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Monday, March 04, 2024

Links - 4th March 2024 (1 - Trans Mania)

Transgender Swimmer Lia Thomas’ Body Is Not The Problem - "We don’t really have much research-based evidence to say definitively that trans women have a disproportionate advantage in sports. Right now, we’re mostly working out of our deeply-held and rather largely unexamined assumptions about biology and gender.   The problem for Thomas and other trans women athletes is not trans bodies but rather the way we gender-segregate sports...   As someone who went through male puberty, Thomas has developed height and muscular advantage in her sport. All elite athletes, however, have physical advantages that they develop to their fullest to compete at the highest levels. Try though I might, at 5’ 4” I could never play power forward in the WNBA. I don’t have the musculature to high jump or run fast. In fact, the vast majority of us don’t have the physical attributes that would allow us to be elite athletes no matter how much we practiced or how hard we tried. The question, though, is why ideas about biological sex are the dividing line for sports. The truth is we can’t even define biological sex all that well. Just ask Caster Semenya, the intersex South African runner who was banned from her race because the IAAF deemed her testosterone levels too high.   We don’t gender-segregate because women can’t compete with men. Rather, we create sports that play to men’s typical strengths (football, for example) and value them over sports in which women are more likely to excel (balance beam). We then use this as proof that men are better at sports, and so men and women couldn’t possibly compete together.   In other words, we use sports to maintain the illusion that men and women are more different than they are alike. This reinforces a whole world outside of sport that values men over women and questions women’s abilities to lead and succeed.   We do a lot of things to maintain the illusion of difference. Think about it for a minute. If women cut their hair the same way as men, wore “men’s” clothes, and didn’t shave their legs and underarms, wear makeup, or pluck their eyebrows, they wouldn’t look nearly as different from men as they do.  We have to tell ourselves that gender makes us fundamentally so very different that we can justify entire social structures that give men dominance over women. Otherwise, why would we have gender-segregated bowling?   I’m not saying there are no biological differences generally speaking between men and women. I’m saying that societies elevate these differences, build institutions like sports on them, and then use them to justify men’s dominance over women. So the gender-segregation of sports is not only about bodies; it’s also about the money, and, as we know, money is power. The current gender-segregation of sports ensures men athletes, on the whole, earn more money than women...   What if we imagined sports in other ways? What if instead of focusing on gender as the dividing line we used other physical traits? Wrestling already does this. People who weigh 120 pounds don’t wrestle against people who weigh 200 pounds. What if we imagined dividing competition along lines of body size?   What if we rethought team sports so women and men play together? We already have mixed doubles in tennis and pickleball.  What if we created new sports that started with all kinds of bodies playing together, drawing on various kinds of strengths diverse athletic bodies could bring to some new game?"
Amazing, given that there are multiple studies showing that transwomen have an advantage. To say nothing of what we know about men vs women. But typical, at the same time
Looks like the solution is to have men and women all compete together. But when men win almost all the awards (since transwomen will still be behind men), this will be proof of sexism and the left will get to destroy sports even more
Apparently if women compete with men in sports, they will earn more money

Comparison of biomechanical characteristics between male and female elite fast bowlers - "This study investigated ball release speed and performance kinematics between elite male and female cricket fast bowlers. Fifty-five kinematic parameters were collected for 20 male and 20 female elite fast bowlers. Group means were analysed statistically using an independent samples approach to identify differences. Significant differences were found between: ball release speed; run-up speed; the kinematics at back foot contact (BFC), front foot contact (FFC), and ball release (BR); and the timings between these key instants. These results indicate that the female bowlers generated less whole body linear momentum during the run-up than the males. The male bowlers also utilised a technique between BFC and FFC which more efficiently maintained linear momentum compared to the females. As a consequence of this difference in linear momentum at FFC, the females typically adopted a technique more akin to throwing where ball release speed was contributed to by both the whole body angular momentum and the large rotator muscles used to rotate the pelvis and torso segments about the longitudinal axis. This knowledge is likely to be useful in the coaching of female fast bowlers although future studies are required to understand the effects of anthropometric and strength constraints on fast bowling performance."
Damn misogyny, sexism and performance of gender!

Meme - Blaire White @MsBlaireWhite: ""Stop spreading misinformation!" screamed the people who tell you with a straight face there are 97.5 genders."

