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Wednesday, February 21, 2024

Links - 21st February 2024 (2 - Diversity: DEI)

How Major University Discriminated Against White And Asian Candidates - "The University of Washington has revealed that "an internal whistleblower" exposed discrimination against white and Asian job candidates in its psychology faculty.  An internal report found that a third-placed job applicant, who was Black, was given a tenure-track assistant professor job last April, above white and Asian candidates who were ranked higher in the selection process.  Other violations included excluding white staff from meetings with job candidates, deleting a passage from a hiring report to hide discrimination, and discussing ways to "think our way around" a Supreme Court ruling that barred affirmative action in colleges... a member of the Faculty of Color did not want any white women at the meeting and complained that the interviews were "awkward" when there was a white candidate... "As a person who has been on both sides of the table for these meetings, I have really appreciated them," the person wrote in an email. "Buuut, when the candidate is White, it is just awkward. The last meeting was uncomfortable, and I would go as far as burdensome for me. Can we change the policy to not do these going forward with White faculty?" In 1998, Washington state passed a referendum banning race-based hiring in universities, which appears to have been ignored by the psychology department... The university announced on its website that the psychology department is now "barred from conducting searches for tenured and tenure-track faculty positions" for at least two years, "subject to review by the Provost's Office."  It also said the department will "undergo a comprehensive review and revision of its hiring processes," and all department members "will receive training on how to conduct searches consistent with law and policy."... Sailer told Newsweek the UW report "shows universities — professors and administrators alike — discriminate with a total sense of impunity. It's an egregious example, notable for how much is in writing, but it really is just one more example."  "This kind of discrimination in the name of "equity" is commonplace, even when blatantly illegal. And that's instructive in light of Students For Fair Admissions," he said... On its website, UW's psychology department lists its first mission as promoting social equity "by investigating biased attitudes, inequities, and disparities... by redesigning organizational practice" and "by solving social justice issues.""
steve hsu on X - "How UW discriminated against White and Asian candidates in faculty hiring. This is much more common than you think. It's illegal and it's wrong. Eventually someone will expose what happens in tenure and promotion process - just as biased against merit."
Razib 🥥 Khan 🧬 📘✍️📱 on X - ""white women hate asian men" - a friend who was on faculty searches and noticed a consistent pattern of very negative evals of asian males by white female faculty members (often on DEI grounds)"

Best Buy Exposed for Discrimination Against White Candidates With Help From McKinsey Consultants - "O’Keefe Media Group (OMG) exposed Best Buy after revealing its partnership with McKinsey & Company for the development of their management training program designed to filter candidates by race, discriminating against white applicants."
We will still be told that DEI is about levelling to playing field to remove bias against minorities. Of course, the next cope will be that there is and has been so much bias against minorities that white people need to be banned until minorities are at least equally represented throughout the organisation

GOLDSTEIN: Anti-racism training increases racism, report finds - "DEI training often provokes new prejudices in participants that did not exist prior to their training. “DEI instruction has been shown to increase prejudice and activate bigotry among participants by bringing existing stereotypes to the top of their minds, or by implanting new biases they had not previously held … “when DEI-type workshop leaders instruct participants to suppress their biases — be they existing or newly implanted — many will cling to them more tightly and mentally generate additional justifications for their presence.” Lecturing participants about white privilege often backfires... it doesn’t make them more compassionate toward economically disadvantaged members of minority groups, but instead reduces their sympathy for whites struggling with poverty, with an increased tendency to blame them for being poor.  Research has found even whites initially supportive of DEI training often emerge more skeptical about its proposed solutions for racism, as well as less engaged and more guarded in group discussions about the issue. Another alarming feature of DEI, Haskell says, is that it increasingly targets those of Asian ethnicity, because they tend to score higher on metrics such as education, career achievement and income, compared to the general population, including whites. “Some DEI proponents have begun to refer to Asians as ‘white adjacent’ (or near white) and have accused them of perpetuating ‘white supremacy,’” Haskell reports. This has led to the resurrection of racist admission quotas at some U.S. universities... the ostensible purpose of DEI, which is to eliminate prejudice against minorities, has now been reinvented — some would argue corrupted — into promoting only the “right” minorities in the view of DEI instructors."
Weird. We're told that DEI is not about hating white people. Clearly the participants are to blame for the diversity training "backfiring"

