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Sunday, March 17, 2024

Links - 17th March 2024 (1 - Trans Mania)

Bella Ramsey says they lost roles as a child after being told they didn't have the "Hollywood look"
The entitlement is off the charts here

Steve McGuire on X - "The University of British Columbia is hiring a Canada Research Chair in Neuromodulation in Spinal Cord Rehabilitation. The position is only open to “people with disabilities, Indigenous people, racialized people, women, and people from minoritized gender identity groups.”"
Jonathan Kay on X - "If you’re wondering why so many white upper-middle-class Canadians are suddenly discovering that they’re pi-spirited pansexual crotch goblins or whatever, this is one reason: they get bumped to the front of the university job queue"

Magills on X - "2023 is wild. If you’re a dude who checks out a woman working out you’re a threat but if you call yourself a woman and expose yourself to her in the locker room and she feels threatened she’s a bigot."

Meme - nate @natesfiles: "white ppl see that they ugly and now all of a sudden they non binary and autistic"

Meme - MTF: "C'mon. Tell me I'm a woman..." *C'mon, Do Something*
Women: "NO"

Stop Telling Me There Are Only Two Sexes | Opinion | The Harvard Crimson - "“There are only two sexes.”  At a moment when transgender people face unprecedented visibility and vulnerability, this claim pervades the discourse surrounding our identities. We hear it everywhere: in the media, in our legislatures, and, yes, at our very own university.  Even when it is not being used to categorically deny the existence of trans people, this claim is weaponized to qualify our validity. The argument goes as follows: “Trans people can ask to be called whatever they want, but they can’t change the fact that there are only two sexes.”  The idea that sex is binary is presented as an irrefutable fact of life, the most natural truth in the world. Anyone who dares question this “fact” is quickly discounted as a “radical, woke ideologue” or an agent of the “liberal DEI agenda.”  This line of thinking is dangerous and deeply alarming. The truth of the matter is that sex is not a simple binary. To claim otherwise is overly simplistic, flawed, and harmful... Peer-reviewed research contradicts a strictly binary interpretation of sex. We have yet to uncover a precise causal mechanism that definitively and consistently guarantees an individual’s sex... Great scientific breakthroughs have always been outrageous and controversial. But here at Harvard, our motto is simple: Veritas. Truth."
The "myth" of the slippery slope strikes again
Weird. We're told that sex and gender are different, and only the ignorant don't know that
This article trots out all the usual nonsense: intersex people being a different sex, them being as common as redheads etc
When the left goes on about "Advanced biology", they never cite actual biologists

Vermont Christian school barred from competing in girls' basketball tourneys after forfeiting game against team with 6'1" trans player - "Mid-Vermont Christian School forfeited a game which had them matched up with a trans-identifying male, and that led the Vermont Principals' Association to ban them from future tournaments."

Meme George Floyd as MTF: "I CAN'T BREED"

All-cause and suicide mortalities among adolescents and young adults who contacted specialised gender identity services in Finland in 1996–2019: a register study - "In bivariate analyses, all-cause mortality did not statistically significantly differ between gender-referred adolescents and controls (0.5% vs 0.3%); however, the proportion of suicides was higher in the gender-referred group (0.3% vs 0.1%)... when specialist-level psychiatric treatment was controlled for, neither all-cause nor suicide mortality differed between the two groups...
Conclusions Clinical gender dysphoria does not appear to be predictive of all-cause nor suicide mortality when psychiatric treatment history is accounted for."
TRAs don't care about science, so they will continue to insist that you either have a dead son or a living daughter, because if you don't unconditionally affirm "trans kids", they will kill themselves, and if you say other psychiatric conditions need to be looked into, that is literal trans genocide

Trans killer sentenced to 22 years for slaying of Portland cab driver - "During the hearing, Lopez used her transgender identity as a justification for the killing and laughed at the victim's family in court...   The defendant refused to take responsibility for the murder and gave the court a series of excuses as to why the heinous crime was committed. The excuses included losing Lopez's debit card, Lawhon entering the wrong address, and static over the radio.  Lopez claimed that 911 was dialed after things took a turn for the worse while out partying that night in downtown Portland. The 911 dispatcher told Lopez to call a cab. Lopez called a Radio Cab and claimed that Lawhon had entered the wrong address which reportedly triggered Lopez.  "I ended up in a very scary part of town where I was genuinely afraid," said Lopez, according to the Oregonian.  "I refuse to apologize for the lack of help that I so desperately needed," Lopez said, claiming that Lopez is a frequent target of harassment because of Lopez's transgender identity.  However, court documents show that Lawhon had immediately corrected the address upon picking up Lopez outside of a donut shop in the downtown corridor. Lopez stabbed him while he was driving to the correct address. Prosecutors obtained the evidence via footage from the camera inside the cab."

