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Friday, March 29, 2024

Links - 29th March 2024 (Trans Mania)

Homicide Rates of Transgender Individuals in the United States: 2010–2014 - " The overall homicide rate of transgender individuals was likely to be less than that of cisgender individuals, with 8 of 12 RR estimates below 1.0. However, the homicide rates of young transfeminine Black and Latina residents were almost certainly higher than were those of cisfeminine comparators, with all RR estimates above 1.0 for Blacks and all above 1.0 for Latinas."
One TRA claimed that the details refuted my claim that trans people are not murdered at a higher rate than the general population. Apparently one black person earning more than one white person proves that it's a myth that black people earn less than white people
Good luck if you point out that this suggests that blacks and latinos are more transphobic than the general population

Man Legally Changed Gender to Gain Custody of His Kids. Trans Groups Are Concerned. - "A cisgender man in Ecuador legally changed his gender to female in an attempt to gain custody of his two daughters. But LGBTQ groups are concerned about the man’s use of a law designed to promote transgender rights, and what effect it could have in the future.  René Salinas Ramos, 47, told local media that the change was not related to his sexuality or identity, but rather that the Ecuadorian legal system gives preferable rights to mothers over fathers when it comes to the custody of children... the man’s legal change from male to female has surprised and concerned LGBTQ activists who fought to have Ecuadorian laws changed in 2015 to allow the change of gender.  “This man’s private matter, to obtain custody of his daughters, isn’t the spirit of the law,” Diane Rodríguez, one of Ecuador’s most prominent trans activists and the national director of the Ecuadorian Federation of Organizations LGBTI, told VICE World News... Rodríguez explained that the 2015 law created an unintended consequence because while it allowed people to legally change their gender on Ecuadorian documents, it didn’t allow them to change their sex on government issued documents that are recognized globally such as passports. This in effect, meant that trans people needed to have two different legal documents, one that defined their preferred gender identity, and one that defined their sex by birth.   In May, trans activists reached a major milestone when the assembly ratified a previous 2018 legal decision that allowed a trans man to legally change his sex."
Weird. TRAs claim that suggesting that someone being dishonest in claiming trans identity is transphobic, and you can't have any form of gatekeeping
Weird that we're told that sex and gender are different and only ignorant people don't know that, but if you don't let trans people change their official sexes, that is transphobic bigotry and discrimination

We’re being hunted, say Edinburgh University lecturers - "Academics at Edinburgh University claim they are teaching in a climate of fear with some lecturers allegedly “hunted down” because of their failure to comply with the “unchallengeable orthodoxy” of gender identity theory... The university made headlines last year when it stripped the name of the Enlightenment philosopher David Hume from a tower block after campaigners highlighted a racist footnote in his essay Of National Characters. Last month it began an investigation into the conduct of Dr Neil Thin, a senior lecturer and opponent of the Hume decision, after students accused him of being racist, sexist and “problematic”. Scores of academics, many claiming to be from the Russell Group of leading universities, shared their anonymised experiences on GC Academia. One part-time lecturer at Edinburgh said a sense of intellectual freedom had been supplanted by a culture of fear... Another Edinburgh staff member said that mention of biological sex was deemed “bad” and “certain people will actively hunt down and harass those who [mention it]”. One critic of the university wrote scathingly of the “authoritarian bullies of the Staff Pride Network,” adding: “The postmodern thought and language police are very active in my subject area.” They added: “Their latest is an instruction to check our course materials for ‘cis-normative’ [a gender identity which matches their biological sex] assumptions and monitor ourselves, our students and each other for ‘micro-invalidations’.” This was a reference to guidance published by the university to help staff recognise and counteract “microaggressions against trans and/or nonbinary people”. It urges staff to refrain from using phrases such as “all women hate their periods” and “all people think about being the opposite gender sometimes”. Critics of the university are outraged by the document, which compares “transphobic campaigners” to Islamophobes and antisemites. A spokesman for Edinburgh University said it was “a safe place for difficult conversations,” adding: “We are committed to defending freedom of speech and expression, as long as it is carried out within the law and in a respectful manner."