Pop Goes the DEI Bubble - WSJ - "Have we reached peak DEI? The unraveling of “diversity, equity and inclusion” initiatives had already begun—five states banning DEI programs; Google, Facebook and others cutting DEI staff; Students for Fair Admissions v. Harvard—well before Harvard President Claudine Gay was demoted.  Author Christopher Rufo, echoing 1960s student activists, called the rise of DEI a “long march through the institutions”—a 50-plus-year ideology infiltration into universities, K-12 schools, government, media and corporations with the goal of telling us all how to live. That’s why I enjoy that the word “rot” is back in style to describe what is happening inside the walls of academia.  Like everything based on the writings of Karl Marx—seeing oppressors and colonial struggles everywhere—DEI was doomed to fail. The uniformity of thought known as intersectionality, fostered by DEI, meant all oppressed people must support all others who are oppressed. But that idea burst on Oct. 7 when Hamas raped, murdered and kidnapped Israelis. Many liberals, especially Jewish ones, couldn’t support genocidal “colonized” terrorists. Pop! The long march is in retreat. By the way, ESG, or investing based on “environmental, social and governance” principles, peaked last June, when BlackRock CEO Larry Fink said he would stop using “the word ESG anymore, because it’s been entirely weaponized.” Never mind that performance of ESG funds has been sketchy and that BlackRock had been adding the label “sustainable” or “ESG” to funds and charging up to five times as much. Then a study published in December by Boston University’s Andrew King found “no reliable evidence for the proposed link between sustainability and financial performance.” Pop! Most offensive to me was DEI’s devious underlying agenda: societal design. Blinded by fanatical devotion, activists were pawns for the cause of reshaping the world into a collective utopia to be run, of course, by progressive, self-identifying elites. That was the “my truth” that Ms. Gay invoked on her exit. Critical theories and Marxist techniques would take power from you and me, using big government as the enforcer. The new societal design, embedded in DEI and ESG, envisioned idyllic communal progress. History shows this never works because power corrupts. Diversity meant ideological conformity. Equity meant discrimination. Inclusion meant blurring the sexes. Men winning women’s athletic events would be considered normal. It was all theatrics, like the tampons I’ve seen in men’s bathrooms on Ivy League campuses. Somewhere George Orwell is rolling on the floor laughing. One goal of progressive societal design is to shrink—depopulation. Twenty-somethings now question having children. Net zero and degrowth, both World Economic Forum approved, are pushed via energy myths: carbon bad, cows bad. A plant-based chicken in every pot and two electric cars in every garage. They envy the merit-touting rich, shout “inequality” and wear “Tax the Rich” dresses. They tear down statues to erase history. How did we let this happen? While Marxism is a means of gaining power to implement societal design, it quickly turns authoritarian. There was very little free speech at Harvard—the Foundation for Individual Rights and Expression ranked it last of all colleges last year. Those against the societal-design agenda were shouted down. Dissent was met with accusations of privilege or cancellation. Conform or be cast out. On a larger scale, the Biden administration co-opted social media to censure opposing views.  I, like most Americans, am for diversity, but not when it’s forced or mandated. In a 2017 interview, Mr. Fink admitted BlackRock would use DEI tactics to “force behaviors” of corporations on “gender or race,” including via management compensation. Now that’s power. This power inevitably leads to a march of intellectual corruption through institutions, which we’ve seen at Harvard, the Biden administration and elsewhere. Does national security adviser Jake Sullivan really care about equity or climate change? It polled well and put him back in power to implement his own societal design via “industrial strategy.”  The good news is that economics eventually outlasts the control freaks."

