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Sunday, March 03, 2024

Links - 3rd March 2024 (1 - General Wokeness)

Can job postings in Canada exclude white people? Short answer: yes - "Restrictions listed on recent postings for Canada Research Chair positions have surprised some people. It’s not that someone with a biology degree might be barred from applying to teach South American history, or that an engineer might not be eligible for a position teaching English literature, but rather that skin colour and gender identity have been limiting factors. In two recent job postings for Canada Research Chairs in computer science at the University of Waterloo, applications are restricted for those who identify as “women, transgender, gender-fluid, non-binary, or Two-spirit” in the first case, and to members “of a racialized minority” for the second...  this sort of hiring is normal for Canada Research Chairs. Actually, it’s normal for a variety of industries for various reasons... The big one is the Employment Equity Act of 1987, brought in by then Progressive Conservative prime minister Brian Mulroney. It identified four equity-seeking groups: visible minorities, Indigenous people, women and those with disabilities. The act requires federally regulated industries — the public service, banks and airlines, for example — to target these groups to get better representation within the workforce. The federal government also has the Federal Contractors’ Program, created by a Mulroney government cabinet order in 1986. This obliges businesses with more than 100 employees doing business worth $1 million with the federal government to work towards more equitable hiring... In the university setting, many critics argue that hiring should be based exclusively on merit — the best person for the job.  David Millard Haskell, a professor in the faculty of liberal arts at Laurier University, has argued that Canada has “embraced this false notion that discrimination can be good and it simply cannot.”  “In general when immutable characteristics become the bar by which someone is offered a job, well, of course, you’re going to have people who are not as qualified,” Haskell told National Post in 2022. “And, the thing that concerns me is … it’s suggesting that they could not make it on their own merit. This is the height of racism. This is an incredibly racist policy, to say that someone who was a person of colour could not compete on their own competency and merit.”  Others, such as economists Cristina Echevarria and Mobinul Huq, argued in 2001 that the way diversity hiring has worked in Canada until that point has largely focused on getting women into male-dominated workforces and has done little to get men into more traditionally female-dominated workplaces."

Can job postings in Canada exclude white people? Short answer: yes : Canada_sub - "The white straight man is a visible minority in some settings such as nursing, child education, anything in Brampton. Will they bend backwards to hire us? What about in 50 years when the demographic is a lot more brown? They won't. This law is fucking anti-white racist shit and it needs to be taken out"

29 million South Africans receive grants – with only 7.4 million taxpayers - "President Cyril Ramaphosa confirmed that 29 million people in South Africa receive monthly grants, which economists warn is unsustainable with the country’s small tax base.  Last week, Ramaphosa said 18 million South Africans receive state welfare grants, with another 11 million relying on the state’s R350 grant.  “We are the only African country giving grants to almost half its population. There is no other country in Africa that takes of its people as we do in South Africa,” he said.  While Ramaphosa boasts about the millions of grant recipients, economists warn that it creates an unsustainable economic scenario.  South Africans receiving government grants increased from 2.5 million in the nineties to 29 million in 2022.   It is unlikely to change as the ANC said the welfare system “should be protected from inflationary pressures and should be expanded to provide for basic incomes as fiscal space allows”.  So, instead of trying to lower the number of grant recipients, the ruling party wants to give more people larger grants...   Economic advisers appointed by Ramaphosa warned against implementing a basic income grant, saying the cost could deepen debt and hinder economic growth.  Centre for Development and Enterprise (CDE) executive director Ann Bernstein was more direct, saying South Africa cannot afford a basic income grant.  “The government’s finances are already unsustainable, and adding a large and permanent new spending programme will only make it worse,” she said.  The ANC wants to increase taxes, which may include a wealth tax, to fund a basic income grant...   The economy is not growing, and many taxpayers are leaving the country, which places tremendous pressure on South Africa’s finances.  Roodt said he is very concerned about South Africa’s economic situation because so many people rely on the state for income...   Eunomix economist Claude de Baissac has also warned that South Africa is too dependent on tax from rich citizens, who are leaving the country in droves."
iamyesyouareno on X - "And without the white farmers they will eventually run out of food too. This is Zimbabwe 2.0 in the making."

