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Sunday, March 24, 2024

Links - 24th March 2024 (1 - General Wokeness)

Chappelle is right. There ARE a lot of Jews in Hollywood - "Dave Chappelle is right. There ARE a lot of Jews in Hollywood. There are also a lot of Jews on Wall Street, and in real estate, and in medicine, and in academia. Chappelle stated a fact in his recent SNL monologue. No need to get ruffled or bent out of shape... The implication is that Jews have a disproportionate degree of control and influence, and therefore they should be subject to critique when their power is wielded unfairly. This is not an unreasonable assertion. Those in power should indeed be liable to criticism and censure... Are there a disproportionate number of Jews in Hollywood? Yes there are. Jews comprise 2 percent of the population of America and 0.2 percent of the global population. Without precise data, it would be easy to guess that 20% of studio executives, managers, and talent agents in Hollywood are Jewish. It’s possible that that number is significantly higher, but even at 20%, that would be ten times the national percentage. Why are there so many Jews in Hollywood? From a historical perspective, that could be attributed to the fact that the movie industry was founded by Jews. As Neal Gabler wrote in his detailed history “An Empire of Their Own: How the Jews Invented Hollywood,” the American entertainment industry was “founded and for more than thirty years operated by Eastern European Jews.” Unwelcome in more established American industries in the early part of the 20th century, Jews created a new enterprise with no barriers to entry. Gabler goes on to describe how the studio system that still runs Hollywood today was constructed by the next generations of Jewish movie tycoons. While the industry has diversified over the succeeding generations, the preponderance of Jews in Hollywood is a holdover from its heavily Jewish origins.  Yet this historical approach does nothing to explain why there are such high percentages of Jews in leadership positions in other industries that were not similarly founded and managed by Jews from their inception. Why are there so many Jewish doctors, lawyers, bankers, inventors, entrepreneurs, celebrities, media personalities, etc.? Why have 23% percent of Nobel Prizes been awarded to an ethnic group that is only 0.2% percent of the global population? Is there some secret cabal that makes success more accessible to Jews? Some shadow organization that wheels and deals behind the scenes to assure that positions of power will be filled by members of the tribe?  If there is, my invitation must have gotten lost in the mail. Anyone who believes that such secret institutions exist is mired in conspiracy theories that have no evidence and no foundation in reality. The answer to what we might call Jewish disproportionality can be approached from two perspectives: a cultural perspective and a theological perspective. From the cultural vantage, it has been suggested that Jewish success can be attributed both to the values of being Jewish and the challenge of being Jewish. Jews have historically been known as the people of the book, and there has always been a premium placed on study and diligence. The nature of Jewish texts like the Talmud stresses painstaking analysis and the careful consideration of multiple sides of every issue. This analytical approach and its concomitant persistence have certainly proved to be an attribute for success in academics, the sciences, law, technology, and a number of fields in which Jews have outperformed.  The challenge of being Jewish is the antisemitism – often blatant and sometimes more subtle – that has dogged the Jews for millennia. Contending on an uneven playing field has fomented a fierce work ethic and a tenacious desire to beat the stacked odds. The result of these cultural factors is that Jews have worked harder because they are required to, both by their own tradition and by the societies in which they were unwelcome. Beyond these sociological explanations, there is the theological approach, the notion that the Jews bear some divine favor. In other words, they are the “Chosen People,” selected by God and therefore provided heavenly protection and advantage. Unsurprisingly, such an idea has made the Jews few friends. It is not difficult to understand why this type of favoritism would engender feelings of animosity and envy.  Yet the concept of “chosenness” is misconceived by both the majority of Jews as well as their foes. Many Jews, in fact, reject the idea of being chosen because they find it as unsavory as those who resent them for it. Why, if God is just and loving and kind, would He privilege some of His children over others? Not only is this unfair, but it is bound to create rivalry and indignation.  In fact, being “chosen” does not mean that one is better than another. It does not mean that one is loved more or preferred. It means, rather, that one is given a responsibility and task. That task, according to the Chassidic masters, is to convey to all peoples how Godly and special every single person is to the Creator... According to this theological explanation, the reason that Jews have occupied positions of leadership in so many fields is because there is a drive within them, inherited from their forebears, to be “a light unto the nations.” Sometimes this drive is misused or even corrupted. There is no question that there are Jews, like all other people, whose positions of authority have led them astray... Jews need not deny the facts of our leadership in entertainment and a variety of other fields. On the contrary, we should appreciate the freedom in America that has enabled us to excel. We should correct misconceptions and combat antisemitism, but we must simultaneously hold accountable those of our co-religionists who are abusing their positions of power to exploit those subordinate or beholden to them. We should not be beyond scrutiny or reproach, and we should not hesitate to welcome constructive critique.  Ultimately, we must ask ourselves what we are doing with any of the positions of leadership that we are fortunate enough to occupy. Are we capitalizing on them for personal gain, or are we utilizing the influence with which we have been blessed in the service of the mission that we have been assigned, uniting all of God’s children and radiating light wherever it is dark."
You're only allowed to talk about white overrepresentation

