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Thursday, February 22, 2024

Links - 22nd February 2024 (Trans Mania)

JK Rowling books banned from Australian store after 'cross-dresser' row - "JK Rowling books have been banned by an Australian store as a show of support for the trans community.  Rabble Books and Games in Maylands, Perth, announced on Wednesday (September 16) that it has ceased stocking new novels by JK Rowling, including those under the pseudonym Robert Galbraith."
Are the left going to start proudly advertising, buying and reading this "transphobic" literature now, since they love "banned books"?

J.K. Rowling removed from Seattle museum for anti-trans remarks - "J.K. Rowling, who has been demoted to She-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named in some Harry Potter fan spaces, has been removed from a Seattle museum in response to her anti-trans rhetoric.  In a March blog post from Seattle's Museum of Pop Culture, project manager Chris Moore slammed Rowling for her "hateful" comments and announced how the museum would proceed with Harry Potter related displays."
"Every record has been destroyed or falsified, every book has been rewritten, every picture has been repainted, every statue and street and building has been renamed, every date has been altered. And that process is continuing day by day and minute by minute. History has stopped."

Meme - "Male to female *Spiderus in Miss Spider's Sunny Patch Friends*
Female to male *Rumpelstiltskin in Shrek*
Non-binary *Bebop from Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles*"

Federal Judge Sides With Teachers Who Object to Secretive Gender Transition Policies - "A federal judge ordered a California school district to reinstate teachers who were forced to conceal the transgender status of young students from parents. U.S. District Judge Roger T. Benitez issued an order on Jan. 10 directing the Escondido Union School District (EUSD) in San Diego County “to return Plaintiffs Elizabeth Mirabelli and Lori Ann West back to the classroom on Tuesday January 16th of 2024 if they so choose.”  Ms. Mirabelli and Ms. West are devout Christians. They objected to the K–8 school district’s policies regarding transgender students.  The policies compelled teachers to assist in a student’s transgender “social transition” by accepting a child’s assertion of a transgender identity and using any pronouns or a gender-specific name requested by a student during school hours. At the same time, the policies also required teachers to revert to biological pronouns and legal names when speaking with parents to cover up information about a child’s purported gender identity from the child’s parents, in line with a statewide directive issued by the California Department of Education... The teachers who filed suit received a partial accommodation from the school district that allowed them to use the children’s last name instead of their preferred pronouns, but the district refused to change its parental exclusion policies, which it justified by saying they protect the privacy of the minor children... “EUSD’s policies state that ‘revealing a student’s transgender status to individuals who do not have a legitimate need for the information, without the student’s consent’ is prohibited, and ‘parents or caretakers’ are, according to EUSD, individuals who ‘do not have a legitimate need for the information,’ irrespective of the age of the student or the specific facts of the situation.” Attorneys asked the court in December 2023 to hold school district officials in contempt of court for defying a September 2023 preliminary injunction allowing the teachers to return to the classroom. Despite the judicial fiat, school authorities kept the teachers on administrative leave... The teachers previously told The Epoch Times that gender transition, especially among girls at the district’s middle school, is a “social experiment” that has morphed into a social contagion.  When girls approach school counselors claiming a new gender identity, they’re celebrated and affirmed as “brave” and “honest,” Ms. West said.  Until recently, it was rare to have even one child identify as transgender, but it is becoming increasingly common, she said.  “I had seven girls in one class that wanted to be trans all of a sudden,” she said."
Some parents will beat their kids to death when they find out they don't do well in examinations. Thus schools shouldn't let parents know their kids' exam results

Meme - Evelyn, that pretty trans girl.: "Bleeding and shedding your uterine lining is a SYMPTOM of your period, not the cause. Your period is caused by your HORMONE levels, and the physiological effects they have on your body. Trans women hormone levels fluctuate on HRT just like cis women. We do in fact get periods."
Jainaaaaaa @JainaNoel: "You're not getting a "period". Honestly this reads as a super creepy and misogynistic delusion. Stop reducing and appropriating the struggles that cis women actually face."
"Do trans girl periods sync up?
So my gf and I were pretty convinced we didn't experience the trans girl periods phenomena. But this week in particular we've been experiencing symptoms at the same time. We've been bloated, crying frequently, extremely horny at different times, all around exhausted and sore, I threw up randomly, and we keep craving chocolate and red meat like crazy. Still not even sure that's what we're experiencing but has anyone experienced them syncing up with other women?"
Readers added context they thought people might want to know: "Periods (which begin on day 1 of the menstrual cycle) are the shedding of the uterine lining. The menstrual cycle is the monthly series of changes the body goes through to *prepare for pregnancy, which is something only possible for females."