South Africa’s controversial ‘race quota’ law stirs debate - "A new law to help close the racial economic gap in South Africa – which remains one of the world’s most unequal societies – has sparked public debate and seen the country’s main opposition take to the streets in protest this week.  On April 12, South African President Cyril Ramaphosa signed into law the Employment Equity Amendment Bill of 2020, which sets out “equity targets” to accelerate racial equality in the business sector. The legislation is part of “new measures to promote diversity and equality in the workplace”, the government said. Like the principles of Black Economic Empowerment, the original act was crafted in part to promote the economic empowerment of Black South Africans who were systematically marginalised during apartheid.  Yet years later, the continent’s most industrialised economy still has “one of the highest and most persistent inequality rates in the world” which is “perpetuated by a legacy of exclusion”, according to the World Bank.  Nearly 40 percent of Black South Africans were unemployed in the first three months of 2023, while the jobless rate was 7.5 percent among white people, according to official figures... Under the new law, the minister of employment and labour will identify certain sectors in need of transformation and impose a “numerical target” to achieve racial diversity – a target that employers must then comply with.  Companies seeking to do business with the state will be required to submit a certificate from the labour department confirming that they comply with the law; however the EEA does not apply to the country’s security and intelligence agencies.  Using the construction industry as an example, Insights, a human capital consultancy firm, said the sectoral target “for professionally qualified Africans” in the industry is 65.2 percent within the next five years, an increase from the current 46.9 percent.  The purpose of the “equity targets” is to encourage equitable representation of people from historically disadvantaged groups. But “in an economy that is regressing rather than growing and where job opportunities are thin on the ground, businesses will find these targets very difficult to achieve,” Insights noted. South Africa’s main opposition party the Democratic Alliance (DA) criticised the new law, saying it prescribes “race quotas” for companies and would cause harm to the economy...   The DA said the act “will cause at least 220,000 white people, 85,000 coloured people, and 50,000 Indians to lose their jobs” within the next five years in Gauteng – the country’s industrial hub.  About a third of South Africa’s population of 60 million is already unemployed and soaring costs of living as well as rolling electricity cuts have exacerbated economic woes in the country, especially for its poorest demographic – Black people.  The Institute of Race Relations, a South African-based research and policy think tank, has said “race-based policies have not worked” to lift millions out of poverty and instead recommended a skills-based approach to inclusive employment. Solidarity, a mainly white trade union, has written “to at least 2,000 of the major companies in South Africa, urging them to record their protest against the latest race law”. According to the union, the legislation is “turning South Africa into the most racially regulated country in the world”.  Already, controversy and misunderstandings surround the implementation of the law. After the Department of Water and Sanitation released guidelines setting the minimum Black South African shareholder requirements for water licensing applications in May, agricultural groups warned that the “race quotas” would threaten food security...   South Africa’s government says the new legislation, supported by the ANC, will not cause job losses and only result in fairer representation in the workforce."

