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Thursday, March 07, 2024

Links - 7th March 2024 (2 - Feminism)

Andrea Junker on X - "The road to the Handmaid’s Tale world is lined with smiling people telling you to stop overreacting."
The slippery slope is only a fallacy when the left is trying to pretend they're not trying to destroy society, even when there's proof of every step

Meme - "Massachusetts Sauce House
*Heinz Tomato Ketchup Bottles / Handmaids from the Handmaid's Tale*"

Meme - "It's official. We are the dumbest civilization ever."
"People are donating money to Kylie Jenner to help her become the world's youngest female billionaire"

Men and women's brains do work differently, scientists discover for first time - "The brains of men and women operate differently, scientists have shown for the first time in a breakthrough that shows sex does matter in how people think and behave.  ‌The issue of whether male and female brains are distinct has proven controversial, with some academics arguing it is society – rather than biology – that shapes divergence.  ‌There has never been any definitive proof of difference in activity in the brains of men and women, but Stanford University has shown that it is possible to tell the sexes apart based on activity in “hotspot” areas.  ‌They include the “default mode network”, an area of the brain thought to be the neurological centre for “self”, and is important in introspection and retrieving personal memories.   ‌The limbic system is also implicated, which helps regulate emotion, memory and deals with sexual stimulation, and striatum, which is important in habit forming and rewards.  ‌Experts said the brain differences could influence how males and females view themselves, how they interact with other people and how they recall past experiences. ‌Dr Vinod Menon, prof of psychiatry and behavioural sciences at Stanford, said: “This is a very strong piece of evidence that sex is a robust determinant of human brain organisation.”‌  “Our findings suggest that differences in brain activity patterns across these key brain regions contribute to sex-specific variations in cognitive functioning.”... ‌It is well known that male and female chromosomes release sex-specific hormones in the brain, particularly in early development, puberty and during ageing.‌  There are also marked differences in how women and men perform in the real world.   Women tend to be better at reading comprehension and writing ability on average, and have good long term memory.   Conversely, men seem to have stronger visual and spatial awareness and better working memory... ‌Experts are hopeful that finding differences between male and female brains could be crucial in tackling neurological or psychiatric conditions that affect women and men differently.  ‌For example, women are twice as likely as men to experience clinical depression while men are more at risk of drug and alcohol dependence and dyslexia. The brain areas discovered in the study are often associated with neurological disease."
Damn neurosexism!

Women are leaving jobs to seek wellbeing, creativity, freedom as a way of life - "According to a recent survey of 500 Australian women for the Deloitte 2023 Women at Work report, 16 per cent left their jobs in 2022 (more than 2020 and 2021 combined) citing a lack of flexibility around working hours as a reason for leaving.  Declining physical health and an ability to switch off from work were also contributing factors, with 30 per cent of Australian women reporting ongoing "burnout", and 54 per cent reporting an increase in stress levels from the previous year. Jodie Tuckwell-Knight came to the realisation that she had had enough of her stressful job as a chief executive of a Melbourne charity during the city's intense COVID lockdown period.  "For me, it was like, you're just on this grind. It's never enough, there's always more, I was exhausted. There was not enough money to do what we needed to do with the work I was doing," she said."
We need to force women to work more to narrow the gender wage gap. Either that or force men to work less. Then when women don't want the men who earn the same or less than them, shove in even more feminism!

Emilia Clarke Compares Women's Inequality To Racism - "Clarke told Rolling Stone that she eventually plans to open a production house “full of nice, funny women” to counteract the inequality she’s witnessed. She envisioned what the environment would be like: ”‘Yeah, I’ve got a pair of tits, and aren’t they lovely? Aren’t they great? You do too! They’re great, you’re in the club!’ ”"
With intersectionality, who wins the Victim Olympics?
Good luck avoiding indirect aggression with an all-female company

Women are significantly less likely to date Bisexual men when compared to men dating Bisexual women. This once again debunks the "Feminazi" propaganda about so called "Toxic Masculinity" supposedly leading to Homophobia. : MensRights
Women’s Biphobic Dating Standards - "Several studies and surveys reveal a significant bias against bisexual men in the dating and relationship context. Heterosexual women consistently rated bisexual men as less sexually and romantically attractive, less desirable for dating and sex, and less masculine compared to straight men, with their insecurity increasing as the commitment level of the relationship with a bisexual man grew. Even when women expressed fluid views on sexuality, a substantial portion wouldn't date a man who had been with another man, possibly reinforcing a binary perspective on men's sexuality. This discrimination extends to real-life experiences, where bisexual men may have to hide their sexuality due to negative reactions, as some women find the idea of them being with another man repulsive. In contrast, the bias against bisexual women is less pronounced, with men showing lower levels of insecurity and more willingness to consider dating a bisexual partner, despite women expressing interest in sexual experiences with other women at a higher rate than men's interest in same-sex experiences. These findings highlight the stigmatization of bisexuality in men and the complex dynamics of bisexuality and dating preferences."
Biphobia - why are women afraid of dating bisexual men? - "In a survey conducted by Glamour, 63% of women, say that they wouldn't date a man who has had sex with another man. This is a rather high percentage of women considering that 37% of the women interviewed said that they have had a sexual experience with another woman and 63% believed that sexuality is fluid."
Time to blame "patriarchy"

