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Sunday, March 10, 2024

Links - 10th March 2024 (1 - Palestine/Middle East Peace)

Two seriously hurt in 2nd Jerusalem terror shooting; 13-year-old attacker shot - "The Kan public broadcaster named the attacker as Muhammad Aliwat from Silwan."
The monstrous Zionists are murdering children again!

Nakba Day: What happened in Palestine in 1948? | Israel War on Gaza News | Al Jazeera - "Having secured the support of the British government for the creation of a Jewish state in Palestine, on May 14, 1948, as soon as the British Mandate expired, Zionist forces declared the establishment of the State of Israel, triggering the first Arab-Israeli war."
Amazing. When you rewrite history to support terrorism by suggesting that it was Israel that attacked the Arab states in 1948. Naturally, there is no mention at all to what happened to Jews in other countries

Hamas Member Reveals That Organization's Goal Is Not Just to Free 'Palestine' - "Virtually every political and media analyst in the Western world agrees that Hamas is a national liberation movement, dedicated to freeing Palestine from an alleged Israeli occupation. Most also assume that if the Palestinians are given a state, Hamas’ mission will end, and the organization will fade away. A video that surfaced Saturday, however, suggests that all of that analysis, despite being nearly universally accepted, is false.  The video is of a hijabed woman, identified as “Elham, Member of Hamas, Planner of a Suicide Bombing,” explaining matter-of-factly that “we don’t only fight against occupation. Our goal is to spread Islam to all, everywhere.” This suggests that Hamas would not be satisfied with a Palestinian state, but would continue its war against the diminished Israel that would remain after the creation of a Palestinian state until the remainder were Islamized as well. What’s more, Elham’s statement amounts to a declaration of war against every state that is not governed under Islamic law... many other Hamas spokesmen have said essentially the same thing. Last December, Fathi Hammad, a member of Hamas’ Political Bureau, also spoke of Hamas as having a universal mission beyond the destruction of Israel. He explained that “the [Palestinian] people have been soldiers throughout history. They are now preparing to liberate Jerusalem and the Al-Aqsa Mosque, and I am saying this loud and clear: [The Palestinian people] are preparing to establish the Caliphate, with Jerusalem as its capital city, Inshallah. Jerusalem will not only be the capital city of Palestine as an independent state – it will be the capital city of the Islamic Caliphate.”... Another Hamas official, Mahmoud Al-Zahar, explained in a December 2022 interview that Hamas’ universal mission would eventually bring it into war with Christianity... in Gaza in October 2023, a Muslim sheikh, Mohammed Saleem Ali, declared during a sermon at the Al-Aqsa Mosque on the Temple Mount that he did not want any “allyship” from “Queers For Palestine,” thank you very much: “Our Muslim Palestinian people will not accept a single homosexual openly declaring his abomination. Will you allow a single homosexual in the land of Jerusalem and Palestine? Will you allow that? No. Our people will not allow there to be institutions that promote this abomination on the blessed and pure land of Palestine. They will not allow any omission or change to the laws of the shari’a, nor will they accept curricula that go against the laws of Islam.”"

Meme - "And the next resolution is against... Israel! *Lottery Resolution huge glass ball with all the small balls inside saying "Israel"*"

Meme - Jonathan Elkhoury @Jonathan_Elk: "A Palestinian Gay man was just granted asylum in Israel, by the Israeli Supreme Court, because of persecution based on his sexuality in the West Bank. Why would a Palestinian gay man request asylum in the country that is allegedly committing genocide against his own people?"
KayAre @kulsoomrandom: "When I asked Hen Mazzig about this - is Israel now accepting refugees? He blocked me"
Jonathan Elkhoury @Jonathan_Elk: "Israel has been a shelter for LGBTQ+ people from the West Bank and Gaza for more than a decade now. Israeli organizations helped hundreds and thousands of Palestinians to flee from their families and persecution by Palestinian authorities."
Simon Zonenblick @SimonZonenblick: "I've tried having this debate with anti-Israel activists over the years, often citing my own friend's experience as a gay man staying in the West Bank. Invariably they tell me I am lying & that it is perfectly safe to be gay there, or dismiss it as an irrelevant side issue."