Denying Genetics Isn’t Shutting Down Racism, It’s Fueling It - "For many on the academic and journalistic left, genetics are deemed largely irrelevant when it comes to humans. Our large brains and the societies we have constructed with them, many argue, swamp almost all genetic influences.  Humans, in this view, are the only species on Earth largely unaffected by recent (or ancient) evolution...  I waited eagerly for a response to Reich from “blank slate” left-liberals. They were quiet for a while, flummoxed perhaps, until Ezra Klein delivered an encyclical, rallying the faithful, in Vox.  What was Klein’s response to the actual scientific argument that genetics have a significant part to play (heritability ranges from 0.4 to 0.8) in explaining different racial outcomes in intelligence tests? I’ve read his essay several times and I’m afraid I can’t find a satisfying one... Klein seems to back a truly extreme position: that only the environment affects IQ scores, and genes play no part in group differences in human intelligence. To this end, he cites the “Flynn effect,” which does indeed show that IQ levels have increased over the years, and are environmentally malleable up to a point. In other words, culture, politics, and economics do matter. But Klein does not address the crucial point that even with increases in IQ across all races over time, the racial gap is still frustratingly persistent, that, past a certain level, IQ measurements have actually begun to fall in many developed nations, and that Flynn himself acknowledges that the effect does not account for other genetic influences on intelligence. Which is to say Klein doesn’t refute Reich’s argument at all... Klein stopped short of denying genetic influences altogether, but argued that, given rising levels of IQ, and given how brutal the history of racism against African-Americans has been, we should nonetheless assume “right now” that genes are irrelevant... if we assume genetics play no role, and base our policy prescriptions on something untrue, we are likely to overshoot and over-promise in social policy, and see our rhetoric on race become ever more extreme and divisive. We may even embrace racial discrimination, as in affirmative action, that fuels deeper divides. All of which, it seems to me, is happening — and actively hampering racial progress, as the left defines the most multiracial and multicultural society in human history as simply “white supremacy” unchanged since slavery... A more nuanced understanding of race, genetics, and environment would temper this polarization, and allow for more unifying, practical efforts to improve equality of opportunity, while never guaranteeing or expecting equality of outcomes. In some ways, this is just a replay of the broader liberal-conservative argument. Leftists tend to believe that all inequality is created; liberals tend to believe we can constantly improve the world in every generation, forever perfecting our societies. Rightists believe that human nature is utterly unchanging; conservatives tend to see the world as less plastic than liberals, and attempts to remake it wholesale dangerous and often counterproductive... Where I do draw the line is the attempt to smear legitimate conservative ideas and serious scientific arguments as the equivalent of peddling white supremacy and bigotry. And Klein actively contributes to that stigmatization and demonization. He calls the science of this “race science” as if it were some kind of illicit and illegitimate activity, rather than simply “science.” When he ran an article slamming Charles Murray and Sam Harris for having a completely reasonable podcast conversation about this, the piece didn’t just try to counter their arguments, it claimed that Murray and Harris were peddling in “pseudoscientific racialist speculation.” Klein still misrepresents his opponents, by insisting that Murray and Reich and Harris are arguing in favor of “the idea that America’s racial inequalities are driven by genetic differences between the races and not by anything we did, or have to undo.” This is demonstrably untrue. Each of them fully accepts that environment has a role to play. He goes on to equate the work of these scientists with the “most ancient justification for bigotry and racial inequality.” He even uses racism to dismiss Murray and Harris: they are, after all, “two white men.”  I cry foul. This is a cheap ploy, designed to chill debate and stigmatize those prepared to engage in it. Klein is very slick about this, but he cannot resist the low blow. He still refuses to believe that Murray’s views on this are perfectly within the academic mainstream in studies of intelligence... when people seeking the truth are immediately targeted for abuse and stigma, it matters... When that classical liberalism is tarred as inherently racist because it cannot guarantee equality of outcomes, and when scientific research is under attack for revealing the fuller truth about our world, we are in deep trouble. Because we are robbing liberalism of the knowledge and the moderation it will soon desperately need to defend itself...
It has become commonplace, for example, to insist that Stonewall was entirely a trans riot, rather than a very diverse one, including many, many “masc” gay white and black men, alongside lesbians, butch and femme, transgender people (often of color), and good old drag queens. It has also become the conventional wisdom that Stonewall started the gay rights movement, when in fact, it had been thriving in a more conventional and mainstream way long before — led by far more mainstream cultural types, engaging in classic “respectability politics.”"

Opinion | Jeremy Corbyn, Accidental Anti-Semite - The New York Times - "If you take Jeremy Corbyn at his word, then the leader of Britain’s Labour Party is no anti-Semite. It’s just that, like the Wild West preacher who keeps accidentally wandering into Fannie Porter’s house of ill repute, Corbyn has an odd knack for stumbling into the arms of the Hebraically disinclined... he was a member of several Facebook groups, one of which displayed “postings about the Rothschild banking family, Jews harvesting organs and theories connecting Israel with Islamic State,” according to London’s Jewish Chronicle. “Had I seen” anti-Semitism, Corbyn says, “I would have challenged it straight away.”  This was barely a month after Corbyn issued a Facebook post for Holocaust Memorial Day that included no mention of Jews or anti-Semitism... a Labour Party briefing document urged its members to reject an effort to ban Hezbollah in Britain. In 2009, Corbyn had described the Lebanese terrorist group, along with the Palestinian terrorist group Hamas, as “friends.” Seven years later he explained he was merely using “inclusive language,” which “with hindsight I would rather not have used.”  Corbyn also met in 2009 with Dyab Abou Jahjah, a Belgian-Lebanese activist whose Arab European League had previously published a cartoon denying the Holocaust. Corbyn initially denied ever meeting the activist, then was “reminded” by a photograph of the two of them together. “We had, I think two times, lunch or breakfast together,” Abou Jahjah noted, “so I cannot say that Mr. Corbyn is a personal friend, but he is absolutely a political friend.” Abou Jahjah was later banned from entering Britain.  Then there was Corbyn’s association with the anti-Israel group “Deir Yassin Remembered,” founded by the Holocaust denier Paul Eisen. Corbyn attended multiple meetings of the group. More recently, he has claimed that Eisen was not a Holocaust denier when he knew him.  And so it goes. Corbyn received £20,000 for appearing on Iran’s English language Press TV. “I was able to raise a number of human rights issues, not just in Iran but other countries as well,” he says, by way of justification. He defended then-Anglican vicar Stephen Sizer, notorious for strident anti-Zionism, against charges of anti-Semitism: “Such criticism,” Corbyn wrote, “is part of a wider pattern of demonizing those who dare to stand up and speak out against Zionism.” He publicly praised as “a voice that must be heard” the Islamist preacher Raed Salah, who has said Jews used gentile blood for religious purposes... You can stumble upon Fannie Porter’s house once and call it an honest mistake. Corbyn tripped into it a half-dozen times. Inadvertance long ago ceased to be an excuse... What happens now will be a test for the global left: If it is willing to let Corbyn off the hook, it can have no honest case against Trump. No claim to moral respect, either."
From 2018