Unenlightened Edinburgh caves in to trans tyranny - "An 80-year-old woman arrives at a university lecture hall to watch the screening of a feminist film and her entry is barred, first, by masked protesters.  Flora Brodie has become an unwitting poster girl for women’s rights after a video clip showed her trying to stand up to extremist gender bullies attempting, and succeeding, to block the film, Adult Human Female, for the second time at Edinburgh University.  The university, which had agreed to show the film, caved in quickly over “safety concerns”. But watching the video of Brodie more closely, it is the university’s own stewards who obstructed her.   I counted three protesters, hiding behind face coverings, in the melee and, at one point, five people in red jackets surrounding the pensioner.  They could just as easily have escorted her safely inside the building where the film was to be shown but, either on instruction from campus bosses or on their own volition, they sided with the mob...   The toxic atmosphere resembles that at Sussex University two years ago, when the feminist philosopher Kathleen Stock was hounded out of her job, as much by colleagues as students.  But there have been encouraging signs since then that trans zealots have lost the momentum and that some organisations, even universities, are belatedly rediscovering the value of debate in a democracy.  Stock herself was allowed to speak at the Cambridge Union last autumn, where her motion – “This house believes in the right to offend” – won the day.  Stock is also scheduled to speak at the Oxford Union next month, after it rejected moves by the LGBTQ+ Society to no-platform her.   Although the culture wars are far from over, leading academics and people like Oxford’s recent vice-chancellor, the fearless Louise Richardson, have helped counter the cult of censorship by challenging trans tyranny.  But in Edinburgh, elderly ladies can still be manhandled out of a film viewing by a bunch of mostly male misogynist thugs. Is it because of the political backdrop, fomented by Nicola Sturgeon, that prioritises the radical theories of trans ideologues over the interests of the majority of women?   Sturgeon is no longer in power, her controversial trans legislation is in limbo, and her successor, Humza Yousaf, normally so in awe of her, has come out for freedom of speech in the wake of the Edinburgh protests."

Transgender and Gender Diverse Children and Adolescents: Fact-Checking of AAP Policy - "The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) recently published a policy statement: Ensuring comprehensive care and support for transgender and gender-diverse children and adolescents. Although almost all clinics and professional associations in the world use what’s called the watchful waiting approach to helping gender diverse (GD) children, the AAP statement instead rejected that consensus, endorsing gender affirmation as the only acceptable approach. Remarkably, not only did the AAP statement fail to include any of the actual outcomes literature on such cases, but it also misrepresented the contents of its citations, which repeatedly said the very opposite of what AAP attributed to them."
Trust the "experts"! Trust the "science"!

