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Wednesday, March 20, 2024

Links - 20th March 2024 (2 - Diversity)

Of course, we are told that wokeness is about empathy. Ironically, somehow "minorities" can't empathise with other people, which is why we "need" "representation"

Meme - "daily gondor
No, you aren't entitled to a safe, homogenous kingdom
Romgram Under-underminer
Alt-rohirrim keeps complaining about a problem that doesn't exist. There are no downsides to the Reign of Darkness under the One Ring.
Middle-earth will know peace once there are no longer enough Men and Elves to resist the Dark Lord.
Trending Now. Everything is terrible: you have no hope, things are falling apart, help is not coming. You are weak, small and insignificant. Nobody will save you and you should just lie down and give up.

Affirmative action: Who benefits the most? The answer may surprise you - "Affirmative action refers to efforts to curb discrimination in education, employment and government contracting. Affirmative action was first used in 1935 in the Wagner Act, a federal law that gave workers the right to start and join unions. John F. Kennedy was the first president to use the term to mean advancing racial equality.  The term was originally meant to convey that the government should act affirmatively to end race and gender discrimination. But critics have equated affirmative action with racial quotas and preferences that they say give unfair advantages to people of color and discriminate against white people."
This is the usual Jedi mind trick. As if affirmative action were really just ending discrimination rather than institutionalising it. This goes beyond motte-and-bailey tactics into full on lying; if affirmative action really had its original meaning, its opponents would not oppose it
I finally have an explanation of the lie that white women are the biggest beneficiaries of affirmative action (previously I thought it referred to legacy admissions); the Dropbox article repeats this line

Senior Leader At Dropbox Under Scrutiny For Choosing 'To Prioritize Folks In Our BIPOC Communities' When Hiring - "Jasmin Friedl, Senior Director of Product Design, tweeted that she would prioritize people of color for hire at the tech company.  “First up, I care deeply about building teams that represent the communities we work in and the people we serve,” Friedl tweeted. “I also deeply care about equity in hiring. Therefore, I choose to prioritize folks in our BIPOC and URM communities.”"
Of course, the cope is that this just counteracts discrimination, giving "minorities" a level playing field
As the other article does, this jumps between two senses of affirmative action within the same article to push the agenda. This one also uses the usual canard of how hiring a sufficiently qualified candidate (instead of the best candidate) isn't discrimination

Disney Turns Down Sylvester Stallone Series Because It's Not 'Female-Focused'
Weird. We're told that diversity is about bringing more stories to the table, not reducing opportunities

Meme - "Girl Power movie comes out
Men don't watch it
Women don't watch it
Women attack men for not watching it *cycle repeats*"

Andy Ngô 🏳️‍🌈 on X - "London — A police officer raped a child before being hired by the Met Police as part of its drive to increase diversity. He later raped and kidnapped a woman at knifepoint. When the victim was granted a protective order, the police didn't fire him."
Police officer is convicted of 13 rapes while serving in the Met after telling victim 'you've met the devil' as he tied her up and kidnapped her in a car - six years after investigation into previous attacks on young girl was discontinued - "Cliff Mitchell, 24, approached one of his victims with a knife in September 2023 and told her to put her arms behind her back, before tying her up with cable ties and putting tape over her mouth."

Christopher F. Rufo ⚔️ on X - "I've obtained documents alleging that Harvard DEI administrator Shirley Greene plagiarized more than 40 passages in her PhD thesis, making her the third black woman at Harvard to be accused of academic fraud. Harvard's plagiarism crisis is spinning out of control. 🧵"

Meme -Bella Wallersteiner @BellaWallerstei:  "We have a Hindu Prime Minister, a Muslim Mayor of London, a Buddhist Home Secretary and a Muslim First Minister of Scotland. Britain's multicultural society is remarkable and we should celebrate it @SuellaBraverman"
Bella Wallersteiner @BellaWallerstei: "I've left as didn't feel safe. I tried speaking to a few protestors and making the point that it was totally inappropriate to hold a demonstration of this kind after a heinous terrorist attack. As you can imagine, I didn't get very far. I'd advise people avoid the area"

Frank DeScushin on X - "Affirmative Action isn't going away, it's just being repackaged. Rather than consider an applicant's race, schools now consider race proxies -- an applicant's neighborhood or school. If the intent remains achieving a pre-determined racial outcome why does the method even matter?"
Wilfred Reilly on X - "This is the problem with getting rid of affirmative action/DEI.  You can ban direct consideration of race, but, I mean, I myself know ~9 pretty exact proxies for race - "perceived experiences with racism," "immigration status," "participation in Black student organizations," "high homicide rate for income/neighborhood," etc."