Why do feminists claim that most rapists are high testosterone men ? : MensRights - "Because speaking the truth, that most rapists of women were raped by women when they were boys, doesn't advance feminist goals. Reducing rape of boys and give them support when they are raped just reduces future rapes. It doesn't demonize men and make money for feminist programs."
Women Sex Offenders Against Children | The Illustrated Empathy Gap - "If you take just one message from this article it should be this: more than half of male sex offenders against women were sexually abused themselves as children by a woman. I have been aware of this claim for some time. But the studies I had seen which supported this contention, all from the USA or Canada, were quite old – from the 1980s or 1990s – and I was suspicious about the provenance of the data. Were the samples large enough? Of what exactly did the historic childhood sexual abuse consist? How egregious was it? I will review these older references below, but first…  My doubts vanished earlier this year, thanks to Naomi Murphy’s presentation at the 2017 Male Psychology Conference. Naomi Murphy is a psychotherapist working at HM Prison Whitemore, a top security prison housing serious violent and sexual offenders (men, obviously). Naomi reported that 54% of the male sex offenders had been sexually abused themselves as children by women. Moreover, she emphasised to me in private conversation that this was generally women acting alone – not typically in conjunction with a man, as the usual narrative goes. Mothers feature large in this abuse, but other female relatives, neighbours, baby sitters, etc., also feature... We constantly hear calls to “teach boys not to rape” as a means of reducing the rape of females. But society already does this very effectively – which is why rape is universally regarded as a particularly heinous crime. What society does not do so effectively is to acknowledge that women may sexually abuse children – girls or boys. It appears that boys abused by women have a significantly enhanced likelihood of later becoming sex offenders against women.  Consequently, even if one’s sole concern were the protection of women, a strategy which is far more likely to be effective in reducing rape than “teach boys not to rape” would appear to be to acknowledge more widely women’s own sexual offending against boys and its harmful effects.   The current refusal to accept potential female culpability for sex offences against boys may well be significantly increasing sex offences against women... the popular narrative, orchestrated by the media, remains prejudiced. This is reflected in, for example, the public being largely unaware that not all the victims of Rotherham and Oxfordshire were girls – at least 50 and 80 respectively were boys. The Rotherham report noted that none of the boy victims had been flagged by social workers as “risky business” and stressed the importance of “making sure that judgments about child sexual exploitation are consistent and gender neutral, for example by asking if the same level of risk would be acceptable if the child was the opposite gender“."

Sex-Based Sentencing: Sentencing Discrepancies Between Male and Female Sex Offenders - "The current research examines the utility of the evil woman hypothesis by examining sentencing discrepancies between male and female sex offenders. National Corrections Reporting Program data are used to identify sex offenders for the years 1994 to 2004 and the sentences they received for specific sex offenses. Statistical analyses reveal a significant difference in sentence length between men and women, but not in the expected direction. The evil woman hypothesis would assume women are sentenced more harshly, but data show men receive longer sentences for sex offenses than women. Support is provided for the chivalry hypothesis to explain immediate sentencing disparity."
Feminists love (structural) sexism when it benefits women. And they're calling to expand it still further by not sending any women to prison

Differences in Legal Outcomes for Male and Female Children Who Have Been Sexually Abused - "The goal of the present study was to determine whether or not there were sex differences in legal outcomes for children who were sexually abused. Using the methodology of Joa and Edelson (2004), the results indicated that males who were sexually abused had poorer legal outcomes than females. Specifically, it was found that cases involving male victims were less likely to be filed with the District Attorney (DA) than cases involving female victims and had fewer criminal counts charged. For those children seen at a Child Abuse Assessment Center, cases involving female victims were significantly more likely to be filed by the DA’s office than were cases involving male victims. Finally, there were differences in whether guilty defendants pled guilty or were found guilty at trial depending on whether the defendant sexually abused a male or female. The implications of the findings are discussed."