Harvard chief DEI officer accused of 40 counts of plagiarism, including lifting from her own husband: report - "An anonymous letter reportedly sent to Harvard University this week alleges that the school’s DEI head committed multiple instances of plagiarism throughout her academic career, even plagiarizing from one of her husband’s academic works.  The letter, sent anonymously to Harvard, the University of Michigan and University of Wisconsin-Madison, alleged that chief diversity and inclusion officer Sherri Ann Charleston committed 40 instances of plagiarism over the years... "The two papers even report identical interview responses," the outlet added, which is one of the most problematic findings as it suggests that the co-authors did not conduct new interviews for the 2014 paper... Some even argued that Charleston committed a worse "scholarly sin" than former Harvard president Claudine Gay, who recently resigned from her role after she was accused of committing multiple counts of plagiarism throughout her own career and being at the center of the school’s recent antisemitism scandal."

Meme - "Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion. At King Arthur Baking, we believe everyone deserves equal access to the joy of baking."
"White Bakers Banned From King Arthur Baking Company Competition. The King Arthur Baking Company is hosting a competition for bakeries and the winner gets a lot of dough. But there's just one catch. No white people are allowed to enter the competition."
Equal access means banning white people
DEI is just about discriminating against white people.

John Sailer on X - "NEW: University of Utah has ended DEI statements. The university’s president told administrators yesterday to eliminate “any type of diversity statements or similar practices” in the application or hiring process."

1 in 4 hiring managers say they are less likely to move forward with Jewish applicants - "26% of hiring managers say they are less likely to move forward with Jewish applicants; top reason for negative bias is belief Jews have too much power and control
26% make assumptions about whether a candidate is Jewish based on their appearance
23% say they want fewer Jews in their industry
17% say leadership has told them to not hire Jews
33% say antisemitism is common in their workplace; 29% say antisemitism is acceptable in their company"
When you discriminate against white men, it's natural to discriminate against Jews too, for the same reasons

@amuse on X - "DIVERSITY: Shortly after a Navy P-8A overshot the runway and landed in Kaneohe Bay (everyone survived) I pointed out that the crew was diverse. For that I got a scathing community note saying it wasn’t true. The Navy is very proud of the fact that it’s P-8 fleet features the most diverse crews in military aviation. 1st Lt. Hailey Harms, a Marine spokesperson confirmed the crew was both diverse and alive. Because the MSM isn’t reporting the identity of the crew the community notes community decided my comment was wrong. Annoying and false. Before you apply a community note make sure you know what you’re talking about - your inability to confirm a statement isn’t proof it isn’t accurate. Note: This crew photo is just the one the Navy distributed to show how diverse its P-8 crews are. They did not share one of the P-8 crew that went for a swim."
FlyNavyDawg on X - "Retired Navy pilot here-I was also a flight instructor. We have had plenty of all guy crews that have screwed up before, but what’s different now is we are forcing substandard ability and performance into the ranks, so that they are diverse, minorities, women, etc. I have no problem flying with women, in fact, some of the best pilots I’ve flown with were women. Have a massive problem with ensuring crews, all fit a narrative you want, because inevitably the result is people who shouldn’t be there are there. And people get killed."
dloda on X - "Former Navy pilot myself, totally concur."
FlyNavyDawg on X - "This is true. I was an FRS instructor and the "they will fix them in the fleet" mindset was always wild to me. One example was a chick who crashed in primary on her solo (porpoised down runway in a T34), blamed acne meds suggesting it ruined her depth perception & was allowed to continue. Had a near mid are on a check ride with weapons school but was passed, and also had a Bravo mishap on landing as XO the week before she took command & Navy still had her COC on time etc... Massive double standards> any guy that would have done ANY of the above would have lost wings/been booted from Flight school."
MAGA FreedomFighter 🇺🇸🏴‍☠️ on X - "Graduated w/ some of the 1st female candidates at AOCS & flight school. All but one i knew were setback in training for issues (academics, physical, aeronautical). None dropped fm flight school, all pushed thru to wings. LT Hultgren was an example of this failed policy. An honest eval, simple math, and basic spectrum analysis, you can see the failure. For every 100 candidates who enter Naval flight training and graduate, approx 90 male to every 10 females. Flight skills & SA compared to men is nearly a match across the board. Of the males, you have 10-20% future instructors, 50-60 great to good sticks, and 10-20 poor or future washouts at the fleet level. Even with a lower # of women graduating NACS, the flight skills quality spread percentage should be the same. But once in the fleet, u have a “miracle” in the name of equity, 50% of the female aviators are “Future Instructors” and the other 50% are “Great to Good”.  These assessments defy the laws of physics & reality. The Navy cooks the books to ensure greater number of female."
Robert Bruce Willsie on X - "Weird that 50 years ago when we had blacks and other minorities, whites, men, and women all working together on military bases nobody gave a shit about "diversity."  We gave a shit about working together to accomplish the mission because the mission is what mattered.  Now "diversity" is more important than the mission.    WE... ARE... FUCKED..."
Clearly all these men who testify with their lived experiences are just sexist liars