Chaya Raichik on X - "2 government job postings in the same city: One is to put your life on the line and be a firefighter which pays $15-$19 an hour. One is to be a DEI intern to scream at white people how racist they are which pays up to $22 an hour 🤡🌎"

Meme - End Wokeness @EndWokeness: "Germany's Top Model winner 2023 (left) and Miss Germany 2024 winner (right)"
When beauty contests are not about beauty, but pushing a political agenda

Meme - E @ElijahSchaffer: "Germany's Top Model Winner 2023 (left) vs Random Ethnic German Model (right)" Meme - "MISS GERMANY  2024

Meme - "Miss Germany 2024
Random ALDI's Cashier"

FischerKing on X - "Stanford’s incoming class is 22% white. Less than half of that is white men. Now I’m speculating, but admitted white men are likely connected - legacies, or just bought way in. The rural math genius like John Nash - he has no chance. United States is publicly committing suicide."
Elizabeth Spiers on X - "The refusal to even consider the possibility that women and minorities are outperforming white male applicants here is unsurprising."
i/o on X - "There are thousands of public school districts in America. Blacks do not outperform whites on proficiency exams in a single one of them, including in those districts in which blacks have higher median household income than whites.  Whites outscore blacks in every one of the more than 2,000 school districts in America "for which there are enough students of both races to come up with a statistically reliable estimate of the gap.""
A group being greatly under-/over-represented compared to its makeup of the population is only evidence of discrimination when it helps the left wing agenda

Meme - The Rabbit Hole @TheRabbitHole84: ""I can say with 100 pct confidence that anyone who believes “Equity” is “about providing equal outcomes” does not understand what the Equity in DEI is. “Equal Outcomes” is the disclaimer the Anti DEI movement uses to try to scapegoat DEI as unusable and unsuitable.   You will not find that in any corporate DEI program. Ever.  (Feel free to provide a company website that says equality of outcomes to prove me wrong )"  - Mark Cuban (@mcuban )   Sure, let's prove this wrong. Attached are examples from Kamala Harris, Disney, and Microsoft."

The Rabbit Hole on X - ""The way this man [Mark Cuban] just casually argued a room of 30 black women constitutes the presence of a single opinion and thinks he’s not the racist here is wild."  ― Mike Solana (@micsolana )  It is absurd to think that hiring different skin colors is the only way to achieve viewpoint diversity when people from the same racial group can think very differently - Barack Obama & Thomas Sowell being two examples. Minorities are not a monolith.  @PirateWires  crew does a good job discussing the issue in this clip:"

Colin Wright on X - "An internet rabbit has unequivocally met billionaire @mcuban's challenge to produce clear examples of corporate DEI programs implementing policies to bring about "equal outcomes." Start the countdown until Mark starts explaining why "equal outcomes" is actually a good thing. ⏲️"

Wilfred Reilly on X - "The great thing about social media, for all the annoying Communists and racists and courtesans taunting each other, is that you can just log on and watch the 49th richest man in the country getting his ass kicked in debate by some random junior executive posing as a rabbit"
Daniel Friedman on X - "The Mark Cuban discourse is actually great, because he represents a widespread uninformed normie position of: “Of course I support DEI. I’m not a racist.” If he ends up learning what DEI actually is and getting publicly redpilled, it could be a major turning point."