Meme - *Banner*: "Hate trans people? Kill yourself"
Clearly they are poor, innocent, vulnerable victims
If you tell an alcoholic that alcohol is bad for him, you hate him

Sall Grover on X - "Ultimately, I don’t care why a man thinks he’s a woman. His reasons are irrelevant because not one of them makes him a woman. Whether he’s distressed or aroused, he remains a man & the kindest thing anyone can do for him is say, “you are a man & there is nothing wrong with that.”"

Meme - "Trans Activist Losing A Fight BINGO"
"How about try meeting/talking to/learning from an actual trans person?"
"Are you a biologist? What's your credentials?"
"You're just insecure about your own gender"
"You look trans, are you trans?" (As an insult)
"Why are you wasting your time"
"Why do you care?" Bonus: "Rent free"
"That doesn't happen, that's just far right propaganda"
"That's not a valid source" (To anything but a leftist's blog)
"I don't even know why I bothered, you people never listen"
"Trans women face more violence than any other demographic"
"Do you want big burly trans men in the women's room then?"
"You know trans men exist too right?"
Free Space "Sex isn't Gender"
"That's just cherry-picking, not the entire community"
"You just don't understand basic biology"
"Trans lives aren't political" / "We just want to exist" / "Why do you hate us for existing?"
"You just secretly want to sleep with trans people"
"You're just jealous of trans people"
"But the priests-"
"Can we get an Admin Mod Modmin"
"Why do you care so much what's in someone else's pants?"
"You just have no empathy"
"You're just obsessed with trans people"
"You're just a" (Clown/bigot/Nazi/TERF) "So your opinion doesn't matter"
"Trans blood is on your hands, you're supporting genocide"
Bonus Words: Sealion, Rent Free, Strawman, Coward, Karen, Cissy, Fascist"

Meme - Zachary Elliott @zaelefty: "Humans are not clownfish. We cannot change our sex. We are gonochoric, meaning we remain male or female for life. Clownfish are sequential hermaphrodites, meaning they go from producing one gamete (the sperm) to producing the other gamete (the eggs)."

Sexual reproduction in most multicellular eukaryotes, including humans, involves the fusion of one small gamete and one large gamete (anisogamy).
The phenotype that produces the smaller gamete is the male sex, and the phenotype that produces the larger gamete is the female sex.
Because anisogamous species develop phenotypes that produce only two different gametes, there are only two sexes in such species.
The existence of two sexes is no constraint on organismal diversity. Within males and females, there is wide variation of anatomy, physiology, and behavior."

Skoti on X - "Software companies had diversity quotas to meet and realized it was easier to turn autistic men into women than it was to turn women into software engineers"

Zachary Elliott on X - "If you’re collecting data on a given trait, and you see that your data is arranging itself in a bimodal distribution, the first thing you should determine is if you are unknowingly comparing two discrete  groups.  This is what often occurs with bimodal distributions. There are two discrete groups, each one having an average distribution of a trait, and when you combine the data, you have a bimodal distribution.  @FondOfBeetles  has a good analogy for this. Imagine you are given body length data for 1000 rabbits and 1000 dogs. You discover that this data arranges itself in a bimodal distribution. There is some overlap, where some dogs have the body length of some rabbits, but this does not mean a tiny dog is a rabbit, nor does it mean that there is a dog-rabbit species (“a doggit”).  Even if you are given 2000 data points on animal body length without being told what populations you are comparing, seeing that the data forms a bimodal distribution indicates that there are two separate animal populations in the data.  The same concept works when plotting sex difference traits on a distribution. If we measure a given trait that differs by sex, it will often plot itself as a bimodal distribution, because there are in reality two groups underneath the data — in this case: males and females.   Where there is overlap in a given sex difference is not evidence of “intersex” in the same way that overlap in body length between dogs and rabbits is not evidence of “a doggit.”  The big takeaway is that sex differences are bimodal ultimately because sex is binary — two groups each with an average distribution of a given trait."

