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Saturday, March 23, 2024

Links - 23rd March 2024 (2 - Trans Mania)


Nick Pope - "My wife - Elizabeth Weiss - is a controversial and high-profile anthropology professor who's been the subject of various cancel culture attacks, e.g. for saying that skeletons are either male or female (now classified as "hate speech"!). She advocates for science, and speaks out against wokeism and political correctness in academia. Her book "On the Warpath: My Battles With Indians, Pretendians, and Woke Warriors" will be out soon."
So many left wingers were claiming that this was fake and that she was cancelled for "grave robbing", when the American Anthropological Association literally cancelled her panel due to "transphobia" (maybe the cope will be that "transphobia" isn't "hate speech"; the hysterical claims from the AAA were hilarious, like comparing it to race science). Not to mention that the talk of "grave robbing" is nonsense anyway, given how non "indigenous" archaeology works

Meme - Godfrey Elfwick: "From the abject misery of living in the wrong body to the joy of being your true self. The beautiful journey of Elliot Page"
*happy Ellen Page* *upset Elliot Page*

Transgender Women Athletes and Elite Sport: Misleading at best, intellectually dishonest at worst | Macdonald-Laurier Institute - "The Canadian Centre for Ethics in Sport (CCES) is an odd organization. On one hand, it is Canada’s National Anti-Doping Organization, funded by Sport Canada. Its task is to ensure fair sport. On the other hand, it behaves more like a think tank or academic centre, going way beyond regulation to argue for a conception of sport that ensures unfair sport for women. It does this is a way that is both militantly ideological, and also rather odd. Its latest publication, titled Transgender Women Athletes and Elite Sport: A Scientific Review (CCES 2022a), is an example of this second activity.  In a hotly contested field, the report has a good claim to be one of the worst published papers on trans-inclusion in female sport. I want first to highlight the oddness of the paper. It argues, simultaneously, for three inconsistent views. The first is that it is fair for transwomen to compete in female sport. The second is to concede that it is not fair for transwomen to compete in female sport. The third is that we don’t know whether it is fair for transwomen to compete in female sport. You don’t need to be a professor of logic to see that this is a mess... The CCES paper is divided into “biomedical” and “socio-cultural” approaches and the authors make a bold claim that this reflects two different “epistemologies” or “conceptualizations” (CCES 2022a, 13) in a “social hierarchy of knowledge” (Ibid., 6). This approach appears to appeal to a Foucauldian “structures of knowledge” idea, the view that knowledge is a social construction, in opposition to a view of truth and explanation as the correspondence between an independent reality and our understanding. Or perhaps it is supposed to resonate with a Wittgensteinian critique of “scientism” – the ideological presentation of science as having a master role in intellectual life. There is a lot of obfuscation along these lines in the paper that amounts to pseudo-profundity.   But what we get is a let-down. It is nothing more than the obvious point that socio-economic and other inequalities influence athletic performance. A “Key Sociocultural Finding” of the paper is that “Nutrition and time to train make a difference to athletic performance” (CCES 2022a, 6).  Well, gosh.  Whilst true, this has nothing to do with the inclusion of male-bodied athletes in female competition... the argument could be reconstructed in two ways: one is to say that the physiological effects of the social disadvantages faced by transwomen match, and therefore cancel out, their residual male advantages. Because of this, then, it turns out to be fair to include transwomen in female sport. This is the third view. Is it plausible?  