Meme - Colin wright: "Racial "inequity" is literally measured, according to DEI ideology, by the magnitude of disparate outcomes between racial groups in any given context. This idea forms the foundation of Kendi's and other DEI proponents' entire worldview. They are explicit about this. To achieve racial "equity" therefore entails eliminating those group outcome disparities. Achieving equity is synonymous with achieving equal outcomes.    Mark is absurdly naive if he does not understand this yet.  I literally clicked on the first result of a Google search for "racial equity" and got this "
Racial Justice is a vision and transformation of society to eliminate racial hierarchies and advance collective liberation, where Black, Indigenous, Latinx, Asian Americans, Native Hawaiians, and Pacific Islanders, in particular, have the dignity, resources, power, and self-determination to fully thrive. Racial equity is a process of eliminating racial disparities and improving outcomes for everyone. It is the intentional and continual practice of changing policies, practices, systems, and structures by prioritizing measurable change in the lives of people of color. Distinction between Racial Equity and Racial Justice: Racial equity is the process for moving towards the vision of racial justice. Racial equity seeks measurable milestones and outcomes that can be achieved on the road to racial justice, Racial equity is necessary, but not sufficient, for racial justice."
Mark Cuban: "Im sorry. I can say with 100 pct confidence that anyone who believes "Equity" is "about providing equal outcomes" does not understand what the Equity in DElis. "Equal Outcomes" is the disclaimer the Anti DEl movement uses to try to ..."

EEOC commissioner schools Mark Cuban on Title VII hiring practices - "Mark Cuban, a billionaire investor and personality on Shark Tank, was met with some resistance from a top official in the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission Monday when he tweeted that diversity in hiring can be a “competitive advantage” for a company and influence his hiring decisions.   “I’ve never hired anyone based exclusively on race, gender, religion. I only ever hire the person that will put my business in the best position to succeed. And yes, race and gender can be part of the equation. I view diversity as a competitive advantage,” Cuban tweeted.   EEOC Commissioner Andrea Lucas told Cuban he was “dead wrong” on discrimination law. “EEOC Commissioner here. Unfortunately you’re dead wrong on black-letter Title VII law. As a general rule, race/sex can’t even be a ‘motivating factor’ — nor a plus factor, tie-breaker, or tipping point. It’s important employers understand the ground rules here,” Lucas tweeted.   In separate tweets, Lucas cited employment law and linked to the agency’s race and color discrimination guidance... An employment law expert previously told HR Dive that diversity, equity and inclusion initiatives not tied to hiring decisions, such as in recruiting, are less likely to run afoul of discrimination law.   “Trying to recruit a diverse pool of candidates shouldn’t be a problem,” the lawyer said.   America First Legal, a conservative nonprofit, has filed a number of complaints with the EEOC alleging discrimination in DEI initiatives at major corporations. The nonprofit, which is headed by former Trump Administration Advisor Stephen Miller, has targeted Major League Baseball for running diversity programs it said exclusively provide development opportunities for “qualified minority and female candidates.”  It has also filed complaints against American, United and Southwest Airlines for discriminatory practices in their hiring and retention programs aimed at women and people of color, among other companies."

Meme - "*cycle*
Learn DEI
Implement DEI
DEI fails
"Well that wasn't *real* DEI""

Meme - "I'm a Ubisoft employee in France (won't tell you which location to avoid doxxing much as possible). What basically happened is that we have an editorial department that is full on retarded and balls deep in ESG bullshit. This makes a lot of projects, including very promising ones, being cancelled or rebooted on a whim from someone who knows nothing about games. The frustration it generates is insane, and it makes the vast majority of talents leave. So what you're left with is retards who worship the company, diversity hires, senior devs that too rusty to seek a job elsewhere and junior devs, like me, who are trying to have something on their portfolio and resume. I personally plan of getting the fuck out asap. Then you have the unions. These are formed by very politically active employees mostly aligned from far left to center-left. Everything more right than that is Hitler for them. Ubisoft is a shit studio with shit management, an immense amount of useless employees are just useless. We have too many managers, too many producers, too many artists on preproduction games, and a lot of useless positions (like 'inclusion and diversity officer'). So this bloated number of employees makes the whole thing unsustainable compared to the amount of games released and the revenue they generate (just look at ubisoft's key results/employee count on wikipedia compared to any other AAA studio) [1/2]
And what do these retard unions ask for? We had an optional questions form to fill that they sent the employees, asking us about the important subjects. Well, they talk about a supposed PAY GAP between women and men, a supposed PAY GAP depending on ethnicity, abbott how RAISES SHOULD NOT DEPEND ON INDIVIDUAL PERFORMANCE. There is NOT A SINGLE PROOF of that, it is ILLEGAL in France and we are in THE MOST WOKE AAA COMPANY. All of this shit when Ubisoft could lay off half the workforce at any moment. Why the fuck would a talented individual stay if a retard in his team wll always make as much he does while doing jack shit? They probably asked for that at the negotiation table along with a minimum 5% raise. We're doomed [2/2]"
"Least bellevable LARP I heard in a while"
"here you go I guess *French passport, date verification, Ubisoft clothing*"