The Ranks of Gender Detransitioners Are Growing. We Need to Understand Why - "Readers of such articles might not realize that data regarding the medical transition of children and adolescents is limited. As Dr. James Cantor wrote in a peer-reviewed journal article published last month, there are few studies examining adult outcomes for children who present as transgender; and those few studies indicate that the majority of pre-pubescent children who present as transgender eventually drop their trans identity and desist to their natal sex. NBC reports that “in a 2015 survey of nearly 28,000 people conducted by the U.S.-based National Center for Transgender Equality (NCTE), only 8 percent of respondents reported detransitioning, and 62 percent of those people said they only detransitioned temporarily.” Even if this 8 percent figure were accurate, that would certainly merit attention and concern, given the rising numbers of minors who now present as transgender. But the actual figure is likely much higher than 8 percent, because the referenced study is based exclusively on survey respondents who identify as transgender. Many of the detransitioners I have spoken with, by contrast, have cut ties completely with the transgender community, and certainly don’t identify as trans. A second study cited in the NBC report, titled An Analysis of All Applications for Sex Reassignment Surgery in Sweden, 1960-2010: Prevalence, Incidence, and Regrets, applied more robust methodology. These researchers found that only about 2 percent of the studied patients expressed regret. But the study was confined only to the small subset of trans Swedes who applied for both legal and surgical sex reassignment. This strict selection criteria would not capture the much broader class of trans-identified individuals who transition socially but have not undergone surgical transition or applied for a change in legal status... some detransitioners are living with significant mental and physical health issues as a result of their transition, and so taking steps to publicly revert to their original gender markers is not a high personal priority. Most of the individuals covered in the Swedish study transitioned before the recent dramatic rise in young people self-identifying as transgender... The population transitioning in recent years is also qualitatively different from predecessor cohorts. For one thing, many of those now transitioning are much younger. In the UK, there was an increase of more than 1,000 percent in the annual rate of natal male children and adolescents seeking specialist gender services from 2009 to 2019, with a 4,400 percent increase among natal female children and adolescents—from 40 in 2009-10 to more than 1,800 a decade later. Similar increases have been noticed in other Western countries. Until recently, those seeking transition generally were subject to extensive assessment by mental health practitioners. These stringent guidelines were relaxed in recent years because they were perceived as impinging on patient autonomy, and were considered burdensome and intrusive. According to this new trend, so called “gatekeeping” practices should give way to a model based on “affirmation” of a patient’s announced perception of his or her gender identity. And so many people have been able to access transition interventions after only minimal evaluation. This rush to “affirm” patients has outpaced the clinical data that would support such an approach. Therefore, it seems reasonable to expect that protocols aimed at fast-tracking treatment for trans individuals would increase the rate of false positives... Dr. Turban encourages journalists and politicians to talk to “transgender people and the physicians and researchers who actually study this topic,” rather than “cisgender [i.e., non-trans] political pundits and people who don’t care for trans youth.” In keeping with Dr. Turban’s suggestion, I offer my own perspective. I’m a Philadelphia-based clinician who treats detransitioned individuals. Though my sample size is small, I have seen a number of common themes emerge among clients.  The detransitioners I see in my practice are all female, and they are all in their early twenties. At the time they became trans-identified, many were suffering from complex social and mental health issues. Transition often not only failed to address these issues, but at times exacerbated them or added new issues. These young women often became derailed from educational or vocational goals during their period of trans identification.  Since detransitioning, they have lost the support of the trans community, often both online and in person. Some report that they are vilified if they speak about their experience as a detransitioner. And so, in addition to suffering from their pre-existing conditions, they also now suffer social isolation and a lack of peer support. The young women with whom I have worked became trans identified during adolescence. They frequently did so in the context of significant family dysfunction or complex psycho-social issues. Sexual assault and sexual harassment were common precursors. A majority had an eating disorder at the time they became trans identified. Since detransitioning, most now understand themselves to be butch lesbians. In our work together, they traced complex histories of coming to terms with their homosexuality. Some faced vicious homophobic bullying before they announced their trans identification. All of these young women report that their experience of gender dysphoria had been sincerely felt. According to their recollections, they were as “truly trans” as anyone. In some cases, they received a formal diagnosis of gender dysphoria from mental-health clinicians. Others attended informed-consent clinics, through which they were able to access testosterone after only a brief discussion with a health provider.  For most of these young women, identifying as trans worsened their mental health. Although some report that starting on hormones initially brought an increase in confidence and well-being, these drugs eventually seemed to make some of them more emotionally labile, and intensified depression and suicidality. Some of the women who underwent surgeries such as mastectomies or hysterectomies found that these procedures brought no relief from their suffering and instead resulted in nerve damage, regret and, in some cases, life-long dependence on synthetic hormones... none of the women with whom I have worked would likely be counted in the studies cited by trans activists. Indeed, most of them are still likely counted by their transition doctors as examples of “successful” transition stories, since they have simply stopped reporting for treatment."
TRAs keep citing the NCTE study and claiming very few trans people detransition (and that most detransition due to social pressure). This is like surveying churchgoers and claiming that the data show that  very few people leave Christianity