“Coming Clean” on Duty of Care: Australian Print Media’s Representation of Male Versus Female Sex Offenders in Institutional Contexts - "Public opinion about sexual abuse of minors is greatly shaped by mass media and the way individual cases are reported. This paper examines Australian print media’s representation of sex offenders, focussing particularly on the sex of the offenders and aiming to shed light on some of the misconceptions and deep-rooted prejudices within the population at large. Given the multi-faceted nature of sexual offences, this paper focuses on sexual offences committed by both males and females against minors in the context of a companion breach of duty of care. In order to explore the effect that linguistic tools can have in the Australian print media’s way of reporting sexual abuse cases, twenty-nine newspaper articles published in Australian dailies were selected for analysis. The analysis of these articles reveals a marked bias in the manner in which sexual offences perpetrated by males, as opposed to females, are reported, suggesting a male monopoly on sexual abuse. We argue that this biased representation, which hinders adequate profiling of sexual offences against minors, may stem from an androcentric view of sexuality and from the systematic denial of female agency when it comes to sex."

Meme - "Well behaved women rarely make history *Ghislaine Maxwell, Elizabeth Holmes, Anna Sorokin, Jodi Arias*"

"Law & Order" features white woman who won't press charges against black man who violated her because of her privilege. Watch the clip here. - "Check out this "anti-racist" white woman who was raped by a young black guy and refused to press charges because of her privilege... In all my years of covering actual rapes in the news, I've never seen a rapist look so favorable, moral, and just!"
Is this the "rape culture" that feminists keep talking about?

Single Women Own More Homes Than Single Men - "A LendingTree analysis of the latest U.S. Census Bureau data finds that single women who live by themselves are more likely than single men who live by themselves to own a home in 47 of 50 states. Our study also finds that single women own 2.71 million more homes than single men."
Damn patriarchy!

i/o on X - "Diagnosed depression in the US seems to be mostly a middle-aged white female phenomenon. The gap in antidepressant use between middle-aged white women and their non-white counterparts is massive."
Ironically, the feminists like to claim antidepressant use in women before feminism showed how terrible their lives were. Of course, they will claim this shows how bad patriarchy is, because they ignore dose-response relationships

Opinion | While Roe May Be Overturned, Feminists Fight Among Themselves - The New York Times - "The Drift, a buzzy literary journal founded by Kiara Barrow and Rebecca Panovka, left-leaning women in their late 20s, published a series of short essays earlier this year under the rubric, “What to Do About Feminism.” “For a long time now, we’ve had the sense that feminism is in trouble,” Barrow and Panovka wrote in the introduction. They described an ambient feeling that feminism has been sapped of cultural vitality, even as an anti-feminist backlash is gathering momentum, and that young people especially were turning against the movement.  Of the eight essays they commissioned to try to make sense of this moment of “profound malaise” in feminism, four used the word “cringe.” Though the pieces came from different angles, there seemed a general agreement that mainstream feminism had grown stale and somewhat embarrassing, that it failed to speak to the realities of many women’s lives, and that it lacked a vision of a better world... Recently the Southern Poverty Law Center and Tulchin Research commissioned a poll of 1,500 Americans to measure belief in various reactionary sentiments, including the “great replacement” conspiracy theory and the idea that trans people are a threat to children. Because misogyny is so ubiquitous in far-right spaces, Cassie Miller, a senior research analyst at the S.P.L.C., decided to add a question about feminism.  Predictably, most young Republicans agree with the statement, “Feminism has done more harm than good.” What was astonishing was how many young Democrats agreed as well. While only 4 percent of Democratic men over 50 thought feminism was harmful, 46 percent of Democratic men under 50 did. Nearly a quarter of Democratic women under 50 agreed, compared with only 10 percent of those 50 and older... One manifestation of this relatively youthful anti-feminism was the frenzy of hatred for the actress Amber Heard during the successful defamation lawsuit brought against her by her ex-husband, Johnny Depp... Before she worked at Teen Vogue, Mukhopadhyay was the executive editor of the blog Feministing, which was once part of a vital feminist publishing scene. That scene is now mostly gone. Feministing closed a couple of years ago, and one of the last holdouts, Bitch Magazine, a publication devoted to feminist pop-culture criticism, is shuttering this month. Independent feminist publications, said Mukhopadhyay, are difficult to sustain financially, but that’s not the only reason so many have disappeared. “That type of earnest, identity-focused feminism has also grown out of style,” she said... the second-wave feminism of the ’60s and ’70s could be pretty factional as well; there were vicious internal fights over issues like lesbianism and pornography, as well as over white feminists’ blind spots about race. As the activist Ti-Grace Atkinson put it: “Sisterhood is powerful. It kills. Mostly sisters.”... There’s a flip side to the libertine imperative in the bedroom: a self-sabotaging demand for political purity outside of it. Loretta Ross, a pioneering reproductive justice activist and an associate professor at Smith College, is writing a book about “call-out culture,” a dogmatic and merciless approach to small transgressions and disagreements among one’s political allies. “The call-out culture spends much more time critiquing people on the same side than they do critiquing people who are actually opponents,” said Ross. She added, “It’s far easier to critique people who are accessible to you than to critique people who, not only can you not reach them, but you have reason to believe that they will fight back.” The culture Ross describes — which she points out plagues much of the left, not just feminism — is demoralizing for individuals, but it’s also paralyzing for institutions"
Clearly, the problem is that young Democrats haven't been indoctrinated brainwashed "educated" enough about feminism
If you disapprove of a liar and a domestic abuser, that's misogyny

