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Wednesday, March 27, 2024

Links - 27th March 2024 (2 - Trans Mania: JK Rowling)

Meme - Hazel Appleyard @HazelAppleyard: "Why are they completely unhinged @jk_rowling lawyers at the ready again"
"CMV: JK Rowling should be charged with attempted murder over transphobic tweets
Every time you misgender a trans person, you put them at risk of being a victim of suicide or murder. Just as JK Rowling would be charged with attempted murder if she fired a gun at a trans woman since the projectile in question is potentially lethal, she should be charged with attempted murder for firing such language at trans women because the language in question is potentially lethal."
J.K. Rowling @jk_rowling: "Tinkerbell Syndrome: the conviction that unless all women, everywhere, believe a man is a woman, he will die."

Meme - "JK Rowling engages in Holocaust Denial.
"The Nazis burnt books on trans healthcare and research, why are you so desperate to uphold their ideology around gender?"
J.K. Rowling @jk_rowling: "I just... how? How did you type this out and press send without thinking I should maybe check my source for this, because it might've been a fever dream'?"
Alejandra Caraballo @Esque...: "You're engaging in Holocaust denial Joanne."
J.K. Rowling @jk_rowling: "Neither of your articles support the contention that trans people were the first victims of the Nazis or that all research on trans healthcare was burned in 1930s Germany. You are engaging in lying, Alejandra."
GrizzlyPeak72 MOD Ban-Happy Mod
Now it's become more clear than ever what JKR is, if you were banned in our Potter Purge last year and want to be unbanned please message modmail and provide the following:
1. The condemnation of Rowling as a transphobe and crypto-fascist
2. An whole-hearted apology for ever supporting her, defending her or promoting her interests (whether purposefully or accidentally)
3. A pledge to never buy another Potter product as long as you live
Any attempts to debate or troll will be reported to the admins and your account will be suspended.
Edit: Wow a lot of Nazis brigading this subreddit today. Yeah sorry, if "free speech" doesn't appy to people denying the Holocaust. Cope. If you got a problem with that, go cry to a Supreme Court Justice.
Edit 2: It's a shame, I was just trying to be nice to the people who were banned. But then I guess when a trans person tries to do anything, some cishet has a problem with it."
Pointing out that TRAs are fabricating history again = Holocaust Denial. And even for a reddit mod this is unhinged