Alberta oil sands group apologizes for ‘Hot lesbians’ ad | Globalnews.ca - "An Alberta pro-oil sands group is apologizing for a controversial advertisement that’s received heavy criticism.  Canada Oil Sands Community founder Robbie Picard posted any apology on the group’s Facebook page which includes “It was not my intent of demeaning women or any people of any sexual orientation.”  Picard’s apology stems from the group releasing an advertisement that has been dubbed the ‘hot lesbians’ ad.  The poster features a photo of two women kissing with a caption that reads, “In Canada lesbians are considered hot! In Saudi Arabia if you’re a lesbian YOU DIE! Why are we getting our oil from countries that don’t think lesbians are hot?!”"
From 2016.

Meme - i/o @eyeslasho: "Prominent rightwing antiwoke accounts now regularly post about single instances of black people or illegal immigrants committing violent crime against white people, without any accompanying statistical context. Do you find this approach useful or informative?"
"Yes 41.3%
Mixed feelings about it 34.4%
No 24.3%"
Emil Kirkegaard @KirkegaardEmil: "Propaganda is necessary to offset the propaganda of the mainstream media. Statistics don't work on average Joe, but outrageous cases do."

Meme - Diane Yap @RealDianeYap: "Per capita *is* taught in school, unless you dropped out around 5th grade... Anyway, if you know of these "criticisms of per capita published by mathematicians" please link me."
Melissa @40Zetrel: "THE FBI USES THIS INVENTION CALLED NUMBERS TO DETERMINE THAT. Scientists, including mathematicians, have published criticisms of the per capita nonsense. Think about it. If there's something to it, why is it not taught in school?"

Meme - Diane Yap @RealDianeYap: "At first I thought this was a joke, but no, they really and truly believe per capita is a tool of white supremacy."
Nat Turner: "Per capita is a magical statistic that turns numbers into new numbers that fit the white supremacist narrative."

Are Students Liberal? Yes – But Not Everywhere - "students enrolled in the higher education institutions in New England are appreciably more liberal and open to shutting down speech and expression than the overwhelming majority of college students... The General Social Survey shows that political ideology in the United States has been remarkably consistent since the 1970s and that liberals are not dominant. In the most recent sample, the survey found that 28% of Americans identify as liberal, 31% as conservative, and the balance of 37% are in the middle as moderates. In contrast, 50% of college students are liberal, 26% are conservative and the minority – 23% – are moderates. College students demonstrate a significant liberal lean.  But this lean is not uniform. In New England, the data reveal that college students live in a huge bubble where there are 5 liberals for every 1 conservative. 71% of New England college students identify as liberal and just 15% conservative and 14% moderate. This is by far the most lopsided region in the nation.  The most similar regions to New England, ideologically, are the West Coast and Mid-Atlantic regions... At the University of Arizona in Tucson there are 1.5 liberals for every conservative. But Brown in Rhode Island has 12 liberal students for every conservative.  Ideological imbalance is problematic in and of itself if you value viewpoint diversity in the classroom, but it is also the case that students in New England are far more likely to believe that actions to shut down speech are acceptable...  the student imbalance in New England is far less one-sided than the faculty imbalance there. And faculty imbalance may be a far more pressing problem if one values viewpoint diversity. It’s more readily fixable too, if schools would only prioritize the hiring of a more ideologically diverse faculty and work to ensure that all faculty strive to present a multitude of views and intellectual traditions in their classrooms."