Associated Press Ignores Barbaric Reality of Palestinian Child Terrorists - "the AP’s Middle East correspondent Isabel DeBre used the funeral of Sadeel Naghniyeh, who was “killed by suspected Israeli fire” while reportedly standing in the driveway of her family’s home — as a hook to highlight the supposedly “rising number of children killed in the heightened violence and the extraordinary risks they face.”   DeBre quotes several people in the first half of the piece, including Naghniyeh’s father, asserting that his daughter dreamed of being a nurse. The article also featured a comment from convicted Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP) member Shawan Jabarin, director of the terror-linked NGO Al-Haq, who appeared to suggest that Israeli forces are indiscriminately killing Palestinian civilians...   First, the piece presents the risks posed to civilians by armed terrorist groups who hide in densely-populated urban areas as merely an allegation made by the Israeli army — as opposed to an incontrovertible fact. The use of civilians as human shields by Palestinian terrorists is a a well-documented occurrence that has been acknowledged and condemned by even the staunchest critics of the Jewish state.  Second, the article totally overlooks the use of children by Palestinian terrorist groups — either as lookouts or actual combatants.  Despite revealing some telling details about Naghniyeh, including that she was sending photographs of Israeli military positions on the encrypted messaging app Telegram (used by terror networks to communicate) when she died — and that her Facebook profile picture consisted of “an unidentified girl wearing an abaya and holding up a rifle” — little consideration is given to the possibility that she was affiliated with a terrorist organization.  Instead, the grim reality that bloodthirsty terrorists are grooming young Palestinian girls and boys to do their dangerous bidding is merely alluded to.  The obvious pro-terrorist sympathies of Naghniyeh’s family are also tacitly excused, with DeBre referencing Naghniyeh’s uncle’s absurd claim that his niece’s “praise for militants” was an “inevitable outcome of life in Jenin refugee camp.”   What a shame that DeBre did not probe this assertion more. If she had, she would have pointed out that there is nothing inevitable or natural about terrorist-run training camps for kids, in which young children are taught how to maim and murder Israelis.  Meanwhile, the United Nations has declined to blacklist Palestinian terrorist groups, including Hamas, for their use of children as human shields, while claiming to have “verified the recruitment and use of 4 Palestinian children (3 boys, 1 girl) by Israeli forces as human shields” — a libel that is contradicted by evidence that the IDF has previously called off strikes because of a risk to Palestinian children.   In 2014, as the Gaza conflict raged, an Israeli group submitted a written statement to the United Nations about the exploitation of Palestinian children as weapons of war.  “Palestinian children, too, are exploited as weapons of war: Pictures abound of Palestinian babies dressed as suicide bombers and brandishing arms. Children’s TV programs, many sponsored by the Palestinian Authority itself, preach jihad, advocate genocide against Jews and infidels, and glorify martyrdom… The most shocking aspect of this deliberate disregard for children’s lives and dignity, however, is the blind eye turned to it by the UN, the EU, and so-called human rights organizations,” read the statement."

Brianna Wu on X - "When progressives accuse Israel, which a 20 percent Muslim population with representation on their Supreme Court of being an “Apartheid ethnostate” and you don’t notice Iran, Saudi Arabia, Syria, Iraq and Yemen are WAY WORSE?   It feels like a CRAZY double standard.   Saudi Arabia doesn’t even recognize Judaism as a religion, and Syria actually SPONSORS state persecution of Jews.   I believe all of these double standards are baked into the way the United Nations and ICJ rules on international law."

Meme - "This is how ethnic cleansing really looks like
Jewish Population: 75,000
Present: <40
Jewish Population: 150,000
Present: <7
Jewish Population 1948: 140,000
Present: <50
Jewish Population 1948: 55,000
Present: <50
Jewish Population 1948: 20,000
Present: <100
Jewish Population 1948: 40,000
Present: 0
Jewish Population 1948: 38,000
Present: 0
Jewish Population 1948: 265,000
Present: <2,000
Jewish Population 1948: 105,000
Present: <1,500"