Thread by @TwisterFilm on Thread Reader App – Thread Reader App - "Were trans people a key target of the Nazis? Pink News unwittingly confirms today what I've been saying all along: trans folks weren't even a blip on the murderous Nazi radar. In its article PN manages to muster the names of just 5 "trans" victims. Let's analyse them.
Each tells us something revealing about the LGBTQ+ fantasy of trans persecution by the Nazis. Take Gerd R, a married straight man who liked being sexually humiliated. It's true he was warned about cross-dresssing but it wasn't why he was jailed. Wait till you hear why he was. Gerd R was arrested after his neighbours grew sick of finding him naked in their communal garbage bins. Arrested under public indecency laws he was rescued from a concentration camp by the intervention of his doctor who pointed out he was heterosexual. Queer activists like Zavier Nunn (who criticises JK Rowling for "not taking Nazi oppression of trans seriously") celebrate this exhibitionist. Was he a Nazi victim? Gerd killed himself in a mental institution, where he'd have been sent at the time in the UK or anywhere else.
Then there's Gerd Katter, a supposed transman. It's true she was sent to a camp but she too was released and then granted permission to dress as a man. Queer historian Laurie Marhoefer admits this shows, “police at first reacted harshly but later showed surprising leniency.” "Surprising leniency". The case of Gerd Katter, Marhoefer says, “demonstrates ...state accommodation of transness”. That doesn’t make quite as powerful a headline as that of her Smithsonian article which was Transgender People Targeted by the Nazis.
The woeful level of what passes for scholarship among 'queer academics' is underlined by another name cited by Marhoefer in the same article: Toni Simon; whom Pink News has now cited too. Marheofer said she didn't know what happened to Simon but makes it sound ominous.... The fact is while Simon had his transvestite license revoked he was actually arrested for publicly denouncing the Nazis. And though he spent time in camps he was released, became a welder, survived the war and lived until 1979. Surprising leniency?
Probably not. Like Gerd R, who hid in bins, Simon was heterosexual. That helped. Pink News also cites Fritz Kitzing. Who he? Fritz was a gay transvestite who was arrested for soliciting. Sent to a camp he escaped to London. Where he was arrested for soliciting. FFS Fritz! 🤦‍♂️ Deported to Germany, Fritz was reported (for guess what) and sent to a camp after letters were found in which he denounced Nazi atrocities. The good news is he was then sent to serve in the German army. I'm sure Frtiz hated that! He survived the war. Fritz lived until the 1990s, running an antique shop. The thing is tho he never applied for a transvestite license. Was he then really a trans victim? Even if he was...his fate is in such marked contrast to that of millions who were members of the Nazis' key target groups.
The Nazi hatred for Jews was so pathological 80000 Freemasons were murdered- the vast majority non Jews - because the Nazis believed Freemasonry was a front for "Global Jewry". This reminds us when activists claim a Jew was a trans victim we should exercise caution. I assume that's why Pink News avoided Jewish victims of the Nazis in their list of "trans victims". Not all LGBTQ+ sites are as sensitive. This discussion is often cited to me as proof of trans persecution. Yet..half the victims named are ...Jews. 👉 Of the four victims these so-called experts cite as trans victims, 2 are Jewish and would have been targetted by the killing machine of the regime whether or not they cross-dressed or were "trans"; including this homosexual man, Harry 'Hambo' Heymann. RIP.
Last year I pointed out that the historian Anna Hajkowa who takes part in this video discussion managed to find just 3 trans cases. It was her who cited Harry Hambo as a trans victim but there was something weird about this. 👉 Just 5 years before Hajkova had cited Harry, a Jewish drag performer, as someone who was killed because of his homosexuality. Back then she said he was a victim of homophobia. Now she does what the Nazis wanted: erases homosexuality and Harry's Jewish faith. Disgraceful.
I've never denied there were people whom we'd now call "trans" who were victims of the Nazis. The regime was bloodthirsty and anyone who refused to conform could became a target. That's why last year I acknowledged Liddy Barcroff, named in Pink News now, as a trans victim. Liddy (Heinrich Habitz) was jailed for homosexual prostitution during the Weimar Republic. For the same crime the Nazis sent him to a concentration camp where he was murdered. However since he wrote a biography 'An experience as a transvestite' let's assume he was trans. Someone that Pink News doesn't mention is “Sally” Adamson or Arnošt Grunspan who though he was half-Jewish it’s most likely it was his cross-dressing that led to his arrest and murder in a camp. RIP Arnost. Or Sally. No one deserves such a fate.
So what does all this prove? Above all, there is no doubt that non-conformists of any sort were likely to be victims of the Nazis. Of course this would include people we'd now call trans. BUT...today's trans community does itself no favours by trying to position itself as a priority of the Nazis. If they had been the Nazis would have passed new laws. They loved doing that. They passed 300 against Jews. The truth is that the handful of examples of trans cases provided by 'queer' historians so far point to something else. A much more confused and patchy response than the brutal strategy of elimination against the Nazis' real targets like the Jews. So far the mixed fortunes of named trans victims suggest that it was possible to be "trans" and elude persecution. If you were heterosexual, followed the rules on public cross-dressing and avoided prostitution (or hiding in bins) you could hope to survive the brutal regime. These were not options for key targets of the Nazis like Jews or the disabled who were ruthlessly sought out for elimination. When trans activists describe this truth-telling as 'Holocaust Denial' they do a disservice to all Holocaust victims. Including the few trans ones."

Tim Conrad on X - "I don't understand why there is no @jk_rowling  equivalent in America. Or a @ThePosieParker  .  The American women don't have this type of prominent leadership and I'm not sure if it's really that there aren't enough concerned American women?  No disrespect to the many American women in this fight, but there aren't enough..."

J.K. Rowling Sparks Controversy With Mother's Day Message Trolling Inclusive Language - "“Happy Birthing Parent Day to all whose large gametes were fertilised resulting in small humans whose sex was assigned by doctors making mostly lucky guesses”...  Rowling has pushed back on inclusive language in the past, which made her post on Mother’s Day that much more striking. Following criticism that she was mocking people, the writer posted an update with a sarcastic tone.  “Devastated and bewildered that my embrace of inclusive language has angered its most enthusiastic devotees,” Rowling shared before adding, “So let’s just say: Happy Mother’s Day to all females who’ve raised children.”  Rowling’s message comes after UK television personality India Willoughby reported the author to police over alleged transphobic comments. Willoughby, who underwent gender reassignment surgery in 2015, claims that Rowling has intentionally misgendered her.  In a series of posts, Rowling fired back, saying that her lawyers had advised her that Willoughby’s “obsessive targeting of me over the past few years may meet the legal threshold for harassment.”  “I ignored this advice because I couldn’t be bothered giving India the publicity he so clearly craves,” Rowling posted on X. “Aware as I am that it’s an offence to lie to law enforcement, I’ll simply have to explain to the police that, in my view, India is a classic example of the male narcissist who lives in a state of perpetual rage that he can’t compel women to take him at his own valuation.”"
Left wingers are also unhappy when you follow their rules. But they are always unhappy, so

Meme - J.K. Rowling @jk_rowling: "#BeKind"
STR WUMBO @Wumbo____: "How has she not been beaten and skinned alive for this"
J.K. Rowling @jk_rowling: "Happy Birthing Parent Day to all whose large gametes were fertilised resulting in small humans whose sex was assigned by doctors making mostly lucky guesses"

Meme -
"My 85 year old grandmother has survived the war and her adult life. When I read her your post she said how cruel. Why couldn't you just write happy mother's day"
J.K. Rowling @jk_rowling: "When my 205-year-old grandmother (who's survived SEVERAL wars and her adult life) saw your post she said 'why couldn't she just write "the starting-point of critical elaboration is the consciousness of what one really is"?' She breeds canaries and once crocheted the Taj Mahal."