Consider this consequence: in our paper published by the Macdonald-Laurier Institute (MLI), we point out that the different physiological advantages of males over females varied from sport to sport. So they were smaller in endurance sport – perhaps 11 percent in rowing, but bigger in explosive, upper body sport, such as 66 percent in powerlifting (Pike, Hilton and Howe 2021, 14). But, on the “cancelling out view,” the sociological disadvantages of transwomen would make it fair if they diminished performance by 11 percent for transwomen rowers but they would need to do so by 66 percent for transwomen power lifters. But this consequence is absurd. The other view is to say that, because of the sociocultural disadvantages faced by transwomen, sports authorities should accede to the demand that they are included in female sport. On this line of argument, inclusion of transwomen in female sport is not fair, but it is an act of solidarity with them. This justification, though, must attend to the opposite claim: it rests on the acceptance that inclusion is not fair, so it amounts to an act of hostility towards female athletes. Many female athletes face sociocultural disadvantages too. We know that inclusion of transwomen in female sport also excludes: it drives female athletes off podiums and out of competition (Devine 2021). We should ask, then, what do you have against female athletes? What have they done to merit being treated unfairly?... Transwomen tend to be taller, have bigger hands, bigger lungs, and higher fat free mass. This is because of the process of androgenisation, which happens to everyone who goes through male puberty. But, yes, if you control and adjust for these male advantages, then they start to fade away. This CCES move then has rather a dizzying effect: “If you control for all sex differences, then you find that sex differences are not significant” is a true, but meaningless, claim for this policy debate: “If wishes were fishes, we’d all swim in riches,” as the nursery rhyme – truthfully – goes.   At a more practical level, the authors pass over in silence evidence that males outperform body-size-matched females by up to 30 percent in many sports. However, the CCES acknowledge as one of their key findings that even with adjustment for height and weight, transgender women retain physiological advantages over females, and thus they must resort to the argument that these retained advantages are within range of female metrics, an argument that applies to many males regardless of gender identity and which has not been considered a rationale for permitting those males into female sporting categories... when this conceptual confusion, this wrong-end-of-the-stick grabbing and tomfoolery, is not enough to establish their pre-determined ideological conclusions, CCES simply misrepresents the literature. As if no-one can do the reading, they say that the evidence summarized in Harper et al. (2021b) “is highly suggestive that any potential performance advantage is negated through effective testosterone suppression” (CCES 2022a, 26, emphasis added). Compare this to what this source actually says: “the small decrease in strength in transwomen after 12–36 months of GAHT [gender-affirming hormone care] suggests that transwomen likely retain a strength advantage over cisgender women” (Harper et al. 2021b, 7, emphasis added).   It is necessary to speak plainly here. The CCES is sponsoring and publishing pseudo-science and intellectual dishonesty to the Canadian public, at the expense of the same Canadian public, up to and including misrepresentation of academic peer-reviewed research.  This report is frighteningly bad. There is so much more wrong with it than I have space to cover. In its gratuitous ad hominems, it fails to meet minimal standards of intellectual debate. The report’s authors do not understand what it would take for inclusion of male-bodied transwomen to be fair, and present mutually inconsistent accounts. It misreads and mischaracterizes the history of sport. The literature review is partial, shoddy, and dishonest. It is sometimes wrong, but often doesn’t rise to the threshold of even being wrong."
Since some black people earn more money than some white people, we can't say that black people earn less than white people, or that there's any discrimination against black people