Meme - Dave Watson @Quercusiiax: "A few years back I took my kids to a showing of The Little Mermaid at the Castro Theatre in SF. It was introduced and MCd by some drag folks. The kids just said "look at the pretty ladies" and then we watched the movie."
Ellion Muskrat @superugly: "Wait! Your children haven't been turned into Drag Queens?! Impossible!"
Dave Watson @Quercusiiax: "Well, they have all come out as trans in the years since, but I don't think the Little Mermaid show was the catalyst."
Clearly, grooming is a myth

Meme - James Lindsay, anti-Fascist: "What UNC tells the press (left) vs what UNC does (right) after being caught doing "gender care" down to three years old."
UNC Health Statement on Gender Care: The information circulating on social media claiming UNC Health provides gender care to toddlers is absolutely false.
Gender Wellness
Our multi-disciplinary clinic has been providing care since 2017. During that time we've consulted with nearly 400 patients & families in both the inpatient and outpatient setting. Working together to meet a need. The team provides a variety of resources for patients and families. We offer supportive care, counseling, puberty stalling, and gender affirming hormone therapy. We care for patients between the ages 3-26... social workers work collaboratively with patients, their families and the medical team, offering education, support and navigation through the process of gender-affirming treatment."

Sall Grover on X - "The only reason anyone is struggling to answer “what is a woman” is because men are claiming to be women."
Bert on X - "Men didn’t claim to be women when women were property, owned nothing, had no human rights & no political representation. When an advantage arises for men to pretend they are women, then the definition of woman suddenly becomes complex."

Meme - "What do you smell?"
"Man flesh"
"I don't think we're allowed to assume gender anymore"

Temporary designation of Suntec toilets as 'gender-neutral' sparks hostile online reaction; others see move as positive - "A photograph posted online of a set of toilets designated as "gender neutral" at the Suntec Singapore Convention and Exhibition Centre has provoked some hostile reactions, including comments that Singapore was becoming "woke"... one set of toilets has been temporarily designated in this manner for Wikimania 2023, at the request of the organisers for the duration of the event...   On the event website, it is stated that besides modifications to the toilets, other inclusive measures include making the room scent-free for individuals with sensitivities or allergies to scents, designated staff members and volunteers to help participants, and a quiet room that is made available to anyone who may need it...   PinkDot SG, an advocacy group for the lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer (LGBTQ) community, clarified the misperception that gender-neutral toilets were more likely to cause sex-related crime.  “Multiple studies have shown that there is no increased risk of sex crimes in gender-neutral toilets""
Naturally, Pink Dot is either unaware of the studies on gender neutral toilets or is lying (plus, I couldn't find any empirical studies showing there is no increased risk of assault, only the usual handwaving, rhetoric and discourse analysis).

Essex news: Gender-neutral toilet horror as 'schoolgirls sexually assaulted' - "A police investigation has been launched into allegations that female pupils were sexually assaulted in a school's gender-neutral toilets.  Officers have arrested a teenage boy over four claims of “serious sexual assault” - three of which allegedly took place in the toilets used by both boys and girls - at the Essex school... Schools are required to provide separate toilets for children aged eight and over.  However, a recent report by the Policy Exchange think tank found that 28 per cent were failing to do so."

Black-only swim times, Black-only lounges: The rise of race segregation on Canadian universities : canada - "I had a trans friend I used to party with, and she hated attending any event she knew was going to have young liberal and progressive straight people in it because they would feign interest in her and in some very unsubtle ways work her gender identity into the conversation and how, like, totally cool they were with it  It got worse when they were drunk, when random strangers, usually young white women, would approach her out of nowhere and say things like "I just want you to know, I think you're very brave!" or something equally horrifying  The questions they would ask her, this total stranger, about her very private life were deeply offensive, as was clocking her as trans instead of just treating her like any other woman"