Mark Wahlberg Attacked for Presenting SAG Award to Asian Cast of ‘Everything Everywhere All At Once’ - "Hollywood star Mark Wahlberg came under attack Sunday night after he was chosen by the SAG Awards to host a presentation to the predominately Asian cast of Everything Everywhere All at Once.  His appearance in the host role came 35 years after he was convicted as a teenager of assaulting two Asian men."
Background checks are becoming more and more complicated. You need to check decades worth of information against all possible identity permutations

Meme - *X-ray of 2 people kissing* "This so perfect, for the time you look at this image, you don't know if it's a boy and girl, a girl and a girl, a boy and a boy, a black man and a white girl, a white man and an asian girl, you know nothing, Just the simplicity of the connection and the beauty of two human beings sharing love and that is all that should ever matter."
"Actually, Due to the slight prognathism of the maxilla, the smaller more rounded cranial vault. The sharper and less defined lower mandible, and less rotruding supraorbital ridges, the conclusion can be reached that the individual on the left is Female, and of African American decent. However the individual on the right shows a larger more oblong cranium, heaver more protruding supraorbital ridges, and a flatter maxilla with less prognathism. Also the lower mandible of this individual is heaver, more defined and square. From the presence of these features the conclusion can be reached that the individual on the right is Male and of Caucasian decent. Also due to the advanced (but not complete) obliteration of the cranial sutures, and the presence of the molar in both individuals, it can also be said that both of these individuals are between the ages of 25 and 40."

Meme - "Love this. I literally ask white people about their ethnic ancestry all the time. I like to guess after I hear their last name. And none of them ever cry about it. Like, not one has ever been offended."
Sari @sari_diplonerd: "Normalize asking white people where they're *really* from."

Meme - Girl: "Hey, this thing happened to me"
Guy: "That does suck, but I don't think it's a normal or common occurance"
Girl: "I'm telling you it is"
Crowd: "yeah, that's never happened to us"
Girl: "everyone is evil and to blame"
Related (transcript)
Of course, when it comes to Ladesha, covid vaccine injuries, alien abduction etc, lived experience is no longer valid, because it doesn't help the left's agenda

Eli Steele on X - "The Left has reduced colorblindness to literally not seeing race. That was not the colorblindness that I learned growing up. We saw race and racism. What we meant by colorblindness was that we practiced the discipline of looking to the individual's character first and foremost.   The Left's attack on colorblindness has produced a new form of racial oppression where we now must "center" race in everything -- even to the point of annihilating the individual.  The humane discipline of colorblindness, the discipline of seeing the individual, is the way forward. And we know that Coach Mayo practices this everyday with his players."

Meme - "Selling my massage table that I don't use anymore. great for physiotherapy, body modification and general table use. $50 or $5 for bipoc professional. made by the massage company"

Their Troublesome Crush (Kink & Showtunes, #1) by Xan West - "In this queer polyamorous m/f romance novella, two metamours realize they have crushes on each other while planning their shared partner's birthday party together.  Ernest, a Jewish autistic demiromantic queer fat trans man submissive, and Nora, a Jewish disabled queer fat femme cis woman switch, have to contend with an age gap, a desire not to mess up their lovely polyamorous dynamic as metamours, the fact that Ernest has never been attracted to a cis person before, and the reality that they are romantically attracted to each other, all while planning their dominant's birthday party and trying to do a really good job."
"Xan West is the nom de plume of Corey Alexander, an autistic queer fat Jewish genderqueer writer and community activist with multiple disabilities who spends a lot of time on Twitter.  Xan's erotica has been published widely, including in the Best S/M Erotica series, the Best Gay Erotica series, and the Best Lesbian Erotica series. Their work has been described by reviewers as “offering the erotica equivalent of happy ever after”, and “some of the best transgressive erotic fiction to come along in recent years”.  Xan’s story “First Time Since”, won honorable mention for the 2008 National Leather Association John Preston Short Fiction Award. Their recent collection of queer kink erotica, Show Yourself To Me, is out from Go Deeper Press, and has been described by M. Christian as “a book that changes what erotica can and should be.”  Xan blogs about trans representation in literature, kink, queerness, disability, and writing at https://xanwest.wordpress. com/."
This is not a parody

