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Tuesday, March 19, 2024

Allowed on Facebook: Condemning "Zionists" and Israelis

These all come from the same person:

"typical Zionist lowering itself to insults because it knows it can't justify it's parasitic infestation of other people's land. I won't even engage further because I don't wrestle in filth with Zionist pigs"

Facebook says it is okay to call people pigs and parasites.

Oddly, Facebook claims that private adults are protected from "Dehumanizing comparisons (in written or visual form) to or about: Animals and insects, including subhuman creatures, that are culturally perceived as inferior." and "Bacteria, viruses, microbes, and diseases."

"Oh god I've forgotten how much I dislike Israeli's they've come out of the woodwork with this post and I've remembered how I hate them with every fibre of my being. If this was a baldurs gate game, my racial enemy would be Israelis. They're all just so disgusting, they can't even hide it, they all get so smug and happy about the murder of Palestinian children and I read all their comments in my head in that awful nasally whiney voice they *all* have. I swear they have to be aliens, there's just something so inhuman about them and honestly I can see the temptation to become deeply anti-Semitic but I have to remind myself that these freaks do not hold the monopoly on semitism or even Judaism and there's still plenty of Jews who oppose them. More so now that the horrors of what they're doing to Palestine are better covered by our media. The Jews scuttling out of those NYC tunnels had me crying in laughter though. Like omg I fucking told you so."

"your zio scum cult took down my 25k page by gathering in large crowds and reporting it hundreds of times per day, I know *exactly* how hasbara shills work hun, I've been dealing with ((your kind)) for decades and thats long enough to know that Galloway was completely right when he said "i dont debate with Israelis, because there's no debating genocidal maniacs." I don't get my hands dirty with filth these days, I don't need to because the world has woken up. anti-Semitism is at the highest peak it's been in decades you should know, your verminous brethren have done nothing but whine about it for weeks"

Here, the mask partially slips again and this person is open that he hates "Israelis" (presumably non-"Zionist" Israelis are bad people too). Not to mention when the masks slips even more and he uses the echo, which the ADL has identified as anti-Semitic, and openly says that anti-Semitism is justified, and Jews are "verminous". Revealingly, in the first comment this person disavows anti-Semitism, but in the second celebrates it. p>Oddly, Facebook defines " a hate speech attack as dehumanizing speech; statements of inferiority, expressions of contempt or disgust; cursing; and calls for exclusion or segregation" and claims that "national origin" (not to mention race and ethnicity) is a protected characteristic, and you're not allowed to post "Dehumanizing speech in the form of comparisons to or generalizations about: Animals and pathogens", vermin being "wild animals that are believed to be harmful to crops, farm animals, or game, or that carry disease". And even more generally, "Content that describes or negatively targets people with slurs" is prohibited ("scum" would fall into this category).

Of course, all this won't stop terrorism supporters from complaining that Facebook is pro-"Zionist", because when they explicitly call for terrorism they get zucced.

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