The Myth of “Reliable Research” in Pediatric Gender Medicine: A critical evaluation of the Dutch Studies—and research that has followed - "Two Dutch studies formed the foundation and the best available evidence for the practice of youth medical gender transition. We demonstrate that this work is methodologically flawed and should have never been used in medical settings as justification to scale this “innovative clinical practice.” Three methodological biases undermine the research: (1) subject selection assured that only the most successful cases were included in the results; (2) the finding that “resolution of gender dysphoria” was due to the reversal of the questionnaire employed; (3) concomitant psychotherapy made it impossible to separate the effects of this intervention from those of hormones and surgery. We discuss the significant risk of harm that the Dutch research exposed, as well as the lack of applicability of the Dutch protocol to the currently escalating incidence of adolescent-onset, non-binary, psychiatrically challenged youth, who are preponderantly natal females. "Spin" problems—the tendency to present weak or negative results as certain and positive—continue to plague reports that originate from clinics that are actively administering hormonal and surgical interventions to youth. It is time for gender medicine to pay attention to the published objective systematic reviews and to the outcome uncertainties and definable potential harms to these vulnerable youth."

Stop erasing women from women’s healthcare - "In an age of gender-fluidity, ‘woman’ has become a dirty word. Healthcare providers are now being urged to purge it from their language, even from invitations to smear tests. Otherwise, they may discourage trans men from attending, according to a new study. It used to be obvious that it was women who needed a cervical smear test. So to get around this, the study’s authors propose a new way to find out: ‘a body-organ checklist.’ This would allow doctors to keep a record of which patients have which organs. This would allow patients to ‘opt out of reminders they find triggering’. References to women are fast disappearing from the NHS. One hospital trust said earlier this year that it would use more ‘gender-inclusive language’ in its maternity care, including terms like ‘chestfeeding’, ‘human milk’ and ‘birthing parent’ as alternatives to ‘breastfeeding’, ‘breast milk’ and ‘mother’. NHS pregnancy advice recently claimed that ‘eight in 10 people under 40 years old will get pregnant within one year of trying by having regular sex without using contraception’. Yes, eight in 10 people. This gender-neutral language is supposed to be inclusive. But it will actually exclude women. Almost 50 per cent of women don’t know where their cervix is, according to a survey from 2020. Referring solely to women’s organs and not to women themselves would inevitably mean that women would miss screenings"

Yet another feminist burned at the stake - "I have heard from a number of feminists living in fear of losing their income as a result of being called to task for a) refusing to add pronouns to emails b) liking a JK Rowling tweet c) questioning whether single sex workplace toilets should become free-for-all, and d) refusing to use language in official documents such as ‘cervix havers’ and ‘chest feeders’. All of these examples are real. These women are all currently under investigation and risk being made unemployed and unemployable.  In the current climate where the trans-led Queer ISIS has the first and last word on anything to do with feminism, women are losing their jobs, reputations, university education and livelihoods. Many of the women affected at present are of colour, such as the Black lesbian barrister Allison Bailey for speaking at an event deemed to be TERF, and the Indian feminist filmmaker Vaishnavi Sundar who has questioned extreme trans activism. The likes of Owen Jones and Billy Bragg insist that cancel culture doesn’t exist. Those hard Left elitists over at Novara Media would have you believe that anyone complaining about voices in the transgender debate being silenced are merely rich white folk who are upset that young people are ‘calling them out’ for expressing offensive views.  Nothing could be further from the truth when it comes to the trans issue. Feminists, many of whom have spent their lives campaigning to end male violence, are the ones being bullied and hounded in the name of ‘intersectionality’.  This has nothing to do with bigots being held to account for spouting heinous opinions, it is all about silencing women who expose misogyny."