Va. Supreme Court backs fired teacher who refused to use transgender student’s pronouns - "The Supreme Court of Virginia on Thursday reversed a lower court’s decision by reinstating a lawsuit brought by a former West Point High School teacher after he was fired for refusing to refer to a transgender student by his requested pronouns.  Peter Vlaming, a former high school French teacher, refused to use male pronouns to refer to a student who had recently undergone a gender transition and legal name change. Vlaming said doing so went against his religious beliefs and violated his right to free speech, according to court records.  Vlaming filed a $1 million lawsuit after the school board fired him for violating the school division’s anti-discrimination and anti-harassment policies. However, the King William Circuit Court dismissed his case, finding that Vlaming did not provide valid reasons that the law could accept his suit.  In his opinion, Virginia Supreme Court Justice D. Arthur Kelsey wrote that Vlaming’s rights were violated by the board and that his claim should go forward.   “Compelling an educator’s ‘speech or silence’ on such a divisive issue would cast ‘a pall of orthodoxy over the classroom’ on a topic that has ‘produced a passionate political and social debate,'” Kelsey wrote.  The opinion said the Virginia Constitution “seeks to protect diversity of thought, diversity of speech, diversity of religion, and diversity of opinions.”   The court’s decision was a blow to school leaders and advocates from parts of the commonwealth who urged the Supreme Court of Virginia to uphold the lower court’s dismissal in an amicus brief... In 2020, the Virginia General Assembly passed a law requiring local school divisions to adopt model policies on transgender students. The policies adopted by former Gov. Ralph Northam’s administration directed schools to use the names and pronouns identified by students as corresponding with their gender identity, among other requirements.  However, beginning in September 2022, Gov. Glenn Youngkin’s administration overhauled the policies to prioritize parents’ “fundamental rights” in a sharp reversal from the stance the state took under Northam and a Democrat-dominated legislature."

No, transwomen should not have abortions - "Men calling themselves women have once again proved how little they know of actual womanhood. The announcement last week of the UK’s first successful womb transplant has encouraged some of the most unsavoury trans activists to express their desire to possess a womb – not so that they can bear children, but rather so that they can have abortions.   Last week, a clip circulated on X (formally known as Twitter) shows trans activist Rhiannon Rose declaring: ‘I want to be the first transwoman to have an abortion.’ Rose’s desire is apparently genuine. Worse still, he is not just a lunatic outlier. The graceless Grace Lavery, author of Please Miss: A Heartbreaking Work of Staggering Penis, has also expressed similar sentiments. ‘Someone alive today will become the first transwoman to have an abortion’, he once tweeted wistfully, followed by a heart emoji.   No doubt these men think that experiencing an abortion would somehow ‘validate’ their identities as women. As is often the case with trans-identifying males, their idea of womanhood is entirely superficial. Rose gushes about his fantasy pathway from womb transplant to pregnancy to first transwoman abortion in the same way he might talk about wanting a Gucci handbag... In my more than 20 years of providing abortion services, and many more writing and advocating for reproductive rights, I have never met a single woman who said it was her ambition to abort a pregnancy.   For women, abortion is not a political statement... Trans activists could hardly have a more warped view of pregnancy and womanhood."
Auto erotic gynephilia requires affirmation
Unfortunately, there definitely are biological females who are pro-abortion and say they want to abort a pregnancy. To the extreme pro-choicers, abortion is definitely a political statement

mirax on X - "I think magical ways of thinking are hardwired in us and in the absence of religion, other forms of delusions can easily catch the best of us - witness the trans contagion. "Born in the wrong body" is as delusional as anything in religion."