Dollars and Diplomacy: Foreign Aid and the Palestinian Question - "During the Oslo years, donors learned some harsh lessons. The Oslo process marked the first great experiment in the Israeli-Palestinian context with large-scale aid, making Palestinians the largest per capita recipients of international development assistance in the world."
Does Foreign Aid Fuel Palestinian Violence? :: Middle East Quarterly - "This revenue windfall came despite the 2005 warning by George Abed, head of the Palestinian Monetary Authority, that "if you poured in a lot of financing at this time, it would not have a big impact. It would not be very effective … It would be wasted." International organizations and diplomats acknowledge Palestinian misuse and diversion of aid money, but they remain reluctant to study the deeper implications of how such aid affects Palestinian political culture.  An examination of key measures of violence reveals a troublesome correlation between the number of homicides committed by Palestinians and the level of funding provided to the Palestinian Authority...   Not only did the security forces fail to prevent terrorist attacks, in many cases they colluded with terrorist groups and sometimes perpetrated attacks themselves. For example, on January 30, 2004, a Palestinian policeman belonging to the Al-Aqsa Martyrs' Brigades boarded a crowded bus in Jerusalem and detonated a bomb strapped to his body, killing ten Israelis... In A Police Force without a State, Brynjar Lia, a Norwegian Defense Research Establishment analyst, suggests that the Palestinian leadership gave preference in police recruitment to those who had served prison terms in Israeli jails for terror-related offenses... As early as 2003, the World Bank recognized there was a problem with how aid was used, noting in its annual report on the West Bank and Gaza that "donors should have spent more on oversight mechanisms in 2001 and early 2002, thereby, putting themselves in a better position to answer questions about the diversion of funds to support terrorism."... On June 5, 2002, the IDF published a document calculating that the Palestinian Authority only needed 55 to 65 percent of its budget to fund legitimate government activities and estimated that the Palestinian Authority siphoned off $100 million a year to fund terrorism"
Arafat's Billions - "Yasser Arafat diverted nearly $1 billion in public funds to insure his political survival, but a lot more is unaccounted for... So far, Prince's team has determined that part of the Palestinian leader's wealth was in a secret portfolio worth close to $1 billion -- with investments in companies like a Coca-Cola bottling plant in Ramallah, a Tunisian cell phone company and venture capital funds in the U.S. and the Cayman Islands.  Although the money for the portfolio came from public funds like Palestinian taxes, virtually none of it was used for the Palestinian people; it was all controlled by Arafat. And, Prince says, none of these dealings were made public."
Hen Mazzig on X - "Meet Zahua Arafat, daughter of Yasser Arafat, the first Palestinian leader in history. She lives in Europe and is worth over $6 Billion. Palestinian official said to Saudi paper Al Arabiya: “We all know that this is the Palestinian people’s money, it doesn’t belong to them.”"
Clearly, the problem is that they aren't getting enough aid. Not that the Palestinians are using it for terrorism or stealing it

Terror in Israel: One murdered, eight wounded in highway shooting - "One Israeli was killed and eight more were wounded, including three severely, after Palestinian terrorists fired at motorists Thursday morning on Highway 1 near Ma’aleh Adumim.  Three terrorists were killed at the scene by armed civilians, police said. They were identified as Muhammed Zuwarah, 26; his brother Hathem Zuwarah, 31; and Ahmad al-Hush, 31. All three were residents of Bethlehem.  The terrorists took advantage of a traffic jam at the A-Za’ayem checkpoint that separates the West Bank from Jerusalem. Vehicles coming from the direction of Ma’aleh Adumim and other points in the West Bank, including the Jordan Valley, were stuck in a protracted traffic jam as they waited to be given clearance to continue to Jerusalem and Tel Aviv.  The terrorists arrived at the scene in two separate vehicles, fully armed with an M-16 rifle, a Carlo submachine gun, grenades, and cartridges. They exited their vehicles and began to shoot at people sitting inside their cars... Ma’aleh Adumim Deputy Mayor Guy Yifrah said: “Driving with Palestinians on Highway 1 is a ticking time bomb. The Israeli government must stop [having] Ma’aleh Adumim residents [share the roads] with Palestinian vehicles.”  “I demand the construction of a new road immediately,” he said. “Until this road is paved, two additional checkpoints should be set up. Palestinians must not be allowed to enter Jerusalem without inspection.”"
Damn Zionist apartheid! Israel needs to lift all restrictions on freedom of movement within the West Bank and let Palestinians into Israel so they can kill Jews in the name of "resistance"!