Meme - Child: "I'm not confused I about my gender in any way"
Public school teacher (Yoda with blue hair, horn rimmed glasses, grey lipstick and piercings): "you will be, you will be"

*dog shits*
*someone scoops up the dog poop*
*dog dung put on ice cream cone*
Have some ice cream! *flies on 'ice cream' cone*

Transgenderism and its Context in Society | It's About Empathy – Connection Ties Us Together - "there really are a number of categories for people dealing with gender dysphoria. They are:
    Middle aged men seeking transition for mental peace in their middle/old age.
    Adult males suffering from autogynephilia — the process of finding yourself sexually exciting through transition to the opposite gender.    
Butch lesbians wanting to assert themselves as actual males in their relationships with their partners.    
Teenage girls seeking transition likely because of a past of sexual abuse.    
Teenage boys seeking transition because of inherent homosexual tendencies, in the context of the social media stream elevating the status of transitioning.    
Parents with some version of Munchausen Syndrome by Proxy, looking to use their children as virtue-seeking social props in the public eye.    
Adolescent and post-adolescent males seeking perversion/narcissistic supply in women’s private spaces through manipulation of current social norms.    
Deliberate psychopaths seeking out paths for destructive abuse and pedophilia of young people...
Note that while all of these categories may be bound together on the top level of ostensible gender dysphoria, once you get off the projection image of moving from one gender to another, the causal reasons are dramatically different.   And therein lies the rub. It’s far more useful to understand this list in terms of individuals who are seeking some version of peace of mind for themselves (1, 3, 4, and 5, probably) and those who are looking for a manipulative advantage in their immediate social networks for impulsive self-gratification (2,6,7, and 8.)And when you add three more categories to the mix —
The medico-pharmacological complex that will profit off all of this, because any gender transition will involve lifetime medicalization.
Unwitting virtue seekers looking for life meaning through a projection of the continuation of the civil rights movement.
Pathological virtue seekers/politicians looking to exploit the issue of the day.
You have a pretty compact representation of the public space of this issue, that is serving as both a pathway for creating more damaged people, as well as distracting whole societies from solving more pressing problems that affect far more people than those immediately suffering through gender dysphoria, or looking to gain social/financial advantage from it.   One of the most interesting aspects of this that I noticed early on in the social media sphere is that if numbers mattered, there would be far more focus on young women and girls in the transition space than there is. I’ve read varying statistics that the number of female->male transitions vs. male->female transitions run as high as 10:1. I’m relatively convinced that the thing driving that adolescent/post-adolescent transition F->M is sexual abuse and trauma... Sequestering women and children, for example, might appear in the contemporary societal context to be extreme and abusive. But if your next door evolutionary neighbor one click down in the Tribal v-Meme is allowing those women and children to be raped, you might not think it’s such a bad idea. And then emergence of these patterns will take over, regardless. Taboos are formed, social organizations, institutions and religions start popping up that enforce these things, and societies march onward and upward empathetically, hopefully out of the need for that transitional behavior... The focus of the current media stream is NOT where the majority of the problem is. The focus is mostly on disruptive young men, either directly exhibiting violent behavior in the context of their transitioning, or being used as psychopathic mental models in the name of “civil rights” for power and control in current societal debates. They are young and energetic, and will say everything from “I’ll kill myself if I’m not allowed to transition!” (a classic Borderline Personality Disorder trope) or “I’ll kill you if you don’t let me!” Straight out of the Narcissistic/Anti-Social Personality disorder description.   These types of personality types, especially when coupled with modern social media, and hooked to historic themes of civil rights progressions, are especially potent. And not just for the young men seeking some type of advantage to fuel their narcissism, ranging from winning sports competitions by competing in women’s leagues, to a delusional belief in increased sexual access by becoming a woman... This maps back very well to this piece I wrote about ossified mental models co-opted by psychopaths for reasons of power and control. When a society cannot successfully update its social change revisions, then it makes itself extremely vulnerable to installation of rigid hierarchies, primarily controlled by psychopaths. Rigid, complicated hierarchies are characterized by lots of titles and externally defined relationships, where agency is suppressed or eliminated in terms of social control... while I’ve constantly voiced the opinion that we should show compassion for folks suffering from gender dysphoria, in no way shape or form should they be the ones running the show. Because the ones who really are just seeking relief from whatever hormonally induced distress are not the problem. But their suffering is easily co-opted. And it turns to have brain-scrambling implications, which play right into the hands of our Reptilian Overlords’ handbook."