British Airways hires convicted paedophile drag queen as part of its Gay Pride celebrations - "British Airways hired a convicted paedophile to represent the national airline at the Pride Festival held in Brighton last month.  Darren Sewell, who was convicted of child rape in 1999 and broke a court order banning him from contact with children in 2011, worked as a drag queen on the British Airways float that toured the seaside city. Sewell, who is known by the stage name Crystal Couture, can be seen wearing a cabin crew costume and standing among British Airways ambassadors waving the rainbow flag celebrating the LGBTQ+ community."

Child sex offender performed as a drag queen at a bar in Cardiff - Wales Online - "A popular Cardiff bar has defended its decision to allow a convicted sex offender to perform as a drag act during Pride weekend in Cardiff.  Darren Sewell, who performs under the stage name Crystal Couture, was included in a bill of acts at Wow Bar's Pride Without Prejudice free event"
Weird. The left keep telling us that 'To Catch A Predator' never featured any drag queens

Drag queen Kristian Churchill jailed for 10 years after mowing down lesbian couple - "A nightclub drag queen was jailed for ten years after deliberately running over a lesbian couple.  Kristian Churchill, 38, known as ‘Queen of Karaoke’ Krystle Caress, used his car as a ‘deadly weapon’ by driving into the pair on April 17.  Churchill was angry after being reported for inappropriate relationships with boys under 16"

Meme - "Players: "Coach she's too strong, we can't defend her"
Coach: "Just punch her in the dick""

Doritos FIRES trans activist TWO DAYS after bringing her in as a brand ambassador after being alerted to sick tweets about doing 'depraved things' to a 12-year-old - "Doritos has fired a transgender activist who appeared in one of its promotional videos after being alerted to her sickening old tweets, including one where she wrote about doing 'depraved things' to a 12-year-old.  Samantha Hudson, 24, appeared in a new partnership with Doritos Spain through a 50-second video called 'Crunch Talks that has now been deleted from the brand's Instagram... Born Iván González Ranedo, Hudson has identified herself as 'anti-capitalist' and 'Marxist' in interviews, and claimed in one video to be for 'the abolition of [and to] destroy and annihilate the traditional monogamous nuclear family.' As a teen, she has also tweeted about wanting to do 'depraved things' to a minor."
Trans influencer Samantha Hudson axed by Doritos for violent comments on children - "Another read: “In the middle of the street in Mallorca in panties and screaming that I’m a nymphomaniac in front of a super beautiful 8-year-old girl.”  A third declared: “I hate women who are victims of sexual assault and go to self-help centres to overcome their trauma. Annoying sl--s.”"
Weird. It's a far right conspiracy theory that trans people are pedophiles

#BoycottDoritos Focuses on Trans Spanish Influencer Samantha Hudson - " Now, the right is going after yet another beloved brand: Doritos. This time, it’s because the Spanish division of the company, which is owned by Pepsi Co., partnered with trans influencer and singer Samantha Hudson for a 50-second branded video on Instagram.  The 24-year-old Hudson has become the center of a right-wing-driven firestorm due to her appearance in the promotional video for a Doritos Spain campaign called Crunch Talks... The campaign has primarily been aggregated by right-wing outlets, with the Daily Caller amplifying it on Monday with a headline inaccurately reading, “Doritos Terrifying New Brand Ambassador Makes Dylan Mulvaney Look Like Sydney Sweeney.” (Hudson does not appear to have been, at any point, a “brand ambassador” for Doritos, appearing in only one now-deleted post on the Doritos Spain Instagram account.)  There are a few reasons as to why Hudson, who did not immediately respond to Rolling Stone‘s request for comment, may not have been an ideal candidate to work with a large corporate brand (none of which, incidentally, have anything to do with her gender presentation). She has been highly critical of the right wing in Spain, and, as a number of far-right influencers have pointed out, Hudson once gave an interview on Spanish TV in which she appeared to advocate for “the abolition of the traditional monogamous nuclear family.” And while that stance is extremely badass, it’s probably not something notoriously controversy-shy corporate brands would necessarily want to be seen endorsing... Although the right’s history of campaigning against brands for collaborating with LGBTQ influencers merits extensive mockery, it has, unfortunately, been somewhat effective in bringing down corporations’ bottom lines... The Doritos Spain debacle should, by any reasonable measures, be viewed as an instance of an overseas division of a brand failing to sufficiently vet an influencer’s social media history; instead, it’s being turned into a cri de coeur for a virulently transphobic sector of the right wing that is desperate to find something, anything, to get mad at."
Why do the left make excuses for this all the time?