Bill Ackman on X - "I believe @deanbphillips  didn’t understand what DEI was when that was made part of his website. I made the same mistake.   He is getting educated as we speak. Let’s listen to what he has to say after he gets educated.   That’s the danger of the DEI movement. It comes inside a Trojan horse of constructed of beneficent sounding words."
Dr Jordan B Peterson on X - "Bill @billackman : I have spoken to many @TheDemocrats  Senators and Congressmen: centrists all.   To a man, they claim "equity"means equality of opportunity, which it does not, and are denial about the danger posed by the radical left.   It's a blindness so stunning you can't believe it until you see and hear it.  Take note @RepDeanPhillips   @RobertKennedyJr    The rot is way deeper than you think. I'm dead serious."

Christopher F. Rufo ⚔️ on X - "The Right needs to champion colorblind equality and reform existing civil rights law to make it a reality. The agenda: overturn Griggs v. Duke Power Co.; rescind LBJ's executive order on affirmative action; abolish the disparate impact provisions from the 1991 Civil Rights Act; restructure the enforcement bureaucracy to ban DEI-style discrimination. These are all majority positions—even in California, voters reject racial preferences. Time to get it done."

DEI opponents are using a 1866 Civil Rights law to challenge equity policies in the workplace - "Opponents of workplace diversity programs are increasingly banking on a section of the Civil Rights Act of 1866 to challenge equity policies as well as funding to minority-owned businesses"
When the left are now against civil rights laws because they stop them from discriminating against white people

i/o on X - "IMPORTANT UPDATE     The size of the DEI bureaucracy at the University of Michigan has doubled over the past two years and is now so big that its payroll could pay the in-state tuition of 1,781 undergraduate students.  The average annual salary of these employees is nearly $100,000.  And these figures don't include the dozens of employees who work part-time in DEI or as "DEI leads" in other departments."
Soaring college costs show that capitalism has failed and the system is broken, so we need even more Marxism. Of course, greater college tuition means students will have bigger debts and advocate more left wing policies, so this benefits the left

The New Segregation on Campus - WSJ - "The University of California Los Angeles School of Medicine requires that first year students take a class called “Structural Racism and Health Equity” as part of the standard curriculum. In one exercise for the course, students divide by racial group and retreat to different areas to discuss antiracist prompts.  This is known as racial caucusing, a teaching device that UCLA describes as an “anti-racist pedagogical tool” to “provide a reflective space for us to explore how our positionality—particularly our racial identities as perceived within clinical spaces—influence our interaction with patients, colleagues and other staff.”  It’s also illegal. According to Do No Harm, a group that describes its mission as “eliminating racial discrimination in healthcare,” the practice violates the 1964 Civil Rights Act... Medical students in the class are asked to choose which of three racial categories they will identify with. They can select among “white student caucus group,” “Non-Black People of Color (NBPOC) student caucus group” or “Black student caucus group.”  In case students think they have a choice of which group to join, a letter from the school makes clear they should sort themselves by how they look to others. “[R]ecognizing the imperfect and problematic nature of our socially constructed racial categories,” the school says, “we ask that you identify the group in which you feel you are most perceived as in clinical spaces.”... The day the civil-rights complaint was filed, UCLA abruptly informed students that the caucusing exercise was cancelled, which suggests that administrators know the practice is legally suspect. In accepting federal funds, schools must agree to abide by Title VI, which prohibits discrimination by race. It contains no exception for discriminating in pursuit of an antiracist agenda. As a public university, UCLA is also governed by the Equal Protection Clause of the 14th Amendment. A UCLA medical student, who asked not to be named for fear of being ostracized, told us she “went to school to learn medicine, not to be segregated by the color of my skin.” That used to be the norm, but in higher education these days ideology often trumps learning."
Eli Steele on X - "By @UCLA's standards, I, a black, Jewish deaf man, would be put into the "white student caucus group" because my skin is white... So, as a newfound white man I must check my white privileges and become a white savior ally to those totally helpless people of color in order to become a medical doctor? Progress."