Meme - "Leftists when they find out the KC Parade shooter wasn't a CIS yt *Rogue screaming*"
On Dominic Miller and Lyndell Mays

Meme - love @Funabynature: "Applying for visas is so humiliating mahn. It's giving 'white man please let me into your country. I promise to be of good behavior and I'll leave when I I said I'll leave. Here's all my life's worth and evidence that I have something doing. Plis just let me in'. So embarrassing"
Good luck to white people complaining about visas for non white countries. They've be accused of arrogance, neo-colonialism, entitlement etc
Comment (elsewhere): ""DEATH TO AMERICA! DEATH TO JUICE!"
"Why won't they let me in?""

There is a very transparent attempt by the Sussex Squad and other haters of the British monarchy to damn our Royal Family as racist, says Dan Wootton - "If you’ve consumed the hysterical mainstream media over the past day, you would think the British Royal Family and the UK itself is riddled with racism... here is now a very transparent attempt by the Sussex Squad and other haters and wreckers of the British monarchy to damn our Royal Family as racist.  They're not and the Palace must not give in to these woke attacks that undermine the late Queen's life’s work  I am, of course, referring to the media hysteria around 83-year-old Lady Susan Hussey’s unfortunate conversation with the activist charity boss Ngozi Fulani, in which she asked multiple times where she was from, which has been taken as proof by most of the media that the monarchy is guilty of structural racism and Meghan just must have been a victim too... Fulani is an extremist supporter of Harry and Meghan who has bizarrely accused King Charles and Queen Camilla of being guilty of domestic violence towards their daughter-in-law.  Fulani has been on a media blitz today – the BBC didn’t ask about it, Sly News didn’t ask about it. But Jeremy Vine sort of did... "Our charity supports black women domestic violence survivors. I can't stay silent about this. I admire Meghan for speaking out. According to clear definition, it seems Meghan is a survivor of domestic violence from her in-laws."  PS: I'm glad hypocrite Piers's left ITV.  And in another tweet from May this year, she seemingly wrote in regards to the decision by the late Queen for Harry and Meghan not to appear on the BP balcony during the Platinum Jubilee because they are non-working royals…  "Harry & Meghan won't be allowed on the balcony?  "They're in a completely different category to Andrew. He's linked to sexual crimes, Harry married & had children with a black woman.  "An all exclusively white balcony.  "The only black people, banned. RACISM!"  So while it’s terrible she was made to feel uncomfortable by 83-year-old Lady Hussey, a member of a different generation clearly unaware of the woke language that now dominates our culture, her pre-conceived loyalty to Harry and Meghan before the Palace visit is, at the very least, important context about what Fulani is now claiming.  But when it comes to the Royal Family at the moment, in the woke media anyway, appearances always outweigh reality.  So the BBC allows her unchallenged to say she was a victim of abuse at Buckingham Palace…There is a clear agenda here to destroy the British monarchy, starting with the Prince and Princess of Wales now overshadowed US tour.  Following the race row, they were subjected to a lecture on colonialism at their own opening event by Reverend Mariama White-Hammond, left-wing Boston’s chief of environment, energy and open space, and even experienced boos at the basketball… That’s why it’s important that the media critically analyses these claims of racism against the Royal Family, rather than giving into the Harry and Meghan-fuelled hatred of the monarchy that the vast majority of us support."