Meme - "How to tell a female character has gotten stronger
*Tradwife with short hair, unpleasant expression and cut-off sleeves*

Lesbian couples are significantly more likely to get divorced than gay men
Clearly, it's men's fault

Lesbians and the Patriarchy - "As lesbians exist outside of the bounds of the heterosexual script and prescribed norms, they are never truly perceived as real by the heteropatriarchal society at large. Not only is this invalidating and delegitimising, it’s also deeply dangerous. Queer author Carmen Maria Machado’s harrowing work of autofiction, In the Dream House, details her experience of partner violence in a relationship with another woman. She speaks to a notion of “archival silence,” capturing the idea that certain histories never enter the mainstream cultural record. As Machado had never encountered narratives of queer domestic abuse before, she lacked context and precedent and was unable to make sense of her experience. An inability to see lesbian relationships as real, including the potential for partner violence, breeds danger by leaving these situations unacknowledged."
When the only tool you have is a hammer...
Basically men are evil, so even when no man is in the picture, it's still men's fault

Clementine Ford, Constance Hall, Lauren Dubois: what’s with the cruelty? | The Australian - "my review of Clementine Ford’s new book, I Don’t: The Case Against Marriage. My review was unflattering. I underscored the hatred Ford has exhibited toward men, the inconsistencies in her feminist scholarship, and her glaringly white, middle-class point-of-view.  “All men must die.”  “Have you killed any men today? If not, why not?”  “Honestly, the coronavirus isn’t killing men fast enough.”...   Ford has described Zionist women, most of whom are Jewish, as “enthusiastic supporters of a murderous regime that has been killing children for over 70 years’. She has also said: “I don’t care that you felt betrayed or let down, and I especially don’t care that you want to have a big crybaby rant ... You’re pathetic, you disgust me, and I pity you for being so basic and gross”. She has referred to Jews as “colonizers” — they have been worshipping in Israel since the time of King David — and she has said of their desire to remain in Israel: “Honestly, you actually can’t get any whiter than that.”  After my piece was shared online, Ford’s fans — mostly young, white Australian women – began to weigh in on my Instagram page. In the main, they ignored the points that I — a Catholic by birth; white, left-wing and unrelated to any Jew — had made about Ford’s inadequacies as a thinker, and focused instead on Ford’s campaign for a “free Palestine.”...   Ford is not the only high-profile white mummy blogger figurehead abusing “Zionist women” while manipulating their predominantly female followers with emotive footage of dead or dying babies... Historically, Dubois’s dehumanising adjectives – bloodthirsty, primeval, and so on – are, of course, resonant. As she stresses in her post, such monsters “don’t belong in a civilised society”.  In a November 13 post, Dubois was photographed wearing a keffiyeh, a Palestinian scarf, protesting with a placard at Parliament House. One side read, “ALBO WONG YOU WILL NEVER WASH THE BLOOD OF PALESTINIAN BABIES OFF YOUR HANDS”; and “BOMBING BABIES IS BAD”... "I’ve found myself so full of gratitude to be in contact with incredible Palestinians and Muslims. Any differences we may have once shared have melted away to reveal that at our core, we mirror each other’s hearts.” Other than, one hopes, the well-established tradition among Hamas militants of violence towards the LGBTQIA community (informal beheadings and so on), early marriage, forced prostitution, sexual harassment, state-sanctioned torture, and inconsequential stuff like that... As of March 2023, Iranian militias and the Syrian regime have murdered more than 20,000 children in the Syrian conflict, and Russian forces have murdered a further 2048 children in the invasion of Ukraine. Hamas terrorists deliberately and methodically murdered babies during the attack on Israel; there is footage of bloodstained cots once occupied by Jewish babies, whose lives were taken from them. They took children hostage.  I would therefore argue that the focus on Jews-as-murderers by these white fortysomething mummy influencers is curious... For the record, Ford’s evangelical righteousness about maternal feeling appears to be a recent development. In a public address made when her only child was a newborn, she made loud gagging noises as the audience uncertainly laughed: “Euch. I have a male baby and it’s just, all the time: Feed me! Pay attention to me! Engage me!” she said, before gagging again. “Euch. So boring.”  In the week since my review of Ford’s book was published, I have received private messages from young Jewish women who were, without exception, disturbed, terrified, and enraged by Ford’s posts. “As a Jewish woman and as a daughter of a child Holocaust survivor the last couple of months have been difficult to say the least. I’m constantly on edge and my wellbeing has certainly suffered. The hatred I have witnessed towards my people in Australia and around the world has been shocking and has impacted me personally,” said one.  “The atrocities in Israel on October 7 were the most deaths of Jewish people in one day since the Holocaust. As Jews make up a fraction of the world’s population, this has had a huge impact to the psyche of the Sydney Jewish community. Also, many people are only one or two degrees away from someone who was a victim of the attacks.”  This woman was present when a group of “Free Palestine” protesters outside the Opera House lit flares and chanted “gas the Jews”, an episode Anthony Albanese called “horrific”... There is a lesson here: challenge Ford’s hatred, and you will be publicly humiliated. Her supporters will harass you. I now have my own personal experience of this: I have been ridiculed for my age (58) and my passion for my fiance... Vindictive bullying is a hallmark of the followers of the cruel new wave of female influencers. Those who find themselves under attack – men, and women she doesn’t like – sometimes try to fight back...   “Some of the content brought to our attention appears to be racial in nature ... For someone who claims to be a feminist, she certainly appears to be causing much distress for many women... Allen and Unwin don’t publish “hate-based” material? Really? In the book I reviewed last week, Ford writes: “Men threatened by feminism ask women like me why we hate them. The more I read of history, the less concerned I am with appearing not to. The capacity men have shown for destroying the very people who gave them life is unparalleled. How dare any modern man compare the long-overdue and still-not-far-enough uprising of women against the rapists, abusers, and misogynists who have terrorised us for millennia as a witch hunt. Fuck them all to hell.”  Why, Mr. Gorman, the entire work is a lie founded on hate speech...   Attempting to distract attention with a spray of sensationalistic claims is, of course, a Ford trademark. A representative from the Australian Men’s Rights Agency told me: “With our existing discrimination laws I would have thought there is an argument to challenge ... Ford’s behaviour, but the difficulty is in finding a solicitor brave enough to take on the feminists.”"