Thread by @4th_WaveNow on Thread Reader App – Thread Reader App - "Many of our followers will know who this person is. Knox changes identities like a chameleon on steroids, medically transitioned her (oops! "their/his") child, and is part of a "polycule" with her MTF spouse & several other MTFs. Some make fun of her, but .  On a serious note she is a key influencer in pushing child transition in Canada & now the UK. She has for years irresponsibly peddled the false binary "suicide or transition" to troubled youth & their parents. This public figure deserves more scrutiny by responsible journalists.   Like most trans activists, parental support for Knox is synonymous with "affirmation." There are so many ways to lovingly support a child without agreeing they are in the "wrong body & need blockers, hormones, or surgeries. Knox's kaleidoscope of changing "identities" puts the lie to her "advocacy" work. If a 45-yr-old mother is this unstable in her sense of self, clearly a tween can't consent to wrecked sexual function/infertility. This is lost on Knox, preening in her filtered-selfie echo chamber Knox gets invited to speak to hospital personnel. First she was a "cis" straight woman, then a "lesbian" who was "so gay" for her MTF spouse, then "nonbinary," now "transmasc they/he" & "polyamorous." And doctors should take her expert advice on irreversible treatments on KIDS? Affirmation-peddlers like @MavenOfMayhem are culpable. The obvious next step.  "I am a trans man." It's worth noting that Knox issues one of these "oh now I realize why I've been so depressed!" announcements every time she/he/they claims a new identity: "it's because I'm a lesbian! It's because I'm nonbinary! It's because I'm polyamorous! It's because I'm a MAAAAAAN!" How can someone have zero self-awareness? But much more importantly: How is that we live in a time when the most powerful institutions in society take a person this unstable as a paragon to be celebrated and even emulated? #WeAreLivingInASimulation Interesting how this article doesn't mention any of "Rowan's" previous identities... Funny how Knox claims it can take a 45-year-old mother a "long time" to figure out "he's" actually a man, but had no problem putting "his" 11-year-old on blockers & cross hormones because "this is who she is" and "she "wasn't going to change her mind.""
So much for "trans kids know who they are" or "trans people know who they are"

Meme - UVM Athletics:Attention all female-identifying 4th-8th graders! Celebrate National Girls and Women in Sports Day with us! Sign up for a UVM Women's Basketball staff position below to see what it's like to work with us for a day!"
Weird. We keep being told that sex and gender are different and that only ignorant people don't tell the difference.
Bodies play sport, not gender identities

Meme - Is this a pigeon: Decepticons
*Bragging about invading people's space and making them uncomfortable*
"Is this treating others with the same dignity and respect that I expect from them?"

Amy Hamm: The gender activists are the ones spreading division - "the Post ran a column by transwoman Julia Malott who allegedly supports my right to free expression but simultaneously believes that my “persona” has devolved and that I’ve become divisive and resentful. The devolution, she wrote, occurred during my three-year-and-counting legal battle with the British Columbia College of Nurses and Midwives over my political speech on women’s rights and the binary nature of human sex. I could lose my nursing license and job because I said that males can never become females. I am resentful and I have changed after facing years of legal, professional, and personal abuses — but I haven’t devolved. Twenty years ago, no one would have batted an eye if a health care professional said that only women can give birth, or that women do not have penises. Today? You’ll get hauled into a disciplinary tribunal for daring to say so. And just because I’ve insisted on loudly repeating these facts — it’s obvious that human males don’t birth offspring, whatever gender-obsessed “queer” activists think — I am called divisive, by detractors and supporters alike. That’s wrong. What’s divisive is our culture, with its increasingly pathological aversion to basic truths... The situation in Canada is dire; we are well beyond the point of change making via raising our hands to speak before whimpering politely towards a cacophony of rainbow-adorned tyrants. There are sexual predators that have been transferred from men’s to women’s prisons based on “gender identity” rather than anatomy. The same is true of rape shelters. Those born as males are competing in women’s sports categories. Hundreds of underage Canadian girls are being greenlighted for double mastectomies because they do not wish to be girls. Our health-care system continues to medicalize and transition gender non-conforming youth, despite the fact that other countries have realized this is a medical scandal not based on sound — or even any — evidence.  Canada’s self-identification policies, flowing from gender identity legislation, have enabled 50-year-old transwoman Melody Wiseheart, who began swimming under that name in 2019, to compete against and undress in the same changing room as little girls and teens. And for Kayla Lemieux to wear obscenely large prosthetic breasts with protruding nipples while teaching high school students. Tara Desousa, known pedophile, rapist, and murderer, transitioned while in prison and now resides in a B.C. prison that runs a mother-baby program. Nothing I’ve ever said or written is as “divisive” as what is happening to Canadian women and children; and the “division,” again, occurs along the line of the rightfully outraged versus those who are intolerant of the naked truth.  Regulated professionals like me, or Jordan Peterson, are being sanctioned, punished, defamed, and censored for following truth, evidence, and our conscience — whether we are anodyne or not. And our court system, as Peterson has shown, may not afford any remedy. At this juncture, trying not to be “divisive” with our words is no different than waving a white flag. I refuse to equivocate over or sanitize the truth — and the provocation of an extremist minority is, to me, an acceptable side effect of my refusal to do so. They’re mad? So be it. I’m mad too... I’ve unwittingly become the public face of this fight for women and children in Canada. I can’t afford to be timid. I won’t take pains to make winding, inoffensive arguments about whether women should be allowed to keep their sex-based rights, or children their bodily integrity and fertility. The answer is obvious. Canadians need to listen and to understand quickly. There is no time to be moderate. There is no time to baby the feelings of people who are horrified by truth in plain language."
Weird how the conservative, right wing, American-owned National Post which just wants to push a foreign agenda let a TRA publish a column
Strange. We're told that sex and gender are different and that only ignorant people don't know the difference