Applicants seeking to join RAF described as 'useless white male pilots' in bid to hit 'impossible' diversity targets - "White men seeking to join the Royal Air Force were described as "useless white male pilots" in leaked emails that expose the pressure placed on recruitment officers to improve diversity. A number of selection boards to place new recruits on courses - a crucial part of maintaining the fighting strength of the RAF - were also cancelled if they did not include women or ethnic minorities, according to the messages, which have been seen by Sky News. It can also be revealed the air force is paying £5,000 each to 31 white men - a total of £155,000 - who it found had been unfairly disadvantaged by a recruitment policy that - under the leadership of Air Chief Marshal Sir Mike Wigston, the head of the RAF - sought to boost female and ethnic minority ratios in the air force... A further review indicated hundreds more had been disadvantaged... The revelations appear to contrast with repeated assurances by Air Chief Marshal Wigston that well-intentioned efforts to improve diversity did not discriminate against white men... The Chief of the Air Staff (CAS), who is due to retire from his post this week, has also repeatedly insisted that his service's operational capabilities were never impacted.  The RAF insisted that there was no contradiction.  A spokesperson said: "Selection standards were not and have not been altered and there was no compromise of entry standards and no impact on the frontline or operational effectiveness." But a defence source with knowledge of the emails described them as a "smoking gun"... Group Captain Elizabeth Nicholl, the then head of RAF recruitment, had resigned in protest at what she, according to defence sources, deemed to be an "unlawful order" effectively to pause the selection of white male recruits on to training courses in favour of women and ethnic minorities to hit "impossible" diversity targets.  That order was never implemented because of her resignation, but Sky News also previously revealed that the RAF had taken steps to "artificially inflate" diversity numbers in recruitment prior to Group Captain Nicholl taking charge... efforts were made around that time to fast-track ethnic minority and female recruits into RAF Halton in Buckinghamshire without previously passing a fitness test. Instead they could take the test on their first day.  This meant they were offered employment - a place on a course - prior to undertaking a pass or fail fitness test, the source said. By contrast, before being offered employment, white men would be required to pass the fitness test first.  Ethnic minority and female candidates would also clock up more service time and seniority than white male recruits... this individual was held back from starting an RAF cyber training course because he was a white man so he missed out on receiving a golden hello worth £5,000. It also meant he was paid later and unable to advance as fast as his female and ethnic minority counterparts... two months after the email about "useless white male pilots" - the RAF declared, with much fanfare, that it had hit key government targets to increase the flow of female recruits to 20% of the total and of ethnic minorities to 10% by 2020.  It said this was a 4% and 3% increase respectively in ethnic minority and female recruits over the previous 12 months, with the force aiming to lift the ratio of recruits to 20% ethnic minorities and 40% females by 2030.  Group Captain Dole went on to be awarded an OBE in the 2022 New Years Honours List... The evidence of white men having been disadvantaged by RAF recruitment practices appears to contrast with comments by Air Chief Marshal Wigston to MPs on the defence select committee"
One left winger claimed 1 in 6 hiring managers being told to deprioritise white men wasn't the same as not hiring white men and that it was not a big deal beause they could just try harder, and another just claimed it meant if a white man and a "diverse" candidate were equally good, the "diverse" candidate would be given a few more points, even though 48% of hiring managers were asked to prioritise diversity over qualifications and 53% thought their job would be in danger if they didn't hire enough "diverse" candidates. And one even claimed the study was unreliable because of a conflict of interest, because apparently resumebuilder.com somehow benefits financially from this (naturally, he didn't say how when I challenged him)

Major US companies gave 94% of new jobs to people of color in 2021, report says - "Of the more than 323,000 jobs added to the U.S. workforce by major companies in 2021, 94% went to people of color, according to Bloomberg... New York City was accused of covertly attempting to increase diversity in city leadership roles by requiring eligible candidates to submit photos of themselves."
After BLM, the S&P 100 Added Over 300k Jobs. 23% Were Black Workers
Left wingers still pretend there's no anti-white discrimination in hiring