Spanish soldiers changing gender to female for added benefits - "Spanish soldiers are changing their gender from male to female to earn certain benefits only available to females, including higher pay and better sleeping quarters, due to a self-identification law aimed at helping transgender people.  Forty-one men in Spain’s north-Africa autonomous city Ceuta have made the drastic decision to change their gender on official documents from male to female since the so-called “Ley-de-Trans” or “Trans Law” was implemented in March 2023.  Of the men in Ceuta who’ve changed their identity, only four have also legally changed their name.  A majority of the now-female soldiers have kept every other aspect of life, including male genitalia, sexuality, and even facial hair.  “On the outside, I feel like a heterosexual man, but on the inside, I am a lesbian,” Army Corporal Roberto Perdigones told Spanish newspaper El Español. “And it is the latter that counts. This is why I made the legal change to become a woman.” Those going through the “change” are doing so in hopes of promotions and raises... Perdigones says he was encouraged to change his gender because of “positive discrimination” and has since received a 15 percent salary increase.  “For changing my gender, I have been told that my pension has gone up because women get more to compensate for inequality. I also get 15 percent more salary for being a mother,” he added.  The soldier is looking to use his additional privilege as a woman to sue for shared custody of his 16-year-old son, assuming the courts will give him a better chance.   Perdigones changed his gender last year, and when he arrived at the barracks in Ceuta, he did so with hair too long to meet the male requirements and earrings, which the Spanish military prohibits men from wearing.  The army corporal was even given a personal bathroom because he wasn’t comfortable with sharing with either biological gender.  “I even have a private room in the barracks, all to myself, with a private bathroom. This is because I cannot be with men as I am a woman, and I did not consider it appropriate to be with biological women out of respect for them,” Perdigones said.   The transgender law, which was passed by lawmakers on Dec. 22, 2022, allows individuals 14 and older to change their identity without the need for any psychological or medical evaluation, although people between the ages of 14 and 16 need a parental or guardians’ agreement.  Children as young as 12 can go through the legal process of changing their gender identity, but their changes must be approved by a judge."

Spanish soldiers change gender to gain benefits intended for women - "Spain has sought to boost the number of women in the Guardia Civil and National Police forces to 40 per cent. The government has been accused of a string of “woke” progressive policies while in power, galvanising conservative opposition.  Some policies have also backfired, including a reform to sexual consent, which ended up leading to the early release of a number of offenders... Sources told El Español that officers in the Civil Guard, the National Police and the Local Police in Ceuta were also changing their sexes for benefits.  A Civil Guard source said many are doing it as a “rebellion” against the progressive laws.  “I have already seen several cases among my colleagues, and it is going to increase, because there are quite a few people who have requested it and are in the process. So, from time to time, the number is going to be much higher,” he adds."

7 Reasons why Ladyboys are so Prevalent in Thailand - "just like any other country, Thailand also has a side that others might consider seedy. Researching or reading about the country, there’s a huge chance you might encounter the word “kathoey”, which they use to refer to transgenders, better known as “ladyboys”. Thailand’s ladyboys are actually famous all over the world and many travelers go to Thailand specifically to meet them.  Ladyboys have been around in Thailand for a long time and it’s quite a bit surprising that they continue to be so prevalent, despite the negative stigma associated with them. In fact, they are actually considered as part of the Thai culture. There are so many reasons why ladyboys continue to thrive, and here are some of them:
1: Thailand is much more open and accepting when it comes to matters involving LGBTs.
2: Gender reassignment surgeries and other similar procedures are rampant in Thailand.
As well as holiday tourism, Thailand is also known for its medical tourism...
3: Buddhists believe that ladyboys become so as a result of sins committed in their past lives.
4: Ladyboys have become a tourist draw for Thailand.
5: Demand for encounters with ladyboys are still high.
6: Their careers revolve around their identities as ladyboys.
7: Being a ladyboy is indirectly promoted."

Meme - "Morph cleverly pretending to be non-binary to access the girls' locker room and then presenting as male to gain an extra 20% on his paycheck: *wink*"

"Non-binary" singer creates "All Species Restroom" with litter box for concertgoers - "Aren't you glad Slate told us not to be worried about this? The kids are obviously fine!"
Oli London on X - "Non-binary singer Dorian Electra makes all restrooms at her concerts ‘All Species’ and leaves a cat litter box in the toilets for “all animal identifying concert goers”."