Amy Hamm: The gender activists are the ones spreading division : canada - "I just don't understand why the conservatives have to obsess over this crap when they've got plenty to run on already."
You realize this 'crap' was brought to Canada by the Liberals and NDP and that they've been actively working to use the culture wars they've incited as a wedge against the Conservatives, right?  What Alberta has done wouldn't raise many eyebrows in Europe, even though they're mostly run by left wing governments."
Amy Hamm: The gender activists are the ones spreading division : canada - "Please, no one loves taking a hot button issue and using it to divide Canadians more than Justin Trudeau.  As soon as Roe v. Wade was struck down in the US and even though the ruling has absolutely zero impact here, Justin Trudeau delivered a speech about the need to ensure abortion is available."
Left wing logic - push a radical agenda and anyone who opposes it is being divisive.

Amy Hamm: The gender activists are the ones spreading division : canada - "Exactly, with all the issues this country faces, our government decides that it's imperative that we ensure that tampons are available in men's bathrooms in all federal regulated buildings."
"Passing a policy like that would take no time at all and we could immediately get back to the important stuff if reactionaries wouldn't turn it into a huge fight every time."
"I think the Gov can do more than one thing at a time. This is hardly taking up that much time."
Left wing logic - whatever time they spend pushing their agenda is free, but if you oppose it you are wasting time that should be spent on more important things

Amy Hamm: The gender activists are the ones spreading division : canada - "The conservatives are pushing an agenda. It is not the left leaning, so called woke, who keep thrusting this in the limelight. I’m sure most trans folk would rather just quietly transition and start their new lives unharrassed"
Amy Hamm: The gender activists are the ones spreading division : canada - "Trans community: "All we want is to be left alone. That's all we ever wanted."
Also: "Let's try [successfully] to cancel people and fire people from their jobs because they agreed with JK."
No one needs to care about what JK says. If you don't agree with her, then don't agree with her and move on with your life. Not everyone on earth is going to side with you on any given subject."
Clearly ramming through society-wide changes is quietly transitioning and starting your new lives unharassed

Eva Chipiuk, BSc, LLB, LLM on X - "I had a heated discussion today with a teacher in Edmonton about the proposed transgender policies - she was rallying someone about taking action against the "devastating" policies being proposed in Alberta.  My initial, and only, comment was going to be: "I think she is doing the right thing" and walk away. But she insisted on telling me how wrong I was. I couldn't believe some of the nonsense she was saying.  She began by asking if I agreed with government overreach... Me! the one who has advocated against government overreach for years!  I explained that this is actually about parental rights, not government overreach and that some gay and trans individuals in fact support these policies. We set limits for children because they are not developmentally ready for certain responsibilities. She claimed that I was conflating the issues, but did not explain how.  What she and others who oppose these proposals fail to appreciate is that children do not have the same privileges and rights as adults - period.  Parents are legally and financially responsible for their children. If parents fail to provide a safe environment, the state can intervene and, in certain cases, even remove their children (now that's government overreach!).  She took offense when I referred to teachers as "temporary government agents." I don't understand why that is offensive; it's a fact. Some teachers (aka temporary government agents) are better than others, but they all come and go in a child's life without any financial or legal responsibility. Parents do not have this luxury. There's nothing offensive about this statement; it's simply a fact.  She continuously claimed that puberty blockers are reversible. I argued that this was likely incorrect and questioned why it's illegal for a man to obtain testosterone while a 12-year-old girl can take it. There are long-term health impacts to consider, if you'd only think about it for more than 10 seconds. Once again, she accused me of conflating the issues without providing any further explanation.  The most surprising display of her rigid ideology came when I mentioned the case of a BC father who was charged and jailed for opposing his daughter's gender reassignment. She questioned the validity of my source! Apparently, a police arrest and criminal court case weren't considered valid evidence because she hadn't heard about it through her news channels.  This brings me to the real problem: she kept asserting that social media is full of disinformation and when I suggested she needed to get out of her bubble, she denied being in a bubble. She exclusively listens to legacy media (which is increasingly biased and losing public credibility) and refuses to engage with people who hold different views. I believe this is the root of the problem in Canada.  I never expected to have this type of discussion after a yoga class on a Sunday afternoon. It was uncomfortable and difficult, but also very informative. It was disheartening to see her strong commitment to a specific narrative without acknowledging alternative facts and the diverse range of trans and gay individuals who support this policy.  We need to get outside of our echo chambers. I encourage everyone to engage in uncomfortable and difficult discussions rather than shying away. That's what it means to live in a democratic society. Every voice matters, and the loudest and most hysterical should not dominate the conversation."