Meme - 2007: *mostly men, 2 visible women*
2014: *mostly women, 2 visible men*
Video Entertainment Analysis Group: "Congratulations to Ubisoft for paving the way for game development studios to hire based on gender! The best decisions are always made with a diverse group of minds, not necessarily a talented or passionate one. - Josh"
"Hey guys. We've gotten a lot of death threats over this photo, and some people are asking if this is "satirical" or not. Let me ask you something: Is equality "satirical?" Do you think this is a subject that a proper news organization founded in intellectualism would just swing about like a phallic Louis CK comedy bit? Equality has never been a joke, and our support for Ubisoft stands strong in the face of this adversity, just as all the women they hired had to be strong in the face of a five minute interview that landed them a job some red blooded beast of a male spent years trying to get. Grow up. Learn up. - Josh"

Black women struggle to find their way in a job world where diversity is under attack - "With attacks on diversity, equity and inclusion initiatives raging, Black women looking to climb the corporate ladder face a more hostile landscape than ever... Claudine Gay's resignation in January as Harvard's first Black president following accusations of antisemitism and plagiarism was just the latest in a revolving door of Black women who have been aggressively questioned or abandoned after achieving a career pinnacle... In Boston, Charity Wallace, 37, a biotech professional, and Chassity Coston, 35, a middle school principal, reflected on their own career struggles in light of Gay's ordeal... Coston said she mourned Gay's resignation and, fearing something similar could happen to her, she reconsidered her future in education. But she didn't want to give up. “Yes, we’re going to continue to be scorned as Black people, as Black women. It’s going to continue to happen. But we can’t allow that," Coston said. “I’m speaking from my strength right now because that wasn’t always how I felt in my stages of grief. We have to continue to fight just like Rosa (Parks), just like Harriet (Tubman)." Gay struggled despite her resume full of accomplishments, Wallace said... The 2022 confirmation hearings for Ketanji Brown Jackson, the first Black woman confirmed to the Supreme Court, drew criticism for their harsh and race-based questioning. President Joe Biden emphatically stating he only would consider a Black woman for the high court deepened resentment toward DEI, said Johnny Taylor, CEO of The Society for Human Resource Management."
Why are they telling the world they are diversity hires and want double standards to be kept on even after egregious misconduct?
Fearing you're going to be fired for plagiarism is a big self-own

University of Virginia EXPOSED for $20M annual DEI spend on 235 staff, including $243,000-a-year equity tsar who calls OxyContin deaths payback for the 'toxicity of whiteness,' watchdog says - "The University of Virginia spends $20 million a year on its 235 DEI staffers, including a woman who says the opioid epidemic is payback for the 'toxicity of whiteness,' a damning report says...  They include Rachel Spraker, an 'equity and inclusive' officer, who calls Appalachia's wave of premature deaths a sign of 'white toxicity,' and the school's diversity chief Martin Davidson, who pockets nearly $600,000 a year... 'Tens of millions of dollars in student tuition and taxpayer monies are flowing into promoting anti-American notions and radical philosophies that judge the color of one's skin instead of the content — and competence — of their character.'... He highlights Davidson, senior associate dean of the Darden School of Business and global chief diversity officer, UVA's top DEI earner with an annual salary-and-benefits package of $587,340. That's more than three times the salary of Virginia's Republican Governor, Glenn Youngkin, says the report... One user said the money could easily provide 'full ride scholarships' to 100 deserving students. Another said that it 'seems like a lot of money for identity-based pizza parties.'...  DEI staff now make up more than 3.4 positions for every 100 tenured professors, according to nationwide research by The Heritage Foundation, stoking fears of a ballooning sector that some say is no more than a woke box-ticking exercise."