Even liberals balk at where gender wars are headed - "The trans-teen social contagion, and its conflict with parents’ rights, is now so well-established even the prestige progressive press has been forced to notice. The New York Times caused a stir last week by asking families, educators and teens: Should parents be informed when a teen identifies as transgender and doesn’t want mom and dad to know?  Yes. Obviously. What’s striking about the article is just how many once-progressive parents struggle with this question — but are also starting to wonder if things have gone too far. Liberals who cheered for gay rights and tell their kids “Be your true self” suddenly have a teen who insists being his or her “true self” means irreversible surgeries and infertility. And they want this at an age when it’s not even legal to get a tattoo.   “Like Saturn, the revolution devours its children.” These words were written in 1793, by a Frenchman appalled at the madness the French Revolution unleashed. He was right: Revolutions have a momentum of their own. And America’s sexual revolution follows the same pattern. What began with war on the rules governing sex has become war on every natural bond and limit — even those of our biology.  And this revolution is devouring American children. Parents who cheered on earlier stages of the revolution now stand helplessly by as state-empowered ideologues do an end run around their loving authority and butcher their troubled teens under their noses... Having “liberated” sex from babies and “liberated” marriage from procreation, the revolution isn’t stopping now. Far from it: Activists want to “liberate” identity from biology — and kids from their parents. And they have friends in the White House: President Biden’s Assistant Health Secretary Rachel (formerly Richard) Levine, who is transgender, is hell-bent on “protecting trans kids,” which is to say undermining parents’ authority to stop their own children from making irreversible surgical decisions based on “gender identity.”   Levine is only the tip of the iceberg. A growing body of state law favors kids’ “freedom” over parents’ authority. In Washington, for example, laws governing doctor/patient confidentiality and school-based health centers combine to mean a Washington-based 13-year-old girl can get testosterone injections at school, without any need for her parents to consent — or even know it’s happening. In Oregon, too, minors can access transgender interventions at taxpayers’ expense — and without their parents’ consent. The revolutionaries will tell you this simply reflects progress in our understanding of children’s rights. But take note: Naïve youngsters struggling for independence are a target for predators. And the most vulnerable youths are those who lack attentive, authoritative loving parental oversight. This has no doubt always been true. But the gender-activist push to undermine parental authority is pouring fuel on the fire. Take the chilling recent story of “Sage,” a 14-year-old from Virginia who was trafficked for horrific abuse not once but twice after the teen’s school hid her “gender identity” from her parents. Sage’s “liberation” from loving parental authority, driven by an activist lawyer who bullied her to lie to judges, turned out to be into the sadistic hands of rapists and sex traffickers.  And make no mistake: There will be many more Sages.  Recent laws enacted by California’s LGBTQ+ fanatic state Sen. Scott Wiener have turned the Golden State into a legislative sinkhole, where parental authority evaporates the moment you say “gender” — even if you live out of state.  Once in California, a young person need only get themselves declared abandoned in a family court and have the state assume custody, and hey, presto: no more “No” from Mom and Dad. And as investigative writer Abigail Shrier shows, this will create a “predators’ paradise.” It’s not the case that every activist working to “emancipate” teens from parental authority in the name of gender is a closet sex trafficker or child molester. But they’re still carrying water for them.  Disillusioned ex-liberals: It’s time to pick a side. If we accept that a 13-year-old can “consent” to a double mastectomy or hormones that will sterilize her for life, what else can she “consent” to? You may still have some fondness for the movement flying under the banner of “LGBTQ+ rights.” But look at where it’s going. It’s waging war on parents’ loving authority over their kids, replacing the natural bonds of family with a wasteland of for-profit body mutilation and creating a perverts’ playground.  Whether it’s “No” to their kids or “No” to government meddling, it’s time to defend the right of Mom and Dad to say “No.” No more “liberation.” The revolution stops here."
Only parents are monsters. Teachers are angels and only have the best interests of  "their" children at heart

Meme - Colin Wright @SwipeWright: "Yup. The tactic is to conflate the causes and consequences of sex with sex itself so that they can claim that modifying various aspects of a person's body with hormones and surgeries literally changes their bodily sex in a statistical sense to match their "brain sex" (which is another biologically bankrupt concept).  This is all ideologically-driven pseudoscience, folks!"
Benjamin Ryan @benryanwriter: "Canada's federal government has issued a 94-page "Trans-affirming toolkit" to educators. It defines biological sex as "made of seven elements." The sex binary, the toolkit explains, is a colonialist concept. "
So much for trusting the science
Weird. I thought sex and gender were different and only ignorant people didn't know that

Andy Ngô 🏳️‍🌈 on X - "The first federal gender hate crime trial began this week in Columbia, S.C. The DOJ alleges Daqua Lameek Ritter executed a black trans person in 2019. Nearly all publications have highlighted the victim's black and trans identity but have withheld the suspect's photo.   Left-wing activists point to how most murdered trans people in the U.S. are black and brown but also withhold stating that those who kill them are mostly black men."