Transgender Activists Target 'Harry Potter' Creator J.K. Rowling Over Mother’s Day Social Media Post - "  “Can you like stop existing? That would be great,” suggested @LatinaHeat0. “Like just turn to dist[sic] ir [sic] ash immediately I’m sick of you. Pathetic excuse of human being.” “If only your birthing parent aborted you :(” wrote a tolerant @fa1ryfru1t. Another tolerant individual proposed, “You should be fed to Piranhas.” X user @milk_fr simply resorted to insulting the Harry Potter scribe, calling her a “b—h.” Sharing an animated gif of a scene from Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone, in which Ron’s Queen uses the royal throne to smash the head of Harry’s Knight during a Wizard Chess match, @CommunismMaga declared, “Nobody talks like this and you call yourself a writer?”  “POV: Me proceeding to bash JK Rowling with a f—king chair,” the user then added. “This woman hasn’t entertained me this much since 2007,” wrote @Slaztsim, proceeding to fantasize about the death of Rowling by sharing an animated gif of Sub-Zero performing a Fatality on Raiden in Mortal Kombat 2, writing, “Her TERF avatar is such fun!” Openly declaring that Rowling’s death will be a reason for celebration, @sylvie2099 wrote, “How it feels knowing that your are 40 years older than me and I will be able to celebrate your passing away.” Rowling herself brought some receipts as well. Responding to a user who simply called her a “c—t,” the author mocked, “I’d return the compliment, but as the old joke goes, you are neither deep nor warm enough.”"

JK Rowling vows to defy Scotland's 'ludicrous' new hate crime laws and refuses to delete posts calling trans TV presenter 'just a man' - "Ms Rowling has now been targeted by activists who claim she could be prosecuted under the controversial new Hate Crime and Public Order (Scotland) Act, due to be introduced on April 1. The 58-year-old wrote on X that she would not be taking down any of her posts about Ms Willoughby... Ms Rowling was responding to a post from a user claiming to be a British lawyer who wrote: 'Delete the posts about India Willoughby as they most likely contravene the new law. Start deleting!'... feminist group For Women Scotland wrote: 'Not sure anyone claiming to be a lawyer should be posting misleading info.'...
Education Secretary Gillian Keegan is facing legal action from a teacher who claims schools are 'breaking the law' by effectively encouraging pupils to change gender. Kevin Lister, 61, who was banned from the classroom after refusing to use a child's preferred name and pronouns, is supported by the parents of a pupil they say was 'encouraged' to transition at school. The legal letter claims 'the unlawful indoctrination of children' is 'being promoted across schools and colleges'. Mr Lister told the Mail ministers must 'make clear that gender identity ideology amounts to political indoctrination and is therefore illegal'."

J.K. Rowling Delivers Hilarious Translation Of Woke Trans ‘Ally’s’ X Post - "“I am a CIS male and an ally of the LGBTQ+ community,” Barot posted. “All my life I have fought for diversity and equality. I advised two Attorney Generals on race and equality issues and prosecuted on behalf of victims of crime. I know who I am and am proud of what I stand for.” “‘I am a man who wants to see girls and women stripped of their rights and protections for the benefit of my fellow men,'” the “Harry Potter” author wrote in her translation, mocking Barot. “‘I know this makes me a really good guy and other guys I know agree with me. I am proud of being such a great guy.'” Rowling followed that up with a post directed at Willoughby, who had complained about getting death threats from Rowling’s fans and supporters. “Let’s compare what each of us has got over the past five years, @IndiaWilloughby, and see who’s had the greatest number of threats of murder, torture, burning, skinning, rape (in every possible mutation) and assault (again, in every possible variation) from the other’s allies,” Rowling said."

J.K. Rowling on X - ".@wizardingnews I've done everything I can to keep my children out of the public eye. My eldest daughter doesn't owe you or anyone else details of her private life. However, for the avoidance of doubt:
1. Contrary to your claims, we are very close and last talked an hour ago. We discussed your posts, which have angered and distressed her.
2. Contrary to your claims, she doesn't live in Portugal.
3. Contrary to your claims, she has no children.
4. The young mother whose photograph and personal details you published is not my daughter and has no relation to me whatsoever.
You've published easily disproven and damaging falsehoods. Should we go to legal proceedings, you will need to show why, in spite of being told the truth, you neither retracted nor apologised. In the absence of any such retraction and apology, the next communication you receive will be from my lawyer."

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