Meme - Imtiaz Mahmood @ImtiazMadmood: "Friendly reminder to every marxist, islamist or nazi:  Arab violence against Jews did not start in 2023.  It did not start in 2005. It didn't start in 2000. It didn't start in 1987. It didn't start in 1967. It didn't start in 1948.  The violence of the Arabs against the Jews is well documented from the 19th century onwards. This violence was the very background to the two-state solution in the Peel Commission in 1937.  No Israel. No occupation. No IDF to blame. Still pogroms and massacre of Jews.  Having started and lost every war against the Jews does not make them victims. Everything Israel does has been a reaction to Arab violence.  They could have had peace a hundred times if they wanted.  ~ @nils_svendsen"
"IT's OBVIOUS THEY JUST WANT to LIVE in PEACE." - College student with antifa and BLM buttons

Richard Hanania on X - "In 1971, Palestinians assassinated a Jordanian prime minister in Cairo, and one of the assassins then got on the ground and started drinking his blood. Palestinians have always been a great people welcomed wherever they go."

Why Won't Arab States Support Palestinians? - "I was in Beirut at the time of the Israeli invasion [of Lebanon in 1982] and the massacre at the Shatila Palestinian refugee camp carried out by Lebanese forces. But it was just one of many massacres. Tall al-Za‘tar, the big Palestinian refugee camp in East Beirut, was besieged by Lebanese forces and reduced to rubble in the early days of the Lebanese civil war in 1975. And just three years after the Shatila massacre, in 1985, something started called the “War of the Camps.” That was Lebanese Shia, backed by Syria and Iran, laying siege to the Shatila and Bourj el-Barajneh camps for almost three years with untold numbers of dead and wounded among the Palestinians. And the irony there of course is when you fast forward to today and the supposed Iranian support for Hamas and the Palestinian cause generally — well, not so much. It is a marriage of convenience. All part of Iran’s larger strategy of exporting force beyond its borders with allies and proxies. We in the West do not remember the War of the Camps, but I assure you that the Iranians and Palestinians do. They understand there is no love in Tehran on the part of Ayatollahs for the Palestinians or their cause... The 1967 war brought two dramatic changes: It ended dreams of the conquest of Israel by force of arms, and it gave rise to the PLO as a somewhat independent force. These combined to shift the fight for Palestinian control of territory to the Arab lands themselves — Lebanon in 1969 and Jordan in 1970.  That is what led to Black September, the 1970 PLO effort to overthrow the Jordanian monarchy. That failed not just because of the prowess of the Jordanian military but also because the Syrians withheld the air support for the Palestinians they had promised, and that allowed the Jordanians to win the day. That Syrian air force was under command of a general named Hafez al-Assad [later ruler of Syria], whose hatred and fear of all things Palestinian was intense.  That was one of the many ironies of the Israeli invasion in 1982, in that Israel did serious work for Syria in dismantling the PLO structures in Lebanon and forcing the PLO to evacuate from Beirut... One does tend to look back at the good old days with rose-colored glasses: Gee, if only we could resurrect secular Palestinian nationalism. But even that was seen as an existential threat to both Jordan and Syria. For both countries, the PLO was a threat that they dealt with in different ways, but for both it was their top national security concern. Everything else was secondary. I don’t think we grasped that in the case of Syria.  The so-called Arab street [a term for public opinion in the Arab world] was behind the Palestinian cause, but it never really affected policy on part of any of the Arab governments. As you go around the region almost all [the Arab governments] were united on one point, which was that the Palestinians were a threat, a foreign population that should be weakened if not exterminated.  In Syria, you had the orchestration of a campaign against the PLO, and in Jordan, and the same in Egypt. It is noteworthy there is no Palestinian population in Egypt. Going back to the days of [former Egyptian leader] Gamal Abdel Nasser, the Egyptians saw the threat. Again, the Palestinians contributed to their isolation through some spectacular acts like the assassination of a Jordanian prime minister in front of the Sheraton hotel in broad daylight in Cairo by two Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine [PLPF] gunmen, one of whom stooped down to drink the assassinated prime minister’s blood. That is why Egypt just exploded when [U.S. Secretary of State] Tony Blinken proposed they give temporary sanctuary to Gazans... the Palestinians have been hamstrung by their so-called Arab brothers. That was a line I picked up in Lebanon — when someone calls you “brother,” you know you’ve got to watch your back."
Damn Zionists!