Meme Beast from X-Men the Animated Series: "This is most peculiar, the bone structure is clearly male. Yet, the body has been altered to appear female. This is particularly cruel even for Apocalypse"

Meme - "X-Men

Nanos: Most show some discomfort around gender policies - "Approximately 57 per cent of surveyed adults said they were uncomfortable or somewhat uncomfortable with "a transgender person taking part in organized sports for people of their current gender identity." While not a majority, a further 44 per cent said the same when asked about "a transgender person using the washroom or change rooms for people of their current gender identity."...   Sixty-two per cent of those surveyed were somewhat not comfortable or not comfortable with allowing Canadians under the age of 18 to undergo hormone therapies, such as those to delay the effects of puberty, for the purpose of "changing a person's gender."... 64 per cent of respondents expressed at least some discomfort with the scenario of a student under 18 changing their name or pronouns at school without their parents' knowledge."
Damn far right extremists!
Of course, all the TRAs trotted out the usual BS, and evidently most of them didn't read the article

J.K. Rowling on X - "The word ‘transphobic’, as used here, does not mean an irrational fear or dislike of trans people. It means refusing to use gender identity ideology’s jargon, refusing to parrot its slogans, refusing to accept that sex doesn't matter when it comes to sport and single-sex spaces, refusing to believe a bearded heterosexual man becomes a lesbian when he declares himself one, and refusing to believe an abusive, misogynistic male is a woman because he likes to wear mini-dresses and pout in selfies.  Like every other gender critical person I know, I believe everyone should be free to express themselves however they wish, dress however they please, call themselves whatever they want, sleep with any consenting adult who wishes to sleep with them, and that trans-identified people should have the same protections regarding employment, housing, freedom of speech and personal safety every other citizen is entitled to.  But this isn’t nearly enough for the dominant strain of trans activism, which asserts that unless freedom of speech is removed from dissenters, unless trans-identified men are permitted to strip away women’s rights, with particular reference to single sex spaces like rape crisis centres, prison cells, hospital wards, changing rooms and public bathrooms, until we all bow down to their neo-religion, accept their pseudo-scientific claims and embrace their circular reasoning, trans people are more oppressed, and more at risk, than any other group in society.   This is nonsense. 99.9% of the world knows it's nonsense. The emperor is naked. He might be wearing lipstick, but his balls are swinging in plain sight."

More than half of parents of trans kids say they were 'pressured' into transitioning their child - "A large study of parents of children who identify as transgender has uncovered worryingly large numbers who complain of 'pressure' to transition their children, even though they felt it was not in the child's best interests.  The survey of 1,655 parents, published in the Archives of Sexual Behavior, found that more than half of the parents who were referred to gender therapists said they felt directed to put their kids on medical treatments or change their wardrobe.  The paper, by Northwestern University psychology professor Michael Bailey, comes amid concerns over rising numbers of young people identifying as trans and non-binary, and as Republicans push for bans on trans medical treatments for minors. It also follows the damning testimony of a former employee of a Missouri youth gender clinic, where doctors allegedly told parents that they could either have a transgender child — or one that would commit suicide. The responses came from parents of children who identified as trans, and who were concerned that the decision was more to do with a mental health issue, social media and peer pressure than a genuine discomfort with their gender.  They were part of an online group called Parents of Rapid Onset Gender Dysphoria Kids.. Three-quarters of the trans-identifying children were biological females. Most of them came out as trans at the same time as friends and appeared to be responding to cues from social media, the parents said... As well as describing pressure from gender clinics, they said their children had developed emotional problems on average four years before they expressed a desire to change gender, and that transitioning made their mental health worse.  Bailey that the respondents 'tended to be socially progressive' and voiced support for LGBT persons issues, but did not believe their adolescent and young adult children were actually transgender... Critics have derided the survey as self-selecting... In a bombshell whistleblower testimony this month, Jamie Reed, a former employee at the Washington University Transgender Center at St. Louis Children's Hospital, revealed how the clinic administered a litany of irreparable treatments to minors, often without parental consent.  Reed said doctors would ask questions like 'do you want a dead daughter or an alive son?' to 'bully' children's parents into going ahead with gender transitions — under the pretense that not doing so would make them suicidal."
Ironic. The poor quality studies the TRAs love to cite are also self selecting

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