Where Are the Black People in Shogun? | by William Spivey | AfroSapiophile | Mar, 2024 | Medium - "I ask the question now that I naively didn’t ask in 1980. Where are the Black people? I don’t ask out of a desire to see representation when it wasn’t historically accurate. I inquire because there were Black people in Japan in 1600 and before, though Japan could teach Florida a thing or two about rewriting history. According to multiple sources, one of the early real-life Shoguns, Sakanoue no Tamuramaro (758–811), was Black, though denied by others. There is a consensus he was something other than pure Japanese, and he is often considered descended from the Ainu, the darker-skinned indigenous people of northern Japan who were subjected to forced assimilation and colonization... the existence of Black people in Japan in the period Shogun depicts is not in doubt. Black slaves and crew members accompanied the Dutch, Spanish, Portuguese, and French ships."
When you are too used to the falsifying of history through blackwashing, and believe your own lies. Clearly the handful of black people who happened to be in the general geographical area at the approximate time period must appear in every media production about it
I remember people being triggered by Tom Cruise as a white person in The Last Samurai, even though it was literally based on a true story

OCDSB: Ottawa public school board proposes allowing students without passing grades to participate in graduation - "A proposed change to the graduation ceremony policy of the Ottawa-Carleton District School Board (OCDSB) would see the board switch to equity-based commencement ceremonies and allow for students without passing grades to participate.  Under the proposed changes(opens in a new tab) to Policy P.038.SCO Graduation and Commencement Ceremonies and Awards, the board would be changing the policy's language to phase out graduation ceremonies in favour of commencement ceremonies.  "The main difference between a commencement ceremony and a graduation ceremony is that a commencement ceremony is more inclusive," the OCDSB in a statement(opens in a new tab) on its website. "This aligns with the Board's larger commitments to equity, inclusion, and diversity."... student graduation awards, including trophies, medals and other prizes traditionally given at graduation ceremonies would be phased out in favour of achievements, to include a wide variety of student experiences and talent, without being strictly academic. The policy would also remove gender-based distinctions from achievements."

Arjun Singh: Affirmative action is anti-Asian racism - "a man named Robert Long shot eight people dead at massage parlours across Atlanta. When questioned by police, he claimed a “sexual addiction” as the reason for his actions. FBI Director Christopher Wray dismissed any racial motive in the case. However, because six victims happened to be of Asian descent, the media machine revved into action — cascading the airwaves with “anti-Asian hate” as its new social-justice obsession. The idea that these tragic shootings were in any way motivated by race is incredulous, as there is no evidence to suggest that Long had a racial motive. Nonetheless, “anti-Asian racism” has since become a rallying cry for the woke, who are seeking to pour their moral virtue into this new, amorphous vessel. We’ve all read this story before; it’s the Black Lives Matter playbook: in the midst of tragedy, people take the facts out of context and follow-up with sanctimonious outrage. This time, however, it’s exceptionally ironic. For all their tweets, protests and punditry, left-wing progressives have been the biggest culprits of anti-Asian racism over the last eight decades — since Democratic U.S. president Franklin D. Roosevelt (joined by Liberal Canadian prime minister Mackenzie King) imprisoned ethnic Japanese citizens in concentration camps during the Second World War... Over 54 per cent of Asian-Americans over the age of 25 attain a bachelor’s degree or more, making them by far the most credentialed group. Asian households in the U.S. earn $24,000 more than the nationwide average, while surveys have consistently shown that an overwhelming majority of Asian-Americans are happy with their lives. A myriad of factors contribute to this success, including an abundance of stable, two-parent families, as well as a focus on childhood meritocracy and a willingness to sacrifice present means for future opportunities. Hence, as a small minority, Asians in the West are exalted achievers who have knocked down the “barriers” they supposedly face. These facts fly in the face of critical race theory chuntered by the left. Yet, instead of being rewarded for their successes, the left has penalized Asians for doing too well"
From 2021

Meme - "Admin feedback
An admin turned off your ability to post and comment. You won't be able to do these actions until 30 Sep 2020, 08:03.
Note from the admins: This is your color not this
Group rules that were violated: 8. Use Appropriate Emojis/Icons. If you're white and using brown or black skinned emojis you're gonna have a bad time. Once again; Stay in your lane"
Race-specific emojis were a bad idea

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