Mia on X - "Who’s Afraid of Liv Hewson?  Me. I’m afraid. I’m afraid because I know that these glam shots glorifying her medically unnecessary bilateral mastectomy are going to trigger a wave of teenage girls and young women going down the same destructive path.  Just as Princess Diana’s bulimia triggered a wave of women binging and purging, Karen Carpenter’s anorexia triggered an epidemic of anorexia, and Jazz Jennings unleashed a flood of “trans kids,” this photoshoot is going to set off a cascade of young women seeking mastectomies as the remedy for their misery.  The role of the media is crucial in these contagions. This ghastly photoshoot will plant the dangerous idea in the minds of vulnerable teenage girls that if they hate their developing breasts, having them amputated is the perfectly natural and healthy solution.  In the 19th century, there was an epidemic of hysteria, and one remedy was the surgical removal of healthy ovaries. Women who had imbibed the cultural narrative of the age would fixate on their ovaries and plead with surgeons to perform the surgery.  Today, we find ourselves witnessing the same horror, with vulnerable women, swept up in the epidemic of our time, believing that the surgical removal of their healthy breasts, and sometimes the ovaries and uterus as well, is the miracle cure for their unhappiness.  Young people no more need trans role models than they do anorexic, bulimic, or hysteric role models, and every media outlet that glamorises the demolition of healthy bodies in this way sacrifices countless young people to this medical crime."

Meme - uplift trans voices: "Photos PLEASE SHARE THIS Ok guys. This is serious so please read and pay attention because my life is currently in danger. One of the trolls has discovered my legal personal information. I am now having to get police involved. Places of employment have been contacted for the main aggressors, every person who has laughed at my posts have been logged, and I have a private investigator hired to seek out all who have sent me d.e.a.th threats or made t.h.reats on my life. Them discovering my information doesn't just put me in danger but the entirety of my family, my exhusbands family, And my friends. I have thousands of screenshots of people within the group saying how they 'want to take care of me'. I I plan on getting a lawyer involved, after a police report is filed and issued for the main instigators. I'm sorry it's come to this, y'all know I don't like the police, but this has gotten out of control. So to the lovely group that I know is reading this, go ahead and share this. If this goes any further, I may have to start taking donations for legal fees because I'm not above getting a lawyer who will contact Facebook itself. This has gone beyond banter, some of these people want me .d.e.a.d. And to the faceless troll accounts from that group, continuing Will only make it worse for the people who's info I do have."
Imagine being so triggered over laugh reacts, and imagining that thousands of people care so much about you that they want to endanger you

Meme - "The "be kind" crowd isn't about being kind. They want us to serve narcissists and men with fetishes. Otherwise they want to see us women beaten, raped, silenced, erased, oppressed and mass murdered."
"Pov you're cis on #TransDayOfVisibility and we are going to beat you up for it"
"It wouldn't matter if there was a slight spike..." Sophie Grace Chappell, talking about the possible murders of women due to self-ID."
"Nobody should ever be pressured into dating, or pressured into dating people they aren't attracted to. But if you find that when dating, you are writing off entire groups of people, like people of colour, fat people, disabled people or trans people, then it's worth considering how societal prejudices may have shaped your attractions." Nancy Kelley CEO Stonewall UK
"She'll find out ... Behold The Dildo Of Consequence! *spiked bat*"

ripx4nutmeg on X - "The first Trans Pride in London involved ceremonies depicting the hanging of women who believe that boys who like pink are just gender non-conforming boys, and not girls who need to be medicated. 'Right side of history'"
Meme - Tearer Mac: "So because a bunch of TERFs from reddit and fb raided our event page, the page for the venue, AND the page for the trans org that was hosting the event, we were forced to removed "terfs will be hung" from our event description, sad reacts only *hanging from the Handmaid's Tale*
From Trans Pride"
Meme Girl de Rais @Femme_Fhtagn: "Inaugurating the first London Trans Pride with the ceremonial Hanging of the TERF *person at scaffold with rope around neck*"
MTFs are so violent. It's almost like they're men