Visegrád 24 on X - "This Saudi Arabian peace activist arrived in Jerusalem a few year ago and headed over to the Al-Aqsa Mosque to pray. All he did was to advocate for peace between Israelis and Palestinians and this is how he was treated in front of the mosque"
Palestinians drive Saudi man out of Al-Aqsa Mosque compound - "A Saudi man visiting the Al-Aqsa Mosque compound in occupied East Jerusalem as part of an Israeli-sponsored trip has been driven out of the site by Palestinians.  Arab normalisation with Israel is largely regarded as taboo, as it involves the recognition of the Israeli state and occupation at the expense of Palestinians. Wearing his traditional Gulf Arab clothing, Mohammed Saud was recorded on Monday being chased out of the Old City of Jerusalem as Palestinians threw plastic chairs and hurled insults at him, accusing him of being a traitor and a Zionist.  Social media users circulated the videos using the Arabic hashtag “Saudi kicked out of Jerusalem“. Saud, whose Twitter page says he is a law student, was in the city as part of a six-member Arab delegation of journalists officially hosted by the Israeli foreign ministry in the first visit of its kind.  The foreign ministry’s Twitter page in Arabic said that the delegation, which in addition to Saud included journalists from the United Arab Emirates, Iraq, Egypt, and Jordan, “will visit the Holocaust Museum, the Knesset and holy sites in Jerusalem“.  “The delegation will hold meetings with Knesset members and diplomats as well as embark on a tour of the country,” the ministry added.  Egypt and Jordan are the only Arab states to have diplomatic relations with Israel.  In a statement on Monday, the Palestinian Journalists Syndicate strongly condemned the visit, underlining that “the Arab journalists’ federation rejects all types and kinds of normalisation with the Zionist enemy”. The Iraqi press syndicate also denounced the visit, saying it would take measures against any members visiting Israel. The foreign ministry said that in an interview with Israeli army radio Galatz, Saud stated that the “Israeli people are similar to mine, they are like my family”.  “I love Israel,” Saud was quoted as saying, “and it was always my dream to visit Jerusalem”... Emmanuel Nahshon, the Israeli foreign ministry spokesman, said on Twitter on Sunday that the presence of the Arab delegation is a sign of building “bridges for peace”.  The visit follows a warming of ties from several Gulf Arab states towards Israel.  Last week, the foreign ministers of both Israel and Bahrain held a public meeting in the US, marking the first such event to openly take place between a Gulf country and Israel."
From 2019
Clearly, the Zionists don't want peace

Imtiaz Mahmood on X - "Flashback: A Mullah on Egyptian TV explains that the main cause of their conflict and wars against Israel is Islam, not a land dispute:  If the Jews left Palestine to us, would we start loving them?    Of course not. We will never love them. Absolutely not. The Jews are infidels – not because I say so, but because Allah said so.   The Jews are the enemies of Muslims regardless of Palestine. This is it. We must believe that our fighting with the Jews is eternal. You must believe that we will fight, defeat, and annihilate them until not a single Jew remains on the face of the Earth."
Even if Israel is destroyed, the terrorism supporters will just justify their terrorism against Jews until the end of time based on what it did