Meme - "Trans people aren't valid"
"Nobody is denying your humanity. We're denying your delusion."

How trans ideology hijacked the gay-rights movement - "In the 1980s and 90s, there was no ‘trans’ or ‘transgender’ community. There were two very different groups, transvestites and transsexuals. The only thing they had in common was a need to be able to discreetly source ladies’ clothes in mens’ sizes. The only thing they had in common was a need to be able to discreetly source ladies’ clothes in mens’ sizes. Transvestites were overwhelmingly male and heterosexual, and liked to wear women’s clothes occasionally. They did not believe themselves to be women, nor did they want to physically transition. These transvestites outnumbered by 10 or 20 to one the far smaller group of transsexuals. Transsexuals at the time were mostly male, mostly homosexual and suffered gender dysphoria so severe that they willingly underwent the pain and risks of ‘sex change’ surgery. (There were only vanishingly small numbers of biological women identifying as either transvestites or transsexuals at that time.)... But at some point in the late 1990s, the transvestites and transsexuals merged into a new group: ‘transgender’ people. The public mostly thinks that transgender people are the same as the old ‘transsexuals’ – ie, gender dysphorics who have either already ‘changed sex’ or at least intend to. But more than 95 per cent of transgender people do not ‘change sex’. Most transwomen are biological males who still have full adult male genitalia and have no wish to change that. Many are still sexually attracted to biological females like the straight men they are and always were. This is how we arrived at ‘LGBT’. This is how a collective identity for homosexuals came to include lots of straight men who wanted to be seen as anything but straight men... Then, it was only a short wait before the Q was added. Q for queer. The n-word for homosexuals. Perhaps ‘trolling the homos’ wasn’t the reason the Q was added to LGBT, but it felt like it to some of us. Certainly, LGBTQ now included even more straights who didn’t want to be seen as straight – because that’s just too… dull? In any case, yet another bunch of straights had muscled into our acronym, literally queered our pitch, without bothering to ask the boring, old-fashioned LGB whether it wanted to be forceably teamed-up with yet more non-homosexuals. Most LGB people just kept their mouths shut. Others, afraid of being left behind, started calling themselves ‘nonbinary’. No one seemed to understand what it meant, apart perhaps from having a pink fringe and big glasses. Then came ‘I’ for ‘intersex’. Neither a sex, nor a gender, but a medical condition this time.  Then it was ‘A’. For ‘asexual’. Boy George famously once said he would prefer ‘a nice cup of tea and a sitdown’ to sex. Fair play! But that hardly warrants the launch of a human-rights campaign.  And so we arrived at LGBTQIA, which was then itself immediately overtaken by LGBTQIA+, with the plus sign signalling that there would be no limits to the expansion. If that’s a bit confusing, just remember, the LGB is the homosexual bit, the TQIA+ is the straight bit.   First our acronym was hijacked, and then our flag. In 2018, our beautiful, simple rainbow flag was binned and replaced with the ugly ‘Progress Pride Flag’, with added triangles signifying trans and nonbinary people, plus people of colour. Apparently a rainbow, the very definition of inclusion, is not inclusive enough for our queer new world.   Next up for a takeover was the jewel in our community’s crown, Stonewall. What was once a model lobby group has been hijacked and turned into, effectively, a consultancy firm for companies looking to put a tick in a ‘corporate social responsibility’ box. We should have seen this corporatisation coming years ago, when ‘Lesbian and Gay Pride’ was first de-gayed to just ‘Pride’.   But what can be done about all this? Is it time for a divorce? Well, according to the gaslighting narcissists of the TQIA+, we LGB people are nothing without them, and they’ll never let us leave them. Meanwhile, all those lovely progressive ‘allies’ keep telling us to ‘give the relationship a chance – you were meant to be together!’.  Unsurprisingly, some lesbians have come to the conclusion that they just need to ‘Get the L out’ of the LGBTQIA+ and organise separately as lesbians. Good luck with that. Every lesbian group and dating app is currently besieged by transwomen claiming to be lesbians and demanding to be considered as valid sexual partners. Other lesbians (from the Gay Liberation Front of the 1970s and the original Stonewall) have set up the LGB Alliance, a charity to focus once again on the needs of homosexuals. Shamefully, Stonewall and others have tried to prevent this organisation from even having charitable status.   All of this might sound to you like just one grumpy old man moaning about a TERF war between the different stripes of an ugly flag. But what began 25 years ago, with the erasure of the distinction between transvestites and transsexuals and the addition of a fourth letter to the LGB acronym, has delivered a whole catalogue of problems today, some with devastating consequences.  Of perhaps minor importance, but intensely annoying, is the Stalinist rewriting of LGB history to centre trans people, when in reality they were absent or only present on the margins.    More seriously, the progressive view that while biology is real, gender stereotypes are mere social constructs has been upended. LGBTQIA+ ideology reverses this, discounting the importance of sex and placing ‘gender identity’ on a pedestal. Dressing in the wrong colour or playing with the ‘wrong’ toy is now seen as diagnostic of a ‘trans’ identity – and anyone who dares question this identity is liable to be accused of ‘conversion therapy’.    The problems of transwomen’s unfair advantage in women’s sport and the potential dangers of their presence as biological males in women’s refuges, prisons, changing rooms and toilets are becoming glaringly apparent. The social contagion of rapid-onset gender dysphoria among teen girls and the ‘transing’ of effeminate boys and butch girls both deserve far more attention. They are a physical and mental-health timebomb ready to explode. Decades of progress in women’s rights, lesbian and gay rights, and even children’s rights are being rolled back or placed in jeopardy.  This is not the gay-rights movement of old. It is time for a divorce."