Meme - "This what rape culture looks like. Every time women stand up for their rights trans activists violently threaten us with rape in the name of "trans surpremacy", they reduce us to our body parts, they fetishize us, they objectify us and they use us as punching bags. Women simply don't behave like this. Only men with fetishes and toxic masculinity do this. Yet they still insist they're the good guys and the victims. It's infuriating."
"At the center of sissy porn lies the asshole, a kind of universal vagina through which femaleness can always be accessed... distilling the femaleness to its barest essentials—an open mouth, an expectant asshole, blank, blank eyes. Sissy Porn did make me trans". Andrea Long Chu Trans-Identifying Academic 'Females'
"There is something about being treated like shit by men that feels like affirmation itself, like a cry of delight from the deepest cavern of my breast... To be the victim of honest, undisguised sexism possesses an exhilarating vitality." — Grace Lavery Trans-identifying academic
*Various pictures of MTFs threatening violence against 'TERFs'*
Your Goddess @TransElevation: "An estimated 1 in 5 cis women experience sexual assault in their lifetimes. Under trans supremacy, we can raise that number to 1 in 2 or maybe even a full 100%!"
Albert Einstein II @_reincarnate_: "You're gonna get raped SO BAD that your uterus is gonna be FULL OF BLOOD from internal bleeding."

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐑𝐞𝐬𝐭 𝐨𝐟 𝐔𝐬 on X - "So,let me get this straight. If you're a woman and you speak about women's anatomy you have to apologize. If you're a man and you say being a woman is "an open mouth and blank eyes"/"being fucked like a woman" etc. you get publishing deals and can dictate what politicians can say"

Supreme Court says the word 'woman' is confusing, unfortunate - "The Supreme Court of Canada ruled in a recent sexual assault case that it was “problematic” for a lower court judge to refer to the alleged victim as a “woman,” implying that the more appropriate term should have been “person with a vagina.”... Justice Sheilah Martin wrote that a trial judge’s use of the word “a woman” may “have been unfortunate and engendered confusion.” Martin does not specify why the word “woman” is confusing, but the next passage in her decision refers to the complainant as a “person with a vagina.” Notably, not one person in the entire case is identified as transgender, and the complainant is referred to throughout as a “she.”  The case was R. v. Kruk, which involved a 2017 charge of sexual assault against then 34-year-old Maple Ridge, B.C., man Charles Kruk...  this decision may well be the first time that the phrase “person with a vagina” has ever appeared in a Canadian judicial decision. A search of the term on a database maintained by the Canadian Legal Information Institute yields only Martin’s decision on R. v. Kruk... Perhaps ironically, a decision that casually dismissed the word “woman” as being confusing was touted as a test case for the principle of judges employing “common-sense assumptions.”"

Denise Batson's answer to What's so hard to accept about the word 'cis'? It just means 'non-transgender' and cis means 'same'. - Quora - "Because we as the majority don’t need a label. Saying that we are non transgender is obvious. So why does every description have to be about transgender. The actual transgenders are .03–05% of the population. But all of a sudden, everything is about them.  The world doesn’t revolve around them. Just because we aren’t transgender doesn’t mean we have to be labeled as cis or non transgender. As I said, we are the majority. The only ones who need a label are those who don’t fit as straight, normal, or natural.  The whole transgender thing has gone to far and it is being rejected by most of society because it has gotten to the point where it is downright ridiculous and insane. They scream about being accepted, but at the same time showing nothing more than outlandish claims that most of society can’t go along with.  We are not cis and we are not non transgender. We are normal everyday people."

Jag E's answer to What's so hard to accept about the word 'cis'? It just means 'non-transgender' and cis means 'same'. - Quora - "Do you ask for caffeinated coffee?  No, you ask for coffee, or if you want the other kind of coffee, decaf.  People who don’t have gender dysphoria don’t need a special qualifier for themselves, that’s just normal."

Kellie Steinke's answer to What's so hard to accept about the word 'cis'? It just means 'non-transgender' and cis means 'same'. - Quora - "You demand the right not to be “misgendered”. You demand a certain pronoun. You claim victimhood, and declare that speech can be offensive and aggression. And then? You go and label us with an extremely offensive, made-up, derogatory label and express surprise when we tell you to stop it? Wtf?! Where are OUR rights, my dear? By your own rules, we should have you thrown in jail!"

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