Meme - ">Flash gets pissed on
>Green Lantern gets stripped down to his dorky GL themed boxers
>Batman is mocked then shot in the head on a park bench
>Wonder Woman gets a tragic death after she almost kills Superman but loses in a way thats not her fault, all the Squad members cry for her
Its not subtle"
On "Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League"

"Oh, no...Here come the "Qu**rs"..."
"Genital preferences are transphobic"
"If Larry wants to flash yoru daugher in the shower. It is her right.
"DM me kids! (and don't tell your parents.) XoXo"
"He/They/It" Meme - "Wowwwww I'm soooooo surprised nobody wanted to buy these. I checked, the "they/ them" were all gone. I was almost tempted for $0.90"
*She Her mug* "Clearance: Was $3.00 Now $1.50"
*He Him mug* "Clearance: Was $3.00 Now $0.90"
*Activist mug* "Clearance: Was $3.00 Now $0.90"

Meme - "Gotchal!! That's a good explanation though. What are some important traits that you look for in partner?"
"A healthy communication style, values that align with mine, general "chill" vibe, being goal-oriented, and curiosity. The communication and values are the two major ones. Full disclosure, my politics are lean to the left and lot of my friends are queer. I have little to no patience for homophobia or racism in any form"
At first I was going to point out the irony, but technically just because you want your partner to be chill and curious doesn't mean you have to be that too

Meme - "Atheists when they tell you there's a 6 point IQ between them and theists *smug*
Atheists when you tell them there's a 20 point difference difference between *white*s and *black*s *upset*"

Is 10% of the population really gay? - "For a single statistic to be the primary propaganda weapon for a radical political movement is unusual. Back in 1977, the US National Gay Task Force (NGTF) was invited into the White House to meet President Jimmy Carter’s representatives – a first for gay and lesbian groups. The NGTF’s most prominent campaigning slogan was “we are everywhere”, backed up by the memorable statistical claim that one in 10 of the US population was gay – this figure was deeply and passionately contested. Supreme court rulings boost gay marriage Gay Britain: what do the statistics say? Read more  So where did Bruce Voeller, a scientist who was a founder and first director of the NGTF, get this nice round 10% from? To find out, we have to delve back into Alfred Kinsey’s surveys in 1940s America, which were groundbreaking at the time but are now seen as archaic in their methods: he sought out respondents in prisons and the gay underworld, made friends with them and, over a cigarette, noted down their behaviours using an obscure code. Kinsey did not believe that sexual identity was fixed and simply categorised, and perhaps his most lasting contribution was his scale, still used today, in which individuals are rated from exclusively heterosexual to exclusively homosexual on a scale of 0 to 6.  Kinsey’s headline finding was that “at least 37% of the male population has some homosexual experience between the beginning of adolescence and old age”, meaning physical contact to the point of orgasm. He claimed that 13% of males were predominately homosexual for at least three years between the ages of 16 and 55 (scoring at least 4) and that 4% of males were exclusively homosexual all their lives (scoring 6)... So, in 1973, when Voeller was putting together the NGTF campaign, he went back to Kinsey’s estimates for those with predominantly homosexual experience (4 to 6 on his scale) for at least three years. As this was around 7% for women and 13% for men he took an average to get the headline figure: 10% of the population was gay.  This 10% claim was controversial, to say the least, and reignited old arguments about Kinsey’s poor survey methods. But even cleaned-up data gave similar answers, and Voeller stuck to the 10%, stating in 1990 that “the concept that 10% of the population is gay has become a generally accepted ‘fact’… As with so many pieces of knowledge (and myths), repeated telling made it so.”... The National Survey of Sexual Attitudes and Lifestyles (Natsal) is the most reliable source of information on what Britons do in private, and has taken place every 10 years since 1990. Natsal-3, from around 2010, asked which “best describes how you think of yourself”: a) heterosexual/straight; b) gay/lesbian; c) bisexual, d) other?  Over an age-range from 16 to 74, 1% of women and 1.5% of men consider themselves gay/lesbian, and 1.4% of women and 1% of men think of themselves as bisexual. But there is a clear gradient with age, with a much higher proportion in younger people, particularly in younger women: the percentage for women between 16 and 24 jumps nearly fourfold."
Clearly, they're all in the closet
The article concludes that the 10% statistic is accurate if you look at behavior, not identity. But one-off experimentation is very different from ongoing activities