Meme - Barbie Movie: "It is literally impossible to be a woman."
Laverne Cox: "No it's not sis!"
Caitlyn Jenner: "All you need is long hair and a little makeup..."
Dylan Mulvaney: "A pretty dress and a giggle..."
Transwoman 4: "And knowing that what you feel is all that really matters"

Meme - "Normal People: living their lives, not bothering anyone
Trans People: *upset Denethor*"
TRAs post this with the positions swapped, which is amazing, because they're always trying to force the rest of the world to follow their agenda

Meme - "For the second year in a row, Mack Beggs, a transgender wrestler has won the Texas girls' Class 110 pound division. *man holding woman in choke hold*
Beavis and Butthead: "AH! HELP! HE'S GOT A BONER""

Meme - "But I have an untreated mental illness, made up some pronouns, and demanded that you call me a woman."
Bane: "And this gives you power over me?"

Meme - "Hill: The term 'Gender' has been used for more than five hundred years to reference a person's biological sexual characteristics. No amount of revisionism is going to change this fact.
Source: Oxford English Dictionary"
"Males or females viewed as a group; = sex Also: the property or fact of belonging to one of these groups. Originally extended from the grammatical use at sense 1 (sometimes humorously), as also in Anglo-Norman and Old French. In the 20th cent. as sex came increasingly to mean sexual intercourse (see sex), gender began to replace it (in early use euphemistically) as the usual word for the biological grouping of males and females. It is now often merged with or coloured by sense 3b."
1474. His heyres of the masculine gender of his body lawfully begoten. in C. L. Kingsford, Stonor Letters & Papers (1919) vol. I. 142 (Middle English Dictionary)
a1500 (a1460). Has thou oght writen there Of the femynyn gendere? Towneley Plays (1994) vol. I. xxx. 408
1580. For there is but one Lord..both of men and of Angels, which doth not onely exclude all other Lordes of the masculine gender, but much more all Ladyes. W. Fulke, Retentiue 92
1632. Here's a woman: The soule of Hercules has got into her. She has a spirit, is more masculine, Then the first gender. S. Marmion, Hollands Leaguer iii. iv. sig. g4v
1656. Strength..was a vertue attributed to the masculine gender. Earl of Monmouth, translation of T. Boccalini, Ragguagli di Parnasso 135
1719. I think the Poets make her change her Sex, and turn He-Thing, as if she could not be as useful when of our Gender, as of yours.. J. Harris, Astronomical Dialogues 141
1723. Of the fair Sex..my only Consolation for being of that Gender has been the assurance it gave me of never being marry'd to any one amongst them. Lady M. W. Montagu, Letter 7 December (1966) vol. II. 33"
Proof that until about 10 years ago, everyone knew sex and gender were synonyms

Meme - "Good morning kids, welcome to Death Metal Story Hour, this next song is about killing child Molesters."
Of course, the left will be very upset about this