Palestinian Settler-Colonialism - "The concept of “settler colonialism” has been applied with almost unique vehemence against Israel. But the fact that Jews are the indigenous population of the Southern Levant can be proved with ease. In contrast, historical and genealogical evidence shows Palestinians descend primarily from three primary groups: Muslim invaders, Arab immigrants, and local converts to Islam... The settler-colonial idea deserves attention for three reasons: its comparatively recent adoption by Palestinians and their advocates; its broader currency in the academy; and its obvious and ironic falsity.  The idea of Jews as “settler-colonialists” is easily disproved. A wealth of evidence demonstrates that Jews are the indigenous population of the Southern Levant; historical and now genetic documentation places Jews there over 2,000 years ago, and there is indisputable evidence of continual residence of Jews in the region. Data showing the cultural and genetic continuity of local and global Jewish communities is equally ample. The evidence was so copious and so incontrovertible, even to historians of antiquity and writers of religious texts, some of whom were Judeophobes, that disconnecting Jews from the Southern Levant was simply not conceived of. Jews are the indigenous population. As for imperial support, the Zionist movement began during the Ottoman Empire, which was at best diffident towards Jews and uncomfortable with the idea of Jewish sovereignty. For its part, the British Empire initially offered support in the form of the Balfour Declaration, but during its Mandatory rule (1920-48) support for Zionism vacillated. The construction of infrastructure aided the Yishuv immensely, but political support for Jewish immigration and development, as stipulated by the League of Nations mandate, waxed and waned until, as is well known, it was withdrawn on the eve of World War II. This is hardly “settler-colonialism.”  Ironically, the same cannot be said for the Palestinian Arabs. A recent analysis by Pinhas Inbari reviewed the history of Palestine (derived from the Roman term Palaestina, applied in 135 CE as a punishment to a Jewish revolt). Most notably, he examines the origin traditions of Palestinian tribes, which continue even today to see themselves as immigrants from other countries... Even notable examples like Palestinian negotiator Saeb Erekat, who ludicrously claimed that “I am the proud son of the Canaanites who were there 5,500 years before Joshua bin Nun burned down the town of Jericho,” traces his real family lineage to the Huwaitat tribe, which migrated from Arabia to Jordan. The rare admission by Hamas minister Fathi Ḥammad that “half the Palestinians are Egyptians and the other half are Saudis” is more honest.  Echoing Inbari, it is not to be argued here that “there are no Palestinians” who thus do not deserve political rights, including self-rule and a state. To do so would be both logically and morally wrong. Palestinians have the right to define themselves as they see fit, and they must be negotiated with in good faith by Israelis. What Palestinians cannot claim, however, is that they are Palestine’s indigenous population and the Jews are settler-colonialists.   Palestinian genealogies that show their own tribes originating outside the Southern Levant are prima facie evidence of Arab settler-colonialism. And while narratives of the Arab conquests of Byzantine Palestine and North Africa cannot be taken at face value, they are pure ideological expressions of settler-colonialism. In 634-37 CE, Muslim armies commanded by the Caliph Umar conquered the entirety of the Levant before invading Armenia and Anatolia in 638 and Cyprus in 639.  The subsequent Islamization and Arabization of the Levant was a long and complex imperial process that entailed reorganizing the region into administrative provinces, instituting new social categories for the purposes of taxation and control, implanting settlers and reapportioning lands as estates, and encouraging conversion to Islam. Over the centuries, other settlers migrated and were intentionally implanted, including, in the 19th century alone, Egyptians fleeing from and imported by Muhammad Ali from the late 1820s to the 1840s, as well as Chechens, Circassians, and Turkmen relocated by the Ottoman Empire in the 1860s after its wars with Russia. Tribes of Bedouins, Algerians, Yemenis, and many others also immigrated during that century.  As for modern immigration, Inbari could well have pointed to the well-documented increases in Palestinian census numbers from 1922 to 1931, produced by illegal immigration spurred by the development of the region’s infrastructure and economy. One estimate sees some 37% of the increase in Palestinian population between 1922 and 1931, over 60,000 persons, having been the result of illegal immigration. Another study found that from 1932 to 1946, another 60,000 illegal male immigrants entered the country, with uncounted females imported as brides. These were in addition to the great influx of Arab workers from 1940 to 1945 in connection with the war effort...  Claims to find a separate Palestinian ethnic identity as far back as the 17th century are unpersuasive. Instead, the idea developed as an elite concept in the years immediately before and especially after World War I, vying with far deeper and more resilient tribal and religious identities. The nationalization of the masses occurred gradually over the next few decades, propelled in part by tragedies largely foisted on them by their leaders, notably the “Arab Revolt” of 1936-39, the rejection of partition in 1947, the Israeli War of Independence of 1948-49, and the subsequent, rather local, dispersal of refugees into the 1950s. Palestinian nationalism and identity are largely reactive and secondary, pointing to the fact that settler-colonial identity was primarily tribal and religious, the latter imperial by definition. During the 19th and 20th centuries, a mythology of the “timeless” Palestinians took root. During the earlier period, this was a European Orientalist trope: the Palestinians as living “fossils” who reflected the lifeways of the Bible. It was later adopted for strategic reasons by the Palestinians themselves as a political and cultural retort to the Zionist return to the land. That usage was perhaps understandable, if ironic; but it reaches a reductio ad absurdum in Erekat’s claim to have had Upper Paleolithic ancestors. It is, then, the Palestinians who are the settler-colonialists, not the Jews or even the Zionists. Does this realization change anything? Does removing a term from the rejectionist toolbox bring the cause of negotiation and peace any closer? This seems unlikely. But in the longer term, facing certain truths will be necessary for Palestinians and Israelis alike. One is that rejection of Israel, at its core, is not a function of Palestinian nationalism and local identity but Islamic religious opposition to Jewish autonomy and sovereignty. Another is that tendentious categories like “settler-colonialism,” which ironically undermine Palestinian claims to indigenous status, should be dispensed with in favor of honest appraisals of history."

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