trudeau said. Well, the answer is they aren’t attacking anyone, but are instead standing up for the right of parents to know what is happening in places like schools as the left tries to implement radical policies. Radical is a word that fits the Trudeau Liberals. They are no longer a party of the centre, trying to appeal to a wide array of Canadians, they are far-left, alt-left radicals. Just look at their environmental policies, another area where Smith has had difficulty with Ottawa. Smith took aim at Environment Minister Steven Guilbeault, whose policies have created division across the country. She pointed to the push for a net-zero power grid and oil production caps as proof. “A leader also has to know that when their minister is going off in a direction that is harmful to the country, harmful to national unity, when they’re proposing policies that are unachievable and impractical, when they’re creating that kind of division, it’s upon a leader to step in and say, ‘Whoa, hold on a minute, there might be something that I need to do some course correction on here,” Smith said... Good to know that it’s not just Smith who Trudeau and his team are annoying across Canada. Truth be told, it’s most premiers and governments. It’s just that Alberta takes the brunt as the punching bag. To which Smith responded by calling for an election. “Let’s just have an election so that this can be resolved one way or another,” Smith said."
What the left does is never picking a fight, since they see themselves as in possession of the gospel truth (too bad the slippery slope keeps slipping, so future liberals will always condemn what current ones do)

EDITORIAL: Liberals out of touch on transgender policies - "While Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and the Liberals have been fear-mongering about these policies, the national online survey of 2,439 adult from Feb. 9 to Feb. 11 shows many Canadians are generally supportive of the policies Smith has proposed, with few regional differences across the country. Indeed, 45% say policies proposed by Smith and other premiers on these issues will benefit children in the long run, compared to only 24% who view them as an attack on transgender children, with 32% unsure... Nearly half of Canadians (45%) believe gender reassignment surgeries for minors 17 and under should be prohibited, 30% would approve it with parental consent, while only 11% support it without parental consent. Those with children under 18 (49%) are more likely to prefer all gender reassignment surgeries be prohibited."

Opinion: There is no medical consensus on child gender transition - "Alberta Premier Danielle Smith’s recently announced policies on restricting transgender medical interventions for minors have generated much outrage, notwithstanding a subsequent Leger poll that suggested more Canadians than not agree with her proscriptions.  Doctor groups like the Alberta Medical Association (AMA) and the Canadian Pediatric Society (CPS) came out swinging, each issuing strongly worded statements expressing grave concerns. Dr. Sam Wong, head of the AMA’s pediatrics section, argued that “this is poor legislation that is targeting a small percentage of population that has already been targeted by society … and the government is piling on.” The general public could be forgiven for concluding that doctors are collectively of one opinion on this issue. But that’s an illusion: the AMA and the CPS do not speak for all of us. There is no medical consensus on transgender medical interventions for minors. It’s impossible to know what percentage of physicians agree with Alberta’s premier, given the high professional cost of speaking up. But as physicians who have spoken out publicly with our misgivings around youth gender transition, we can say that many doctors share our concerns.   They approach us privately, both in person and electronically, to voice as much. But they shy away from offering public support because of fear of condemnation and career harm. And that, to be clear, is profoundly unhealthy, not just for the profession, but most importantly for our pediatric patients. This matter deserves a full and proper hearing in the public square. One potent argument for transitioning gender-confused children is that failure to affirm their identity may result in suicide. This line of thinking underpins the “Would you rather have a dead daughter or a trans son?” mantra peddled by trans activists and some gender clinic doctors. It’s the sort of rhetoric that leads individuals like former Calgary mayor Naheed Nenshi to say,  “Premier, I want you to understand that votes aren’t worth a few dead kids.” Fact: There is no evidence for increased suicidality in kids with gender dysphoria once one corrects for psychiatric co-morbidities. A just-published Finnish study in BMJ Mental Health , for instance, which studied more than 2,000 gender-dysphoric youth and compared them to 16,000 matched controls, concluded that clinical gender dysphoria is not predictive of suicide. As for puberty blockers themselves, Dr. Wong et al. simply sweep aside legitimate concerns over the use of these drugs in physiologically normal children. Hormonal suppression of puberty may permanently alter neurodevelopment , sexual function , and bone development . Moreover, pubertal suppression may alter the course of gender identity development — essentially cementing into place a gender identity that may otherwise have reconciled with biological sex during the natural course of puberty. Over 95 per cent of youth treated with puberty-blocking GnRH analogs go on to receive cross-sex hormones , whereas up to 95 per cent of those managed with psychological support alone desist from their dysphoric state during puberty. These concerns have led multiple European jurisdictions like the United Kingdom, Norway, Sweden, Finland and France to begin tapping the brakes on youth gender transition. Finnish physician Dr. Riittakerttu Kaltiala, one of the architects of Finland’s youth gender transition program, has done a U-turn in light of growing evidence of the program’s harm. She now says that just as with the recovered memories of sexual abuse craze of 30 years ago, “Gender transition has gotten out of hand. When medical professionals start saying they have one answer that applies everywhere, or that they have a cure for all life’s pains, that should be a warning to all of us that something has gone very wrong.” The U.K.’s Cass review of the now-closed Tavistock gender clinic emphasized the lack of data guiding the procedures performed there: “It is important that it is not assumed that outcomes for, and side effects in, children treated for precocious puberty will necessarily be the same in children or young people with gender dysphoria.” France’s Académie Nationale de Médecine issued a press release in 2022 stating that “great medical caution must be taken in children and adolescents, given the vulnerability, particularly psychological, of this population and the many undesirable effects, and even serious complications, that some of the available therapies can cause.” And just two weeks ago the European Academy of Pediatrics issued a statement urging caution, stating that puberty blockers “may irrevocably lead to the use of trans-sex hormones and surgical transition, so it may arguably compromise rather than facilitate freedom of choice…. The lack of long-term outcome data, including the psychosocial consequences of delayed puberty, is troubling and should be the focus of further research before further expansion of their use.” All of this flies directly in the face of the professed certainty of Dr. Wong and the AMA that the benefits of youth gender transition outweigh the harms. It should raise grave questions as to why the “affirmation” model continues to be the standard of care in Canada. Again, Dr. Wong et al. don’t speak for all of us. It’s worth remembering that the path forward in medicine and science (to borrow a phrase from Hubert Humphrey) has always been hammered out on the anvil of open debate, dissent and discussion. We’d do well to return to that philosophy, not just for the sake of our profession, but most importantly for the sake of our kids."
Clearly, the reason Europe doesn't agree is transphobia, and North America needs to go full steam ahead, because bias can only ever run in one direction because of the moral arc of history. Given that left wingers idolise Europe so much, there will be interesting cope for this (or they pretend Europe doesn't exist, just as with abortion)

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