Benjamin Ryan on X - "Study finds that the attempted-suicide rate among transgender women who received a vaginoplasty in California was twice as high during the period after the surgery compared with the period before the surgery.  The investigaotrs analyzed data on all 868 people who received a vaginoplasty and 357 people who received a phalloplasty in California from 2012-2018. There were an average of 2 years of data before and after surgery.   A total of 22% of the vaginoplasty group and 21% of the phalloplasty group had at least one ER or in-patient psych encounter during the study period, whether before or after surgery.   If there was a psych encounter prior to surgery, 34% of the vaginoplasty group and 27% of the phalloplasty group had a psych encounter after surgery.   Among those receiving a vaginoplasty, the rate of suicide attempts was twice as high after the surgery, at 3.3%, compared with before, at 1.5%.   The phalloplasty suicide-attempt rate was similar to the general population, while the vaginoplasty group's rate was more than twice as high as the general population.  "Patients undergoing [gender-affirming surgery] with a history of prior psychiatric emergences or feminizing transition are at higher risk and should be counseled appropriately," the study authors concluded."
Billboard Chris 🇨🇦🇺🇸 on X - "This is big! A new study out of California completely destroys the narrative that kids will kill themselves if not allowed to transition.  Attempted suicides of trans-identified males more than doubled after sex-reassignment surgery.   Looking at the two years before and two years after surgery, the attempted suicide rate went from 1.5% - 3.3%.  Suicidality stayed the same for females."
The TRAs will pretend this study doesn't exist, block anyone who mentions it under the excuse of "transphobia" and carry on as if the claim that surgery reduces suicide hasn't already been debunked elsewhere
As we get newer studies which include more and more victims of trans mania, the "life saving" interventions are going to look worse and worse, since screening is now "gatekeeping" and everyone is being given these interventions, even if there's no reason to think they will benefit

Benjamin Ryan on X - "The era of pediatric gender-transition treatment for early adolescents is over in England, as the National Health Service announces it will no longer prescribe puberty blockers to minors. This puts the U.S. further and further away from Europe. @WPATH is doubling down."
Clearly Europe is filled with far right transphobic bigots and extremists