Sexual History and Present Attractiveness: People Want a Mate With a Bit of a Past, But Not Too Much - "The aim of this study was to explore how people's sexual history affects their attractiveness. Using an Internet survey, 188 participants rated their willingness to engage in a relationship with a hypothetical individual with a specified number of past sexual partners, ranging from 0 to 60+. The effect of past partner number was very large. Average willingness ratings initially rose as past partner number rose, but then fell dramatically. For short-term relationships, men were more willing than women to get involved (although the difference was not large). For long-term relationships, in contrast, there was virtually no sex difference. Thus, contrary to the idea that male promiscuity is tolerated but female promiscuity is not, both sexes expressed equal reluctance to get involved with someone with an overly extensive sexual history. Finally, participants with an unrestricted sociosexual orientation (high SO participants) were more tolerant than low SO participants of prospective mates with higher numbers of past sexual partners but were also less tolerant of prospective mates with low numbers of past sexual partners."
Even more proof that the sexual double standard is yet another feminist myth

Wilfred Reilly on X - "It's not so much that you "can't have feminism and chivalry" - I've dated plenty of feminist-y businesswomen who like normal men, sex, and relationships...and expect an opened car door.  It's more that you can't "arrest Daniel Penny and have chivalry." We can banter about whatever - but, if men start facing formal societal consequences for defending women in public, wine dates that lead to sex, differential treatment at the office, etc...those things will stop."

Meme - Tolbythebear: "I'm a transgender man. Ever since I've transitioned, I've found when someone doesn't like something I say, they'll shut me down saying I'm 'mansplaining'. I haven't changed the way I explain things since transitioning, and it's really getting to me."
Mansplaining is when a man says something a woman disagrees with

Pro golfer says amateur who 'mansplained' how to swing to her was 'right in what he said' - "Georgia Ball went viral on TikTok after sharing a clip of her at a driving range on her page @georgiagolfcoach."
It sounds like she didn't use the term - it was viewers. Once again, 'mansplaining' is when a man says something a woman doesn't like

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