Buttigieg husband recites LGBTQ 'pledge' with gay youth camp in viral video - "U.S. Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg's husband, Chasten, leads children in a modified pledge of allegiance to the rainbow flag at what he described as a "not-so-typical gay camp" in a viral social media video.  On Wednesday night, the Log Cabin Republicans in Richmond, Virginia, posted a video showing Pete Buttigieg's husband Chasten, leading an LGBTQ youth group in a pledge of allegiance to the rainbow pride flag rather than to an American flag. Chasten had the children repeat after him as they each held their right hand over their hearts.   "I pledge my heart to the rainbow of the not-so-typical gay camp. One camp, full of pride, indivisible, with affirmation and equal rights for all.""
As Richard Dawkins notes, the retreat of Christianity has opened the way to worse

ilmfeed on X - "A Hadith related to Ramadan was displayed at London's King's Cross railway station."
It's only theocracy/a violation of secularism if it's Christian

Meme - "Jessie Tu: 'I will probably never read another novel by a straight white male'
jessie_tuuu2: *drinking with white guy*
1945janesmith: "Thought you hated white males. This is obv your bf. What a f'n #hypocrite"
Related: Why do many Asian women who write about Asian identity end up marrying or dating white men? - Quora

Meme - "How they expect us to react when a racist person doesn't like us because of our race or a sexist person doesn't like us because of our anatomy
VS reality"

Meme - Sohrab Ahmari @Sohr...: ""It's just such a lonely place for BIPOC people when you don't see yourself on the page, because you literally don't exist." This, said by a novelist. As an Iranian, do I "see" myself on Dostoevsky's pages? No. And who cares. Enough with this inanity."
Ironically, the woke keep claiming wokeness is about "empathy", but they have no empathy, which is why they keep demanding "representation"

Meme - Tariq Nasheed @tariqnasheed: "Since there are a lot of suspected white supremacists commenting under this post, dont forget tomorrow is #WhiteMoneyWeds and I'm going to need you to hit that cash app
I'm starting something this week called #WhiteMoneyWeds . On Wednesday of every week, I only want donations from white people (& white identifying pp!) to my cashapp @ $kingflex818 This will assist me with my commitment to helping victims of white supremacy. I'm dead serious"
The left only considers you a grifter if you oppose their agenda

Neil Young to Return Music to Spotify, Accuses Streaming Services of Hosting Disinformation - "Neil Young said he would return his music to Spotify after a two-year boycott, citing Apple Podcasts and Amazon Music’s adoption of “the same disinformation podcast features” he had opposed at Spotify. Writing on his website, Young admitted he could not simply leave every streaming service because his “music would have very little streaming outlet to music lovers at all.”... Young originally removed his music from Spotify, in 2022, to protest its exclusive deal with Joe Rogan, whose podcasts now appear on Apple Podcasts, Amazon Music, and YouTube"
So much for principles

Meme - "Why are Argentinians white? I got called a racist when I said that I wanted Argentina to win the World Cup (im a Messi fan) and thought Argentina were latinos. Another question is, can black people be French? The French soccer team are all black so I am guessing it's like a black country outside of Africa like Jamaica."