Leaked Files Spark Furor Over Kids' Gender Transition Treatments - "The publication of a trove of leaked internal communications from the nation’s predominant transgender medicine and advocacy organization – in which leading doctors in the gender-care field acknowledge children’s inability to consent to gender-transition treatment and espouse few limits for prescribing hormones to gender-distressed adults with severe mental illness – has roiled the already fraught debate over gender-related medical care for children and adolescents.   The leaked documents could also imperil liberal legal groups’ efforts to undo bans on such medical treatment in the courts. And they could aid the growing number of plaintiffs suing what they claim are unscrupulous medical providers who provided them with gender-transition treatment when, the plaintiffs argue, they should have focused on their myriad other mental health needs instead.   The documents could also inspire new malpractice suits against health care providers– including members of the organization – and even fraud lawsuits against the organization itself.  The group in question is the World Professional Association for Transgender Health. On March 4, the think tank Environmental Progress published a sprawling and scathing report based on leaked internal documents from the organization. The report portrays WPATH members as engaging in what it characterizes as reckless and non-evidence-based medical practices to treat gender-related distress while often being indifferent to serious risks. Called The WPATH Files, the report asserts that health and mental health providers within WPATH leadership have been knowingly providing or endorsing gender-transition treatment to people with at best a poor capacity to provide informed consent for such care. This includes gender-distressed minors (children and teens distressed over their biological sex) and their parents consenting on their behalf. WPATH is also accused of fostering a culture of heedless prescribing of gender transition treatments to “vulnerable” adults, in particular those with numerous severe psychiatric conditions...   “Courts across the nation have relied on WPATH as the subject matter expert to stop the enforcement of state laws protecting children from sex-modification procedures,” said Alabama Attorney General Steve Marshall, a Republican, referring to judges who have blocked some of the 23 state bans of pediatric gender-transition treatment. “The WPATH Files confirm that such reliance is misplaced.” Seven current and former WPATH members spoke critically about the organization with The Sun. Many said that the public-relations crisis engulfing WPATH was of its own making, at least in part. And they criticized the organization’s leaders for presenting such a confident, united front to the public regarding the safety and efficacy of pediatric gender-transition treatment.  They said that WPATH leadership instead should have favored greater transparency regarding the organization’s ongoing appraisal of pediatric gender-medicine research. WPATH, they said, should have made clear to the public two things: that according to an increasing number of systematic literature reviews conducted in Europe, the associated scientific literature regarding medical gender transitions for minors remains wanting and inconclusive; and that a swath of European nations have accordingly moved to reclassify such treatment as experimental and to sharply restrict minors’ access to it.   However, current and former WPATH members also said they recognized that the politicization of pediatric gender medicine in North America has put the organization in a bind... Jordan Campbell, a partner at Campbell Miller Payne, a legal firm established to represent in medical-malpractice cases so-called detransitioners—those who received transition treatment as minors or young adults and later regretted it and reverted to identifying as their birth sex—said that that potential legal impact of The WPATH Files “cannot be understated.” WPATH’s only response to a request for comment was a blanket claim from WPATH president Dr. Marci Bowers that she was being misrepresented in the detailed content from the draft of this article that, in advance of publication, The Sun shared with her and WPATH leadership. She did not respond to a request to be more specific.  The day following the publication of the report, WPATH emailed its membership to request that they remain publicly silent on the matter.   This email, obtained by the Sun, included a statement from Dr. Bowers, which the organization asserted at the time would remain its only response to The WPATH Files.  “We are the professionals who best know the medical needs of trans and gender diverse individuals, Dr." Bowers said... Dr. Berg says she remained “a little stumped” over how to communicate the risk of future infertility to children nine to 11 years old who want to start taking puberty blockers and then cross-sex hormones... “You talk about fertility preservation with a 14-year-old, but I know I’m talking to a blank wall,” says Dr. Metzger. He recounts stories of young adults who had started such treatment as minors coming to regret their inability to have biological children.  “But what really disturbs me,” Dr. Berg says, “is when the parents can’t tell me what they need to know about a medical intervention that apparently they signed off for.”... According to Dr. Gregory Dolin, a medical doctor who teaches tort law at the University of Baltimore School of Law, when a medical institution such as WPATH is “saying one thing publicly and another thing privately, that might make them a juicy target for any malpractice suit.” In public, WPATH has remained resolute that pediatric gender-transition treatment is safe and effective and that, in the words of a prominent member, University of California, San Francisco, psychologist Diane Ehrensaft, “children know who they are” and can be trusted to guide their own gender-transition trajectory. In a March 2023 release, WPATH touted the SoC 8 as the “foremost evidence based guideline” in the gender-medicine field...   “Where WPATH is vulnerable is having ignored the systematic evidence reviews in Europe” that contradict such sweeping claims, said Erica Anderson, a Minnesota psychologist and former head of WPATH’s US branch, USPATH. “That is going to really bite them. I’ve tried to steer them. I gave up.”... They said it was understandable that neither Dr. Berg nor Dr. Metzger had publicly addressed these concerns, given the tense political climate and the fierce blowback sustained by those within WPATH who lend the public cause to doubt the organization.
Basically not talking about your concerns publicly for political reasons is good because it's a noble lie. Too bad for all the victims sacrificed to the left wing agenda

Former co-chair of transgender organisation arrested and sent to prison on sexual assault charges : japannews
トランスジェンダー団体元共同代表 強制わいせつ容疑で逮捕・送検|青森放送NEWS NNN
Damn transphobic myths!

Forced head shave for transgender inmate a human rights violation: Osaka lawyers - "A group of lawyers has submitted a recommendation asking the Japanese government to stop imposing haircuts on prisoners after a transgender woman in her 50s was forced to have her head shaved as an inmate...   The justice ministry has guidelines for inmates' hair length, establishing either 2 millimeters or 1.6 centimeters for males and stating that females' hair should be neat and clean without being flamboyant.  The recommendation points out that, "Allowing male inmates the same degree of freedom of hairstyle as women is not deemed to interfere with the maintenance of discipline and order in penal institutions."  It asks for a revision of the guidelines, affirming that hairstyles are one of the rights of self-determination guaranteed by the Japanese Constitution and that forcing a male hairstyle on the inmate in question caused a large amount of psychological pain and humiliation. However, the recommendation has no legal binding power."
Forced head shave for transgender inmate a human rights violation: Osaka lawyers - The Mainichi : japannews - "Why do men have to have their head shaved in the first place? Having one rule for everyone would be a simple solution, it’s not like they are on holidays there"

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