Meme - "Find the trans person. Can't find them? That's because they live ,among us, as NORMAL PEOPLE"

Meme - Normal person: "Hey degenerate! Go to therapy!"
MTF: "Sure thing, will do!"
Therapist: "My professional licensing association is fully captured. I must affirm your delusion to feed by family."
MTF: *With rifle, helmet and bulletproof vest in high school*

Meme - "Do you know how the Orcs first came into being? They were Elves once. Taken by the Liberal Powers. Mutilated breasts, chopped genitalia, ruined form of life. And now perfected my fighting Trans-Orc"

Meme - "Trans women are women. Cis white males. There's more than two genders. Advanced biology. Misogynists"
"There is a fell voice on the air"

Meme - Billboard Chris @BillboardChris: "Love bombing is what high school "Gender and Sexuality Alliances" do. These are school clubs for misfit kids having a tough time in life - children who are prime targets for gender ideology. It doesn't matter if the teacher running these clubs is a 'nice person.' Adults with pathological empathy and a deficit of critical thinking are the ones pushing this cult."
James Lindsay, not conservative @ConceptualJames: "It's a cult"
"WHAT IS "LOVE BOMBING". In essence, 'love bombing' is a form of conditioning tool (otherwise known as a form of abuse), whereby one person in the relationship drowns the other in displays of 'love' to maintain power and control. Cult leaders started this whole love-bombing. The Unification Church of the United States (aka the Moonies) used love-bombing methods to gain trust, convince new recruits that they are loved, wanted, and secure. Then, when the hooks were in, trust and dependency were established, and other abuses began."

Why Is This 6-Year Old Doing Drag? | Child’s Play - YouTube - "VICE travels to Nebraska to meet the 6-year-old boy behind Lulu LovelyTwirls, the world’s youngest drag queen, to understand how his parents, community, and politicians are reacting to his controversial passion for drag."
'Drag kids' are slaying the runway — one 'fierce' look at a time
Drag Kids | CBC Docs POV - "Fiery Stephan (a.k.a. Laddy Gaga), 9, lives with his British expat family in the south of Spain, where his explosive performances can’t be contained by their villa, so he has started performing at tourist restaurants.  Shy Jason (a.k.a. Suzan Bee Anthony), 11, lives in the U.S. Bible Belt where his chosen family have formed a protective circle around him that has allowed his sassy alter ego to blossom.  Precocious Bracken, 11, lives in Vancouver, where she struggles for acceptance as a “hyper queen” (a female drag performer) and for opportunities to connect in the 19-plus world of drag shows.  Child star Nemis (a.k.a. Queen Lactatia), 9, lives in Montreal, and with the help of his “momager,” he loves pushing boundaries, from selling his merch at a local fetish store to judging a vogue ball in a downtown bar."
Weird. We keep being told that "Allow minors to dance for us in drag" is a paranoid right wing conspiracy theory

Libs of TikTok on X - "BREAKING: Anti-Catholic Drag Queen Adam Westbrook was arrested and is facing four counts of possession of child p*rn and four counts of sexual exploitation of a child.  Adam was also the human resources director for Outagamie County, WI and is pictured in drag with the Mayor of Sheboygan, WI"
We'll still be told that no drag queens do anything funny with children

How Allison Bailey exposed the trans lobby - "‘Stonewall recently hired Morgan Page, a male-bodied person who ran workshops with the sole aim of coaching heterosexual men identifying as lesbians on how they can coerce young lesbians into having sex with them. Page called [this] “overcoming the cotton ceiling” and it is popular.’"
Men get scolded for thinking they are entitled to sex with women. But transwomen are entitled to have sex with lesbians

Irish school children identifying as 'furries' who see themselves as 'less than 100% human' - "At least four schools in Northern Ireland have students attending who openly identify as 'furries' and see themselves as 'less than 100 per cent human'.  The pupils who self-identify as 'furries' are creating their own personas by choosing animals and traits they best identify with - known in their peer groups as ‘fursonas’, Belfast Live reports."
Weird. I thought this was a far right hoax, even though we have news reports from 4 different countries (Australia, Canada, the UK and the US) about students identifying as cats