The Woke Left v. the Alt-Right: A New Study Shows They’re More Alike Than Either Side Realizes - "A common criticism of the ultra-progressive Left is that its culture warriors now resemble the right-wing ideological enforcers of yore, excommunicating those deemed to have sinned or performed heresies. Indeed, anyone older than 30 or so should have at least a dim memory of the social conservatives who wanted every aspect of American society—from universities, to the media, right down to the content of children’s television shows—hewing to the same family-values prayer book, and who led campaigns to censor violent video games, rap music, and edgy Hollywood entertainment... you can hardly blame disaffected progressives, such as Rolling Stone’s Matt Taibbi, for declaring that the “left is now the right” when it comes to smothering cultural and intellectual pluralism. A new study published in the journal Heliyon offers some evidence to back up these broad cultural observations. Researchers Jordan Moss and Peter J. O’Connor, both of the Queensland University of Technology, studied a group of 511 US residents, stratified according to age, gender, ethnicity, and employment so as to be roughly representative of the US population as a whole, with a view to examining the link between political attitudes and the so-called three “Dark Triad” personality traits: Machiavellianism, narcissism, and psychopathy. These are traits linked with toxic personality types, including those associated with manipulative, self-centered, and callous behavior. In an e-mail, Moss told me that he had noticed a change in the university climate... Moss and O’Connor chose instead to study three sets of attitudes “falling outside of the traditional continuum,” designated by the researchers as (1) Political Correctness-Authoritarianism (PCA), (2) Political Correctness-Liberalism (PCL), and (3) White Identitarianism (WI). While the latter is a right-wing subculture (often known as alt-right), the first two are variants of leftist ideology. Both PCA and PCL are centered on protecting minorities from discrimination and criticism. But PCA adherents, unlike PCL counterparts, embrace “the belief that aggression and force are appropriate methods to achieve ideological goals.”... while right-wing adherents of WI and left-wing adherents of PCA are “thought to reflect opposing ends… of the political spectrum,” they actually shared remarkably similar personality characteristics: “Our study indicates that an emerging set of mainstream political attitudes—most notably PCA, WI, are largely being adopted by individuals high in DT [i.e., Dark Triad traits] and entitlement. Individuals high in authoritarianism—regardless of whether [they] hold politically correct or rightwing views—tend to score highly on DT and entitlement. Such individuals therefore are statistically more likely than average to be higher in psychopathy, narcissism, Machiavellianism and entitlement.”... Whereas the dominant strain of cultural leftism once was primarily characterized by a spirit of compassion, it increasingly has come to be dominated by intolerant scolds who seem more eager to shame heretics than to do actual good in the world. Studies like this one should serve as a wake-up call: Given the strident manner with which progressives denounce bigotry, it surely should trouble them to know that, where underlying personalities are concerned, priests and heretics look very much alike."
So much for left wing authoritarianism being a myth

Jeremy Slevin on X - "CNN pundit calls Democratic Rep. @IlhanMN a “public relations agent for Hamas” with no push back. Islamophobia is not only normalized in American politics, it’s rewarded."
David Bernstein on X - "It's true. "Ilhan Omar condemns Israel’s military response to Hamas, says ‘solution’ is ‘negotiated peace’ Omar condemned Israel for its treatment of Palestinians in wake of massive Hamas terror attack" Published October 10, 2023 12:50pm EDT"
Stephen L. Miller on X - "He doesn't explain why this is Islamophobia.
Ilhan Omar is very clear and public advocate for Hamas and their political goals.   Calling that Islamophobia is a pretty big tell that they know what Hamas is and don't care."
Criticising Islamism is Islamophobia. Because the left support theocracy when it's not Christian

Social Media Users Accuse Netflix's Live-Action 'Avatar: The Last Airbender' Of "Whitewashing" Despite Casting Actors That Look Like The Characterse - "Numerous individuals on Twitter are expressing their emotions, primarily anger, because Netflix’s live-action adaptation of Avatar: The Last Airbender has accurate casting... numerous individuals took to social media to express how upset they were because Sokka and Katara played by actors Ian Ousley and Kiawentioo Tarbell look like the characters from the animated show...   One person was upset that a black actor was not cast in the role writing, “YEP, but what they weren’t gonna do is cast a Black Native for any of these roles. They stay erasing us and including white people in the same breath. For why?”"

Meme - Degenerates like you belong on a cross. Cauane Silva: "This is why i m against racemixing. if you are latino, do not date whites Your dna is recessive, your kids wont look like you *Latina and white kid*"
Is this racist or anti racist?

Meme - "The 4 black lies about land in South Africa.
Bantu (black Africans) DO NOT have default right to land.
Contrary to popular "politically correct" propaganda put out by mass media, the Bantu, like Europeans, are also settler's in Southern Africa, having arrived in Northern South Africa about the same time Europeans arrived in Southern South Africa (The Cape). The Bantu had arrived after an extended conquest and genocidal migration southwards from West Africa (Nigeria)."