'We're terrified': Hundreds rally in support of Alberta trans community - "Hundreds rallied near Whyte Avenue in Edmonton on Saturday in opposition to the provincial government’s proposed series of new policies regarding children and LGBTQ+ rights.  The forthcoming changes, revealed by Premier Danielle Smith in a seven-minute video posted to social media on Wednesday, include bans on gender reassignment surgery for those aged under 17, on hormone therapy for children aged 15 and under, and also introduced plans to explore limits on sports participation for transgender athletes... The proposed policy changes also require parental notification and consent for a school to alter the name or pronouns of a child aged 15 and under, while notification is required for 16- or 17-year-olds."
Jonathan Kay on X - "Yes, they’re *constantly* “terrified.” That’s now the movement’s officially sanctioned emotional state. This is what happens when you spend a decade spouting apocalyptic propaganda about how they’re all going to commit suicide if we don’t genderwang them"
Weird. TRAs keep insisting that no one is performing surgery on or giving hormones to minors. Yet they get so upset when that's going to be banned
When you know parents stand in the way of your plans to groom the next generation

Transgender Drag Queen Who Inspired Bill To Make Name Changes Easier For Trans Felons in Colorado Has Lengthy Criminal Record - "A transgender drag performer who holds the namesake for a newly-introduced Colorado bill that will make it easier for trans felons to change their legal names. Tiara Latrice Kelley, also known as Duane Antonio Kelley, has a record in the state of Florida for multiple crimes including prostitution and lewdness...   Tiara Latrice Kelley, also known as Tiara Latrice Powell, Tiara Latrice Wells, and Duane Antonio Kelley, has a lengthy criminal record in the state of Florida.  A criminal record review obtained by The Publica shows Kelley has been convicted of driving without a valid license, criminal trespassing, forgery, possession of controlled substances, and several instances of prostitution and lewdness. Kelley has also been held in contempt of court at least once.  In total, Kelley has committed 24 criminal and traffic offenses since 1999, with his most recent being in 2019.  Since moving to Colorado, Kelley has started a drag production company and has organized shows featuring children. Some have been hosted at the Pikes Peak Metropolitan Community Church, Vista Grande United Church of Christ, and La Burla Bee Burlesque House in Colorado Springs.  On January 21st, 2024, Kelley co-hosted an all-ages drag show in Colorado Springs. The show was held at the La Burla Bee Burlesque House and Italian Restaurant. According to reports from Christina Goeke, a women’s rights activist, three children were seen performing drag at the show with a drag queen known as Connie Lingus.    Bunny Bee, the owner of the Burlesque House, was also present at the event and was seen dancing almost naked in front of children. In addition to this latest legislation seeking to expand the rights of trans felons, Colorado has become known as a “sanctuary state” for “gender affirming” care and a “refuge for trans kids” as no laws exist to prohibit the medical transitioning of minors"

Meme - Libs of TikTok: "This isn't parody. This is the actual group of people pushing CO HB24-1071 -known as "Tiara's Law" which would allow trans criminals to change their name and avoid identification. It's named after a convicted felon, drag queen, and pr'sti*ute. Why do they always look like this?

Meme - "I don't really understand how people who were young in the act so confused about different gender identities and expressions when the celebrities of their time looked like this"
Comment: "They dressed however the fuck they wanted... but never claimed to be the opposite gender. The dudes were literally named "Prince" and "Boy George", and the women were named "Grace" and "Annie"."
When TRAs leave out that these 80s celebrities didn't pretend that they were another gender, they didn't demand a special pronoun, and that gender roles != gender

Meme - "Dear 'Non-Binary' Pronoun People: Gender-bending has been around forever. It's just that people didn't used to be pretentious enough to think it meant they had transcended the limits of human biology. Nor were they so self-absorbed as to demand that everyone else (and language itself) accommodate their uniqueness. Enough already. NARCISSISM IS NOT A THIRD SEX."

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