How should schools handle ‘furries’? | The Spectator - "As someone who disapproves of the way schools have embraced trans dogma and welcomes the new DfE guidance, I quite like this weird phenomenon. It may not be intended as satire, but it exposes the shortcomings of schools pandering to trans-identifying children nevertheless. In the past, when I’ve made the ‘where do you draw the line?’ argument to woke teachers, they dismiss the notion that any child might identify as an animal as a ‘red herring’. But it turns out, if you encourage kids to part company with biological reality, there’s nothing to stop them believing they’re cats or dinosaurs – or, indeed, red herrings. This will surely help advocates of a more sceptical approach to persuade schools that a policy of ‘inclusion’ in all circumstances may not be in children’s best interests.   But I worry about the kids who’ve embraced these identities, and not just because they’re clearly disturbed. What if the progressive idealogues who’ve captured schools, universities and the NHS simply take this new subculture in their stride and, instead of questioning the ‘affirmative’ approach, extend it to children who identify as animals? Will doctors nod along enthusiastically when a teenage girl insists she’s a grub and then pack her off to surgery to have her arms and legs removed? Will a Labour government pass an act of parliament enabling ‘furries’ to marry cats and dogs? Woe betide the Anglican vicar who refuses to officiate at such a ceremony: ‘Whiskers, do you take Catself to be your wife, to live together in holy matrimony…’ Then again, there may not be any such rebels, given how captured the Church of England is."

Kids identifying as animals in schools : BlockedAndReported - "Which is more likely: That the recording of the teacher explicitly talking about a student identifying as a cat was faked or the school is lying to cover its ass?"
Left wingers keep claiming the school refuted the claim, therefore it was fake news. Of course, people and organisations never lie when lying would push the left wing agenda

Kids identifying as animals in schools : BlockedAndReported - "I'm not sure why they didn't just says "Cat isn't a gender.""
"Because a lot of things they call genders are not genders already. "Cat" is just as much a gender as "demisexual" or "profundogender"."
Gender is just a synonym for contrived channel for narcissism

Kids identifying as animals in schools : BlockedAndReported - "IMHO we are approaching a crossroads. To progress to "and it's good, actually" there will need to be some set of affirming actions or accommodations offered to the totally true and valid cat people or whatever. And some kind of implied threat. People didn't go along with puberty blockers for kids just to be "nice," they went along because they were being told "it's either a living son or a dead daughter" and "X percent of kids not offered gender affirming treatments will engage in self-harm" and yada yada. Whether those "facts" were true or just "truthy" is as we all know another story, but they were being pushed hard as The Science and people felt captive to those ideas accordingly.  What will be the threat and proposed solutions to go along with animal identification? Will someone cook up a cat cosmetic surgery? Will it be just a matter of letting people meow for communication? (Which is another type of bizarre because cats don't even really work that way, they don't "speak meow" to each other, it's a juvenile behavior they retain because they are pets.) Will we be told that prohibiting whatever people want- fur suits, changing ID paperwork, who knows- will result in the same self-harm as we were told about trans kids?  Where can this possibly go, from here?"
Kids identifying as animals in schools : BlockedAndReported - "The thin black line preventing the floodgates from opening on Species Self-ID and Age Self-ID is Racial Self-ID. If identifying with something other than your "Assigned Species At Birth" becomes an acceptable and negotiable trait within society, what objections can there be to explain why this is fine, but ID'ing as a bipoc is not? Why can't people feel dysphoria with the Assigned Date of Birth either?  The descent into FULL CHAOS is basically reliant on the top rung of the Victimhood Hierarchy (black people, T's, black T's in drag) fighting for their own self-interest as the most oppressed, most marginalized demographic. Defending their status from the other crabs who want a slice of that juicy, delicious Victim Pie."

Riley Gaines on X - "Trans-identified male player for Kipp Academy in MA injured 3 girls before half time causing Lowell Collegiate Charter School to forfeit.   A man hitting a woman used to be called domestic abuse. Now it's called brave.   Who watches this & actually thinks this is "compassionate, kind, and inclusive"?"
Wesley Yang on X - "Everyone just sits stupefied in acquiescence as a large male forces cancellation of a woman's sporting event by injuring much of the opposing team.   They are helpless to protest in the gym itself because a power greater than any of them has decreed that this absurdity is the civil rights cause of our time."

Meme - "I came out and nobody noticed
Came out at my work Got a new name tag and a shiny pronoun pin I was promised my name would be changed over on the breaksheet they had 3. days knowledge of me coming out and yet it wasn't changed. Nobody noticed my new name tag or my new pin. Not even my closest friend I asked of he wanted to see it that I'd show him He said he'd see it next time Will admit I was pushy and showed him anyway Which he responded with halfhearted clapping I asked if he was proud and he just kept clapping and didn't say a word. I was hoping maybe anybody would notice but nothing nobody cared Not even my friend who said nothing Just clapped. That's it. This was a big step for me and it means a lot It took so much courage to get here and nobody even cares its like I'm not even there."
When you just want attention

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