‘Virtually All White People Contribute To Racism’: Treasury Department Lectures White Employees As Part Of ‘Diversity Training’ - "The training, called “Difficult Conversations about Race,” is aimed at white employees at the Treasury Department, Federal Reserve, Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC), Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, and National Credit Union Administration, Rufo tweeted. The goal of the training, he wrote, is to convert “everyone in the federal government” to “antiracism.”... The training also stereotypes white people by claiming they hold “fairly consistent narratives about race.” Those narratives, such as “we’ve made so much progress from the 60’s” and suggesting people “talk about how much we have in common,” the training insists, are racist and “don’t support the dismantling of racist institutions.”... The training also asks white employees to “[n]otice how much of your day you are speaking about racism.”  “Who are you engaging with on these issues? Who are you not? Why do you think this is?” the training asks.  Later, the training demands white employees “Provide unconditional solidarity” with people of color. “Your allyship is not a favor that you can retract when some [sic] responds to their oppression in a way you don’t like,” the training says. Further, white employees are told that “white silence has been one of the most powerful detractors from real progress in social justice,” and that they must “sit in the discomfort” of being lectured about “whiteness,” “racism,” “white supremacy,” and “allyship.”  The kicker for all this? The training was developed and is being taught by a white man who has made millions of dollars selling his training to the federal government."

Meme - "Leftists whenever a straight white male has a valid opinion
Racist. Fascist. Nazi. Sexist"

Gamers: "OK!" *go back to games*

Culture War Encyclopedia - Justin Trouble

Eva Vlaardingerbroek on X - "🚨BREAKING | Former Flemish parliamentarian Dries Van Langenhove @DVanLangenhove  has just been sentenced to 1 year IN PRISON because supposedly “racist memes” were shared in a private group chat he was a part of.   This is the absolute state of freedom of speech in Europe. They’re jailing patriotic dissidents. Next time they’ll do this to me, you or anyone who goes against the globalist regime.  I’m seriously lost for words here. This is full blown tyranny and we should fight it with all our might."
And he lost some civil rights for 10 years though he didn't share any himself. And some Europeans claim wokeness hasn't infected Europe

A *very* controversial take [PLEASE SKIP IF YOU ARE SENSITIVE : SingaporeRaw - "Re-posting here to get the opinion of the general public and because this post was deemed a better fit for this sub rather than r/NationalServiceSG.
Disclaimer: The contents of this text aren't meant to promote ill will among different races and is just meant to serve as a discussion of factual actions carried out by certain groups of people online
I've noticed lately that more and more people are getting angsty over the war in Israel and the situation in Gaza. There have been calls for Singapore to do something about Israel, to open its doors for Gaza refugeees, and to allow the Malay-Muslim community to rally support via rallies and mega-gatherings. It's getting really annoying and disturbing to see even a Mcdonald's ad be littered with "BOYCOTT" and 🍉 emojis. And all these comments are coming from Malays. Like, why would you want to actively propagate for actions that will harm our Singaporean economy?  We're not like our neighbours. We're not a Muslim state. Yet these people blame our Government for things out of its control. They call for boycotts of companies loosely linked to the conflict and which had no fault at all in the situation. PM Lee just posted today about Singapore air-dropping aid to Gaza and instead of being thankful these people can comment and say "why airdrop why not open the gates and deliver via trucks", "why dont you go and deliver the aid yourself" like hello?? Be grateful that we as a country are doing something even though we're not obligated to.  And then they complain about why Malays aren't posted to sensitive vocations and given higher clearance. Look at the Chinese, they bash the PRC and don't give two shits about what China thinks of Singapore. Even the local Indians, they don't identify with Modi's government back in India. So why are Malays so pressed and actively condemning Singapore? It's almost as if they think of themselves as citizens of Gaza/Palestine rather than Singapore. If you want to help or complain so much, book a ticket to the area and go help instead of affecting our social fabric?  You just proved why you shouldn't be given greater trust in the armed forces."

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