Meme - "Mean In-Group Bias by Race/Ethnicity
Scores denote mean differences in warmth between in-group and out-group feeling thermometers (0-100 scale) *Non-Liberal Whites are less biased towards their own race than Blacks, Hispanics and Asians and White Liberals hate White people*
Mean In-Group Bias Score Among Whites
Positive/Negative scores denote pro-ingroup/outgroup biases, respectively *the more liberal a White Liberal is, the more he hates white people*"
White liberals hate white people

Steve McGuire on X - "NEW: @Yale  is the second Ivy League school to reinstitute required standardized testing in admissions:  “Yale’s research from before and after the pandemic has consistently demonstrated that…test scores are the single greatest predictor of a student’s future Yale grades.”"
So much for the only thing a high score on a standardised test tells us is how good you are at doing standardised tests

Rob Henderson on X - "I take full credit for this. In seriousness, still amusing that for all their rhetoric about equity, these elite schools suspended the SAT requirement before ditching legacy admissions. Tells us all we need to know."

Ben Shapiro on X - "DEI will die because it is absolutely self-defeating. If credentialing institutions continue to substitute DEI for actual merit, they will quickly lose their status as credentialing institutions. They know it, they just refuse to say it out loud."

Richard Hanania on X - "First MIT, then Dartmouth.   Now Yale is going back to requiring standardized tests.  The question was always whether elite universities were so committed to ideology that they would destroy themselves. Their system of prestige is not completely arbitrary. Investment banks, consulting firms, etc. seek out elite university students based on the assurance that they are highly intelligent. If you hire a Yale graduate and have to train him how to make businesses more efficient, something he didn't study in college, he's going to do a better job than a graduate of State U.  People think the surface level ideology is everything. Institutions can talk as much about diversity and inclusion as they want. As long as you're requiring standardized tests and judging people on that basis,  you have a system with an unforgiving intelligence hierarchy. This is true even if you have racial preferences, where some people get special advantages in the context of what is still a meritocratic system.   If you thought woke ideology was going to destroy Western institutions, you should update you priors."
Tiger Cat on X - "The fact that they willingly ditched SAT tests tells me that there isn’t much of an attachment to meritocracy.  We should assume that they simply gave into momentary pressure, and will revert back as soon as convenient.  When we see representation in accordance to population and average IQ, then I’ll listen."
Coddled affluent professional on X - "Lol.  So what?  Yale is rolling back 2% of what’s been done?  And everything is fine?  You libertarian guys who are outside the institutions are totally incurious and will employ whatever motivated reasoning necessary to convince yourselves there’s nothing to worry about."
someonesalt on X - "Even their stated rationale for doing it is that requiring test scores will "increase diversity." It's a lie of course, but that they need to put in that lie rather than just saying "we're doing this because we want the most academically prepared students" shows where we are"

A new ‘Diaper Spa’ is raising eyebrows in New Hampshire - "A debate over a new spa is brewing in southern New Hampshire, where some residents in Atkinson are taking a stand against The Diaper Spa — a nursery-like business for adults who role play as children and, yes, wear diapers.   According to its website, The Diaper Spa is open to “all diaper-wearing individuals who seek acceptance, respite, and care.” Photos on the spa’s page show a space decorated with the soft comforts of a nursery, complete with toys, folded diapers, and an adult-sized crib.  Dr. Colleen Ann Murphy, the spa’s owner, offers a range of services that include virtual playdates at $200 an hour, as well as a $1,500 all-day “Diaper B&B” experience that promises rejuvenating pampering “for the little one inside of you.”  But for now, Murphy said, the vast majority of The Diaper Spa’s business involves telehealth services and life coaching. A recent Christmas-themed event featured a festive story, freshly baked sugar cookies, and a stocking to take home, she explained in an email interview... Adult baby/diaper lovers are people “who act a voluntary regression to a previous age and/or wear a diaper for psychological reasons,” according to a 2020 article in the International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health.  The authors speculated that several physiological and psychological factors could cause ABDL fantasies, including continence issues, childhood abuse, and the premature loss of a parent."  
The "myth" of the slippery slope strikes again

End Wokeness on X - "1.5% of lawyers are black women.  LSAT score average: White test takers, 153 Asian test takers, 153 Black test takers, 142   An entire NY state Supreme Court bench is compromised of black women.  The mathematical probability of this being random and based on merit is literally zero."

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