Meme - "Why has there been a wave of people that are against DEI (diversity, equity, and inclusion)? What about it do they not like?"
"I am white and grew up knowing we had to wait until pay day to buy more food. I deal with chronic illness and ADHD/learning disabilities and PTSD. When I was 29, I landed a job in an organization I'd been wanting to work for since college. It was my longterm goal. On my first day, I was told by my boss (a white man) that people were upset that a white woman had been hired for my position. The head of our department gave me some diversity training as part of my onboarding that day and talked about our circles: "You're a blonde white lady," she said. "So you probably have blonde white lady friends." That just wasn't the makeup of my friend group. It was a weird assumption to me. A senior director, another white woman, got her staff riled up about this to the point that they would hardly work with me and she would withhold information and contacts I needed to do my work. People would then be surprised when they worked with me and I was actually on the same page as them with a lot of social justice things and had very similar experiences to them. All the leadership I mentioned above were people who grew up solidly middle class and didn't have the class lens I did at all. Another couple of things that stood out - during a training, staff of color were invited to leave the room because a video might be triggering. I am white, so I sat through it, and ended up having to leave in tears because the video was something I'd experienced and it brought up the trauma I had. I was sitting in the front and had to walk past everyone in that state, knowing I would be looked down on for having such a reaction as a white woman. During staff day, an award was given out to a gay latino man for my project. He got $200. My boss complained to the DEI department, who said all they could do was give me a plaque and send an email crediting my work, but I wouldn't get the financial compensation. Of course I couldn't accept them doing that, it would have caused problems for me, and I liked this man a lot - it wasn't his fault. But if I had been wrongly awarded in his place, I'm sure it would have gone differently.  This organization's head of HR was a "Chief Equity and Inclusion Officer" and they changed HR to the DEI Department. They hosted frequent mandatory DEI trainings. During 2020, they had "race-based caucus" groups to process what was going on after George Floyd was murdered. The white caucus was horrible and painful because of their lack of class-lens. Some people were just saying awful things. So I and a Black woman co-worker asked the DEI Department to add a caucus group for people who grew up lower class. She'd had the same experience in the Black group. The department responded by creating one, but made it only for Black staff, so I was excluded from it.  I didn't mean to write a whole essay here, but my experience with DEI was just so toxic, horrible, and ultimately extremely disingenuous. It was upper middle class and rich people trying to feel like the good guys. Also, anything staff actually wanted and proposed to increase equity in meaningful ways was dismissed out of hand.
Edit: a lot of anti-DEI attitudes do come from racism, consciously or not. I wanted to share how harmful it can be as someone who would support it if it came from a genuine place and was actually inclusive"
"This was much my own experience with it. DEI is a tool of the rich to expand class warfare.  You said it so clearly and is so similar to my experiences."

Libs of TikTok on X - "BREAKING: @AldiUSA  promises to break the law and discriminate against straight white people in their hiring. They’re looking to hire a procurement specialist and will prioritize everyone except straight white people.  They’re also committed to following the principles of DEI. @USEEOC   DEI is illegal and racist."

MOST DIVERSE PILOT ON RECORD! - YouTube - "Welcome aboard folks. We are very proud to share that your pilot is the most diverse pilot on record. *Bud Light card and Pride flag on safety card* She is a 3 foot 2 in transgender pansexual Native American man who identifies as a 6 foot tall Korean woman. *tray table latch falls off and aileron is in bad shape* Any volunteers to help reach the controls are welcome. You will want to buckle up as her epilepsy is often triggered by the flashing lights in the cockpit. Remember to keep a whisper volume level as she may have to consult instructional videos as a refresher during the flight. Now can we get a big cheer for diversity? *electronics fail, oxygen masks fall down, row of seats flies out hole in plane & plane is engulfed in fireball*"

NFL Notifications on X - "NFL DE&I has raised concerns of what the face of football would look like should the #49ers win next week. “It concerns me that whiteness could distract from what is Black History Month, this is vital for equality” said a female consultant."

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